module m_path ! ! XPATH-like API for XML Parsing ! Copyright Alberto Garcia , August 2003 ! use flib_sax private ! public :: get_node, mark_node, enable_debug, disable_debug private :: match, process_node, get_path private :: begin_element, end_element, pcdata_handler, empty_element private :: pause_parsing ! integer, private, save :: global_status integer, public, parameter :: END_OF_FILE = -1 integer, public, parameter :: END_OF_ANCESTOR_ELEMENT = -2 integer, public, parameter :: PCDATA_OVERFLOW = 7 logical, private, save :: debug_xpath = .false. logical, private, save :: debug_sax = .false. character(len=500), private, save :: path_required character(len=100), private, save :: target_path ! *** Hard limit logical, private, save :: in_target_element = .false. logical, private, save :: in_pcdata_level = .false. logical, private, save :: stop_parsing = .false. ! ! This global variable determines whether we stop after ! getting the initial element tag, or after digesting the full node. ! logical, private, save :: full_node = .true. logical, private, save :: relative_path = .false. logical, private, save :: looking_for_current_element logical, private, save :: attributes_requested type(dictionary_t), private, save, pointer :: attributes_recovered integer, parameter, private :: MAX_PCDATA_SIZE = 65536 logical, private, save :: pcdata_requested character(len=MAX_PCDATA_SIZE), private, & save :: pcdata_recovered !*** Hard integer, private, save :: len_pcdata integer, private, save :: max_len_pcdata type(xml_t), pointer, save, private :: xp CONTAINS !=========================================================== !---------------------------------------------------- ! Debugging control ! subroutine enable_debug(sax) logical, intent(in), optional :: sax debug_xpath = .true. debug_sax = .false. if (present(sax)) then debug_sax = sax endif end subroutine enable_debug subroutine disable_debug() debug_xpath = .false. end subroutine disable_debug !---------------------------------------------------- ! Main routines !--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine mark_node(fxml,path,att_name,att_value,attributes,status) ! ! Performs a search of a given element (by path, and/or presence of ! a given attribute and/or value of that attribute), returning optionally ! the element's attribute dictionary, and leaving the file handle fxml ! ready to process the rest of the element's contents (child elements ! and/or pcdata). ! ! Side effects: it sets "ancestor_path" to the element's path ! ! If the argument "path" is present and evaluates to a relative path (a ! string not beginning with "/"), the search is interrupted after the end ! of the "ancestor_element" set by a previous call to "mark_node". ! If not earlier, the search ends at the end of the file. ! ! The status argument, if present, will hold a return value, ! which will be: ! ! 0 on success, ! negative in case of end-of-file or end-of-ancestor-element, or ! positive in case of a malfunction ! type(xml_t), intent(inout), target :: fxml character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: path character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: att_name character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: att_value type(dictionary_t), intent(out), optional :: attributes integer, intent(out), optional :: status character(len=200) :: ancestor_path ! local variable full_node = .false. call process_node(fxml, & path,att_name,att_value, & attributes, & status=status) if (status == 0) then call xml_mark_path(fxml,ancestor_path) if (debug_xpath) print *, "Setting ancestor_path to: ", trim(ancestor_path) endif end subroutine mark_node !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_node(fxml,path,att_name,att_value,attributes,pcdata,status) ! ! Performs a search of a given element (by path, and/or presence of ! a given attribute and/or value of that attribute), returning optionally ! the element's attribute dictionary and any PCDATA characters contained ! in the element's scope (but not child elements). It leaves the file handle ! physically and logically positioned: ! ! after the end of the element's start tag if 'pcdata' is not present ! after the end of the element's end tag if 'pcdata' is present ! ! If the argument "path" is present and evaluates to a relative path (a ! string not beginning with "/"), the search is interrupted after the end ! of the "ancestor_element" set by a previous call to "mark_node". ! If not earlier, the search ends at the end of the file. ! ! The status argument, if present, will hold a return value, ! which will be: ! ! 