Changeset 860 for XIOS/trunk

06/09/16 11:32:01 (8 years ago)

Improvement of DHT: allow multiple values correspond to one key

+) If there are several returned values corresponding to one key,
all of them are returned by DHT in vector.

+) Testing only very basic. This commit serves as temporary one.

3 edited


  • XIOS/trunk/src/client_client_dht_template.hpp

    r843 r860  
    3636    typedef typename boost::unordered_map<InfoType, std::vector<size_t> > InfoType2IndexMap; 
    3737    typedef typename boost::unordered_map<size_t,InfoType> Index2InfoTypeMap; 
     38    typedef typename boost::unordered_map<size_t,std::vector<InfoType> > Index2VectorInfoTypeMap; 
    3940  public: 
    4142                             const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm); 
     44    CClientClientDHTTemplate(const Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& indexInfoInitMap, 
     45                             const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm); 
    4347    void computeIndexInfoMapping(const CArray<size_t,1>& indices); 
    45     const Index2InfoTypeMap& getInfoIndexMap() const {return indexToInfoMappingLevel_; } 
     49//    const Index2InfoTypeMap& getInfoIndexMap() const {return indexToInfoMappingLevel_; } 
     50    const Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& getInfoIndexMap() const {return indexToInfoMappingLevel_; } 
    4752    int getNbClient() { return nbClient_; } 
    5560                                 const MPI_Comm& intraCommLevel, 
    5661                                 int level); 
     63    void computeDistributedIndex(const Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& indexInfoInitMap, 
     64                                 const MPI_Comm& intraCommLevel, 
     65                                 int level); 
    5868    void computeHashIndex(std::vector<size_t>& indexClientHash, int nbClient); 
    92102  protected: 
    93103    //! Mapping of global index to the corresponding client 
    94     Index2InfoTypeMap index2InfoMapping_; 
     104//    Index2InfoTypeMap index2InfoMapping_; 
     105    Index2VectorInfoTypeMap index2InfoMapping_; 
    96107    //! A mapping of index to the corresponding information in each level of hierarchy 
    97     Index2InfoTypeMap indexToInfoMappingLevel_; 
     108//    Index2InfoTypeMap indexToInfoMappingLevel_; 
     109    Index2VectorInfoTypeMap indexToInfoMappingLevel_; 
    99111    std::vector<std::vector<int> > sendRank_; 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/client_client_dht_template_impl.hpp

    r843 r860  
    2323template<typename T, typename H> 
    24 CClientClientDHTTemplate<T,H>::CClientClientDHTTemplate(const boost::unordered_map<size_t,T>& indexInfoMap, 
     24CClientClientDHTTemplate<T,H>::CClientClientDHTTemplate(const Index2InfoTypeMap& indexInfoMap, 
     25                                                        const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm) 
     26  : H(clientIntraComm), index2InfoMapping_(), indexToInfoMappingLevel_(), nbClient_(0) 
     28  MPI_Comm_size(clientIntraComm, &nbClient_); 
     29  this->computeMPICommLevel(); 
     30  int nbLvl = this->getNbLevel(); 
     31  sendRank_.resize(nbLvl); 
     32  recvRank_.resize(nbLvl); 
     33  Index2VectorInfoTypeMap indexToVecInfoMap; 
     34  indexToVecInfoMap.rehash(std::ceil(indexInfoMap.size()/indexToVecInfoMap.max_load_factor())); 
     35  typename Index2InfoTypeMap::const_iterator it = indexInfoMap.begin(), ite = indexInfoMap.end(); 
     36  for (; it != ite; ++it) indexToVecInfoMap[it->first].push_back(it->second); 
     37  computeDistributedIndex(indexToVecInfoMap, clientIntraComm, nbLvl-1); 
     41  Constructor with initial distribution information and the corresponding index 
     42  Each client (process) holds a piece of information as well as the attached index, the index 
     43will be redistributed (projected) into size_t space as long as the associated information. 
