/*! \file netCdfInterface.hpp \author Ha NGUYEN \date 08 Oct 2014 \since 03 Oct 2014 \brief Wrapper of netcdf functions. */ #ifndef __NETCDF_INTERFACE_HPP_ #define __NETCDF_INTERFACE_HPP_ #include "xios_spl.hpp" #if !defined(USING_NETCDF_PAR) #include "exception.hpp" #endif #include "mpi.hpp" #include "netcdf.hpp" namespace xios { /*! \class CNetCdfInterface This class is wrapper of some common used functions of netCdf in Xios */ class CNetCdfInterface { public: //! Create a netcdf file static int create(const StdString& path, int cmode, int& ncId); //! Create a netcdf file on a parallel file system static int createPar(const StdString& path, int cmode, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int& ncId); //! Open a netcdf file static int open(const StdString& path, int oMode, int& ncId); //! Open a netcdf file static int openPar(const StdString& path, int cmode, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int& ncId); //! Close a netcdf file static int close(int ncId); //! Put netcdf file into define mode static int reDef(int ncId); //! End define mode of a netcdf file static int endDef(int ncId); //! Query identity of a named group static int inqNcId(int ncid, const StdString& grpName, int& grpId); //! Query identity of a named variable static int inqVarId(int ncid, const StdString& varName, int& varId); //! Query the name of a variable given its id static int inqVarName(int ncid, int varId, StdString& varName); //! Query identity of a named dimension static int inqDimId(int ncid, const StdString& dimName, int& dimId); //! Query identity of unlimited dimension static int inqUnLimDim(int ncid, int& dimId); //! Query name of a dimension with its id static int inqDimName(int ncid, int dimId, StdString& dimName); //! Query length of dimension with its id static int inqDimLen(int ncid, int dimId, StdSize& dimLen); //! Query number of dimension of a variable with its id static int inqVarNDims(int ncid, int varId, int& nDims); //! Query list of dimension of a variable with its id static int inqVarDimId(int, int, int*); //! Query dimensions of a group static int inqDimIds(int ncid, int& nDims, int* dimIds, int includeParents); //! Query the full name of a group given its id static int inqGrpFullName(int ncid, StdString& grpFullName); //! Query the list of group ids given a location id static int inqGrpIds(int ncid, int& numgrps, int* ncids); //! Query the list of variable ids given a location id static int inqVarIds(int ncid, int& nvars, int* varids); //! Query the type and the size of an attribute given its name and the id of the variable to which it is attached. static int inqAtt(int ncid, int varid, const StdString& name, nc_type& type, size_t& len); //! Query the number of global attributes given a location id static int inqNAtts(int ncid, int& ngatts); //! Query the number of attributes given a location id and a variable id static int inqVarNAtts(int ncid, int varid, int& natts); //! Query the name of an attribute given a location id, a variable id and the attribute number static int inqAttName(int ncid, int varid, int attnum, StdString& name); //! Define a group static int defGrp(int parentNcid, const StdString& grpName, int& grpId); //! Define a dimension static int defDim(int ncid, const StdString& dimName, StdSize dimLen, int& dimId); //! Define a variable static int defVar(int ncid, const StdString& varName, nc_type xtype, int nDims, const int dimIds[], int& varId); //! Define variable chunking size static int defVarChunking(int ncid, int varId, int storage, StdSize chunkSize[]); //! Define variable compression level static int defVarDeflate(int ncid, int varId, int compressionLevel); //! Define variable filter static int defVarFilter(int ncid, int varId, unsigned int filterId , size_t filterNbrParams, unsigned int* filterParams ); //! Set or unset the fill mode static int setFill(int ncid, bool fill); //! Define variable fill parameters static int defVarFill(int ncid, int varId, int noFill, void* fillValue); //! Change access type of a variable static int varParAccess(int ncid, int varid, int access); //! Sync the file static int sync(int ncId); //! Read an attribute template static int getAttType(int ncid, int varid, const StdString& attrName, T* data); //! Set an attribute template static int putAttType(int ncid, int varid, const StdString& attrName, StdSize numVal, const T* data); //! Get data for a variable template static int getVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, T* data); //! Set data for a variable template static int putVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const T* data); //! Get the NetCDF type corresponding to a specific C type template static nc_type getNcType(); private: template static int ncGetAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, T* data); template static int ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, StdSize numVal, const T* data); template static int ncGetVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, T* data); template static int ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const T* data); private: static StdString openMode2String(int oMode); static StdString creationMode2String(int cMode); public: // Some functions dedude from several special cases //! Query the existence of a variable static bool isVarExisted(int ncId, const StdString& varName); static bool isDimExisted(int ncId, const StdString& dimName); }; } #endif // NETCDFINTERFACE_HPP_