#include "axis.hpp" #include "attribute_template.hpp" #include "object_template.hpp" #include "group_template.hpp" #include "message.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "context_client.hpp" #include "context_server.hpp" #include "xios_spl.hpp" #include "server_distribution_description.hpp" #include "client_server_mapping_distributed.hpp" #include "distribution_client.hpp" #include #include namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Definitions ////////////////////// /// CAxis::CAxis(void) : CObjectTemplate() , CAxisAttributes(), isChecked(false), relFiles() , hasBounds(false), isCompressible_(false) , transformationMap_(), hasValue(false), hasLabel(false) , clients() { } CAxis::CAxis(const StdString & id) : CObjectTemplate(id) , CAxisAttributes(), isChecked(false), relFiles() , hasBounds(false), isCompressible_(false) , transformationMap_(), hasValue(false), hasLabel(false) , clients() { } CAxis::~CAxis(void) { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } std::map CAxis::transformationMapList_ = std::map(); bool CAxis::dummyTransformationMapList_ = CAxis::initializeTransformationMap(CAxis::transformationMapList_); bool CAxis::initializeTransformationMap(std::map& m) TRY { m["zoom_axis"] = TRANS_EXTRACT_AXIS; m["interpolate_axis"] = TRANS_INTERPOLATE_AXIS; m["extract_axis"] = TRANS_EXTRACT_AXIS; m["inverse_axis"] = TRANS_INVERSE_AXIS; m["reduce_domain"] = TRANS_REDUCE_DOMAIN_TO_AXIS; m["reduce_axis"] = TRANS_REDUCE_AXIS_TO_AXIS; m["extract_domain"] = TRANS_EXTRACT_DOMAIN_TO_AXIS; m["temporal_splitting"] = TRANS_TEMPORAL_SPLITTING; m["duplicate_scalar"] = TRANS_DUPLICATE_SCALAR_TO_AXIS; return true; } CATCH void CAxis::releaseStaticAllocation(void) { transformationMapList_.clear() ; CTransformation::unregisterAllTransformations() ; CGridTransformationFactory::unregisterAllTransformations() ; } ///--------------------------------------------------------------- const std::set & CAxis::getRelFiles(void) const TRY { return (this->relFiles); } CATCH bool CAxis::IsWritten(const StdString & filename) const TRY { return (this->relFiles.find(filename) != this->relFiles.end()); } CATCH bool CAxis::isWrittenCompressed(const StdString& filename) const TRY { return (this->relFilesCompressed.find(filename) != this->relFilesCompressed.end()); } CATCH bool CAxis::isDistributed(void) const TRY { bool distributed = (!this->begin.isEmpty() && !this->n.isEmpty() && (this->begin + this->n < this->n_glo)) || (!this->n.isEmpty() && (this->n != this->n_glo)); // A condition to make sure that if there is only one client, axis // should be considered to be distributed. This should be a temporary solution distributed |= (1 == CContext::getCurrent()->intraCommSize_); return distributed; } CATCH /*! * Compute if the axis can be ouput in a compressed way. * In this case the workflow view on server side must be the same * than the full view for all context rank. The result is stored on * internal isCompressible_ attribute. */ void CAxis::computeIsCompressible(void) TRY { // mesh is compressible contains some masked or indexed value, ie if full view is different of workflow view. // But now assume that the size of the 2 view must be equal for everybody. True on server side int isSameView = getLocalView(CElementView::FULL)->getSize() == getLocalView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)->getSize(); MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &isSameView, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LAND, CContext::getCurrent()->getIntraComm()) ; if (isSameView) isCompressible_ = false ; else isCompressible_ = true ; isCompressibleComputed_=true ; } CATCH void CAxis::addRelFile(const StdString & filename) TRY { this->relFiles.insert(filename); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR void CAxis::addRelFileCompressed(const StdString& filename) TRY { this->relFilesCompressed.insert(filename); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //---------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * Compute the minimum buffer size required to send the attributes to the server(s). * * \return A map associating the server rank with its minimum buffer size. */ std::map CAxis::getAttributesBufferSize(CContextClient* client, const std::vector& globalDim, int orderPositionInGrid, CServerDistributionDescription::ServerDistributionType distType) TRY { std::map attributesSizes = getMinimumBufferSizeForAttributes(client); // bool