     44  \param [in] indexInfoMap initial index and information mapping 
     45  \param [in] clientIntraComm communicator of clients 
     46  \param [in] hierarLvl level of hierarchy 
     48template<typename T, typename H> 
     49CClientClientDHTTemplate<T,H>::CClientClientDHTTemplate(const Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& indexInfoMap, 
    2550                                                        const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm) 
    2651  : H(clientIntraComm), index2InfoMapping_(), indexToInfoMappingLevel_(), nbClient_(0) 
    164189    indexToInfoMappingLevel_= (index2InfoMapping_); 
    166   typename Index2InfoTypeMap::const_iterator iteIndexToInfoMap = indexToInfoMappingLevel_.end(), itIndexToInfoMap; 
     191  typename Index2VectorInfoTypeMap::const_iterator iteIndexToInfoMap = indexToInfoMappingLevel_.end(), itIndexToInfoMap; 
    167192  std::vector<int> sendNbIndexOnReturn(nbRecvClient,0); 
    168193  currentIndex = 0; 
    172197    { 
    173198      itIndexToInfoMap = indexToInfoMappingLevel_.find(*(recvIndexBuff+currentIndex+i)); 
    174       if (iteIndexToInfoMap != itIndexToInfoMap) ++sendNbIndexOnReturn[idx]; 
     199      if (iteIndexToInfoMap != itIndexToInfoMap) 
     200        sendNbIndexOnReturn[idx] += itIndexToInfoMap->second.size(); 
     201//        ++sendNbIndexOnReturn[idx]; 
    175202    } 
    176203    currentIndex += recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; 
    232259        if (iteIndexToInfoMap != itIndexToInfoMap) 
    233260        { 
    234           client2ClientIndexOnReturn[rank][nb] = itIndexToInfoMap->first; 
    235           ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::packElement(itIndexToInfoMap->second, tmpInfoPtr, infoIndex); 
    236           ++nb; 
     261          const std::vector<InfoType>& infoTmp = itIndexToInfoMap->second; 
     262          for (int k = 0; k < infoTmp.size(); ++k) 
     263          { 
     264            client2ClientIndexOnReturn[rank][nb] = itIndexToInfoMap->first; 
     265            ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::packElement(infoTmp[k], tmpInfoPtr, infoIndex); 
     266            ++nb; 
     267          } 
    237268        } 
    238269      } 
    249280  MPI_Waitall(requestOnReturn.size(), &requestOnReturn[0], &statusOnReturn[0]); 
    251   boost::unordered_map<size_t,InfoType> indexToInfoMapping; 
     282  Index2VectorInfoTypeMap indexToInfoMapping; 
    252283  indexToInfoMapping.rehash(std::ceil(recvNbIndexCountOnReturn/indexToInfoMapping.max_load_factor())); 
    253284  int infoIndex = 0; 
     285  InfoType unpackedInfo; 
    254286  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvNbIndexCountOnReturn; ++idx) 
    255287  { 
    256     ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::unpackElement(indexToInfoMapping[recvIndexBuffOnReturn[idx]], recvInfoBuffOnReturn, infoIndex); 
     288    ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::unpackElement(unpackedInfo, recvInfoBuffOnReturn, infoIndex); 
     289    indexToInfoMapping[recvIndexBuffOnReturn[idx]].push_back(unpackedInfo); 
     290//    ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::unpackElement(indexToInfoMapping[recvIndexBuffOnReturn[idx]], recvInfoBuffOnReturn, infoIndex); 
    257291  } 
    278312      delete [] it->second; 
     316//    Compute mapping between indices and information corresponding to these indices 
     317//for each level of hierarchical DHT. Recursive function 
     318//   \param [in] indices indices a proc has 
     319//   \param [in] commLevel communicator of current level 
     320//   \param [in] level current level 
     322//template<typename T, typename H> 
     323//void CClientClientDHTTemplate<T,H>::computeIndexInfoMappingLevel(const CArray<size_t,1>& indices, 
     324//                                                                 const MPI_Comm& commLevel, 
     325//                                                                 int level) 
     327//  int clientRank; 
     328//  MPI_Comm_rank(commLevel,&clientRank); 
     329//  int groupRankBegin = this->getGroupBegin()[level]; 
     330//  int nbClient = this->getNbInGroup()[level]; 
     331//  std::vector<size_t> hashedIndex; 
     332//  computeHashIndex(hashedIndex, nbClient); 
     334//  size_t ssize = indices.numElements(), hashedVal; 
