


17:37 Changeset [1619] by yushan
branch_openmp merged and NOT tested with trunk r1618


18:38 Changeset [1618] by ymipsl
Bug fix : writing label axis as string was not working in parallel writing …
09:49 Changeset [1617] by ymipsl
Bug fix when using areas for domain interpolation. YM


16:49 Changeset [1616] by yushan
add compile files for Irène using intelMPI
10:35 Changeset [1615] by ymipsl
Interpolation enhancement : Domain area can be used to improved global …
10:16 Changeset [1614] by ymipsl
Interpolation : enhancement : you have now the possibility to give …
10:13 Changeset [1613] by ymipsl
interpolation : increase conservation accurency when interpolate …


14:48 Changeset [1612] by oabramkina
Dev: adding exception handling. To activate it, compilation flag …


15:49 Changeset [1611] by yushan
branch_openmp merged and tested with trunk r1609
15:48 Changeset [1610] by yushan
branch_openmp merged and tested with trunk r1609
14:22 Changeset [1609] by oabramkina
Bugfix for domain zoom. Values of ibegin and jbegin were not set properly …


17:16 Changeset [1608] by yushan
branch_openmp merged and tested with trunk r1597
11:25 Changeset [1607] by yushan
10:25 Changeset [1606] by yushan
creating a new branch
10:21 Changeset [1605] by yushan
branch_openmp merged and tested with trunk r1597


16:31 Changeset [1604] by yushan
branch_openmp merged with trunk r1597
16:28 Changeset [1603] by yushan
branch_openmp merged with trunk r1597
16:28 Changeset [1602] by yushan
branch_openmp merged with trunk r1597
15:52 Changeset [1601] by yushan
branch_openmp merged with trunk r1597
11:53 Changeset [1600] by oabramkina
Dev: removing traces of sending mask on domain and axis.
11:51 Changeset [1599] by oabramkina
Dev: bugfix in case of a transformation on a non-ditributed element.
11:30 Changeset [1598] by yushan
creating a new branch


15:01 Changeset [1597] by oabramkina
Bug(typo)fix for cases of 1D data with only data_i_index defined and not …
11:42 Changeset [1596] by oabramkina
Backporting r1593 to dev.
09:47 Changeset [1595] by oabramkina
Backporting r1591 and r1592 to dev.
09:32 Changeset [1594] by oabramkina
Bugfix on dev: NaNs? were not necessarily replaced upon writing by …


16:10 Changeset [1593] by ymipsl
Bug fix in client distribution index computation. storeIndex_client was …
15:36 Changeset [1592] by ymipsl
Update ADA configuration for new intel c++ compiler and c++1 management …
15:34 Changeset [1591] by ymipsl
Split object_factory_decl.cpp (template instantiation of object_templace …


09:44 Changeset [1590] by oabramkina
Backporting recent changes to dev before merging it to trunk.


13:57 Changeset [1589] by oabramkina
Backporting r1578 and r1586 to dev, cleaning the code before merging it to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.