


14:43 Ticket #45 (problem including a file containing a context in iodef.xml) closed by ymipsl
fixed: Thanks, ticket closed Yann
14:42 Ticket #44 (problem with xios_field_is_activate) closed by ymipsl
fixed: Thanks, I close the ticket.


16:17 Changeset [480] by ymipsl
fix compilation problem while trying to compile with netcdf4 sequential …
15:55 Changeset [479] by ymipsl
Typographic correction YM
15:46 Changeset [478] by ymipsl
Bug fix : when a file is disabled, fields embeded was not considered as …


17:32 Ticket #47 (typo error in node/domain.cpp) created by theetten
line 494 : zoom_ibegin is written twice instead of zoom_ibegin, …


11:59 Ticket #46 (Compilation netcdf4_seq fails) created by omamce
/Users/marti/Unix/XIOS/src/output/onetcdf4.cpp:501:53: error: use of …


18:28 Ticket #45 (problem including a file containing a context in iodef.xml) created by jgipsl
Following exemple does not work : iodef.xml : […] …
17:58 Ticket #44 (problem with xios_field_is_activate) created by jgipsl
Concerning XIOS rev 477 The problem is described in the following exemple …


14:22 Ticket #43 (Having the possibility of enforcing the addition of a axis to a file) created by millour
So far if multiple axes are defined (e.g. axis1, axis2, etc.), but only …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.