Changeset 525 for XIOS

12/01/14 19:00:32 (10 years ago)

Fixing (temporarily) a bug on compiling with sequential netcdf.

+) Add an ifdef on including exception, which is necessary on compling with sequential netcdf
+) Correct some code alignment

+) On Curie and local
+) Mode compilation: seq and par; Netcdf: seq and par
+) On Curie: 4 times, all passed
+) On local: Error happened randomly with netcdf in seq on compilating in parallel(6/8 passed)

3 edited


  • XIOS/trunk/src/output/netCdfInterface.cpp

    r517 r525  
    88 */ 
    10  #include "netCdfInterface.hpp" 
    11  #include "netCdfException.hpp" 
    13  namespace xios 
    14  { 
    15    /*! 
    16    This function creates a new netcdf file and return its id 
    17    \param [in] fileName Name of the file 
    18    \param [in] cMode create mode 
    19    \param [in/out] ncId id of the created file 
    20    \return Status code 
    21    */ 
    22    int CNetCdfInterface::create(const StdString& fileName, int cMode, int& ncId) 
    23    { 
    24      int status = nc_create((fileName.c_str()), cMode, &ncId); 
    25      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    26      { 
    27        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    28        StdStringStream sstr; 
    29        sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_create((fileName.c_str()), cMode, &ncId) " << std::endl 
    30             << errormsg << std::endl 
    31             << "Unable to create file, given its name : " << fileName 
    32             << "and its creation mode " << creationMode2String(cMode) << std::endl; 
    33        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    34        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    35      } 
    37      return status; 
    38    } 
    40    /*! 
    41    This function creates a new netcdf file on parallel file system 
    42    \param [in] fileName Name of the file 
    43    \param [in] cMode create mode 
    44    \param [in] comm MPI communicator 
    45    \param [in] info MPI information 
    46    \param [in/out] ncId id of the created file 
    47    \return Status code 
    48    */ 
    49    int CNetCdfInterface::createPar(const StdString& fileName, int cMode, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int& ncId) 
    50    { 
    51      int status = xios::nc_create_par((fileName.c_str()), cMode, comm, info, &ncId); 
    52      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    53      { 
    54        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    55        StdStringStream sstr; 
    56        sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_create_par((fileName.c_str()), cMode, comm, info, &ncId) " << std::endl 
    57             << errormsg << std::endl 
    58             << "Unable to create file on parallel filesys, given its name : " << std::endl 
    59             << "and its creation mode " << creationMode2String(cMode) << std::endl; 
    60        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    61        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    62      } 
    64      return status; 
    65    } 
    67    /*! 
    68    This function opens a netcdf file, given its name and open mode, return its id 
    69    \param [in] fileName Name of the file 
    70    \param [in] oMode open mode 
    71    \param [in/out] ncId id of the opening file 
    72    \return Status code 
    73    */ 
    74    int CNetCdfInterface::open(const StdString& fileName, int oMode, int& ncId) 
    75    { 
    76      int status = nc_open((fileName.c_str()), oMode, &ncId); 
    77      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    78      { 
    79        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    80        StdStringStream sstr; 
    81        sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_open((fileName.c_str()), oMode, &ncId) "<< std::endl 
    82             << errormsg << std::endl 
    83             << "Unable to open file, given its name : " << fileName 
    84             << "and its open mode " << openMode2String(oMode) << std::endl; 
    85        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    86        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    87      } 
    89      return status; 
    90    } 
    93    /*! 
    94    This function opens a new netcdf file on parallel file system 
    95    \param [in] fileName Name of the file 
    96    \param [in] oMode open mode 
    97    \param [in] comm MPI communicator 
    98    \param [in] info MPI information 
    99    \param [in/out] ncId id of the opened file 
    100    \return Status code 
    101    */ 
    102    int CNetCdfInterface::openPar(const StdString& fileName, int oMode, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int& ncId) 
    103    { 
    104      int status = xios::nc_open_par((fileName.c_str()), oMode, comm, info, &ncId); 
    105      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    106      { 
    107        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    108        StdStringStream sstr; 
    109        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_open_par((fileName.c_str()), oMode, comm, info, &ncId) " << std::endl 
    110             << errormsg << std::endl 
    111             << "Unable to open file on parallel filesys, given its name : " << fileName 
    112             << "and its open mode " << openMode2String(oMode) << std::endl; 
    113        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    114        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    115      } 
    117      return status; 
    118    } 
    120    /*! 
    121    This function closes a netcdf file, given its id 
    122    \param [in] ncId id of the opening netcdf file 
    123    \return Status code 
    124    */ 
    125    int CNetCdfInterface::close(int ncId) 
    126    { 
    127      int status = nc_close(ncId); 
    128      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    129      { 
    130        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    131        StdStringStream sstr; 
    132        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_close(ncId)" << std::endl 
    133             << errormsg << std::endl 
    134             << "Unable to close file, given its id : " << ncId << std::endl; 
    135        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    136        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    137      } 
    139      return status; 
    140    } 
    142    /*! 
    143    This function put a netcdf file into define mode, given its id 
    144    \param [in] ncId id of the opening netcdf file to be put into define mode 
    145    \return Status code 
    146    */ 
    147    int CNetCdfInterface::reDef(int ncId) 
    148    { 
    149      int status = nc_redef(ncId); 
    150      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    151      { 
    152        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    153        StdStringStream sstr; 
    154        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_redef(ncId)" << std::endl 
    155          << errormsg << std::endl 
    156          << "Unable to put this file into define mode given its id : " << ncId << std::endl; 
    157        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    158        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    159      } 
    161      return status; 
    162    } 
    164    /*! 
    165    This function ends a netcdf file define mode, given its id 
    166    \param [in] ncId id of the opening netcdf file to be put into define mode 
    167    \return Status code 
    168    */ 
    169    int CNetCdfInterface::endDef(int ncId) 
    170    { 
    171      int status = nc_enddef(ncId); 
    172      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    173      { 
    174        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    175        StdStringStream sstr; 
    177        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_enddef(ncId)" << std::endl 
    178             << errormsg << std::endl 
    179             << "Unable to end define mode of this file, given its id : " << ncId << std::endl; 
    180        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    181        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    182      } 
    184      return status; 
    185    } 
    187    /*! 