0 on success, ! negative in case of end-of-file or end-of-ancestor-element, or ! positive in case of a malfunction (such as the overflow of the ! user's pcdata buffer). ! type(xml_t), intent(inout), target :: fxml character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: path character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: att_name character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: att_value type(dictionary_t), intent(out), optional :: attributes character(len=*), intent(out), optional, target :: pcdata integer, intent(out), optional :: status full_node = present(pcdata) call process_node(fxml, & path,att_name,att_value, & attributes,pcdata, & status=status) end subroutine get_node ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Workhorse routines follow !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine process_node(fxml,path,att_name,att_value, & attributes,pcdata,& status) type(xml_t), intent(inout), target :: fxml character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: path character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: att_name character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: att_value type(dictionary_t), intent(out), optional :: attributes character(len=*), intent(out), optional, target :: pcdata integer, intent(out), optional :: status logical :: path_present, att_name_present, att_value_present logical :: attributes_present character(len=3) :: any_path = "//*" character(len=200) :: local_path, ancestor_path ! *** Hard limit character(len=500) :: value ! *** Hard limit integer :: local_status type(dictionary_t) :: local_attributes global_status = 0 ! reset path_present = present(path) attributes_present = present(attributes) att_name_present = present(att_name) att_value_present = present(att_value) relative_path = .false. if (path_present) then if (debug_xpath) print *, "SEARCHING for: ", trim(path) if (path(1:1) /= "/") then ! ! Relative path search ! call xml_path(fxml,local_path) call xml_get_path_mark(fxml,ancestor_path) if (ancestor_path == "") then if (debug_xpath) print *, "Relative search with null ancestor..." endif relative_path = .true. if (debug_xpath) print *, "Relative search. ANCESTOR ELEMENT: ", & trim(ancestor_path) ! ! Convert to absolute path local_path = trim(local_path) // "/" // trim(path) if (debug_xpath) print *, "Converting ", trim(path), & " to absolute path: ", trim(local_path) else local_path = path endif else local_path = any_path endif looking_for_current_element = (path == ".") ! ! Use local_attributes, since it is in principle possible that ! the user does not need to get back the attribute list. ! do ! Loop until we satisfy the constraints if (debug_xpath) print *, "--> Calling get_path ..." call get_path(fxml,local_path,local_attributes,pcdata,local_status) if (debug_xpath) print *, "-->Status after get_path: ", local_status if (local_status /= 0) EXIT if (debug_xpath) print *, "FOUND path matching: ", trim(local_path) if (att_name_present) then if (debug_xpath) print *, "Checking ", trim(att_name), " among ", & number_of_entries(local_attributes), " entries:" if (debug_xpath) call print_dict(local_attributes) if (has_key(local_attributes,att_name)) then if (att_value_present) then call get_value(local_attributes,att_name,value,local_status) if (local_status /= 0) then if (debug_xpath) print *, "Failed to get value of att: ", & trim(att_name) EXIT endif if (att_value == value) then local_status = 0 if (debug_xpath) print *, "Got correct att name and value " EXIT else if (debug_xpath) print *, "att value: ", trim(value), & " does not match" cycle ! We keep searching endif else ! Found att_name, and no value required local_status = 0 if (debug_xpath) print *, "Got correct att name" EXIT endif else ! Did not find that attribute name if (debug_xpath) print *, "Att name not present" cycle ! keep searching endif else ! Found path, and no att info required local_status = 0 if (debug_xpath) print *, "Found correct path. No other reqs." EXIT endif enddo if (present(status)) then status = local_status if (debug_xpath) print *, "--Returning status: ", status endif if (attributes_present) then attributes = local_attributes endif end subroutine process_node !