#ifndef __XIOS_REGISTRY_HPP__ #define __XIOS_REGISTRY_HPP__ #include "base_type.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include "mpi.hpp" #include "message.hpp" // Those two headers can be replaced by the C++11 equivalent in the future namespace xios { /*! \class CRegistry This class is a registry database which store key with an associated value. Internally the value is stored as a memory bloc and the key is a string. The registry can be gathered and merge between MPI process, broadcast and read or wrote from a file */ class CRegistry : virtual public CBaseType { public: /** Constructor, the communicator is used for bcast or gather operation between MPI processes */ CRegistry(const MPI_Comm& comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD) : communicator(comm) {} /** Copy constructor */ CRegistry(const CRegistry& reg) ; /** insert a value associated to a key*/ void setKey(const std::string& key, const CBaseType& value) { this->setKey_(key,value); } /** insert a value associated to a key*/ template typename std::enable_if::value>::type setKey(const std::string& key, const T& value) { this->setKey_(key,CType(value)); } /** retrieve a value from a key */ void getKey(const std::string& key, CBaseType& value) const { this->getKey_(key,value); } /** retrieve a value from a key */ template typename std::enable_if::value>::type getKey(const std::string& key, T& value) const { CType_ref valRef(value); this->getKey_(key,valRef); } /** query for an already inserted key */ bool foundKey(const std::string& key) const ; /** The registry is wrote into a memory buffer */ bool toBuffer(CBufferOut& buffer) const ; /** The registry is read from a memory buffer */ bool fromBuffer(CBufferIn& buffer) ; /** The registry is wrote to the file given by "filename". If the registry is empty no file is wrote */ void toFile(const string& filename) ; /** The registry is read from the file given by "filename". If no file exist, the registry remain empty */ void fromFile(const string& filename) ; /** Merge the registry with an other. Existing keys in the current registry are not overwritten */ void mergeRegistry(const CRegistry& inRegistry) ; /** Broadcast registry from the root process (rank 0) to the other processes of the communicator */ void bcastRegistry(void) ; /** Gather registry to the root process (rank 0) from the other processes of the communicator */ void gatherRegistry(void) ; /** Gather registry with a hierarchical algorithm which avoid root process to get registries from whole processes of the communicator. Registry are merged two by two hierarchically. */ void hierarchicalGatherRegistry(void) ; /** Destructor */ ~CRegistry() { reset() ; } /** Unimplemented, do not use (need for CBaseType pure virtual class) */ void fromString(const string& str) ; /** Dump registry to a string (need for CBaseType pure virtual class)*/ string toString(void) const ; /** Clone the registry (need for CBaseType pure virtual class)*/ CRegistry* clone(void) const { return new CRegistry(*this); } /** return the size needed to bufferize the registry (need for CBaseType pure virtual class)*/ size_t size(void) const ; /** return true if the registry is empty (need for CBaseType pure virtual class)*/ bool isEmpty(void) const { return registry.empty(); } /** Clean the registry and delete associated memory (need for CBaseType pure virtual class)*/ void reset(void) ; /** Set the prefix added systematically to the keys, with "::" as separator*/ void setPath(const string& str) { path=str+"::" ; } private: /** insert a value associated to a key (internal use)*/ void setKey_(const std::string& key, const CBaseType& value) ; /** retrieve a value from a key (internal use)*/ void getKey_(const std::string& key, CBaseType& value) const ; /** use internally for recursivity */ void gatherRegistry(const MPI_Comm& comm) ; /** use internally for recursivity */ void hierarchicalGatherRegistry(const MPI_Comm& comm) ; /** Prefix added systematically to the keys, with "::" as separator*/ std::string path ; /** Map containing registry, the key is a string type and the value is stored in a pair with the size * of the memory bloc and the associated pointer*/ std::map > registry ; /** MPI communicator used for broadcast and gather operation */ MPI_Comm communicator ; } ; inline CMessage& operator<<(CMessage& msg, CRegistry& registry) { msg.push(registry) ; return msg ; } inline CMessage& operator<<(CMessage& msg, const CRegistry& registry) { msg.push(registry) ; return msg ; } } #endif