    188    This function makes a request to netcdf with ncid and group name then return ncid of the named group 
    189    \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
    190    \param [in] grpName Name of the desired group (or file) 
    191    \param [in/out] grpId Group id if the group is found 
    192    \return Status code 
    193    */ 
    194    int CNetCdfInterface::inqNcId(int ncid, const StdString& grpName, int& grpId) 
    195    { 
    196      int status = nc_inq_ncid(ncid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId); 
    197      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    198      { 
    199        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    200        StdStringStream sstr; 
    202        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_ncid(ncid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId)" << std::endl 
    203             << errormsg << std::endl 
    204             << "Unable to get id of a group (File), given its name : " << grpName << std::endl; 
    205        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    206        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    207      } 
    209      return status; 
    210    } 
    213    /*! 
    214    This function makes a request to netcdf with ncid and variable name then return ncid of the named variable 
    215    \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
    216    \param [in] varName Name of the desired variable 
    217    \param [in/out] varId Variable id if this variable is found 
    218    \return Status code 
    219    */ 
    220    int CNetCdfInterface::inqVarId(int ncid,const StdString& varName, int& varId) 
    221    { 
    222      int status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, (varName.c_str()), &varId); 
    223      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    224      { 
    225        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    226        StdStringStream sstr; 
    228        sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_inq_varid(ncid, (varName.c_str()), &varId)" << std::endl 
    229             << (errormsg) << std::endl 
    230             << "Unable to get id of variable with name : " << varName << std::endl; 
    231        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    232        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    233      } 
    235      return status; 
    236    } 
    238   /*! 
    239    This function makes a request to netcdf with a netCdf dimension name then return ncid of the named dimension 
    240    \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
    241    \param [in] dimName Name of the desired dimension 
    242    \param [in/out] dimId Dimension id if this dimension is found 
    243    \return Status code 
    244    */ 
    245    int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimId(int ncid,const StdString& dimName, int& dimId) 
    246    { 
    247      int status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), &dimId); 
    248      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    249      { 
    250        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    251        StdStringStream sstr; 
    253        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimid(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), &dimId)" << std::endl 
    254             << errormsg << std::endl 
    255             << "Unable to get id of dimension, given its name : " << dimName << std::endl; 
    256        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    257        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    258      } 
    260      return status; 
    261    } 
    263   /*! 
    264    This function makes a request to netcdf with a netCdf dimension name then return ncid of the named dimension 
    265    \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
    266    \param [in/out] dimId Dimension id if this dimension is found 
    267    \return Status code 
    268    */ 
    269    int CNetCdfInterface::inqUnLimDim(int ncid, int& dimId) 
    270    { 
    271      int status = nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid, &dimId); 
    272      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    273      { 
    274        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    275        StdStringStream sstr; 
    277        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimid" << std::endl 
    278          << errormsg << std::endl 
    279          << "Unable to get id of unlimited dimension " << std::endl; 
    280        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    281        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    282     } 
    284      return status; 
    285    } 
    287   /*! 
    288    This function makes a request to netcdf, returns name of a dimension, given its id 
    289    \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
    290    \param [in] dimId Id of desired dimension 
    291    \param [in/out] dimName Name of desired dimension 
    292    \return Status code 
    293    */ 
    294    int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimName(int ncid, int dimId, StdString& dimName) 
    295    { 
    296      char fullNameIn[NC_MAX_NAME +1]; 
    297      int status = nc_inq_dimname(ncid, dimId, fullNameIn); 
    298      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    299      { 
    300        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    301        StdStringStream sstr; 
    303        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimname(ncid, dimId, fullNameIn)" << std::endl 
    304             << errormsg << std::endl 
    305             << "Unable to get dimension name from its id : " << dimId << std::endl; 
    306        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    307        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    308      } 
    309      dimName = StdString(fullNameIn); 
    310      return status; 
    311    } 
    313   /*! 
    314    This function makes a request to netcdf, returns length of a dimension, given its id 
    315    \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
    316    \param [in] dimId Id of desired dimension 
    317    \param [in/out] dimLen Length of desired dimension 
    318    \return Status code 
    319    */ 
    320    int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimLen(int ncid, int dimId, StdSize& dimLen) 
    321    { 
    322      int status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimId, &dimLen); 
    323      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    324      { 
    325        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    326        StdStringStream sstr; 
    328        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimId, &dimLen)" << std::endl 
    329             << errormsg << std::endl 
    330             << "Unable to get dimension length from its id: " << dimId << std::endl; 
    331        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    332        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    333      } 
    335      return status; 
    336    } 
    338   /*! 
    339    This function makes a request to netcdf, returns number of dimensions of a variable, given its id 
    340    \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
    341    \param [in] varId Id of variable 
    342    \param [in/out] ndims number of dimension of the variable 
    343    \return Status code 
    344    */ 
    345    int CNetCdfInterface::inqVarNDims(int ncid, int varId, int& nDims) 
    346    { 
    347      int status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varId, &nDims); 
    348      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    349      { 
    350        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    351        StdStringStream sstr; 
    353        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varId, &nDims)" << std::endl 
    354             << errormsg << std::endl 
    355             << "Unable to get the number of dimension of variable with Id : " << varId << std::endl; 
    356        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    357        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    358      } 
    360      return status; 
    361    } 
    363   /*! 
    364    This function makes a request to netcdf, returns a list of dimension ID describing the shape of the variable, given its id 
    365    \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
    366    \param [in] varId Id of variable 
    367    \param [in/out] dimIds list of dimension of the variable 
    368    \return Status code 
    369    */ 
    370    int CNetCdfInterface::inqVarDimId(int ncid, int varId, int* dimIds) 
    371    { 
    372      int status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varId, dimIds); 
    373      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    374      { 
    375        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    376        StdStringStream sstr; 
    378        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varId, dimIds)" << std::endl 
    379             << errormsg << std::endl 
    380             << "Unable to get list of dimension id of the variable with id " << varId << std::endl; 
    381        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    382        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    383      } 
    385      return status; 
    386    } 
    388    /*! 
