import glob import sys import subprocess import os import json import itertools import copy import netCDF4 from netCDF4 import Dataset import numpy as np mode=os.getenv("mode") arch=os.getenv("arch") enable_mem_track=os.getenv("enable_mem_track") svnr=os.getenv("svnR") ref_location=os.getenv("ref_location") ref_file=os.getenv("ref_file") def OSinfo(runthis): red = lambda text: '\033[0;31m' + text + '\033[0m' osstdout = subprocess.Popen(runthis, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) theInfo, theErr = osstdout.communicate() #print(theInfo) if theErr: print(red(runthis+" FAILED")) print(theErr) sys.exit() #def OSinfo(runthis): # red = lambda text: '\033[0;31m' + text + '\033[0m' # osstdout = subprocess.Popen(runthis, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) # theInfo = osstdout.communicate()[0].strip() # if osstdout.returncode!=0: # print(red(runthis+" FAILED")) # print(theInfo) # sys.exit() def nonblank_lines(f): for l in f: line = l.rstrip() if line and not line.startswith("#"): yield line def extract_bytes( filename ): print( filename ) fmem = open(filename, 'r') bytes_tot = 0 for line in fmem: if not line.startswith("***"): continue bytes_line = line.replace("\n", "") print( bytes_line.split() ) bytes_str = bytes_line.split()[2] if (bytes_str.isdigit() ): bytes_tot += int( bytes_str ) fmem.close() return bytes_tot def main(): ref_list = glob.glob(ref_location+"/*") for i in range(len(ref_list)): tmp = ref_list[i].split("/") rev = tmp[len(tmp)-1] ref_list[i] = int(rev) ref_list.sort(reverse=True) #ref_list in descending order ref_rev = "" for ref in ref_list: if int(svnr) >= ref : ref_rev = str(ref) print("corresponding reference = ", ref) break if not ref_rev: print("no available reference found ... exit") return OSinfo("cp "+ref_location+"/"+ref_rev+"/"+ref_file+" ./") OSinfo("tar -zxvf "+ref_location+"/"+ref_rev+"/"+ref_file) OSinfo("rm -f "+ref_file) test_folder_list = glob.glob('test_*') for test_folder in test_folder_list: report_filename="" # check if test concerns xios features (NetCDF), or memory consumption (mem files) files_list="" flist = open(test_folder+"/checkfile.def", 'r') files_list = flist.close() if ( enable_mem_track==None ) and ( not('.mem' in files_list) ) : report_filename = "report_"+svnr+"_"+arch+"_"+mode+".txt" elif ( enable_mem_track=='--memtrack full' ) and ( '.mem' in files_list ) : #report_filename = "report_"+svnr+"_"+arch+"_"+mode+"_memtrack.txt" # -> use same report that for feature test report_filename = "report_"+svnr+"_"+arch+"_"+mode+".txt" else : continue config_list = glob.glob(test_folder+"/CONFIG_*") with open(test_folder+"/checkfile.def", "r") as fh: checkfiles = list(nonblank_lines(fh)) with open(report_filename, "a") as report: for config in config_list: folder_name = list(config.split("/"))[0] config_name = list(config.split("/"))[1] for checkfile in checkfiles: if os.path.exists(config+"/"+checkfile) and os.path.exists("reference/ref_"+config+"/"+checkfile): if ( enable_mem_track==None ) and ( not('.mem' in files_list) ): # NetCDF #OSinfo("cdo -W diffn "+config+"/"+checkfile+" "+"reference/ref_"+config+"/"+checkfile+" 2>&1 |grep -v 'Found more than one time variable'|grep -v 'cdo diffn: Processed'|grep -v 'cdo diffn: Processed'|grep -v 'Time variable >time_counter< not found!' > diff_"+checkfile+".txt") #if os.stat("diff_"+checkfile+".txt").st_size==0: # if no diff -> set 0 # report.write(folder_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+"@"+checkfile+" "+str(1)+"\n") #else: # if cdo diffn returns diff -> set -1 # report.write(folder_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+"@"+checkfile+" "+str(-1)+"\n") ref = Dataset( "reference/ref_"+config+"/"+checkfile ) res = Dataset( config+"/"+checkfile ) validated = 1 np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') for var in res.variables: print("checkfile = ", checkfile, ", var = ", var) if (not (var.startswith('lon_'))) and (not (var.startswith('lat_'))) and (not (var.startswith('time_'))) and (not (var.startswith('atm__')) and (var!="lat") and (var!="lon") ) and \ (var!="axis") and (not (var.startswith('axis_')))and (not (var.startswith('domain_'))) and (not (var.startswith('default_pool_id__default_gatherer_id_0__atm__'))): ref_interp = ref.variables[var] ref_array = ref_interp[:] res_interp = res.variables[var] res_array = res_interp[:] if (res_array.shape == ref_array.shape): diff = np.zeros_like( ref_array ) np.divide(ref_array-res_array,ref_array,diff,where=(ref_array[:]>10**-15)) if ( np.max(np.abs(diff)) > 1*10**-9 ): validated = -1 diff = np.zeros_like( ref_array ) np.divide(ref_array-res_array,res_array,diff,where=(ref_array[:]>10**-15)) if ( np.max(np.abs(diff)) > 1*10**-9 ): validated = -1 else: validated = -1 report.write(folder_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+"@"+checkfile+" "+str(validated)+"\n") elif ( enable_mem_track=='--memtrack full' ) and ( '.mem' in files_list ) : # mem file validated = 1 ref_memory = extract_bytes( "reference/ref_"+config+"/"+checkfile ) res_memory = extract_bytes( config+"/"+checkfile ) if ( ref_memory == res_memory ) : validated = 1 else: validated = -1 report.write(folder_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+"@"+checkfile+" "+str(validated)+"\n") elif os.path.exists(config+"/"+checkfile): # if no ref file -> set 0 report.write(folder_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+"@"+checkfile+" "+str(0)+"\n") elif os.path.exists("reference/ref_"+config+"/"+checkfile): # if no output file -> set -2 report.write(folder_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+" "+folder_name+"@"+config_name+"@"+checkfile+" "+str(-2)+"\n") if __name__== "__main__": main()