     336//  std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator itbClientHash = hashedIndex.begin(), itClientHash, 
     337//                                      iteClientHash = hashedIndex.end(); 
     338//  std::vector<int> sendBuff(nbClient,0); 
     339//  std::vector<int> sendNbIndexBuff(nbClient,0); 
     341//  // Number of global index whose mapping server are on other clients 
     342//  int nbIndexToSend = 0; 
     343//  size_t index; 
     344//  HashXIOS<size_t> hashGlobalIndex; 
     345//  for (int i = 0; i < ssize; ++i) 
     346//  { 
     347//    index = indices(i); 
     348//    hashedVal  = hashGlobalIndex(index); 
     349//    itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashedVal); 
     350//    int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
     351//    ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; 
     352//  } 
     354//  boost::unordered_map<int, size_t* > client2ClientIndex; 
     355//  for (int idx = 0; idx < nbClient; ++idx) 
     356//  { 
     357//    if (0 != sendNbIndexBuff[idx]) 
     358//    { 
     359//      client2ClientIndex[idx+groupRankBegin] = new unsigned long [sendNbIndexBuff[idx]]; 
     360//      nbIndexToSend += sendNbIndexBuff[idx]; 
     361//      sendBuff[idx] = 1; 
     362//      sendNbIndexBuff[idx] = 0; 
     363//    } 
     364//  } 
     366//  for (int i = 0; i < ssize; ++i) 
     367//  { 
     368//    index = indices(i); 
     369//    hashedVal  = hashGlobalIndex(index); 
     370//    itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashedVal); 
     371//    { 
     372//      int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
     373//      { 
     374//        client2ClientIndex[indexClient+groupRankBegin][sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]] = index; 
     375//        ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; 
     376//      } 
     377//    } 
     378//  } 
     380//  std::vector<int> recvRankClient, recvNbIndexClientCount; 
     381//  sendRecvRank(level, sendBuff, sendNbIndexBuff, 
     382//               recvRankClient, recvNbIndexClientCount); 
     384//  int recvNbIndexCount = 0; 
     385//  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvNbIndexClientCount.size(); ++idx) 
     386//    recvNbIndexCount += recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; 
     388//  unsigned long* recvIndexBuff; 
     389//  if (0 != recvNbIndexCount) 
     390//    recvIndexBuff = new unsigned long[recvNbIndexCount]; 
     392//  std::vector<MPI_Request> request; 
     393//  std::vector<int>::iterator itbRecvIndex = recvRankClient.begin(), itRecvIndex, 
     394//                             iteRecvIndex = recvRankClient.end(), 
     395//                           itbRecvNbIndex = recvNbIndexClientCount.begin(), 
     396//                           itRecvNbIndex; 
     397//  int currentIndex = 0; 
     398//  int nbRecvClient = recvRankClient.size(); 
     399//  for (int idx = 0; idx < nbRecvClient; ++idx) 
     400//  { 
     401//    if (0 != recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]) 
     402//      recvIndexFromClients(recvRankClient[idx], recvIndexBuff+currentIndex, recvNbIndexClientCount[idx], commLevel, request); 
     403//    currentIndex += recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; 
     404//  } 
     406//  boost::unordered_map<int, size_t* >::iterator itbIndex = client2ClientIndex.begin(), itIndex, 
     407//                                                iteIndex = client2ClientIndex.end(); 
     408//  for (itIndex = itbIndex; itIndex != iteIndex; ++itIndex) 
     409//    sendIndexToClients(itIndex->first, (itIndex->second), sendNbIndexBuff[itIndex->first-groupRankBegin], commLevel, request); 
     411//  std::vector<MPI_Status> status(request.size()); 
     412//  MPI_Waitall(request.size(), &request[0], &status[0]); 
     414//  CArray<size_t,1>* tmpGlobalIndex; 
     415//  if (0 != recvNbIndexCount) 
     416//    tmpGlobalIndex = new CArray<size_t,1>(recvIndexBuff, shape(recvNbIndexCount), neverDeleteData); 
     417//  else 
     418//    tmpGlobalIndex = new CArray<size_t,1>(); 
     420//  // OK, we go to the next level and do something recursive 
     421//  if (0 < level) 
     422//  { 
     423//    --level; 
     424//    computeIndexInfoMappingLevel(*tmpGlobalIndex, this->internalComm_, level); 
     425//  } 
     426//  else // Now, we are in the last level where necessary mappings are. 