    389    This function makes a request to netcdf, to find all dimension in a group 
    390    \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
    391    \param [in/out] nDims number of list of dimension 
    392    \param [in/out] dimIds list of dimension in a group or any of its parent 
    393    \param [in] includeParents number of parents 
    394    \return Status code 
    395    */ 
    396    int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimIds(int ncid, int& nDims, int* dimIds, int includeParents) 
    397    { 
    398      int status = nc_inq_dimids(ncid, &nDims, dimIds, includeParents); 
    399      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    400      { 
    401        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    402        StdStringStream sstr; 
    404        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimids(ncid, &nDims, dimIds, includeParents)" << std::endl; 
    405        sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    406        sstr << "Unable to retrieve number of dimension in the group with id : " << ncid << std::endl; 
    407        sstr << "With number of Parents " << includeParents << std::endl; 
    408        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    409        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    410      } 
    412      return status; 
    413    } 
    415    /*! 
    416    This function makes a request to netcdf with a id of a prent groupd and then return id of the created group, given its name 
    417    \param [in] parentNcid Id of parent groupd(or File Id) 
    418    \param [in] grpName Name of the desired group 
    419    \param [in/out] grpId Group id if this group is created sucessfully 
    420    \return Status code 
    421    */ 
    422    int CNetCdfInterface::defGrp(int parentNcid, const StdString& grpName, int& grpId) 
    423    { 
    424      int status = nc_def_grp(parentNcid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId); 
    425      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    426      { 
    427        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    428        StdStringStream sstr; 
    430        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_grp(parentNcid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId)" << std::endl; 
    431        sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    432        sstr << "Unable to create group Id, given its name : " << grpName << std::endl; 
    433        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    434        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    435      } 
    437      return status; 
    438    } 
    440    /*! 
    441    This function makes a request to netcdf, add a new dimension to an open netcdf in define mode 
    442    \param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) 
    443    \param [in] dimName Name of the desired dimension 
    444    \param [in/out] grpId Group id if this group is created sucessfully 
    445    \return Status code 
    446    */ 
    447    int CNetCdfInterface::defDim(int ncid, const StdString& dimName, StdSize dimLen, int& dimId) 
    448    { 
    449      int status = nc_def_dim(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), dimLen, &dimId); 
    450      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    451      { 
    452        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    453        StdStringStream sstr; 
    455        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_dim(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), dimLen, &dimId)" << std::endl; 
    456        sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    457        sstr << "Unable to create dimension with name : " << dimName 
    458             << " and with length " << dimLen << std::endl; 
    459        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    460        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    461      } 
    463      return status; 
    464    } 
    466    /*! 
    467    This function makes a request to netcdf with its id, to add a new variable to an open netCdf in define mode, 
    468    return a variable id, given its name, type, the number of dimensions and list of dimension id 
    469    \param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) 
    470    \param [in] varName Name of the desired dimension 
    471    \param [in] xtypes One of the set of predefined netCDF data types 
    472    \param [in] nDims Number of dimension for the variable 
    473    \param [in] dimIds List of ndims dimension ids corresponding to the variable dimensions 
    474    \param [in/out] varId Variable id if it is added sucessfully 
    475    \return Status code 
    476    */ 
    477    int CNetCdfInterface::defVar(int ncid,const StdString& varName, nc_type xtype, 
    478                                 int nDims, const int dimIds[], int& varId) 
    479    { 
    480      int status = nc_def_var(ncid, (varName.c_str()), xtype, nDims, dimIds, &varId); 
    481      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    482      { 
    483        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    484        StdStringStream sstr; 
    486        sstr << "Error in calling function " << " nc_def_var(ncid, (varName.c_str()), xtype, nDims, dimIds, &varId)" << std::endl; 
    487        sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    488        sstr << "Unable to add a new variable with name : " << varName 
    489             << " with type " << xtype 
    490             << " and number of dimension " << nDims << std::endl; 
    491        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    492        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    493      } 
    495      return status; 
    496    } 
    498    /*! 
    499    This function makes a request to netcdf with a ncid, to set the chunking size of a variable, 
    500    given variable id and type of storage 
    501    \param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) 
    502    \param [in] varId Id of the variable 
    503    \param [in] storage Type of storage (It can be : NC_CONTIGUOUS, NC_CHUNKED) 
    504    \param [in/out] chunkSize array list of chunk sizes 
    505    \return Status code 
    506    */ 
    507    int CNetCdfInterface::defVarChunking(int ncid, int varId, int storage, StdSize chunkSize[]) 
    508    { 
    509      int status = nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varId, storage, chunkSize); 
    510      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    511      { 
    512        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    513        StdStringStream sstr; 
    515        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varId, storage, chunkSize)" << std::endl; 
    516        sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    517        sstr << "Unable to set chunk size of the variable with id : " << varId 
    518          << " and storage type " << storage << std::endl; 
    519        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    520        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    521      } 
    523      return status; 
    524    } 
    526   /*! 
    527   Set or unset the fill mode for a NetCDF file specified by its file id. 
    528   \param [in] ncid File id 
    529   \param [in] fill Define whether the fill mode should be enabled or not 
    530   \return Status code 
    531   */ 
    532   int CNetCdfInterface::setFill(int ncid, bool fill) 
    533   { 
    534     int old_fill_mode; 
    535     int status = nc_set_fill(ncid, fill ? NC_FILL : NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode); 
    536     if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    537     { 
    538       StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    539       StdStringStream sstr; 
    541       sstr << "Error when calling function nc_set_fill(ncid, fill ? NC_FILL : NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode)" << std::endl; 
    542       sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    543       sstr << "Unable to set the fill mode to : " << (fill ? "NC_FILL" : "NC_NOFILL") << std::endl; 
    544       StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    545       throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    546     } 
    548     return status; 
    549   } 
    551    /*! 