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_path(fxml,path,attributes,pcdata,status) type(xml_t), intent(inout), target :: fxml character(len=*), intent(in) :: path type(dictionary_t), intent(out), optional, target :: attributes character(len=*), intent(out), optional, target :: pcdata integer, intent(out), optional :: status logical :: status_present xp => fxml path_required = path status_present = present(status) pcdata_requested = (present(pcdata)) attributes_requested = (present(attributes)) if (attributes_requested) then call reset_dict(attributes) attributes_recovered => attributes endif if (pcdata_requested) then ! ! Make sure we do not overstep the bounds of the supplied argument ! max_len_pcdata = min(len(pcdata),MAX_PCDATA_SIZE) len_pcdata = 0 pcdata_recovered(1:max_len_pcdata) = "" if (debug_xpath) print *, "Max length of pcdata store: ", max_len_pcdata endif if (looking_for_current_element) then if (debug_xpath) print *, "Returning info about current element" ! We are now in the desired element, and we have the name and ! attribute list saved in xp. ! if (attributes_requested) call xml_attributes(xp,attributes_recovered) ! if (pcdata_requested) then ! ! Set things up so that we can get the pcdata ! call xml_path(xp,target_path) in_target_element = .true. in_pcdata_level = .true. else if (status_present) status = 0 RETURN ! We are done endif else target_path = "" in_target_element = .false. in_pcdata_level = .false. endif stop_parsing = .false. call xml_parse(fxml, & begin_element_handler = begin_element , & end_element_handler = end_element, & pcdata_chunk_handler = pcdata_handler, & verbose = debug_sax, signal_handler=pause_parsing, & empty_element_handler = empty_element) if (eof_xmlfile(fxml)) then global_status = END_OF_FILE if (debug_xpath) print *, "Found end of file" if (pcdata_requested) pcdata = "" else if (global_status == END_OF_ANCESTOR_ELEMENT) then if (debug_xpath) print *, "Found end of ancestor element" if (pcdata_requested) pcdata = "" else if (debug_xpath) print *, "Parser found candidate element" if (pcdata_requested) then pcdata = pcdata_recovered(1:len_pcdata) if (debug_xpath) print *, "PCDATA recovered: ", pcdata_recovered(1:len_pcdata) endif endif if (global_status > 0) then if (debug_xpath) print *, "Something went slightly wrong. Status > 0" endif ! if (present(status)) status = global_status end subroutine get_path !================================================================== subroutine begin_element(name,attributes) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes character(len=1000) :: path ! *** Hard limit call xml_path(xp,path) if (debug_xpath) print *, " begin_element ::: PATH: " , trim(path) if (debug_xpath) print *, "path: ", trim(path), " req: ", trim(path_required) if (match(path,path_required)) then if (debug_xpath) print *, " Match path: " , trim(path) in_target_element = .true. target_path = path in_pcdata_level = .true. if (debug_xpath) print *, "In element name: " , name if (attributes_requested) attributes_recovered = attributes ! stop parsing if (debug_xpath) print *, "full_node: ", full_node if (.not. full_node) then if (debug_xpath) print *, "Stopping parsing after initial tag" stop_parsing = .true. endif else ! ! If we are at the pcdata level and we enter another element, ! we must not read pcdata ! if (in_pcdata_level) in_pcdata_level = .false. endif end subroutine begin_element !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine end_element(name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=300) :: path ! *** Hard limit character(len=300) :: left_path ! *** Hard limit character(len=300) :: ancestor_path ! *** Hard limit ! call xml_path(xp,path) ! path *after* leaving element left_path = trim(path) // "/" // trim(name) if (in_target_element) then if (path == target_path) then ! ! We are back to pcdata level after visiting child elements ! in_pcdata_level = .true. else if (left_path == target_path) then ! We stop the parsing at the end of the element ! if (debug_xpath) print *, "Exiting target element: ", trim(target_path) in_target_element = .false. in_pcdata_level = .false. if (debug_xpath) print *, "Stopping parsing after end of target element" stop_parsing = .true. endif else if (relative_path) then ! ! Check in case we go out of ancestor element ! call xml_get_path_mark(xp,ancestor_path) if (match(left_path,ancestor_path)) then ! ! We are leaving the ancestor element ! if (debug_xpath) print *, "Relative search. End of element: ", name if (debug_xpath) print *, "Leaving Path: ", trim(left_path) if (debug_xpath) print *, "Ancestor Path: ", trim(ancestor_path) if (debug_xpath) print *, "Stopping parsing after end of ancestor element" stop_parsing = .true. global_status = END_OF_ANCESTOR_ELEMENT endif endif end subroutine end_element !