{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (54 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#132 Spatial reductions across ranks broken XIOS 1.0 defect ymipsl new 09/18/17
#133 Xios gregorian calendar actually is proleptic gregorian XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 03/21/18
#135 Need a registry dump tool XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 05/04/18
#136 Intel compiler optimization causing floating invalid in average.cpp function XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 05/11/18
#139 Interpolation + detect missing value XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 08/03/18
#140 munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer in XIOS2.5 XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 09/06/18
#143 XIOS2.5, Mojave and GCC8.2 XIOS 2.0 defect yushan new 02/12/19
#148 domain/axis decomposition conflit in multiple_file mode XIOS 2.0 defect yushan new 09/02/19
#149 Numerical error of axis zoom along X direction XIOS 2.0 defect yushan new 09/13/19
#150 problem in CDomainAlgorithmGenerateRectilinear::computeDistributionGridDestination XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 10/10/19
#152 2nd order interpolation seems to be not reproductive XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 01/20/20
#153 interpolation from curvilinear grid to gaussian grid looks not very good XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 05/15/20
#161 Type mismatch in src/test/generic_testcase.f90 XIOS 2.5 defect ymipsl new 09/15/20
#172 Segmentation violation with trunk on ARCHER2 (AMD/Cray compilers). Bug in xios_set_domain_attr? XIOS trunk defect jderouillat new 05/13/21
#173 XIOS, fcm and perl XIOS 2.5 defect ymipsl new 06/17/21
#176 XIOS don't compile on Irene SKL XIOS 2.5 defect ymipsl new 03/16/22
#179 Compilation fails : gcc11 on Mac OS X XIOS 2.5 defect ymipsl new 07/06/22
#181 label axis are not written XIOS coupling defect ymipsl new 10/21/22
#182 XIOS3: xios_server.exe tries to call MPI routine before MPI initialisation XIOS trunk defect jderouillat new 12/02/22
#184 Bounds added in the rectilinear case of the generic_testcase crash interpolations XIOS trunk defect ymipsl new 12/13/22
#186 New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand XIOS trunk defect ymipsl new 12/16/22
#187 Compilation fails with clang on Mac OS X in attribute_map.cpp XIOS 2.5 defect ymipsl new 02/16/23
#190 XIOS3-trunk with NEMO - Hangs at writing step (legacy) or 'Wrong window flavor' error (one-sided) XIOS trunk defect ymipsl new 09/01/23
#193 check if attribut "indexed-output" work as expected in 3.0 release XIOS 3.0 defect ymipsl new 09/29/23
#202 Reduce the volume of client and server error and output files XIOS 2.0 defect hshepherd new 01/24/25
#126 Indexed output 2D with 3D fields XIOS 2.0 enhancement ymipsl new 04/07/17
#128 Use of a label (character string) associated to a station/mooring XIOS 2.0 enhancement ymipsl new 04/07/17
#129 Use of weighted averaged reduction XIOS 2.0 enhancement ymipsl new 04/07/17
#174 Compiling XIOS with gcc11 on MacOSX XIOS 2.5 enhancement ymipsl new 06/17/21
#61 Licence.txt does not quote the software holder XIOS 1.0 defect ymipsl new 12/11/14
#96 Uncorrect behaviour when timestep use non-integer seconds XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 06/28/16
#138 uuid_format is not properly honored XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 06/27/18
#147 freq_offset not saved in netcdf variable metadata XIOS 2.0 defect ymipsl new 05/23/19
#160 When reading a file, if read field doesn't exit in the file, no diagnostic is done and the code crash later XIOS coupling defect ymipsl new 09/14/20
#163 Convention for logical to bool can be different folowing compiler XIOS coupling defect ymipsl new 09/23/20
#165 Crash when trying to merge registry on server side XIOS coupling defect ymipsl new 10/09/20
#168 Non consistent cf_role attribute defintion when output in UGRID conventuion XIOS trunk defect ymipsl new 11/12/20
#170 zoom or extract transformation are not correct when global index are not in the conventionnal order XIOS coupling defect ymipsl new 12/15/20
#175 Interpolation of overlaid domains XIOS coupling defect ymipsl new 09/06/21
#178 netcdf ouput with grid composed of scalar element differ of XIOS trunk output XIOS coupling defect ymipsl new 04/08/22
#180 Compilation fails : gcc12 on Mac OS X XIOS 2.5 defect ymipsl new 09/08/22
#183 XIOS3: Errors in generic_testcase/context_oce.xml that cause runtime failures XIOS trunk defect ymipsl new 12/07/22
#188 missing xios_set_calendar_type in fortran interface XIOS 2.5 defect ymipsl new 07/25/23
#195 XIOS process exit failure (hang) XIOS trunk defect ymipsl new 11/27/23
#94 Need filter 'time-derivate' or 'tendency' XIOS 2.0 enhancement ymipsl new 05/13/16
#144 Add xios_is_initialized() function XIOS 2.0 enhancement ymipsl new 04/02/19
#145 Add xios_is_context_initialized() function XIOS 2.0 enhancement ymipsl new 04/02/19
#167 create new interface to get current context id XIOS trunk enhancement ymipsl new 11/12/20
#197 gunzip within make_xios XIOS trunk enhancement mhedley new 11/25/24
#159 clarify conflict between domain_axis_order and order_ XIOS coupling task ymipsl new 09/14/20
#164 Compressed output for unstructured grid is not supported XIOS coupling task ymipsl new 10/09/20
#177 Axis string labels seems not working (not taking into account) XIOS coupling task ymipsl new 04/07/22
#171 FCM and perl XIOS 2.5 defect ymipsl new 03/17/21
#119 verbous message to discard : Computing intersections ... Computing grads ... Remapping... XIOS 2.0 enhancement ymipsl new 02/03/17
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