Changeset 2613 for XIOS3/trunk/src/node

03/08/24 17:05:40 (4 months ago)

Fix the attached mode for scalar output, and some bugs revealed by the adastra porting in debug mode

2 edited


  • XIOS3/trunk/src/node/axis.cpp

    r2606 r2613  
    310310     int sz(1); 
    311311     MPI_Comm_size( comm, &sz ); 
    312      size_t distributedHash = 0; 
     312     unsigned long long distributedHash = 0; 
    313313     if (sz!=1) // compute the connector only if the element is distributed 
    314314     { 
    324324       gridTransformConnector->transfer(this->value, distributedValue ); 
    326        size_t localHash = 0; 
    327        for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=globalIndex(iloc)*distributedValue(iloc); 
     326       unsigned long long localHash = 0; 
     327       for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=((unsigned long long)(abs(globalIndex(iloc)*distributedValue(iloc))))%LLONG_MAX; 
    328328       distributedHash = 0; 
    329        MPI_Allreduce( &localHash, &distributedHash, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_SUM, comm  ); 
     329       MPI_Allreduce( &localHash, &distributedHash, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG, MPI_SUM, comm  ); 
    330330     } 
    331331     else // if the element is not distributed, the local hash is valid 
    333333       int globalSize = this->n_glo.getValue(); 
    334334       int localSize = globalSize; 
    335        size_t localHash = 0; 
    336        for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=iloc*this->value(iloc); 
     335       unsigned long long localHash = 0; 
     336       for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=((unsigned long long)(abs(iloc*this->value(iloc))))%LLONG_MAX; 
    337337       distributedHash = localHash; 
    338338     } 
  • XIOS3/trunk/src/node/domain.cpp

    r2606 r2613  
    18091809     int sz(1); 
    18101810     MPI_Comm_size( comm, &sz ); 
    1811      size_t distributedHash = 0; 
     1811     unsigned long long distributedHash = 0; 
    18121812     if (sz!=1) // compute the connector only if the element is distributed 
    18131813     { 
    18261826       // Compute the distributed hash (v0) of the element 
    18271827       // it will be associated to the default element name (= map key), and to the name really written 
    1828        size_t localHash = 0; 
    1829        for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=globalIndex(iloc)*lon_distributedValue(iloc)*lat_distributedValue(iloc); 
     1828       unsigned long long localHash = 0; 
     1829       for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) 
     1830       { 
     1831         localHash+=((unsigned long long)(abs(globalIndex(iloc)*lon_distributedValue(iloc)*lat_distributedValue(iloc))))%LLONG_MAX; 
     1832       } 
    18301833       distributedHash = 0; 
    1831        MPI_Allreduce( &localHash, &distributedHash, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_SUM, comm  ); 
     1834       MPI_Allreduce( &localHash, &distributedHash, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG, MPI_SUM, comm  ); 
    18321835     } 
    18331836     else // if the element is not distributed, the local hash is valid 
    18351838       int globalSize = this->ni_glo.getValue()*this->nj_glo.getValue(); 
    18361839       int localSize = globalSize; 
    1837        size_t localHash = 0; 
    1838        for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=iloc*this->lonvalue(iloc)*this->latvalue(iloc); 
     1840       unsigned long long localHash = 0; 
     1841       for (int iloc=0; iloc<localSize ; iloc++ ) localHash+=((unsigned long long)(abs(iloc*this->lonvalue(iloc)*this->latvalue(iloc))))%LLONG_MAX; 
    18391842       distributedHash = localHash; 
    18401843     } 
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