    552    This function makes a request to netcdf with a ncid, to set the fill parameters for a variable, 
    553    given variable id and type of fill 
    554    \param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) 
    555    \param [in] varId Id of the variable 
    556    \param [in] noFill turn on/off nofill mode on a variable 
    557    \param [in/out] fillValue 
    558    \return Status code 
    559    */ 
    560    int CNetCdfInterface::defVarFill(int ncid, int varId, int noFill, void* fillValue) 
    561    { 
    562      int status = nc_def_var_fill(ncid, varId, noFill, fillValue); 
    563      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    564      { 
    565        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    566        StdStringStream sstr; 
    568        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_var_fill(ncid, varId, noFill, fillValue)" << std::endl; 
    569        sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    570        sstr << "Unable to set fill parameters of the variable with id : " << varId 
    571          << " and fill option " << noFill << std::endl; 
    572        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    573        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    574      } 
    576      return status; 
    577    } 
    579    /*! 
    580    This function makes a request to netcdf with a ncid, to change the way read/write operations are performed 
    581    collectively or independently on the variable. 
    582    \param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) 
    583    \param [in] varId Id of the variable 
    584    \param [in] noFill turn on/off nofill mode on a variable 
    585    \param [in/out] fillValue 
    586    \return Status code 
    587    */ 
    588    int CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(int ncid, int varId, int access) 
    589    { 
    590      int status = nc_var_par_access(ncid, varId, access); 
    591      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    592      { 
    593        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    594        StdStringStream sstr; 
    596        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_var_par_access(ncid, varId, access)" << std::endl; 
    597        sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    598        sstr << "Unable to change read/write option of the variable with id : " << varId << std::endl; 
    599        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    600        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    601      } 
    603      return status; 
    604    } 
    606    /*! 
    607    This function makes a synchronisation of the disk copy of a netCDF dataset. 
    608    \param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) 
    609    \return Status code 
    610    */ 
    611    int CNetCdfInterface::sync(int ncid) 
    612    { 
    613      int status = nc_sync(ncid); 
    614      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    615      { 
    616        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    617        StdStringStream sstr; 
    619        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_sync(ncid)" << std::endl; 
    620        sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    621        sstr << "Unable to make a synchronization of a netCDF file with id : " << ncid << std::endl; 
    622        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    623        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    624      } 
    626      return status; 
    627    } 
    629    /*! 
    630    This function makes a request to netcdf with its id, to add or change a variable attribute or gloabl attribute, 
    631    given its name, type, number of values provided for attribute 
    632    \param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) 
    633    \param [in] varId Id of the variable 
    634    \param [in] attrName Name of the attribute 
    635    \param [in] xtypes One of the set of predefined netCDF data types 
    636    \param [in] numVal Number of values 
    637    \param [in] op Array of values provided for attribute 
    638    \return Status code 
    639    */ 
    640    int CNetCdfInterface::putAtt(int ncid, int varId, const StdString& attrName, nc_type xtype, 
    641                                 StdSize numVal, const void* op) 
    642    { 
    643      int status = nc_put_att(ncid, varId, (attrName.c_str()), xtype, numVal, op); 
    644      if (NC_NOERR != status) 
    645      { 
    646        StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
    647        StdStringStream sstr; 
    649        sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_put_att(ncid, varId, (attrName.c_str()), xtype, numVal, op)" << std::endl; 
    650        sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
    651        sstr << "Unable to set attribute " << attrName << " for a variable with id : " << varId 
    652             << " with number of attribute  " << numVal 
    653             << " with type " << xtype << std::endl; 
    654        StdString e = sstr.str(); 
    655        throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    656      } 
    658      return status; 
    659    } 
    661    // Some specilization of putAttributeType 
    662   template<> 
    663   int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
    664                                    StdSize numVal, const double* op) 
    665   { 
    666     return (nc_put_att_double(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_DOUBLE, numVal, op)); 
    667   } 
    669   template<> 
    670   int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
    671                                      StdSize numVal, const float* op) 
    672   { 
    673     return (nc_put_att_float(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_FLOAT, numVal, op)); 
    674   } 
    676   template<> 
    677   int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
    678                                      StdSize numVal, const int* op) 
    679   { 
    680     return (nc_put_att_int(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_INT, numVal, op)); 
    681   } 
    683   template<> 
    684   int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
    685                                      StdSize numVal, const long* op) 
    686   { 
    687     return (nc_put_att_long(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_LONG, numVal, op)); 
    688   } 
    690   template<> 
    691   int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
    692                                      StdSize numVal, const short* op) 
    693   { 
    694     return (nc_put_att_short(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_SHORT, numVal, op)); 
    695   } 
    698   // Some specilization of putVariableType 
    699   template<> 
    700   int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const double* op) 
    701   { 
    702     return (nc_put_vara_double(ncid, varid, start, count, op)); 
    703   } 
    705   template<> 
    706   int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const float* op) 
    707   { 
    708     return (nc_put_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, op)); 
    709   } 
    711   template<> 
    712   int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const int* op) 
    713   { 
    714     return (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, varid, start, count, op)); 
    715   } 
    717    /*! 
