#ifndef __FIELD_IMPL_HPP__ #define __FIELD_IMPL_HPP__ #include "xios_spl.hpp" #include "field.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "grid.hpp" #include "timer.hpp" #include "array_new.hpp" namespace xios { template void CField::setData(const CArray& _data) TRY { if (modelToClientSourceFilter_) { if (check_if_active.isEmpty() || (!check_if_active.isEmpty() && (!check_if_active) || isActive(true))) { if ( CXios::checkSumSend ) { const double* array = _data.dataFirst(); int numElements( _data.numElements() ); checkSumLike( array, numElements, true ); } modelToClientSourceFilter_->streamData(CContext::getCurrent()->getCalendar()->getCurrentDate(), _data); } } else if (instantDataFilter) ERROR("void CField::setData(const CArray& _data)", << "Impossible to receive data from the model for a field [ id = " << getId() << " ] with a reference or an arithmetic operation."); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR template void CField::getData(CArray& _data) const TRY { if (clientToModelStoreFilter_) { CDataPacket::StatusCode status = clientToModelStoreFilter_->getData(CContext::getCurrent()->getCalendar()->getCurrentDate(), _data); if ( CXios::checkSumRecv ) { const double* array = _data.dataFirst(); int numElements( _data.numElements() ); checkSumLike( array, numElements, false ); } if (status == CDataPacket::END_OF_STREAM) ERROR("void CField::getData(CArray& _data) const", << "Impossible to access field data, all the records of the field [ id = " << getId() << " ] have been already read."); } else { ERROR("void CField::getData(CArray& _data) const", << "Impossible to access field data, the field [ id = " << getId() << " ] does not have read access."); } } CATCH void CField::checkSumLike( const double* array, int numElements, bool output ) const { int rk = CContext::getCurrent()->getIntraCommRank(); int sz = CContext::getCurrent()->getIntraCommSize(); MPI_Comm comm = CContext::getCurrent()->getIntraComm(); double localSum( 0. ); double error( 0. ); unsigned long long checkSum( 0 ); for ( int i=0 ; i 0) if ( fabs(array[i]-default_value.getValue())/array[i] < 2e-16 ) contributes = false; } if (contributes) { double y = array[i] - error; double t = localSum + y; error = (t - localSum) - y; localSum = t; checkSum += *((unsigned long long*)(&array[i])); checkSum = checkSum%LLONG_MAX; } } double globalSum( 0. ); unsigned long long globalCheck( 0 ); if ( rk ==0 ) { MPI_Status status; globalSum = localSum; // rank 0 contribution globalCheck = checkSum; for ( int irk = 1 ; irk < sz ; irk++ ) { MPI_Recv( &localSum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, irk, 0, comm, &status ); double y = localSum - error; double t = globalSum + y; error = (t - globalSum) - y; globalSum = t; MPI_Recv( &checkSum, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG, irk, 1, comm, &status ); globalCheck += checkSum; globalCheck = globalCheck%LLONG_MAX; } } else { MPI_Send( &localSum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, comm ); MPI_Send( &checkSum, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG, 0, 1, comm ); } if ( rk == 0 ) { info(100) << setprecision(DBL_DIG); if (output ) info(100) << "Check Output key field for : " << getId() << ", key = " << globalCheck << ", sum = " << globalSum << endl; else info(100) << "Check Input key field for : " << getId() << ", key = " << globalCheck << ", sum = " << globalSum << endl; info(100) << setprecision(6); } } } // namespace xios #endif