     427//    indexToInfoMappingLevel_= (index2InfoMapping_); 
     429//  typename Index2InfoTypeMap::const_iterator iteIndexToInfoMap = indexToInfoMappingLevel_.end(), itIndexToInfoMap; 
     430//  std::vector<int> sendNbIndexOnReturn(nbRecvClient,0); 
     431//  currentIndex = 0; 
     432//  for (int idx = 0; idx < nbRecvClient; ++idx) 
     433//  { 
     434//    for (int i = 0; i < recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; ++i) 
     435//    { 
     436//      itIndexToInfoMap = indexToInfoMappingLevel_.find(*(recvIndexBuff+currentIndex+i)); 
     437//      if (iteIndexToInfoMap != itIndexToInfoMap) ++sendNbIndexOnReturn[idx]; 
     438//    } 
     439//    currentIndex += recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; 
     440//  } 
     442//  std::vector<int> recvRankOnReturn(client2ClientIndex.size()); 
     443//  std::vector<int> recvNbIndexOnReturn(client2ClientIndex.size(),0); 
     444//  int indexIndex = 0; 
     445//  for (itIndex = itbIndex; itIndex != iteIndex; ++itIndex, ++indexIndex) 
     446//  { 
     447//    recvRankOnReturn[indexIndex] = itIndex->first; 
     448//  } 
     449//  sendRecvOnReturn(recvRankClient, sendNbIndexOnReturn, 
     450//                   recvRankOnReturn, recvNbIndexOnReturn); 
     452//  int recvNbIndexCountOnReturn = 0; 
     453//  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvRankOnReturn.size(); ++idx) 
     454//    recvNbIndexCountOnReturn += recvNbIndexOnReturn[idx]; 
     456//  unsigned long* recvIndexBuffOnReturn; 
     457//  unsigned char* recvInfoBuffOnReturn; 
     458//  if (0 != recvNbIndexCountOnReturn) 
     459//  { 
     460//    recvIndexBuffOnReturn = new unsigned long[recvNbIndexCountOnReturn]; 
     461//    recvInfoBuffOnReturn = new unsigned char[recvNbIndexCountOnReturn*ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::typeSize()]; 
     462//  } 
     464//  std::vector<MPI_Request> requestOnReturn; 
     465//  currentIndex = 0; 
     466//  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvRankOnReturn.size(); ++idx) 
     467//  { 
     468//    if (0 != recvNbIndexOnReturn[idx]) 
     469//    { 
     470//      recvIndexFromClients(recvRankOnReturn[idx], recvIndexBuffOnReturn+currentIndex, recvNbIndexOnReturn[idx], commLevel, requestOnReturn); 
     471//      recvInfoFromClients(recvRankOnReturn[idx], 
     472//                          recvInfoBuffOnReturn+currentIndex*ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::typeSize(), 
     473//                          recvNbIndexOnReturn[idx]*ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::typeSize(), 
     474//                          commLevel, requestOnReturn); 
     475//    } 
     476//    currentIndex += recvNbIndexOnReturn[idx]; 
     477//  } 
     479//  boost::unordered_map<int,unsigned char*> client2ClientInfoOnReturn; 
     480//  boost::unordered_map<int,size_t*> client2ClientIndexOnReturn; 
     481//  currentIndex = 0; 
     482//  for (int idx = 0; idx < nbRecvClient; ++idx) 
     483//  { 
     484//    if (0 != sendNbIndexOnReturn[idx]) 
     485//    { 
     486//      int rank = recvRankClient[idx]; 
     487//      client2ClientIndexOnReturn[rank] = new unsigned long [sendNbIndexOnReturn[idx]]; 
     488//      client2ClientInfoOnReturn[rank] = new unsigned char [sendNbIndexOnReturn[idx]*ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::typeSize()]; 
     489//      unsigned char* tmpInfoPtr = client2ClientInfoOnReturn[rank]; 
     490//      int infoIndex = 0; 
     491//      int nb = 0; 
     492//      for (int i = 0; i < recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; ++i) 
     493//      { 
     494//        itIndexToInfoMap = indexToInfoMappingLevel_.find(*(recvIndexBuff+currentIndex+i)); 
     495//        if (iteIndexToInfoMap != itIndexToInfoMap) 
     496//        { 