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine empty_element(name,attributes) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes character(len=300) :: path ! *** Hard limit call xml_path(xp,path) if (debug_xpath) print *, " empty_element ::: PATH: " , trim(path) if (debug_xpath) print *, "path: ", trim(path), " req: ", trim(path_required) if (match(path,path_required)) then if (debug_xpath) print *, " Match path: " , trim(path) if (debug_xpath) print *, "In (empty) element name: " , name if (attributes_requested) attributes_recovered = attributes ! stop parsing stop_parsing = .true. if (debug_xpath) print *, "Stopping parsing after empty tag" if (debug_xpath) print *, "full_node: ", full_node if (full_node) then if (debug_xpath) print *, "*Warning: full_node requested, empty tag found" endif endif ! ! There is no logic for ancestor element handling, as by definition ! an emtpy element cannot have children. ! end subroutine empty_element !----------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pcdata_handler(chunk) character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk integer :: len_chunk if (in_pcdata_level) then ! ! Build pcdata_recovered chunk by chunk, until it overflows ! if (pcdata_requested) then if (debug_xpath) print *, "Found chunk of pcdata: ", chunk len_chunk = len(chunk) if ((len_pcdata + len_chunk) > max_len_pcdata) then ! if (debug_xpath) print *, "***Pcdata Overflow " global_status = PCDATA_OVERFLOW stop_parsing = .true. return endif pcdata_recovered(len_pcdata+1:len_pcdata+len_chunk) = chunk len_pcdata = len_pcdata + len_chunk endif endif end subroutine pcdata_handler !-------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine pause_parsing(res) logical, intent(out) :: res res = stop_parsing end subroutine pause_parsing !-------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive function match(p,ptarget) result(res_match) character(len=*), intent(in) :: p character(len=*), intent(in) :: ptarget logical :: res_match ! ! Checks whether a given XML path matches the target path ptarget ! Only absolute paths are considered. ! ! Examples of target paths: ! ! /pseudo/vps/radfunc [1] ! //radfunc/data ! //data ! //*/vps/data ! //job//data ! //* ! integer :: len_target, len_path, pos_target, pos_path character(len=100) :: anchor_leaf ! *** Hard limit res_match = .false. if (trim(p) == trim(ptarget)) then res_match = .true. return else if (ptarget == "/") then ! We process // in the middle below res_match = .true. return else ! We get the extreme elements len_target = len_trim(ptarget) len_path = len_trim(p) pos_target = index(ptarget,"/",back=.true.) pos_path = index(p,"/",back=.true.) if (pos_target == len_target) then ! // in the middle... ! Get leaf further up search_anchor : do pos_target = index(ptarget(1:len_target-1),"/",back=.true.) if (pos_target == 1) then ! Target begins by /.// res_match = .true. return endif anchor_leaf = ptarget(pos_target:len_target-1) if (anchor_leaf == "/.") then ! keep searching len_target = pos_target cycle search_anchor else exit search_anchor endif enddo search_anchor ! Note that the anchor includes the leading / ! Now we search for that anchor in the candidate path ! pos_path = index(p(1:len_path),trim(anchor_leaf),back=.true.) if (pos_path /= 0) then ! Found anchor. Continue further up. ! res_match = match(p(1:pos_path-1),ptarget(1:pos_target-1)) endif else if (ptarget(pos_target+1:len_target) == ".") then ! A dot is a dummy. Continue further up in target path. ! res_match = match(p(1:len_path),ptarget(1:pos_target-1)) else if (ptarget(pos_target+1:len_target) == "*") then if (len_path == pos_path) then RETURN ! empty path element endif ! A star matches any non-empty leaf. Continue further up. ! res_match = match(p(1:pos_path-1),ptarget(1:pos_target-1)) else if (p(pos_path+1:len_path) == & ptarget(pos_target+1:len_target)) then ! Leafs are equal. Continue further up. ! res_match = match(p(1:pos_path-1),ptarget(1:pos_target-1)) endif endif end function match end module m_path