isNonDistributed = (n_glo == n); bool isDistributed = (orderPositionInGrid == CServerDistributionDescription::defaultDistributedDimension(globalDim.size(), distType)) || (index.numElements() != n_glo); if (client->isServerLeader()) { // size estimation for sendServerAttribut size_t size = 6 * sizeof(size_t); // size estimation for sendNonDistributedValue if (!isDistributed) { // size = std::max(size, CArray::size(n_glo) + (isCompressible_ ? CArray::size(n_glo) : 0)); size += CArray::size(n_glo); size += CArray::size(n_glo); size += CArray::size(n_glo); size += CArray::size(n_glo); if (hasBounds) size += CArray::size(2*n_glo); if (hasLabel) size += CArray::size(n_glo); } size += CEventClient::headerSize + getId().size() + sizeof(size_t); const std::list& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) { if (size > attributesSizes[*itRank]) attributesSizes[*itRank] = size; } const std::list& ranksNonLeaders = client->getRanksServerNotLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranksNonLeaders.begin(), itRankEnd = ranksNonLeaders.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) { if (size > attributesSizes[*itRank]) attributesSizes[*itRank] = size; } } if (isDistributed) { // size estimation for sendDistributedValue std::unordered_map >::const_iterator it, ite = indSrv_[client->getRemoteSize()].end(); for (it = indSrv_[client->getRemoteSize()].begin(); it != ite; ++it) { size_t size = 6 * sizeof(size_t); size += CArray::size(it->second.size()); size += CArray::size(it->second.size()); size += CArray::size(it->second.size()); size += CArray::size(it->second.size()); if (hasBounds) size += CArray::size(2 * it->second.size()); if (hasLabel) size += CArray::size(it->second.size()); size += CEventClient::headerSize + getId().size() + sizeof(size_t); if (size > attributesSizes[it->first]) attributesSizes[it->first] = size; } } return attributesSizes; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //---------------------------------------------------------------- StdString CAxis::GetName(void) { return (StdString("axis")); } StdString CAxis::GetDefName(void){ return (CAxis::GetName()); } ENodeType CAxis::GetType(void) { return (eAxis); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- CAxis* CAxis::createAxis() TRY { CAxis* axis = CAxisGroup::get("axis_definition")->createChild(); return axis; } CATCH CAxis* CAxis::get(const string& id, bool noError) { const regex r("::"); smatch m; if (regex_search(id, m, r)) { if (m.size()!=1) ERROR("CAxis* CAxis::get(string& id)", <<" id = "< bad format id, separator :: append more than one time"); string fieldId=m.prefix() ; if (fieldId.empty()) ERROR("CAxis* CAxis::get(string& id)", <<" id = "< bad format id, field name is empty"); string suffix=m.suffix() ; if (!CField::has(fieldId)) if (noError) return nullptr ; else ERROR("CAxis* CAxis::get(string& id, bool noError)", <<" id = "< field Id : < "< doesn't exist"); CField* field=CField::get(fieldId) ; return field->getAssociatedAxis(suffix, noError) ; } { if (noError) if(!CObjectFactory::HasObject(id)) return nullptr ; return CObjectFactory::GetObject(id).get(); } } bool CAxis::has(const string& id) { if (CAxis::get(id,true)==nullptr) return false ; else return true ; } CField* CAxis::getFieldFromId(const string& id) { const regex r("::"); smatch m; if (regex_search(id, m, r)) { if (m.size()!=1) ERROR("CField* CAxis::getFieldFromId(const string& id)", <<" id = "< bad format id, separator :: append more than one time"); string fieldId=m.prefix() ; if (fieldId.empty()) ERROR("CField* CAxis::getFieldFromId(const string& id)", <<" id = "< bad format id, field name is empty"); string suffix=m.suffix() ; CField* field=CField::get(fieldId) ; return field ; } else return nullptr; } /*! Check common attributes of an axis. This check should be done in the very beginning of work flow */ void CAxis::checkAttributes(void) { if (checkAttributes_done_) return ; checkGeometricAttributes(true) ; initializeLocalElement() ; addFullView() ; addWorkflowView() ; addModelView() ; checkAttributes_done_ = true ; } void CAxis::resetGeometricAttributes(void) { n_glo.reset(); index.reset(); n.reset(); begin.reset(); mask.reset(); data_index.reset(); data_n.reset(); data_begin.reset(); value.reset(); bounds.reset(); label.reset() ; } int CAxis::computeAttributesHash( MPI_Comm comm ) { int axis_hash = 0; // Compute the hash of distributed attributs (value ...) int globalSize = this->n_glo.getValue(); CArray globalIndex; // No redundancy globalIndex will be computed with the connector shared_ptr gridTransformConnector; // Compute a without redundancy element FULL view to enable a consistent hash computation (and a distributed globalIndex) this->getLocalView(CElementView::FULL)->createWithoutRedundancyFullViewConnector( globalSize, comm, gridTransformConnector, globalIndex ); int localSize = globalIndex.numElements(); CArray distributedValue ; gridTransformConnector->transfer(this->value, distributedValue ); int localHash = 0; for (int iloc=0; iloc excludedAttr; //excludedAttr.push_back("name"); // internal attributs excludedAttr.insert(excludedAttr.end(), { "index", "data_n", "data_begin", "data_index" }); excludedAttr.insert(excludedAttr.end(), { "begin", "n" }); excludedAttr.push_back("axis_ref"); // in distributed excludedAttr.push_back("value"); // should be considered in distributed excludedAttr.push_back("bounds"); excludedAttr.push_back("label"); excludedAttr.push_back("mask"); // ??? int globalHash = this->computeGlobalAttributesHash( excludedAttr ); return distributedHash + globalHash; } void CAxis::setGeometricAttributes(const CAxis& axisSrc) { resetGeometricAttributes() ; n_glo=axisSrc.n_glo; if (!axisSrc.index.isEmpty()) { index.resize(axisSrc.index.shape()) ; index=axisSrc.index; } n=axisSrc.n; begin=axisSrc.begin; if (!axisSrc.mask.isEmpty()) { mask.resize(axisSrc.mask.shape()) ; mask=axisSrc.mask; } if (!axisSrc.data_index.isEmpty()) { data_index.resize(axisSrc.data_index.shape()) ; data_index=axisSrc.data_index; } data_n=axisSrc.data_n; data_begin=axisSrc.data_begin; if (!axisSrc.value.isEmpty()) { value.resize(axisSrc.value.shape()) ; value=axisSrc.value; } if (!axisSrc.bounds.isEmpty()) { bounds.resize(axisSrc.bounds.shape()) ; bounds=axisSrc.bounds; } if (!axisSrc.label.isEmpty()) { label.resize(axisSrc.label.shape()) ; label=axisSrc.label; } } bool CAxis::checkGeometricAttributes(bool generateError) TRY { CContext* context=CContext::getCurrent(); if (this->n_glo.isEmpty()) if (generateError) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "[ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] " << "The axis is wrongly defined, attribute 'n_glo' must be specified") else return false ; StdSize size = this->n_glo.getValue(); if (!this->index.isEmpty()) { if (n.isEmpty()) n = index.numElements(); // It's not so correct but if begin is not the first value of index // then data on the local axis has user-defined distribution. In this case, begin has no meaning. if (begin.isEmpty()) begin = index(0); } else { if (!this->begin.isEmpty()) { if (begin < 0 || begin > size - 1) if (generateError) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "[ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] " << "The axis is wrongly defined, attribute 'begin' (" << begin.getValue() << ") must be non-negative and smaller than size-1 (" << size - 1 << ").") else return false ; } else this->begin.setValue(0); if (!this->n.isEmpty()) { if (n < 0 || n > size) if (generateError) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "[ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] " << "The axis is wrongly defined, attribute 'n' (" << n.getValue() << ") must be non-negative and smaller than size (" << size << ").") else return false ; } else this->n.setValue(size); { index.resize(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) index(i) = i+begin; } } if (!this->value.isEmpty()) { StdSize true_size = value.numElements(); if (this->n.getValue() != true_size) if (generateError) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "[ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] " << "The axis is wrongly defined, attribute 'value' has a different size (" << true_size << ") than the one defined by the \'size\' attribute (" << n.getValue() << ").") else return false ; this->hasValue = true; } if (!this->checkBounds(generateError)) return false; if (!this->checkMask(generateError)) return false; if (!this->checkData(generateError)) return false; if (!this->checkLabel(generateError)) return false; return true ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! Check the validity of data, fill in values if any, and apply mask. */ bool CAxis::checkData(bool generateError) TRY { if (data_begin.isEmpty()) data_begin.setValue(0); if (data_n.isEmpty()) { data_n.setValue(n); } else if (data_n.getValue() < 0) { if (generateError) ERROR("CAxis::checkData(void)", << "[ id = " << this->getId() << " , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << " ] " << "The data size should be strictly positive ('data_n' = " << data_n.getValue() << ").") else return false ; } if (data_index.isEmpty()) { data_index.resize(data_n); for (int i = 0; i < data_n; ++i) { if ((i+data_begin) >= 0 && (i+data_begin& globalDim, int orderPositionInGrid, const string& fieldId, int posInGrid) { if (sendAxisToCouplerOut_done_.count(client)!