    718    This function verifies an existence of a variable by using its name. 
    719    Be careful, althoug false means variable doens't exist, it could show that netCDF file doesn't either 
    720    \param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) 
    721    \param [in] attrName Name of the variable 
    722    \return Existence of variable 
    723    */ 
    724   bool CNetCdfInterface::isVarExisted(int ncId, const StdString& varName) 
    725   { 
    726      int varId = 0; 
    727      return (NC_NOERR == (nc_inq_varid(ncId, varName.c_str(), &varId))); 
    728   } 
    730   StdString CNetCdfInterface::openMode2String(int oMode) 
    731   { 
    732     StdString modeMes; 
    733     switch (oMode) 
    734     { 
    735     case NC_NOWRITE: 
    736       modeMes = StdString("NC_NOWRITE : Opening netCDF file with read-only access with buffering and caching access"); 
    737       break; 
    738     case NC_SHARE: 
    739       modeMes = StdString("NC_SHARE : Several processes can read the file concurrently"); 
    740       break; 
    741     case NC_WRITE: 
    742       modeMes = StdString("NC_WRITE : NetCDF file is readable and writable"); 
    743       break; 
    744     default: 
    745       modeMes = StdString("In the composed opening mode"); 
    746       break; 
    747     return modeMes; 
    748     } 
    749   } 
    751   StdString CNetCdfInterface::creationMode2String(int cMode) 
    752   { 
    753     StdString modeMes; 
    754     switch (cMode) 
    755     { 
    756     case NC_NOCLOBBER: 
    757       modeMes = StdString("NC_NOCLOBBER : Not overwrite an exisiting netCDF file "); 
    758       break; 
    759     case NC_SHARE: 
    760       modeMes = StdString("NC_SHARE : Several processes can read from and write into the file concurrently"); 
    761       break; 
    762     case NC_64BIT_OFFSET: 
    763       modeMes = StdString("NC_64BIT_OFFSET : NetCDF file is 64-bit offset"); 
    764       break; 
    765     case NC_NETCDF4: 
    766       modeMes = StdString("NC_NETCDF4 : NetCDF file is HDF5/NetCDF-4"); 
    767       break; 
    768     case NC_CLASSIC_MODEL: 
    769       modeMes = StdString("NC_CLASSIC_MODEL : NetCDF file is classical model"); 
    770       break; 
    771     default: 
    772       modeMes = StdString("In the composed creation mode"); 
    773       break; 
    774     return modeMes; 
    775     } 
    776   } 
     10#include "netCdfInterface.hpp" 
     11#include "netCdfException.hpp" 
     13namespace xios 
     16This function creates a new netcdf file and return its id 
     17\param [in] fileName Name of the file 
     18\param [in] cMode create mode 
     19\param [in/out] ncId id of the created file 
     20\return Status code 
     22int CNetCdfInterface::create(const StdString& fileName, int cMode, int& ncId) 
     24  int status = nc_create((fileName.c_str()), cMode, &ncId); 
     25  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     26  { 
     27    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     28    StdStringStream sstr; 
     29    sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_create((fileName.c_str()), cMode, &ncId) " << std::endl 
     30         << errormsg << std::endl 
     31         << "Unable to create file, given its name : " << fileName 
     32         << "and its creation mode " << creationMode2String(cMode) << std::endl; 
     33    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     34    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     35  } 
     37  return status; 
     41This function creates a new netcdf file on parallel file system 
     42\param [in] fileName Name of the file 
     43\param [in] cMode create mode 
     44\param [in] comm MPI communicator 
     45\param [in] info MPI information 
     46\param [in/out] ncId id of the created file 
     47\return Status code 
     49int CNetCdfInterface::createPar(const StdString& fileName, int cMode, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int& ncId) 
     51  int status = xios::nc_create_par((fileName.c_str()), cMode, comm, info, &ncId); 
     52  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     53  { 
     54    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     55    StdStringStream sstr; 
     56    sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_create_par((fileName.c_str()), cMode, comm, info, &ncId) " << std::endl 
     57         << errormsg << std::endl 
     58         << "Unable to create file on parallel filesys, given its name : " << std::endl 
     59         << "and its creation mode " << creationMode2String(cMode) << std::endl; 
     60    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     61    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     62  } 
     64  return status; 
     68This function opens a netcdf file, given its name and open mode, return its id 
     69\param [in] fileName Name of the file 
     70\param [in] oMode open mode 
     71\param [in/out] ncId id of the opening file 
     72\return Status code 
     74int CNetCdfInterface::open(const StdString& fileName, int oMode, int& ncId) 
     76  int status = nc_open((fileName.c_str()), oMode, &ncId); 
     77  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     78  { 
     79    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     80    StdStringStream sstr; 
     81    sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_open((fileName.c_str()), oMode, &ncId) "<< std::endl 
     82         << errormsg << std::endl 
     83         << "Unable to open file, given its name : " << fileName 
     84         << "and its open mode " << openMode2String(oMode) << std::endl; 
     85    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     86    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     87  } 
     89  return status; 
     94This function opens a new netcdf file on parallel file system 
     95\param [in] fileName Name of the file 
     96\param [in] oMode open mode 
     97\param [in] comm MPI communicator 
     98\param [in] info MPI information 
     99\param [in/out] ncId id of the opened file 
     100\return Status code 
     102int CNetCdfInterface::openPar(const StdString& fileName, int oMode, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int& ncId) 
     104  int status = xios::nc_open_par((fileName.c_str()), oMode, comm, info, &ncId); 
     105  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     106  { 
     107    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     108    StdStringStream sstr; 
     109    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_open_par((fileName.c_str()), oMode, comm, info, &ncId) " << std::endl 
     110         << errormsg << std::endl 
     111         << "Unable to open file on parallel filesys, given its name : " << fileName 
     112         << "and its open mode " << openMode2String(oMode) << std::endl; 
     113    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     114    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     115  } 
     117  return status; 
     121This function closes a netcdf file, given its id 
     122\param [in] ncId id of the opening netcdf file 
     123\return Status code 
     125int CNetCdfInterface::close(int ncId) 
     127  int status = nc_close(ncId); 
     128  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     129  { 
     130    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     131    StdStringStream sstr; 
     132    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_close(ncId)" << std::endl 
     133         << errormsg << std::endl 
     134         << "Unable to close file, given its id : " << ncId << std::endl; 
     135    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     136    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     137  } 
     139  return status; 
     143This function put a netcdf file into define mode, given its id 
     144\param [in] ncId id of the opening netcdf file to be put into define mode 
     145\return Status code 
     147int CNetCdfInterface::reDef(int ncId) 
     149  int status = nc_redef(ncId); 
     150  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     151  { 
     152    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     153    StdStringStream sstr; 
     154    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_redef(ncId)" << std::endl 
     155      << errormsg << std::endl 
     156      << "Unable to put this file into define mode given its id : " << ncId << std::endl; 
     157    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     158    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     159  } 
     161  return status; 
     165This function ends a netcdf file define mode, given its id 
     166\param [in] ncId id of the opening netcdf file to be put into define mode 
     167\return Status code 
     169int CNetCdfInterface::endDef(int ncId) 
     171  int status = nc_enddef(ncId); 
     172  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     173  { 
     174    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     175    StdStringStream sstr; 
     177    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_enddef(ncId)" << std::endl 
     178         << errormsg << std::endl 
     179         << "Unable to end define mode of this file, given its id : " << ncId << std::endl; 
     180    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     181    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     182  } 
     184  return status; 
