


09:21 Changeset [811] by ymipsl
Bug fix when time dimension is not the unlimited dimension YM
09:18 Changeset [810] by ymipsl
Improve generation of boundaries for rectilinear grid YM


14:19 Ticket #54 (Variables with 5 dimensions) closed by ymipsl
fixed: This functionnality is now operationnal for XIOS 2
14:17 Ticket #40 (Output indexed grid into a compressed format) closed by ymipsl
fixed: This functionnlity has been added in XIOS 2
13:57 Ticket #79 (add new constraint on zoom definition) created by arsouze
I would like to be able to define in XIOS a zoom based on a mask. …


11:19 Ticket #78 (grid masking attribute incorrect name : mask1, mask2, mask3 ...) created by ymipsl
In order to be coherent with previous xios convention, rename grid_masking …
11:16 Ticket #77 (Generate fortran interface for fields more than 3 dimensions) created by ymipsl
In XIOS 2 it is possible to manage grid of any dimension, but fortran …
09:21 Changeset [809] by ymipsl
Fix problems for interpolation onto regular domain. YM


21:37 WikiStart edited by aclsce
15:43 Changeset [808] by ymipsl
Fix problem using rectilinear grid from file, or self-generated - Defining …
15:37 Changeset [807] by ymipsl
Fix problem for reading dimension variable in file. When reading file, …


15:46 Changeset [806] by rlacroix
Fix: Only the first record of the input files was read which caused the …
14:44 Ticket #76 (set_current_context with id) created by ymipsl
Actually, fortran interface to switching context is done by context …
14:42 Changeset [805] by rlacroix
Fix: Ensure time_counter_name is given a default value even when opening …
14:36 Ticket #75 (The axis attribute "value" should be optional) created by rlacroix
The axis attribute "value" should be optional. If it's missing, it could …
14:34 Ticket #74 (XML auto-completion from the input files is too strict) created by rlacroix
XIOS fails to reopen files it created because the auto-completion of the …
14:31 Ticket #73 (`multiple_file` mode cannot always work in `read` mode) created by rlacroix
XIOS is supposed to be able to open files created in multiple_file mode …
10:01 Changeset [804] by aclsce
- Fixed bug in binary filter (pb with aruthmetic operations between 2 …


10:14 Ticket #72 (Crash when using a 2D grid made of 2 distributed axis) created by rlacroix
XIOS crashes when outputting a field defined on a 2D grid made of 2 …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.