=0) return ; else sendAxisToCouplerOut_done_.insert(client) ; string axisId="_axis["+std::to_string(posInGrid)+"]_of_"+fieldId ; } string CAxis::getCouplingAlias(const string& fieldId, int posInGrid) { return "_axis["+std::to_string(posInGrid)+"]_of_"+fieldId ; } void CAxis::makeAliasForCoupling(const string& fieldId, int posInGrid) { const string axisId = getCouplingAlias(fieldId,posInGrid) ; this->createAlias(axisId) ; } /*! Compare two axis objects. They are equal if only if they have identical attributes as well as their values. Moreover, they must have the same transformations. \param [in] axis Compared axis \return result of the comparison */ bool CAxis::isEqual(CAxis* obj) TRY { vector excludedAttr; excludedAttr.push_back("axis_ref"); bool objEqual = SuperClass::isEqual(obj, excludedAttr); if (!objEqual) return objEqual; TransMapTypes thisTrans = this->getAllTransformations(); TransMapTypes objTrans = obj->getAllTransformations(); TransMapTypes::const_iterator it, itb, ite; std::vector thisTransType, objTransType; for (it = thisTrans.begin(); it != thisTrans.end(); ++it) thisTransType.push_back(it->first); for (it = objTrans.begin(); it != objTrans.end(); ++it) objTransType.push_back(it->first); if (thisTransType.size() != objTransType.size()) return false; for (int idx = 0; idx < thisTransType.size(); ++idx) objEqual &= (thisTransType[idx] == objTransType[idx]); return objEqual; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /* Add transformation into axis. This function only servers for Fortran interface \param [in] transType transformation type \param [in] id identifier of the transformation object */ CTransformation* CAxis::addTransformation(ETranformationType transType, const StdString& id) TRY { transformationMap_.push_back(std::make_pair(transType, CTransformation::createTransformation(transType,id))); return transformationMap_.back().second; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /* Check whether an axis has (spatial) transformation */ bool CAxis::hasTransformation() TRY { return (!transformationMap_.empty()); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /* Set transformation \param [in] axisTrans transformation to set */ void CAxis::setTransformations(const TransMapTypes& axisTrans) TRY { transformationMap_ = axisTrans; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /* Return all transformation held by the axis \return transformation the axis has */ CAxis::TransMapTypes CAxis::getAllTransformations(void) TRY { return transformationMap_; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /* Duplicate transformation of another axis \param [in] src axis whose transformations are copied */ void CAxis::duplicateTransformation(CAxis* src) TRY { if (src->hasTransformation()) { this->setTransformations(src->getAllTransformations()); } } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! * Go through the hierarchy to find the axis from which the transformations must be inherited */ void CAxis::solveInheritanceTransformation_old() TRY { if (hasTransformation() || !hasDirectAxisReference()) return; CAxis* axis = this; std::vector refAxis; while (!axis->hasTransformation() && axis->hasDirectAxisReference()) { refAxis.push_back(axis); axis = axis->getDirectAxisReference(); } if (axis->hasTransformation()) for (size_t i = 0; i < refAxis.size(); ++i) refAxis[i]->setTransformations(axis->getAllTransformations()); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR void CAxis::solveInheritanceTransformation() TRY { if (solveInheritanceTransformation_done_) return; else solveInheritanceTransformation_done_=true ; CAxis* axis = this; std::list refAxis; bool out=false ; vector excludedAttr; excludedAttr.push_back("axis_ref"); refAxis.push_front(axis) ; while (axis->hasDirectAxisReference() && !out) { CAxis* lastAxis=axis ; axis = axis->getDirectAxisReference(); axis->solveRefInheritance() ; if (!axis->SuperClass::isEqual(lastAxis,excludedAttr)) out=true ; refAxis.push_front(axis) ; } CTransformationPaths::TPath path ; auto& pathList = std::get<2>(path) ; std::get<0>(path) = EElement::AXIS ; std::get<1>(path) = refAxis.front()->getId() ; for (auto& axis : refAxis) { CAxis::TransMapTypes transformations = axis->getAllTransformations(); for(auto& transformation : transformations) pathList.push_back({transformation.second->getTransformationType(), transformation.second->getId()}) ; } transformationPaths_.addPath(path) ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR bool CAxis::activateFieldWorkflow(CGarbageCollector& gc) TRY { if (!axis_ref.isEmpty()) { CField* field=getFieldFromId(axis_ref) ; if (field!=nullptr) { bool ret = field->buildWorkflowGraph(gc) ; if (!ret) return false ; // cannot build workflow graph at this state } else { CAxis* axis = get(axis_ref) ; bool ret = axis->activateFieldWorkflow(gc) ; if (!ret) return false ; // cannot build workflow graph at this state axis_ref=axis->getId() ; // replace domain_ref by solved reference } } activateFieldWorkflow_done_=true ; return true ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR void CAxis::setContextClient(CContextClient* contextClient) TRY { if (clientsSet.find(contextClient)==clientsSet.end()) { clients.push_back(contextClient) ; clientsSet.insert(contextClient); } } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR void CAxis::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node) TRY { SuperClass::parse(node); if (node.goToChildElement()) { StdString nodeElementName; do { StdString nodeId(""); if (node.getAttributes().end() != node.getAttributes().find("id")) { nodeId = node.getAttributes()["id"]; } nodeElementName = node.getElementName(); std::map::const_iterator ite = transformationMapList_.end(), it; it = transformationMapList_.find(nodeElementName); if (ite != it) { if (it->first == "zoom_axis") { info(0) << "WARNING : " << it->first << " is deprecated, replaced by extract_axis." << endl; } transformationMap_.push_back(std::make_pair(it->second, CTransformation::createTransformation(it->second, nodeId, &node))); } else { ERROR("void CAxis::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node)", << "The transformation " << nodeElementName << " has not been supported yet."); } } while (node.goToNextElement()) ; node.goToParentElement(); } } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this part is related to distribution, element definition, views and connectors // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CAxis::initializeLocalElement(void) { // after checkAttribute index of size n int rank = CContext::getCurrent()->getIntraCommRank() ; CArray ind(n) ; for (int i=0;i(rank, n_glo, ind) ; } void CAxis::addFullView(void) { CArray index(n) ; for(int i=0; i addView(CElementView::FULL, index) ; } void CAxis::addWorkflowView(void) { // mask + data are included into data_index int nk=data_index.numElements() ; int nMask=0 ; for(int k=0;k=0 && data_index(k) index(nMask) ; nMask=0 ; for(int k=0;k=0 && data_index(k) addView(CElementView::WORKFLOW, index) ; } void CAxis::addModelView(void) { // information for model view is stored in data_index localElement_->addView(CElementView::MODEL, data_index) ; } void CAxis::computeModelToWorkflowConnector(void) { shared_ptr srcView=getLocalView(CElementView::MODEL) ; shared_ptr dstView=getLocalView(CElementView::WORKFLOW) ; modelToWorkflowConnector_ = make_shared(srcView, dstView); modelToWorkflowConnector_->computeConnector() ; } void CAxis::computeRemoteElement(CContextClient* client, EDistributionType type) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); map> globalIndex ; if (type==EDistributionType::BANDS) // Bands distribution to send to file server { int nbServer = client->getRemoteSize(); int nbClient = client->getIntraCommSize() ; int rankClient = client->getIntraCommRank() ; int size = nbServer / nbClient ; int start ; if (nbServer%nbClient > rankClient) { start = (size+1) * rankClient ; size++ ; } else start = size*rankClient + nbServer%nbClient ; for(int i=0; i rank) { indStart = (indSize+1) * rank ; indSize++ ; } else indStart = indSize*rank + n_glo%nbServer ; auto& globalInd = globalIndex[rank] ; globalInd.resize(indSize) ; for(size_t n = 0 ; ngetRemoteSize(); size_t nglo=n_glo ; CArray indGlo(nglo) ; for(size_t