Custom Query (4 matches)


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Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#167 create new interface to get current context id Sebastien.Masson@… new ymipsl enhancement minor
#168 Non consistent cf_role attribute defintion when output in UGRID conventuion Looking, at, the, current, XIOS, trunk, it, seems, like, there, is, a, bug, in, naming, of, mesh, connectivity, parameters, –, namely, cf_role:, “edge_face_connectivity”, and, “face_face_connectivity”, which, appear, src/io/nc4_data_output.cpp, without, second, underscore, (e.g., “edge_face, connectivity”)., This, causing, problem, with, our, data, visualisation, tools, need, to, work, consistently, various, different, sources, NetCDF, CF, standard, output. new ymipsl defect minor
#177 Axis string labels seems not working (not taking into account) julien.derouillat@… new ymipsl task minor
#178 netcdf ouput with grid composed of scalar element differ of XIOS trunk output julien.derouillat@… new ymipsl defect minor
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