     497//          client2ClientIndexOnReturn[rank][nb] = itIndexToInfoMap->first; 
     498//          ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::packElement(itIndexToInfoMap->second, tmpInfoPtr, infoIndex); 
     499//          ++nb; 
     500//        } 
     501//      } 
     503//      sendIndexToClients(rank, client2ClientIndexOnReturn[rank], 
     504//                         sendNbIndexOnReturn[idx], commLevel, requestOnReturn); 
     505//      sendInfoToClients(rank, client2ClientInfoOnReturn[rank], 
     506//                        sendNbIndexOnReturn[idx]*ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::typeSize(), commLevel, requestOnReturn); 
     507//    } 
     508//    currentIndex += recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; 
     509//  } 
     511//  std::vector<MPI_Status> statusOnReturn(requestOnReturn.size()); 
     512//  MPI_Waitall(requestOnReturn.size(), &requestOnReturn[0], &statusOnReturn[0]); 
     514//  boost::unordered_map<size_t,InfoType> indexToInfoMapping; 
     515//  indexToInfoMapping.rehash(std::ceil(recvNbIndexCountOnReturn/indexToInfoMapping.max_load_factor())); 
     516//  int infoIndex = 0; 
     517//  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvNbIndexCountOnReturn; ++idx) 
     518//  { 
     519//    ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::unpackElement(indexToInfoMapping[recvIndexBuffOnReturn[idx]], recvInfoBuffOnReturn, infoIndex); 
     520//  } 
     522//  indexToInfoMappingLevel_.swap(indexToInfoMapping); //indexToInfoMappingLevel_ = (indexToInfoMapping); 
     523//  if (0 != recvNbIndexCount) delete [] recvIndexBuff; 
     524//  for (boost::unordered_map<int,size_t*>::const_iterator it = client2ClientIndex.begin(); 
     525//                                                        it != client2ClientIndex.end(); ++it) 
     526//      delete [] it->second; 
     527//  delete tmpGlobalIndex; 
     529//  if (0 != recvNbIndexCountOnReturn) 
     530//  { 
     531//    delete [] recvIndexBuffOnReturn; 
     532//    delete [] recvInfoBuffOnReturn; 
     533//  } 
     535//  for (boost::unordered_map<int,unsigned char*>::const_iterator it = client2ClientInfoOnReturn.begin(); 
     536//                                                               it != client2ClientInfoOnReturn.end(); ++it) 
     537//      delete [] it->second; 
     539//  for (boost::unordered_map<int,size_t*>::const_iterator it = client2ClientIndexOnReturn.begin(); 
     540//                                            it != client2ClientIndexOnReturn.end(); ++it) 
     541//      delete [] it->second; 
    311574template<typename T, typename H> 
    312 void CClientClientDHTTemplate<T,H>::computeDistributedIndex(const boost::unordered_map<size_t,T>& indexInfoMap, 
     575void CClientClientDHTTemplate<T,H>::computeDistributedIndex(const Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& indexInfoMap, 
    313576                                                            const MPI_Comm& commLevel, 
    314577                                                            int level) 
    327590  std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator itbClientHash = hashedIndex.begin(), itClientHash, 
    328591                                      iteClientHash = hashedIndex.end(); 
    329   typename boost::unordered_map<size_t,InfoType>::const_iterator itb = indexInfoMap.begin(),it, 
    330                                                                  ite = indexInfoMap.end(); 
     592  typename Index2VectorInfoTypeMap::const_iterator itb = indexInfoMap.begin(),it, 
     593                                                   ite = indexInfoMap.end(); 
    331594  HashXIOS<size_t> hashGlobalIndex; 
    334597  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    335598  { 
    336     size_t hashIndex = hashGlobalIndex(it->first); 