     188This function makes a request to netcdf with ncid and group name then return ncid of the named group 
     189\param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
     190\param [in] grpName Name of the desired group (or file) 
     191\param [in/out] grpId Group id if the group is found 
     192\return Status code 
     194int CNetCdfInterface::inqNcId(int ncid, const StdString& grpName, int& grpId) 
     196  int status = nc_inq_ncid(ncid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId); 
     197  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     198  { 
     199    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     200    StdStringStream sstr; 
     202    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_ncid(ncid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId)" << std::endl 
     203         << errormsg << std::endl 
     204         << "Unable to get id of a group (File), given its name : " << grpName << std::endl; 
     205    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     206    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     207  } 
     209  return status; 
     214This function makes a request to netcdf with ncid and variable name then return ncid of the named variable 
     215\param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
     216\param [in] varName Name of the desired variable 
     217\param [in/out] varId Variable id if this variable is found 
     218\return Status code 
     220int CNetCdfInterface::inqVarId(int ncid,const StdString& varName, int& varId) 
     222  int status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, (varName.c_str()), &varId); 
     223  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     224  { 
     225    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     226    StdStringStream sstr; 
     228    sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_inq_varid(ncid, (varName.c_str()), &varId)" << std::endl 
     229         << (errormsg) << std::endl 
     230         << "Unable to get id of variable with name : " << varName << std::endl; 
     231    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     232    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     233  } 
     235  return status; 
     239This function makes a request to netcdf with a netCdf dimension name then return ncid of the named dimension 
     240\param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
     241\param [in] dimName Name of the desired dimension 
     242\param [in/out] dimId Dimension id if this dimension is found 
     243\return Status code 
     245int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimId(int ncid,const StdString& dimName, int& dimId) 
     247  int status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), &dimId); 
     248  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     249  { 
     250    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     251    StdStringStream sstr; 
     253    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimid(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), &dimId)" << std::endl 
     254         << errormsg << std::endl 
     255         << "Unable to get id of dimension, given its name : " << dimName << std::endl; 
     256    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     257    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     258  } 
     260  return status; 
     264This function makes a request to netcdf with a netCdf dimension name then return ncid of the named dimension 
     265\param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
     266\param [in/out] dimId Dimension id if this dimension is found 
     267\return Status code 
     269int CNetCdfInterface::inqUnLimDim(int ncid, int& dimId) 
     271  int status = nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid, &dimId); 
     272  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     273  { 
     274    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     275    StdStringStream sstr; 
     277    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimid" << std::endl 
     278      << errormsg << std::endl 
     279      << "Unable to get id of unlimited dimension " << std::endl; 
     280    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     281    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
    778282 } 
     284  return status; 
     288This function makes a request to netcdf, returns name of a dimension, given its id 
     289\param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
     290\param [in] dimId Id of desired dimension 
     291\param [in/out] dimName Name of desired dimension 
     292\return Status code 
     294int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimName(int ncid, int dimId, StdString& dimName) 
     296  char fullNameIn[NC_MAX_NAME +1]; 
     297  int status = nc_inq_dimname(ncid, dimId, fullNameIn); 
     298  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     299  { 
     300    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     301    StdStringStream sstr; 
     303    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimname(ncid, dimId, fullNameIn)" << std::endl 
     304         << errormsg << std::endl 
     305         << "Unable to get dimension name from its id : " << dimId << std::endl; 
     306    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     307    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     308  } 
     309  dimName = StdString(fullNameIn); 
     310  return status; 
     314This function makes a request to netcdf, returns length of a dimension, given its id 
     315\param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
     316\param [in] dimId Id of desired dimension 
     317\param [in/out] dimLen Length of desired dimension 
     318\return Status code 
     320int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimLen(int ncid, int dimId, StdSize& dimLen) 
     322  int status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimId, &dimLen); 
     323  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     324  { 
     325    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     326    StdStringStream sstr; 
     328    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimId, &dimLen)" << std::endl 
     329         << errormsg << std::endl 
     330         << "Unable to get dimension length from its id: " << dimId << std::endl; 
     331    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     332    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     333  } 
     335  return status; 
     339This function makes a request to netcdf, returns number of dimensions of a variable, given its id 
     340\param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
     341\param [in] varId Id of variable 
     342\param [in/out] ndims number of dimension of the variable 
     343\return Status code 
     345int CNetCdfInterface::inqVarNDims(int ncid, int varId, int& nDims) 
     347  int status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varId, &nDims); 
     348  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     349  { 
     350    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     351    StdStringStream sstr; 
     353    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varId, &nDims)" << std::endl 
     354         << errormsg << std::endl 
     355         << "Unable to get the number of dimension of variable with Id : " << varId << std::endl; 
     356    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     357    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     358  } 
     360  return status; 
     364This function makes a request to netcdf, returns a list of dimension ID describing the shape of the variable, given its id 
     365\param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
     366\param [in] varId Id of variable 
     367\param [in/out] dimIds list of dimension of the variable 
     368\return Status code 
     370int CNetCdfInterface::inqVarDimId(int ncid, int varId, int* dimIds) 
     372  int status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varId, dimIds); 
     373  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     374  { 
     375    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     376    StdStringStream sstr; 
     378    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varId, dimIds)" << std::endl 
     379         << errormsg << std::endl 
     380         << "Unable to get list of dimension id of the variable with id " << varId << std::endl; 
     381    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     382    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     383  } 
     385  return status; 
     389This function makes a request to netcdf, to find all dimension in a group 
     390\param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) 
     391\param [in/out] nDims number of list of dimension 
     392\param [in/out] dimIds list of dimension in a group or any of its parent 
     393\param [in] includeParents number of parents 
     394\return Status code 
     396int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimIds(int ncid, int& nDims, int* dimIds, int includeParents) 
     398  int status = nc_inq_dimids(ncid, &nDims, dimIds, includeParents); 
     399  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     400  { 
     401    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     402    StdStringStream sstr; 