i=0;igetRanksServerLeader()) globalIndex[rankServer].reference(indGlo.copy()); } remoteElement_[client] = make_shared(n_glo, globalIndex) ; remoteElement_[client]->addFullView() ; } void CAxis::distributeToServer(CContextClient* client, std::map>& globalIndexOut, std::map>& globalIndexIn, shared_ptr &scattererConnector, const string& axisId) { string serverAxisId = axisId.empty() ? this->getId() : axisId ; CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); this->sendAllAttributesToServer(client, serverAxisId) ; auto scatteredElement = make_shared(n_glo,globalIndexOut) ; scatteredElement->addFullView() ; scattererConnector = make_shared(localElement_->getView(CElementView::FULL), scatteredElement->getView(CElementView::FULL), context->getIntraComm(), client->getRemoteSize()) ; scattererConnector->computeConnector() ; // phase 0 // send remote element to construct the full view on server, ie without hole CEventClient event0(getType(), EVENT_ID_AXIS_DISTRIBUTION); CMessage message0 ; message0<sendToServer(client,event0,message0) ; // phase 1 // send the full view of element to construct the connector which connect distributed data coming from client to the full local view CEventClient event1(getType(), EVENT_ID_AXIS_DISTRIBUTION); CMessage message1 ; message1<getView(CElementView::FULL)->getGlobalSize() ; scattererConnector->transfer(localElement_->getView(CElementView::FULL)->getGlobalIndex(),client,event1,message1) ; sendDistributedAttributes(client, scattererConnector, axisId) ; // phase 2 send the mask : data index + mask2D { CArray maskIn(localElement_->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)->getSize()); CArray maskOut ; auto workflowToFull = make_shared(localElement_->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW), localElement_->getView(CElementView::FULL)) ; workflowToFull->computeConnector() ; maskIn=true ; workflowToFull->transfer(maskIn,maskOut,false) ; // prepare grid scatterer connector to send data from client to server map> workflowGlobalIndex ; map> maskOut2 ; scattererConnector->transfer(maskOut, maskOut2) ; scatteredElement->addView(CElementView::WORKFLOW, maskOut2) ; scatteredElement->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)->getGlobalIndexView(workflowGlobalIndex) ; // create new workflow view for scattered element auto clientToServerElement = make_shared(scatteredElement->getGlobalSize(), workflowGlobalIndex) ; clientToServerElement->addFullView() ; CEventClient event2(getType(), EVENT_ID_AXIS_DISTRIBUTION); CMessage message2 ; message2<sendToServer(client, event2, message2) ; clientToServerConnector_[client] = make_shared(localElement_->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW), clientToServerElement->getView(CElementView::FULL), context->getIntraComm(), client->getRemoteSize()) ; clientToServerConnector_[client]->computeConnector() ; } //////////// // phase 3 : compute connector to receive from server //////////// { auto scatteredElement = make_shared(n_glo, globalIndexIn) ; scatteredElement->addFullView() ; auto scattererConnector = make_shared(localElement_->getView(CElementView::FULL), scatteredElement->getView(CElementView::FULL), context->getIntraComm(), client->getRemoteSize()) ; scattererConnector->computeConnector() ; CArray maskIn(localElement_->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)->getSize()); CArray maskOut ; auto workflowToFull = make_shared(localElement_->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW), localElement_->getView(CElementView::FULL)) ; workflowToFull->computeConnector() ; maskIn=true ; workflowToFull->transfer(maskIn,maskOut,false) ; map> workflowGlobalIndex ; map> maskOut2 ; scattererConnector->transfer(maskOut, maskOut2, false) ; scatteredElement->addView(CElementView::WORKFLOW, maskOut2) ; scatteredElement->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)->getGlobalIndexView(workflowGlobalIndex) ; auto clientToServerElement = make_shared(scatteredElement->getGlobalSize(), workflowGlobalIndex) ; clientToServerElement->addFullView() ; CEventClient event3(getType(), EVENT_ID_AXIS_DISTRIBUTION); CMessage message3 ; message3<sendToServer(client, event3, message3) ; clientFromServerConnector_[client] = make_shared(clientToServerElement->getView(CElementView::FULL), localElement_->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)); clientFromServerConnector_[client]->computeConnector() ; } // clientFromServerConnector_[client] = make_shared(clientToServerElement->getView(CElementView::FULL), localElement_->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)); // clientFromServerConnector_[client]->computeConnector() ; } void