    337     itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashIndex); 
    338     { 
    339       int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
     599    int infoVecSize = it->second.size(); 
     600    for (int idx = 0; idx < infoVecSize; ++idx) 
     601    { 
     602      size_t hashIndex = hashGlobalIndex(it->first); 
     603      itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashIndex); 
    340604      { 
    341         ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; 
     605        int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
     606        { 
     607          ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; 
     608        } 
    342609      } 
    343610    } 
    360627  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    361628  { 
    362     size_t hashIndex = hashGlobalIndex(it->first); 
    363     itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashIndex); 
    364     { 
    365       int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
     629    const std::vector<InfoType>& infoTmp = it->second; 
     630    for (int idx = 0; idx < infoTmp.size(); ++idx) 
     631    { 
     632      size_t hashIndex = hashGlobalIndex(it->first); 
     633      itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashIndex); 
    366634      { 
    367         client2ClientIndex[indexClient + groupRankBegin][sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]] = it->first;; 
    368         ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::packElement(it->second, client2ClientInfo[indexClient + groupRankBegin], sendNbInfo[indexClient]); 
    369         ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; 
     635        int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
     636        { 
     637          client2ClientIndex[indexClient + groupRankBegin][sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]] = it->first;; 
     638//          ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::packElement(it->second, client2ClientInfo[indexClient + groupRankBegin], sendNbInfo[indexClient]); 
     639          ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::packElement(infoTmp[idx], client2ClientInfo[indexClient + groupRankBegin], sendNbInfo[indexClient]); 
     640          ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; 
     641        } 
    370642      } 
    371643    } 
    421693  MPI_Waitall(request.size(), &request[0], &status[0]); 
    423   boost::unordered_map<size_t,InfoType> indexToInfoMapping; 
     695  Index2VectorInfoTypeMap indexToInfoMapping; 
    424696  indexToInfoMapping.rehash(std::ceil(currentIndex/indexToInfoMapping.max_load_factor())); 
    425697  currentIndex = 0; 
    433705    { 
    434706      ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::unpackElement(infoValue, infoBuff, infoIndex); 
    435       indexToInfoMapping[*(recvIndexBuff+currentIndex+i)] = infoValue; 
     707//      indexToInfoMapping[*(recvIndexBuff+currentIndex+i)] = infoValue; 
     708      indexToInfoMapping[*(recvIndexBuff+currentIndex+i)].push_back(infoValue); 
    436709    } 
    437710    currentIndex += count; 
    458731  } 
    459732  else 
    460     index2InfoMapping_.swap(indexToInfoMapping); //index2InfoMapping_ = (indexToInfoMapping); 
    461 } 
     733    index2InfoMapping_.swap(indexToInfoMapping); 
     737//  Compute distribution of global index for servers 
     738//  Each client already holds a piece of information and its associated index. 
     739//This information will be redistributed among processes by projecting indices into size_t space, 
     740//the corresponding information will be also distributed on size_t space. 
     741//After the redistribution, each client holds rearranged index and its corresponding information. 