     404    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimids(ncid, &nDims, dimIds, includeParents)" << std::endl; 
     405    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     406    sstr << "Unable to retrieve number of dimension in the group with id : " << ncid << std::endl; 
     407    sstr << "With number of Parents " << includeParents << std::endl; 
     408    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     409    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     410  } 
     412  return status; 
     416This function makes a request to netcdf with a id of a prent groupd and then return id of the created group, given its name 
     417\param [in] parentNcid Id of parent groupd(or File Id) 
     418\param [in] grpName Name of the desired group 
     419\param [in/out] grpId Group id if this group is created sucessfully 
     420\return Status code 
     422int CNetCdfInterface::defGrp(int parentNcid, const StdString& grpName, int& grpId) 
     424  int status = nc_def_grp(parentNcid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId); 
     425  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     426  { 
     427    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     428    StdStringStream sstr; 
     430    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_grp(parentNcid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId)" << std::endl; 
     431    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     432    sstr << "Unable to create group Id, given its name : " << grpName << std::endl; 
     433    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     434    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     435  } 
     437  return status; 
     441This function makes a request to netcdf, add a new dimension to an open netcdf in define mode 
     442\param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) 
     443\param [in] dimName Name of the desired dimension 
     444\param [in/out] grpId Group id if this group is created sucessfully 
     445\return Status code 
     447int CNetCdfInterface::defDim(int ncid, const StdString& dimName, StdSize dimLen, int& dimId) 
     449  int status = nc_def_dim(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), dimLen, &dimId); 
     450  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     451  { 
     452    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     453    StdStringStream sstr; 
     455    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_dim(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), dimLen, &dimId)" << std::endl; 
     456    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     457    sstr << "Unable to create dimension with name : " << dimName 
     458         << " and with length " << dimLen << std::endl; 
     459    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     460    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     461  } 
     463  return status; 
     467This function makes a request to netcdf with its id, to add a new variable to an open netCdf in define mode, 
     468return a variable id, given its name, type, the number of dimensions and list of dimension id 
     469\param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) 
     470\param [in] varName Name of the desired dimension 
     471\param [in] xtypes One of the set of predefined netCDF data types 
     472\param [in] nDims Number of dimension for the variable 
     473\param [in] dimIds List of ndims dimension ids corresponding to the variable dimensions 
     474\param [in/out] varId Variable id if it is added sucessfully 
     475\return Status code 
     477int CNetCdfInterface::defVar(int ncid,const StdString& varName, nc_type xtype, 
     478                            int nDims, const int dimIds[], int& varId) 
     480  int status = nc_def_var(ncid, (varName.c_str()), xtype, nDims, dimIds, &varId); 
     481  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     482  { 
     483    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     484    StdStringStream sstr; 
     486    sstr << "Error in calling function " << " nc_def_var(ncid, (varName.c_str()), xtype, nDims, dimIds, &varId)" << std::endl; 
     487    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     488    sstr << "Unable to add a new variable with name : " << varName 
     489         << " with type " << xtype 
     490         << " and number of dimension " << nDims << std::endl; 
     491    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     492    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     493  } 
     495  return status; 
     499This function makes a request to netcdf with a ncid, to set the chunking size of a variable, 
     500given variable id and type of storage 
     501\param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) 
     502\param [in] varId Id of the variable 
     503\param [in] storage Type of storage (It can be : NC_CONTIGUOUS, NC_CHUNKED) 
     504\param [in/out] chunkSize array list of chunk sizes 
     505\return Status code 
     507int CNetCdfInterface::defVarChunking(int ncid, int varId, int storage, StdSize chunkSize[]) 
     509  int status = nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varId, storage, chunkSize); 
     510  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     511  { 
     512    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     513    StdStringStream sstr; 
     515    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varId, storage, chunkSize)" << std::endl; 
     516    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     517    sstr << "Unable to set chunk size of the variable with id : " << varId 
     518      << " and storage type " << storage << std::endl; 
     519    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     520    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     521  } 
     523  return status; 
     527Set or unset the fill mode for a NetCDF file specified by its file id. 
     528\param [in] ncid File id 
     529\param [in] fill Define whether the fill mode should be enabled or not 
     530\return Status code 
     532int CNetCdfInterface::setFill(int ncid, bool fill) 
     534  int old_fill_mode; 
     535  int status = nc_set_fill(ncid, fill ? NC_FILL : NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode); 
     536  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     537  { 
     538    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     539    StdStringStream sstr; 
     541    sstr << "Error when calling function nc_set_fill(ncid, fill ? NC_FILL : NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode)" << std::endl; 
     542    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     543    sstr << "Unable to set the fill mode to : " << (fill ? "NC_FILL" : "NC_NOFILL") << std::endl; 
     544    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     545    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     546  } 
     548  return status; 
     552This function makes a request to netcdf with a ncid, to set the fill parameters for a variable, 
     553given variable id and type of fill 
     554\param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) 
     555\param [in] varId Id of the variable 
     556\param [in] noFill turn on/off nofill mode on a variable 
     557\param [in/out] fillValue 
     558\return Status code 
     560int CNetCdfInterface::defVarFill(int ncid, int varId, int noFill, void* fillValue) 
     562  int status = nc_def_var_fill(ncid, varId, noFill, fillValue); 
     563  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     564  { 
     565    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     566    StdStringStream sstr; 
     568    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_var_fill(ncid, varId, noFill, fillValue)" << std::endl; 
     569    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     570    sstr << "Unable to set fill parameters of the variable with id : " << varId 
     571      << " and fill option " << noFill << std::endl; 
     572    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     573    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     574  } 
     576  return status; 
     580This function makes a request to netcdf with a ncid, to change the way read/write operations are performed 
     581collectively or independently on the variable. 
     582\param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) 
     583\param [in] varId Id of the variable 
     584\param [in] noFill turn on/off nofill mode on a variable 
     585\param [in/out] fillValue 
     586\return Status code 
     588int CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(int ncid, int varId, int access) 
     590  int status = nc_var_par_access(ncid, varId, access); 
     591  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     592  { 
     593    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     594    StdStringStream sstr; 
     596    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_var_par_access(ncid, varId, access)" << std::endl; 
     597    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     598    sstr << "Unable to change read/write option of the variable with id : " << varId << std::endl; 
     599    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     600    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     601  } 
     603  return status; 
     607This function makes a synchronisation of the disk copy of a netCDF dataset. 
