Custom Query (47 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Version
#126 Indexed output 2D with 3D fields new enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#128 Use of a label (character string) associated to a station/mooring new enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#129 Use of weighted averaged reduction new enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#132 Spatial reductions across ranks broken new defect major XIOS 1.0
#133 Xios gregorian calendar actually is proleptic gregorian new defect major XIOS 2.0
#135 Need a registry dump tool new defect major XIOS 2.0
#136 Intel compiler optimization causing floating invalid in average.cpp function new defect major XIOS 2.0
#139 Interpolation + detect missing value new defect major XIOS 2.0
#140 munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer in XIOS2.5 new defect major XIOS 2.0
#150 problem in CDomainAlgorithmGenerateRectilinear::computeDistributionGridDestination new defect major XIOS 2.0
#152 2nd order interpolation seems to be not reproductive new defect major XIOS 2.0
#153 interpolation from curvilinear grid to gaussian grid looks not very good new defect major XIOS 2.0
#161 Type mismatch in src/test/generic_testcase.f90 new defect major XIOS 2.5
#173 XIOS, fcm and perl new defect major XIOS 2.5
#174 Compiling XIOS with gcc11 on MacOSX new enhancement major XIOS 2.5
#176 XIOS don't compile on Irene SKL new defect major XIOS 2.5
#179 Compilation fails : gcc11 on Mac OS X new defect major XIOS 2.5
#181 label axis are not written new defect major XIOS coupling
#184 Bounds added in the rectilinear case of the generic_testcase crash interpolations new defect major XIOS trunk
#186 New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand new defect major XIOS trunk
#187 Compilation fails with clang on Mac OS X in attribute_map.cpp new defect major XIOS 2.5
#190 XIOS3-trunk with NEMO - Hangs at writing step (legacy) or 'Wrong window flavor' error (one-sided) new defect major XIOS trunk
#193 check if attribut "indexed-output" work as expected in 3.0 release new defect major XIOS 3.0
#61 Licence.txt does not quote the software holder new defect minor XIOS 1.0
#94 Need filter 'time-derivate' or 'tendency' new enhancement minor XIOS 2.0
#96 Uncorrect behaviour when timestep use non-integer seconds new defect minor XIOS 2.0
#138 uuid_format is not properly honored new defect minor XIOS 2.0
#144 Add xios_is_initialized() function new enhancement minor XIOS 2.0
#145 Add xios_is_context_initialized() function new enhancement minor XIOS 2.0
#147 freq_offset not saved in netcdf variable metadata new defect minor XIOS 2.0
#159 clarify conflict between domain_axis_order and order_ new task minor XIOS coupling
#160 When reading a file, if read field doesn't exit in the file, no diagnostic is done and the code crash later new defect minor XIOS coupling
#163 Convention for logical to bool can be different folowing compiler new defect minor XIOS coupling
#164 Compressed output for unstructured grid is not supported new task minor XIOS coupling
#165 Crash when trying to merge registry on server side new defect minor XIOS coupling
#167 create new interface to get current context id new enhancement minor XIOS trunk
#168 Non consistent cf_role attribute defintion when output in UGRID conventuion new defect minor XIOS trunk
#170 zoom or extract transformation are not correct when global index are not in the conventionnal order new defect minor XIOS coupling
#175 Interpolation of overlaid domains new defect minor XIOS coupling
#177 Axis string labels seems not working (not taking into account) new task minor XIOS coupling
#178 netcdf ouput with grid composed of scalar element differ of XIOS trunk output new defect minor XIOS coupling
#180 Compilation fails : gcc12 on Mac OS X new defect minor XIOS 2.5
#183 XIOS3: Errors in generic_testcase/context_oce.xml that cause runtime failures new defect minor XIOS trunk
#188 missing xios_set_calendar_type in fortran interface new defect minor XIOS 2.5
#195 XIOS process exit failure (hang) new defect minor XIOS trunk
#119 verbous message to discard : Computing intersections ... Computing grads ... Remapping... new enhancement trivial XIOS 2.0
#171 FCM and perl new defect trivial XIOS 2.5
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