     742//  \param [in] indexInfoMap index and its corresponding info (usually server index) 
     743//  \param [in] commLevel communicator of current level 
     744//  \param [in] level current level 
     746//template<typename T, typename H> 
     747//void CClientClientDHTTemplate<T,H>::computeDistributedIndex(const boost::unordered_map<size_t,T>& indexInfoMap, 
     748//                                                            const MPI_Comm& commLevel, 
     749//                                                            int level) 
     751//  int clientRank; 
     752//  MPI_Comm_rank(commLevel,&clientRank); 
     753//  computeSendRecvRank(level, clientRank); 
     755//  int groupRankBegin = this->getGroupBegin()[level]; 
     756//  int nbClient = this->getNbInGroup()[level]; 
     757//  std::vector<size_t> hashedIndex; 
     758//  computeHashIndex(hashedIndex, nbClient); 
     760//  std::vector<int> sendBuff(nbClient,0); 
     761//  std::vector<int> sendNbIndexBuff(nbClient,0); 
     762//  std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator itbClientHash = hashedIndex.begin(), itClientHash, 
     763//                                      iteClientHash = hashedIndex.end(); 
     764//  typename boost::unordered_map<size_t,InfoType>::const_iterator itb = indexInfoMap.begin(),it, 
     765//                                                                 ite = indexInfoMap.end(); 
     766//  HashXIOS<size_t> hashGlobalIndex; 
     768//  // Compute size of sending and receving buffer 
     769//  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
     770//  { 
     771//    size_t hashIndex = hashGlobalIndex(it->first); 
     772//    itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashIndex); 
     773//    { 
     774//      int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
     775//      { 
     776//        ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; 
     777//      } 
     778//    } 
     779//  } 
     781//  boost::unordered_map<int, size_t*> client2ClientIndex; 
     782//  boost::unordered_map<int, unsigned char*> client2ClientInfo; 
     783//  for (int idx = 0; idx < nbClient; ++idx) 
     784//  { 
     785//    if (0 != sendNbIndexBuff[idx]) 
     786//    { 
     787//      client2ClientIndex[idx+groupRankBegin] = new unsigned long [sendNbIndexBuff[idx]]; 
     788//      client2ClientInfo[idx+groupRankBegin] = new unsigned char [sendNbIndexBuff[idx]*ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::typeSize()]; 
     789//      sendNbIndexBuff[idx] = 0; 
     790//      sendBuff[idx] = 1; 
     791//    } 
     792//  } 
     794//  std::vector<int> sendNbInfo(nbClient,0); 
     795//  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
     796//  { 
     797//    size_t hashIndex = hashGlobalIndex(it->first); 
     798//    itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashIndex); 
     799//    { 
     800//      int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
     801//      { 
     802//        client2ClientIndex[indexClient + groupRankBegin][sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]] = it->first;; 
     803//        ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::packElement(it->second, client2ClientInfo[indexClient + groupRankBegin], sendNbInfo[indexClient]); 
     804//        ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; 
     805//      } 
     806//    } 
     807//  } 
     809//  // Calculate from how many clients each client receive message. 
     810//  // Calculate size of buffer for receiving message 
     811//  std::vector<int> recvRankClient, recvNbIndexClientCount; 
     812//  sendRecvRank(level, sendBuff, sendNbIndexBuff, 
     813//               recvRankClient, recvNbIndexClientCount); 
     815//  int recvNbIndexCount = 0; 
     816//  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvNbIndexClientCount.size(); ++idx) 
     817//    recvNbIndexCount += recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; 
     819//  unsigned long* recvIndexBuff; 
     820//  unsigned char* recvInfoBuff; 
     821//  if (0 != recvNbIndexCount) 
     822//  { 
     823//    recvIndexBuff = new unsigned long[recvNbIndexCount]; 
     824//    recvInfoBuff = new unsigned char[recvNbIndexCount*ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::typeSize()]; 
     825//  } 
     827//  // If a client holds information about index and the corresponding which don't belong to it, 
     828//  // it will send a message to the correct clients. 