     608\param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) 
     609\return Status code 
     611int CNetCdfInterface::sync(int ncid) 
     613  int status = nc_sync(ncid); 
     614  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     615  { 
     616    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     617    StdStringStream sstr; 
     619    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_sync(ncid)" << std::endl; 
     620    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     621    sstr << "Unable to make a synchronization of a netCDF file with id : " << ncid << std::endl; 
     622    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     623    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     624  } 
     626  return status; 
     630This function makes a request to netcdf with its id, to add or change a variable attribute or gloabl attribute, 
     631given its name, type, number of values provided for attribute 
     632\param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) 
     633\param [in] varId Id of the variable 
     634\param [in] attrName Name of the attribute 
     635\param [in] xtypes One of the set of predefined netCDF data types 
     636\param [in] numVal Number of values 
     637\param [in] op Array of values provided for attribute 
     638\return Status code 
     640int CNetCdfInterface::putAtt(int ncid, int varId, const StdString& attrName, nc_type xtype, 
     641                            StdSize numVal, const void* op) 
     643  int status = nc_put_att(ncid, varId, (attrName.c_str()), xtype, numVal, op); 
     644  if (NC_NOERR != status) 
     645  { 
     646    StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); 
     647    StdStringStream sstr; 
     649    sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_put_att(ncid, varId, (attrName.c_str()), xtype, numVal, op)" << std::endl; 
     650    sstr << errormsg << std::endl; 
     651    sstr << "Unable to set attribute " << attrName << " for a variable with id : " << varId 
     652         << " with number of attribute  " << numVal 
     653         << " with type " << xtype << std::endl; 
     654    StdString e = sstr.str(); 
     655    throw CNetCdfException(e); 
     656  } 
     658  return status; 
     661 // Some specilization of putAttributeType 
     663int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
     664                                 StdSize numVal, const double* op) 
     666  return (nc_put_att_double(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_DOUBLE, numVal, op)); 
     670int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
     671                                   StdSize numVal, const float* op) 
     673  return (nc_put_att_float(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_FLOAT, numVal, op)); 
     677int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
     678                                   StdSize numVal, const int* op) 
     680  return (nc_put_att_int(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_INT, numVal, op)); 
     684int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
     685                                   StdSize numVal, const long* op) 
     687  return (nc_put_att_long(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_LONG, numVal, op)); 
     691int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, 
     692                                   StdSize numVal, const short* op) 
     694  return (nc_put_att_short(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_SHORT, numVal, op)); 
     698// Some specilization of putVariableType 
     700int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const double* op) 
     702  return (nc_put_vara_double(ncid, varid, start, count, op)); 
     706int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const float* op) 
     708  return (nc_put_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, op)); 
     712int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const int* op) 
     714  return (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, varid, start, count, op)); 
     717 /*! 
     718 This function verifies an existence of a variable by using its name. 
     719 Be careful, althoug false means variable doens't exist, it could show that netCDF file doesn't either 
     720 \param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) 
     721 \param [in] attrName Name of the variable 
     722 \return Existence of variable 
     723 */ 
     724bool CNetCdfInterface::isVarExisted(int ncId, const StdString& varName) 
     726   int varId = 0; 
     727   return (NC_NOERR == (nc_inq_varid(ncId, varName.c_str(), &varId))); 
     730StdString CNetCdfInterface::openMode2String(int oMode) 
     732  StdString modeMes; 
     733  switch (oMode) 
     734  { 
     735  case NC_NOWRITE: 
     736    modeMes = StdString("NC_NOWRITE : Opening netCDF file with read-only access with buffering and caching access"); 
     737    break; 
     738  case NC_SHARE: 
     739    modeMes = StdString("NC_SHARE : Several processes can read the file concurrently"); 
     740    break; 
     741  case NC_WRITE: 
     742    modeMes = StdString("NC_WRITE : NetCDF file is readable and writable"); 
     743    break; 
     744  default: 
     745    modeMes = StdString("In the composed opening mode"); 
     746    break; 
     747  return modeMes; 
     748  } 
     751StdString CNetCdfInterface::creationMode2String(int cMode) 
     753  StdString modeMes; 
     754  switch (cMode) 
     755  { 
     756  case NC_NOCLOBBER: 
     757    modeMes = StdString("NC_NOCLOBBER : Not overwrite an exisiting netCDF file "); 
     758    break; 
     759  case NC_SHARE: 
     760    modeMes = StdString("NC_SHARE : Several processes can read from and write into the file concurrently"); 
     761    break; 
     762  case NC_64BIT_OFFSET: 
     763    modeMes = StdString("NC_64BIT_OFFSET : NetCDF file is 64-bit offset"); 
     764    break; 
     765  case NC_NETCDF4: 
     766    modeMes = StdString("NC_NETCDF4 : NetCDF file is HDF5/NetCDF-4"); 
     767    break; 
     768  case NC_CLASSIC_MODEL: 
     769    modeMes = StdString("NC_CLASSIC_MODEL : NetCDF file is classical model"); 
     770    break; 
     771  default: 
     772    modeMes = StdString("In the composed creation mode"); 
     773    break; 
     774  return modeMes; 
     775  } 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/output/netCdfInterface.hpp

    r517 r525  
    1212#include "xmlioserver_spl.hpp" 
     14#if !defined(USING_NETCDF_PAR) 
     15#include "exception.hpp" 
    1318#include "mpi.hpp" 
    1419#include "netcdf.hpp" 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/output/netcdf.hpp

    r501 r525  
    2525#if !defined(USING_NETCDF_PAR) 
    26   #define NC_INDEPENDENT 0 
    27   #define NC_COLLECTIVE  1 
     26#define NC_INDEPENDENT 0 
     27#define NC_COLLECTIVE  1 
    4141  } 
    4343  inline int nc_open_par(const char *path, int mode, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info,int *ncidp) 
    44   {  
     44  { 
    4545#if defined(USING_NETCDF_PAR) 
    4646    return ::nc_open_par(path, mode, comm, info, ncidp) ; 
    5252  } 
    5454  inline int nc_var_par_access(int ncid, int varid, int par_access) 
    5555  { 
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