CAxis::recvAxisDistribution(CEventServer& event) TRY { string axisId; int phasis ; for (auto& subEvent : event.subEvents) (*subEvent.buffer) >> axisId >> phasis ; get(axisId)->receivedAxisDistribution(event, phasis); } CATCH void CAxis::receivedAxisDistribution(CEventServer& event, int phasis) TRY { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); if (phasis==0) // receive the remote element to construct the full view { localElement_ = make_shared(context->getIntraCommRank(),event) ; localElement_->addFullView() ; // construct the local dimension and indexes auto& globalIndex=localElement_->getGlobalIndex() ; int nk=globalIndex.numElements() ; int minK=n_glo,maxK=-1 ; int nGlo=n_glo ; int indGlo ; for(int k=0;kmaxK) maxK=indGlo ; } if (maxK>=minK) { begin=minK ; n=maxK-minK+1 ; } else {begin=0; n=0 ;} } else if (phasis==1) // receive the sent view from client to construct the full distributed full view on server { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); shared_ptr elementFrom = make_shared(event) ; elementFrom->addFullView() ; gathererConnector_ = make_shared(elementFrom->getView(CElementView::FULL), localElement_->getView(CElementView::FULL)) ; gathererConnector_->computeConnector() ; } else if (phasis==2) { // delete gathererConnector_ ; elementFrom_ = make_shared(event) ; elementFrom_->addFullView() ; // gathererConnector_ = make_shared(elementFrom_->getView(CElementView::FULL), localElement_->getView(CElementView::FULL)) ; // gathererConnector_ -> computeConnector() ; } else if (phasis==3) { elementTo_ = make_shared(event) ; elementTo_->addFullView() ; } } CATCH void CAxis::setServerMask(CArray& serverMask, CContextClient* client) TRY { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); localElement_->addView(CElementView::WORKFLOW, serverMask) ; mask.reference(serverMask.copy()) ; serverFromClientConnector_ = make_shared(elementFrom_->getView(CElementView::FULL), localElement_->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)) ; serverFromClientConnector_->computeConnector() ; serverToClientConnector_ = make_shared(localElement_->getView(CElementView::WORKFLOW), elementTo_->getView(CElementView::FULL), context->getIntraComm(), client->getRemoteSize()) ; serverToClientConnector_->computeConnector() ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR void CAxis::sendDistributedAttributes(CContextClient* client, shared_ptr scattererConnector, const string& axisId) { string serverAxisId = axisId.empty() ? this->getId() : axisId ; CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); if (hasValue) { { // send level value CEventClient event(getType(), EVENT_ID_SEND_DISTRIBUTED_ATTRIBUTE); CMessage message ; message<transfer(value, client, event,message) ; } } if (hasBounds) { { // send bounds level value CEventClient event(getType(), EVENT_ID_SEND_DISTRIBUTED_ATTRIBUTE); CMessage message ; message<transfer(2, bounds, client, event,message) ; } } if (hasLabel) { { // send label // need to transform array of string (no fixed size for string) into array of array of char // to use connector to transfer // the strings must have fixed size which the maximum lenght over the string label. int maxSize=0 ; for(int i=0; igetIntraComm()) ; maxSize=maxSize+1 ; CArray charArray(maxSize,label.numElements()) ; for(int j=0; jtransfer(maxSize, charArray, client, event,message) ; } } } void CAxis::recvDistributedAttributes(CEventServer& event) TRY { string axisId; string type ; for (auto& subEvent : event.subEvents) (*subEvent.buffer) >> axisId >> type ; get(axisId)->recvDistributedAttributes(event, type); } CATCH void CAxis::recvDistributedAttributes(CEventServer& event, const string& type) TRY { if (type=="value") { gathererConnector_->transfer(event, value, 0.); } else if (type=="bounds") { CArray value ; gathererConnector_->transfer(event, 2, value, 0.); bounds.resize(2,n) ; if (bounds.numElements() > 0 ) bounds=CArray(value.dataFirst(),shape(2,n),neverDeleteData) ; } else if (type=="label") { int maxSize ; for (auto& subEvent : event.subEvents) (*subEvent.buffer) >> maxSize ; CArray value ; gathererConnector_->transfer(event, maxSize, value, '\0'); CArray charArray(maxSize,n) ; label.resize(n) ; if (n>0) { charArray=CArray(value.dataFirst(),shape(maxSize,n),neverDeleteData) ; for(int j=0;j