#include "variable.hpp" #include "attribute_template.hpp" #include "object_template.hpp" #include "group_template.hpp" #include "object_factory.hpp" #include "xios_spl.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "context_client.hpp" #include namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// /// CVariable::CVariable(void) : CObjectTemplate() , CVariableAttributes() , content() { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } CVariable::CVariable(const StdString & id) : CObjectTemplate(id) , CVariableAttributes() , content() { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } CVariable::~CVariable(void) { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } StdString CVariable::GetName(void) { return (StdString("variable")); } StdString CVariable::GetDefName(void){ return (CVariable::GetName()); } ENodeType CVariable::GetType(void) { return (eVariable); } void CVariable::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node) { SuperClass::parse(node); StdString id = (this->hasId()) ? this->getId() : StdString("undefined"); if (!node.getContent(this->content)) { xml::THashAttributes attributes = node.getAttributes(); StdString variableName = attributes["name"]; node.goToParentElement(); StdString parentName = node.getElementName(); attributes = node.getAttributes(); error << "The variable id = " << id << " and name = " << variableName << " does not have any content. Please define it!" << std::endl << "This variable is inside another element whose attributes are :" << std::endl; for (xml::THashAttributes::iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); ++it) { error << it->first << "=\"" << it->second.c_str() << "\" "; } error << std::endl; ERROR("CVariable::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node)", << "[ variable id = " << id << " ] variable is not defined !. It does not have any content. See error log for more details."); } content = boost::trim_copy(content) ; } const StdString& CVariable::getVariableOutputName(void) const { return name.isEmpty() ? getId() : name; } const StdString & CVariable::getContent (void) const { return (this->content); } void CVariable::setContent(const StdString& contentStr) { this->content = contentStr; } StdString CVariable::toString(void) const { StdOStringStream oss; oss << "<" << CVariable::GetName() << " "; if (this->hasId()) oss << " id=\"" << this->getId() << "\" "; oss << SuperClassAttribute::toString() << ">" << std::endl << this->content /*<< std::endl*/; oss << ""; return (oss.str()); } /* *\brief Sending value of a variable with its id from client to server * */ void CVariable::sendValue(CContextClient* client) { CEventClient event(this->getType(),EVENT_ID_VARIABLE_VALUE) ; if (client->isServerLeader()) { CMessage msg ; msg<getId() ; msg<& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) event.push(*itRank,1,msg); client->sendEvent(event) ; } else client->sendEvent(event) ; } /* *\brief Receive value of a variable with its id from client to server * */ void CVariable::recvValue(CEventServer& event) { CBufferIn* buffer=event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer>>id ; get(id)->recvValue(*buffer); } /* *\brief Receive value of a variable with its id from client to server * */ void CVariable::recvValue(CBufferIn& buffer) { string str ; buffer>>str; setContent(str); } bool CVariable::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event) { if (SuperClass::dispatchEvent(event)) return true ; else { switch(event.type) { case EVENT_ID_VARIABLE_VALUE : recvValue(event) ; return true ; break ; default : ERROR("bool CVariable::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event)",<<"Unknown Event") ; return false ; } } } /* void CVariable::toBinary(StdOStream & os) const { const StdString & content = this->content; const StdSize size = content.size(); SuperClass::toBinary(os); os.write (reinterpret_cast(&size), sizeof(StdSize)); os.write (content.data(), size * sizeof(char)); } void CVariable::fromBinary(StdIStream & is) { SuperClass::fromBinary(is); StdSize size = 0; is.read (reinterpret_cast(&size), sizeof(StdSize)); this->content.assign(size, ' '); is.read (const_cast(this->content.data()), size * sizeof(char)); } */ void CVariableGroup::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node, bool withAttr) { CVariableGroup* group_ptr = (this->hasId()) ? CVariableGroup::get(this->getId()) : CVariableGroup::get(this); StdString content; if (this->getId().compare(CVariableGroup::GetDefName()) != 0 && node.getContent(content)) { StdSize beginid = 0, endid = 0, begindata = 0, enddata = 0; StdString subdata, subid; while ((beginid = content.find_first_not_of ( " \r\n\t;", enddata)) != StdString::npos) { endid = content.find_first_of ( " \r\n\t=", beginid ); subid = content.substr ( beginid, endid-beginid); subid = boost::to_lower_copy(boost::trim_copy(subid)) ; begindata = content.find_first_of ( "=", endid ) + 1; enddata = content.find_first_of ( ";", begindata ); subdata = content.substr ( begindata, enddata-begindata); subdata = boost::trim_copy(subdata) ; group_ptr->createChild(subid)->content = subdata ; } } else { SuperClass::parse(node, withAttr); } //SuperClass::parse(node, withAttr); } } // namespace xios