     829//  // Contents of the message are index and its corresponding informatioin 
     830//  std::vector<MPI_Request> request; 
     831//  int currentIndex = 0; 
     832//  int nbRecvClient = recvRankClient.size(); 
     833//  for (int idx = 0; idx < nbRecvClient; ++idx) 
     834//  { 
     835//    if (0 != recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]) 
     836//    { 
     837//      recvIndexFromClients(recvRankClient[idx], recvIndexBuff+currentIndex, recvNbIndexClientCount[idx], commLevel, request); 
     838//      recvInfoFromClients(recvRankClient[idx], 
     839//                          recvInfoBuff+currentIndex*ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::typeSize(), 
     840//                          recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]*ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::typeSize(), 
     841//                          commLevel, request); 
     842//    } 
     843//    currentIndex += recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; 
     844//  } 
     846//  boost::unordered_map<int, size_t* >::iterator itbIndex = client2ClientIndex.begin(), itIndex, 
     847//                                                iteIndex = client2ClientIndex.end(); 
     848//  for (itIndex = itbIndex; itIndex != iteIndex; ++itIndex) 
     849//    sendIndexToClients(itIndex->first, itIndex->second, sendNbIndexBuff[itIndex->first-groupRankBegin], commLevel, request); 
     850//  boost::unordered_map<int, unsigned char*>::iterator itbInfo = client2ClientInfo.begin(), itInfo, 
     851//                                                      iteInfo = client2ClientInfo.end(); 
     852//  for (itInfo = itbInfo; itInfo != iteInfo; ++itInfo) 
     853//    sendInfoToClients(itInfo->first, itInfo->second, sendNbInfo[itInfo->first-groupRankBegin], commLevel, request); 
     855//  std::vector<MPI_Status> status(request.size()); 
     856//  MPI_Waitall(request.size(), &request[0], &status[0]); 
     858//  boost::unordered_map<size_t,InfoType> indexToInfoMapping; 
     859//  indexToInfoMapping.rehash(std::ceil(currentIndex/indexToInfoMapping.max_load_factor())); 
     860//  currentIndex = 0; 
     861//  InfoType infoValue; 
     862//  int infoIndex = 0; 
     863//  unsigned char* infoBuff = recvInfoBuff; 
     864//  for (int idx = 0; idx < nbRecvClient; ++idx) 
     865//  { 
     866//    int count = recvNbIndexClientCount[idx]; 
     867//    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) 
     868//    { 
     869//      ProcessDHTElement<InfoType>::unpackElement(infoValue, infoBuff, infoIndex); 
     870//      indexToInfoMapping[*(recvIndexBuff+currentIndex+i)] = infoValue; 
     871//    } 
     872//    currentIndex += count; 
     873//  } 
     875//  if (0 != recvNbIndexCount) 
     876//  { 
     877//    delete [] recvIndexBuff; 
     878//    delete [] recvInfoBuff; 
     879//  } 
     880//  for (boost::unordered_map<int,unsigned char*>::const_iterator it = client2ClientInfo.begin(); 
     881//                                                               it != client2ClientInfo.end(); ++it) 
     882//      delete [] it->second; 
     884//  for (boost::unordered_map<int,size_t*>::const_iterator it = client2ClientIndex.begin(); 
     885//                                                        it != client2ClientIndex.end(); ++it) 
     886//      delete [] it->second; 
     888//  // Ok, now do something recursive 
     889//  if (0 < level) 
     890//  { 
     891//    --level; 
     892//    computeDistributedIndex(indexToInfoMapping, this->internalComm_, level); 
     893//  } 
     894//  else 
     895//    index2InfoMapping_.swap(indexToInfoMapping); //index2InfoMapping_ = (indexToInfoMapping); 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/client_server_mapping_distributed.cpp

    r843 r860  
    3838  ccDHT_->computeIndexInfoMapping(globalIndexOnClient); 
    39   const boost::unordered_map<size_t,int>& infoIndexMap = (ccDHT_->getInfoIndexMap()); 
    40   boost::unordered_map<size_t,int>::const_iterator itb = infoIndexMap.begin(), ite = infoIndexMap.end(), it; 
     39  const CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& infoIndexMap = (ccDHT_->getInfoIndexMap()); 
     40  CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap::const_iterator itb = infoIndexMap.begin(), ite = infoIndexMap.end(), it; 
    4141  std::vector<size_t> nbInfoIndex(ccDHT_->getNbClient(),0); 
    4343  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    4444  { 
    45     ++nbInfoIndex[it->second]; 
     45    ++nbInfoIndex[it->second[0]]; 
    4646  } 
    5757  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    5858  { 
    59     indexGlobalOnServer_[it->second][nbInfoIndex[it->second]] = (it->first); 
    60     ++nbInfoIndex[it->second]; 
     59    indexGlobalOnServer_[it->second[0]][nbInfoIndex[it->second[0]]] = (it->first); 
     60    ++nbInfoIndex[it->second[0]]; 
    6161  } 
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