


14:48 Changeset [2454] by ymipsl
fix missing return. YM


19:06 Changeset [2453] by ymipsl
Implementation of files service on dev branch YM
15:17 Changeset [2452] by ymipsl
Create dev branch to include file services from XIOS3 trunk. YM
15:15 Changeset [2451] by ymipsl
Delete branch to update to XIOS3 trunk
11:24 Changeset [2450] by jderouillat
Fix commit 2449 related to read for unstructured domain


14:16 Changeset [2449] by jderouillat
Fix in reading rectilinear if lon/lat are not defined, neither coordinates
14:03 Changeset [2448] by jderouillat
Fix generic_testcase using an ocean component (tiecket #183
13:58 Changeset [2447] by jderouillat
Disable expand in the test suite (ticket #186 opened)
13:56 Ticket #185 (New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand) closed by jderouillat
13:52 Ticket #186 (New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand) created by jderouillat
Since 2440, …
13:51 Ticket #185 (New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand) created by jderouillat
Since 2440, …


16:34 Changeset [2446] by ymipsl
New dev branch to manage file services. YM
16:33 Changeset [2445] by ymipsl
remove branch, bad starting revision. YM
15:48 Changeset [2444] by ymipsl
New dev branch to manage file services. YM


12:25 Changeset [2443] by jderouillat
Fix a shared_ptr bug in the remapper
11:46 Ticket #184 (Bounds added in the rectilinear case of the generic_testcase crash ...) created by jderouillat
In 2440, the …
11:32 Changeset [2442] by jderouillat
Fix bounds management in transformations. Disabled temporarily bounds …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.