#include #include "onetcdf4.hpp" #include "onetcdf4_plugin.hpp" #include "group_template.hpp" #include "mpi.hpp" #include "netcdf.hpp" #include "netCdfInterface.hpp" #include "netCdfException.hpp" #include "timer.hpp" namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// /// CONetCDF4::CONetCDF4(const StdString& filename, bool append, bool useClassicFormat, bool useCFConvention, const MPI_Comm* comm, bool multifile, const StdString& timeCounterName) : path() , wmpi(false) , useClassicFormat(useClassicFormat) , useCFConvention(useCFConvention) { this->initialize(filename, append, useClassicFormat, useCFConvention, comm, multifile, timeCounterName); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- CONetCDF4::~CONetCDF4(void) { } ///-------------------------------------------------------------- void CONetCDF4::initialize(const StdString& filename, bool append, bool useClassicFormat, bool useCFConvention, const MPI_Comm* comm, bool multifile, const StdString& timeCounterName) { this->useClassicFormat = useClassicFormat; this->useCFConvention = useCFConvention; int mode = useClassicFormat ? 0 : NC_NETCDF4; // Don't use parallel mode if there is only one process if (comm) { int commSize = 0; MPI_Comm_size(*comm, &commSize); if (commSize <= 1) comm = NULL; } wmpi = comm && !multifile; if (wmpi) mode |= useClassicFormat ? NC_PNETCDF : NC_MPIIO; // If the file does not exist, we always create it if (!append || !std::ifstream(filename.c_str())) { CTimer::get("Files : create").resume(); if (wmpi) CNetCdfInterface::createPar(filename, mode, *comm, MPI_INFO_NULL, this->ncidp); else CNetCdfInterface::create(filename, mode, this->ncidp); CTimer::get("Files : create").suspend(); this->appendMode = false; } else { mode |= NC_WRITE; CTimer::get("Files : open").resume(); if (wmpi) CNetCdfInterface::openPar(filename, mode, *comm, MPI_INFO_NULL, this->ncidp); else CNetCdfInterface::open(filename, mode, this->ncidp); CTimer::get("Files : open").suspend(); this->appendMode = true; } // If the classic NetCDF format is used, we enable the "no-fill mode" globally. // This is done per variable for the NetCDF4 format. if (useClassicFormat) CNetCdfInterface::setFill(this->ncidp, false); this->timeCounterName = timeCounterName; } void CONetCDF4::close() { CTimer::get("Files : close").resume(); CNetCdfInterface::close(this->ncidp); CTimer::get("Files : close").suspend(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CONetCDF4::definition_start(void) { CNetCdfInterface::reDef(this->ncidp); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CONetCDF4::definition_end(void) { CNetCdfInterface::endDef(this->ncidp); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- int CONetCDF4::getCurrentGroup(void) { return this->getGroup(this->getCurrentPath()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- int CONetCDF4::getGroup(const CONetCDF4Path& path) { int retvalue = this->ncidp; CONetCDF4Path::const_iterator it = path.begin(), end = path.end(); for (; it != end; it++) { const StdString& groupid = *it; CNetCdfInterface::inqNcId(retvalue, groupid, retvalue); } return retvalue; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- int CONetCDF4::getVariable(const StdString& varname) { int varid = 0; int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); CNetCdfInterface::inqVarId(grpid, varname, varid); return varid; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- int CONetCDF4::getDimension(const StdString& dimname) { int dimid = 0; int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); CNetCdfInterface::inqDimId(grpid, dimname, dimid); return dimid; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- int CONetCDF4::getUnlimitedDimension(void) { int dimid = 0; int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); CNetCdfInterface::inqUnLimDim(grpid, dimid); return dimid; } StdString CONetCDF4::getUnlimitedDimensionName(void) { int grpid = this->getGroup(path); int dimid = this->getUnlimitedDimension(); StdString dimname; if (dimid != -1) CNetCdfInterface::inqDimName(grpid, dimid, dimname); return dimname; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector CONetCDF4::getDimensions(const StdString& varname) { StdSize size = 0; std::vector retvalue; int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = this->getVariable(varname); int nbdim = 0, *dimid = NULL; CNetCdfInterface::inqVarNDims(grpid, varid, nbdim); dimid = new int[nbdim](); CNetCdfInterface::inqVarDimId(grpid, varid, dimid); for (int i = 0; i < nbdim; i++) { CNetCdfInterface::inqDimLen(grpid, dimid[i], size); if (size == NC_UNLIMITED) size = UNLIMITED_DIM; retvalue.push_back(size); } delete [] dimid; return retvalue; } std::vector CONetCDF4::getDimensionsIdList(const std::string* _varname) { int nDimNull = 0; int nbdim = 0, *dimid = NULL; int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (_varname != NULL) ? this->getVariable(*_varname) : NC_GLOBAL; std::vector retvalue; if (_varname != NULL) { CNetCdfInterface::inqVarNDims(grpid, varid, nbdim); dimid = new int[nbdim](); CNetCdfInterface::inqVarDimId(grpid, varid, dimid); } else { CNetCdfInterface::inqDimIds(grpid, nbdim, NULL, 1); dimid = new int[nbdim](); CNetCdfInterface::inqDimIds(grpid, nDimNull, dimid, 1); } for (int i = 0; i < nbdim; i++) { std::string dimname; CNetCdfInterface::inqDimName(grpid, dimid[i], dimname); retvalue.push_back(dimname); } delete [] dimid; return retvalue; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CONetCDF4::getTimeAxisBounds(CArray& timeAxisBounds, const StdString& name, bool collective) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = this->getVariable(name); std::vector start(2), count(2); start[0] = 0; // Find out how many temporal records have been written already to the file we are opening int ncUnlimitedDimId; CNetCdfInterface::inqUnLimDim(this->ncidp, ncUnlimitedDimId); CNetCdfInterface::inqDimLen(this->ncidp, ncUnlimitedDimId, count[0]); start[1] = 0; count[1] = 2; timeAxisBounds.resize(count[1], count[0]); if (this->wmpi && collective) CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(grpid, varid, NC_COLLECTIVE); if (this->wmpi && !collective) CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(grpid, varid, NC_INDEPENDENT); CNetCdfInterface::getVaraType(grpid, varid, &start[0], &count[0], timeAxisBounds.dataFirst()); } void CONetCDF4::getTimeAxisBounds(CArray& timeAxisBounds, const StdString& name, bool collective, size_t record) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = this->getVariable(name); std::vector start(2), count(2); start[0] = record; count[0] = 1 ; start[1] = 0; count[1] = 2; timeAxisBounds.resize(2, 1); if (this->wmpi && collective) CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(grpid, varid, NC_COLLECTIVE); if (this->wmpi && !collective) CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(grpid, varid, NC_INDEPENDENT); CNetCdfInterface::getVaraType(grpid, varid, &start[0], &count[0], timeAxisBounds.dataFirst()); } const CONetCDF4::CONetCDF4Path& CONetCDF4::getCurrentPath(void) const { return this->path; } void CONetCDF4::setCurrentPath(const CONetCDF4Path& path) { this->path = path; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- int CONetCDF4::addGroup(const StdString& name) { int retvalue = 0; int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); CNetCdfInterface::defGrp(grpid, name, retvalue); return retvalue; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- int CONetCDF4::addDimension(const StdString& name, const StdSize size) { int retvalue = 0; int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); if (size != UNLIMITED_DIM) CNetCdfInterface::defDim(grpid, name, size, retvalue); else CNetCdfInterface::defDim(grpid, name, NC_UNLIMITED, retvalue); return retvalue; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- int CONetCDF4::addVariable(const StdString& name, nc_type type, const std::vector& dim, bool defineChunking) { int varid = 0; std::vector dimids; std::vector dimsizes; int dimSize = dim.size(); StdSize size; int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); std::vector::const_iterator it = dim.begin(), end = dim.end(); for (int idx = 0; it != end; it++, ++idx) { const StdString& dimid = *it; dimids.push_back(this->getDimension(dimid)); CNetCdfInterface::inqDimLen(grpid, this->getDimension(dimid), size); if (size == NC_UNLIMITED) size = 1; dimsizes.push_back(size); } CNetCdfInterface::defVar(grpid, name, type, dimids.size(), &dimids[0], varid); if (defineChunking) { int storageType = (0 == dimSize) ? NC_CONTIGUOUS : NC_CHUNKED; CNetCdfInterface::defVarChunking(grpid, varid, storageType, &dimsizes[0]); CNetCdfInterface::defVarFill(grpid, varid, true, NULL); } return varid; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- int CONetCDF4::addChunk(CField* field, nc_type type, const std::vector& dim, int compressionLevel) { const StdString& name = field->getFieldOutputName(); int varid = 0; std::vector dimsizes; int