


15:55 Changeset [2251] by jderouillat
Fixes to reenable reduce_domain to axis
14:34 Changeset [2250] by ymipsl
Fix issue for Ugrid convention output. YM


15:35 Changeset [2249] by jderouillat
Fix for Rewrite domain distribution for servers in unstructured cases


16:52 Changeset [2248] by jderouillat
Modified temporarily the TGCC project to execute the test suite
14:45 Changeset [2247] by ymipsl
Rewrite domain distribution for servers. Previously it was leading that …
14:41 Changeset [2246] by ymipsl
- Update of the tranfer protocol using one sided communication - Introduce …


10:21 Changeset [2245] by jderouillat
Workaround for a MPI_Win_flush bug appearing with IntelMPI in a …


14:36 Changeset [2244] by jderouillat
Add an unstructured mesh based test in test suite
10:40 Changeset [2243] by jderouillat
Move context cleaning in xios_finalize (for clients) and when servers have …


16:37 Changeset [2242] by ymipsl
Bug fix in when split global communicator between clients and servers. …
14:25 Changeset [2241] by jderouillat
Clean Context and it members before MPI_Finalize (to avoid some MPI call …
14:22 Changeset [2240] by jderouillat
Operate MPI windows free. Otherwise MPI will try to free it itself without …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.