


12:07 Changeset [1979] by yushan
trunk : add a test for inversed axis_interpolation. Still under …


12:06 Changeset [1978] by ymipsl
Add get_current_context functionnality with string id, in fortran …
11:00 Changeset [1977] by ymipsl
Fix inconstent definition in cf_role netcdf attribute when writting …
10:33 Ticket #168 (Non consistent cf_role attribute defintion when output in UGRID ...) created by ymipsl
Looking at the current XIOS trunk it seems like there is a bug in the …
10:31 Ticket #167 (create new interface to get current context id) created by ymipsl


16:09 Changeset [1976] by yushan
trunk : set bounds attributes for curvilinear domain


16:39 Changeset [1975] by ymipsl
Big cleaning on XIOS coupling branch YM
15:53 Changeset [1974] by ymipsl
Big cleaning on XIOS coupling branch YM
12:58 Changeset [1973] by ymipsl
Big cleaning on XIOS coupling branch YM


14:45 Changeset [1972] by yushan
trunk : debug domain_expand


18:59 Changeset [1971] by yushan
generic_testcase : update domain expand transformation
15:53 Changeset [1970] by yushan
trunk : debug domain expand. Gather lon lat value before updating …


12:10 training_2020 edited by yushan


19:32 WikiStart edited by valcke
19:31 WikiStart edited by valcke
19:29 XIOS-ROADMAP-15102020.pdf attached to WikiStart by valcke
19:28 WikiStart edited by valcke
15:38 Changeset [1969] by oabramkina
dev_oa: a typo in bld.cfg


18:12 Changeset [1968] by oabramkina
dev_oa: adding a test for tiled domains.
17:44 Changeset [1967] by oabramkina
dev_oa: bugfix on tiled domains. Previosly only the first ts was written.
16:24 Changeset [1966] by oabramkina
dev_oa: first working version for tiled domains
16:14 Changeset [1965] by oabramkina
dev_oa: adding two more tile attribures
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.