dimSize = dim.size(); StdSize size; StdSize totalSize; // default chunk size StdSize maxSize = 1024 * 1024 * 20; // = 20 Mo (exp using large NEMO like grids) StdSize targetSize = maxSize; if (!field->chunking_blocksize_target.isEmpty()) { targetSize = field->chunking_blocksize_target.getValue()*1024*1024; } StdSize recordSize = 1; //sizeof(type); if (field->prec.isEmpty()) recordSize *= 4; else recordSize *= field->prec; int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); std::vector::const_iterator it = dim.begin(), end = dim.end(); for (int idx = 0; it != end; it++, ++idx) { const StdString& dimid = *it; CNetCdfInterface::inqDimLen(grpid, this->getDimension(dimid), size); if (size == NC_UNLIMITED) size = 1; recordSize *= size; dimsizes.push_back(size); } double chunkingRatio = (double)recordSize / (double)targetSize; varid = this->getVariable(name); // The classic NetCDF format does not support chunking nor fill parameters if (!useClassicFormat) { // Browse field's elements (domain, axis) and NetCDF meta-data to retrieve corresponding chunking coefficients // in the file order ! CGrid* grid = field->getGrid(); std::vector domains = grid->getDomains(); std::vector axis = grid->getAxis(); std::vector userChunkingWeights; // store chunking coefficients defined by users std::vector::const_reverse_iterator itId = dim.rbegin(); // NetCDF is fed using dim, see this::addVariable() int elementIdx(0); int outerAxis(-1), outerDomJ(-1), outerDomI(-1); for (vector::reverse_iterator itDim = dimsizes.rbegin(); itDim != dimsizes.rend(); ++itDim, ++itId, ++elementIdx) { bool isAxis(false); for ( auto ax : axis ) { StdString axisDim; // Rebuild axis name from axis before comparing if (ax->dim_name.isEmpty()) axisDim = ax->getAxisOutputName(); else axisDim=ax->dim_name.getValue(); if (axisDim == *itId) { if (!ax->chunking_weight.isEmpty()) userChunkingWeights.push_back( ax->chunking_weight.getValue() ); else userChunkingWeights.push_back( 0. ); isAxis = true; outerAxis = elementIdx; // Going backward in dimsizes, overwriting will keep outer break; } } // end scanning axis bool isDomain(false); for ( auto dom : domains ) { StdString axisDim; // Rebuild axis I name from domain before comparing if (!dom->dim_i_name.isEmpty()) axisDim = dom->dim_i_name.getValue(); else { if (dom->type==CDomain::type_attr::curvilinear) axisDim="x"; if (dom->type==CDomain::type_attr::unstructured) axisDim="cell"; if (dom->type==CDomain::type_attr::rectilinear) axisDim="lon"; } if (axisDim == *itId) { if (!dom->chunking_weight_i.isEmpty()) userChunkingWeights.push_back( dom->chunking_weight_i.getValue() ); else userChunkingWeights.push_back( 0. ); isDomain = true; outerDomI = elementIdx; // Going backward in dimsizes, overwriting will keep outer break; } // Rebuild axis J name from domain before comparing if (!dom->dim_j_name.isEmpty()) axisDim = dom->dim_j_name.getValue(); else { if (dom->type==CDomain::type_attr::curvilinear) axisDim="y"; if (dom->type==CDomain::type_attr::rectilinear) axisDim="lat"; } if (axisDim == *itId) { if (!dom->chunking_weight_j.isEmpty()) userChunkingWeights.push_back( dom->chunking_weight_j.getValue() ); else userChunkingWeights.push_back( 0. ); outerDomJ = elementIdx; // Going backward in dimsizes, overwriting will keep outer isDomain = true; break; } } // end scanning domain // No chunking applied on scalars or time if ((!isAxis)&&(!isDomain)) { userChunkingWeights.push_back( 0. ); } } double sumChunkingWeights(0); for (int i=0;i 1) ) { if (outerAxis!=-1) userChunkingWeights[outerAxis] = 1; // chunk along outer axis else if (outerDomJ!=-1) userChunkingWeights[outerDomJ] = 1; // if no axis ? -> along j else if (outerDomI!=-1) userChunkingWeights[outerDomI] = 1; // if no j -> along i else {;} } int countChunkingDims(0); // number of dimensions on which chunking is operated : algo uses pow(value, 1/countChunkingDims) double normalizingWeight(0); // use to relativize chunking coefficients for all dimensions for (int i=0;i0.) { countChunkingDims++; normalizingWeight = userChunkingWeights[i]; } std::vector chunkingRatioPerDims; // will store coefficients used to compute chunk size double productRatios = 1; // last_coeff = pow( shrink_ratio / (product of all ratios), 1/countChunkingDims ) for (int i=0;i::iterator itChunkingRatios = chunkingRatioPerDims.begin(); //itId = dim.rbegin(); double correctionFromPreviousDim = 1.; for (vector::reverse_iterator itDim = dimsizes.rbegin(); itDim != dimsizes.rend(); ++itDim, ++itChunkingRatios, ++itId) { *itChunkingRatios *= correctionFromPreviousDim; correctionFromPreviousDim = 1; if (*itChunkingRatios > 1) // else target larger than size ! { StdSize dimensionSize = *itDim; //info(0) << *itId << " " << *itDim << " " << *itChunkingRatios << " " << (*itDim)/(*itChunkingRatios) << endl; *itDim = ceil( *itDim / ceil(*itChunkingRatios) ); correctionFromPreviousDim = *itChunkingRatios/ ((double)dimensionSize/(*itDim)); } } int storageType = (0 == dimSize) ? NC_CONTIGUOUS : NC_CHUNKED; CNetCdfInterface::defVarChunking(grpid, varid, storageType, &dimsizes[0]); CNetCdfInterface::defVarFill(grpid, varid, true, NULL); } return varid; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CONetCDF4::setCompressionLevel(const StdString& varname, const StdString& compressionType, int compressionLevel, const CArray& compressionParams) { if (compressionLevel < 0 || compressionLevel > 9) ERROR("void CONetCDF4::setCompressionLevel(const StdString& varname, int compressionLevel)", "Invalid compression level for variable \"" << varname << "\", the value should range between 0 and 9."); #ifndef PARALLEL_COMPRESSION if ( ((compressionLevel)||(compressionParams.numElements())) && wmpi) ERROR("void CONetCDF4::setCompressionLevel(const StdString& varname, int compressionLevel)", "Impossible to use compression for variable \"" << varname << "\" when using parallel mode."); #endif int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = this->getVariable(varname); if (compressionType=="None") { } else if (compressionType=="gzip") { CNetCdfInterface::defVarDeflate(grpid, varid, compressionLevel); } else { size_t cd_nelmts; unsigned int* cd_values = NULL; if (compressionType=="SZ") { CONetCDF4Plugin::interpretParametersSZ(compressionParams, &cd_nelmts, &cd_values); CNetCdfInterface::defVarFilter(grpid, varid, 32017, cd_nelmts, cd_values); } else if (compressionType=="ZFP") { CONetCDF4Plugin::interpretParametersZFP(compressionParams, &cd_nelmts, &cd_values); CNetCdfInterface::defVarFilter(grpid, varid, 32013, cd_nelmts, cd_values); } else { ERROR("void CONetCDF4::setCompressionLevel(...)", "compression_type = " << compressionType << " is not managed"); } if (cd_values!=NULL) delete [] cd_values; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const StdString& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, value.size(), value.c_str()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const double& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, 1, &value); } template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const CArray& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, value.numElements(), value.dataFirst()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const float& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, 1, &value); } template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const CArray& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, value.numElements(), value.dataFirst()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const int& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, 1, &value); } template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const CArray& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, value.numElements(), value.dataFirst()); } template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const short int& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, 1, &value); } template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const CArray& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, value.numElements(), value.dataFirst()); } template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const long int& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, 1, &value); } template <> void CONetCDF4::addAttribute(const StdString& name, const CArray& value, const StdString* varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = (varname == NULL) ? NC_GLOBAL : this->getVariable(*varname); CNetCdfInterface::putAttType(grpid, varid, name, value.numElements(), value.dataFirst()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CONetCDF4::getWriteDataInfos(const StdString& name, StdSize record, StdSize& array_size, std::vector& sstart, std::vector& scount, const std::vector* start, const std::vector* count) { std::vector sizes = this->getDimensions(name); if (sizes.size()==0) { if ((start != NULL) && (count != NULL) && start->size()==1 && count->size()==1) // pur scalar case array_size*=(*count)[0] ; else array_size=1 ; } else { std::vector iddims = this->getDimensionsIdList (&name); std::vector::const_iterator it = sizes.begin(), end = sizes.end(); int i = 0; if (iddims.begin()->compare(timeCounterName) == 0) { sstart.push_back(record); scount.push_back(1); if ((start == NULL) && (count == NULL)) i++; it++; if (it==end) { if ((start != NULL) && (count != NULL) && start->size()==1 && count->size()==1) // pur scalar case { scount[0]=(*count)[0] ; array_size *= (*count)[0]; } } } for (;it != end; it++) { if ((start != NULL) && (count != NULL)) { sstart.push_back((*start)[i]); scount.push_back((*count)[i]); array_size *= (*count)[i]; i++; } else { sstart.push_back(0); scount.push_back(sizes[i]); array_size *= sizes[i]; i++; } } } } template <> void CONetCDF4::writeData_(int grpid, int varid, const std::vector& sstart, const std::vector& scount, const double* data) { CNetCdfInterface::putVaraType(grpid, varid, &sstart[0], &scount[0], data); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- template <> void CONetCDF4::writeData_(int grpid, int varid, const std::vector& sstart, const std::vector& scount, char* data) { CNetCdfInterface::putVaraType(grpid, varid, &sstart[0], &scount[0], data); } template <> void CONetCDF4::writeData_(int grpid, int varid, const std::vector& sstart, const std::vector& scount, const int* data) { CNetCdfInterface::putVaraType(grpid, varid, &sstart[0], &scount[0], data); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- template <> void CONetCDF4::writeData_(int grpid, int varid, const std::vector& sstart, const std::vector& scount, const size_t* data) { CNetCdfInterface::putVaraType(grpid, varid, &sstart[0], &scount[0], data); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- template <> void CONetCDF4::writeData_(int grpid, int varid, const std::vector& sstart, const std::vector& scount, const float* data) { CNetCdfInterface::putVaraType(grpid, varid, &sstart[0], &scount[0], data); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CONetCDF4::writeData(const CArray& data, const StdString& name) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = this->getVariable(name); StdSize array_size = 1; std::vector sstart, scount; this->getWriteDataInfos(name, 0, array_size, sstart, scount, NULL, NULL); this->writeData_(grpid, varid, sstart, scount, data.dataFirst()); } void CONetCDF4::writeTimeAxisData(const CArray& data, const StdString& name, bool collective, StdSize record, bool isRoot) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = this->getVariable(name); map::iterator it=timeAxis.find(varid); if (it == timeAxis.end()) timeAxis[varid] = record; else { if (it->second >= record) return; else it->second =record; } StdSize array_size = 1; std::vector sstart, scount; if (this->wmpi && collective) CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(grpid, varid, NC_COLLECTIVE); if (this->wmpi && !collective) CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(grpid, varid, NC_INDEPENDENT); this->getWriteDataInfos(name, record, array_size, sstart, scount, NULL, NULL); this->writeData_(grpid, varid, sstart, scount, data.dataFirst()); } void CONetCDF4::writeTimeAxisDataBounds(const CArray& data, const StdString& name, bool collective, StdSize record, bool isRoot) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); int varid = this->getVariable(name); map::iterator it=timeAxis.find(varid); if (it == timeAxis.end()) timeAxis[varid] = record; else { if (it->second >= record) return; else it->second =record; } StdSize array_size = 1; std::vector sstart, scount; if (this->wmpi && collective) CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(grpid, varid, NC_COLLECTIVE); if (this->wmpi && !collective) CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(grpid, varid, NC_INDEPENDENT); this->getWriteDataInfos(name, record, array_size, sstart, scount, NULL, NULL); this->writeData_(grpid, varid, sstart, scount, data.dataFirst()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- bool CONetCDF4::varExist(const StdString& varname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); return CNetCdfInterface::isVarExisted(grpid, varname); } bool CONetCDF4::dimExist(const StdString& dimname) { int grpid = this->getCurrentGroup(); return CNetCdfInterface::isDimExisted(grpid, dimname); } void CONetCDF4::sync(void) { CNetCdfInterface::sync(this->ncidp); } ///-------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace xios