#include "calendar.hpp" #include "duration.hpp" #include "date.hpp" #include "calendar_util.hpp" namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// /// CCalendar::CCalendar(void) : CObject() , step(0) , initDate(*this) , timeOrigin(*this) , currentDate(*this) {} CCalendar::CCalendar(const StdString& id) : CObject(id) , step(0) , initDate(*this) , timeOrigin(*this) , currentDate(*this) {} CCalendar::CCalendar(const StdString& id, int yr, int mth, int d, int hr /*= 0*/, int min /*= 0*/, int sec /*= 0*/) : CObject(id) , step(0) , initDate(*this) , timeOrigin(*this) , currentDate(*this) { initializeDate(yr, mth, d, hr, min, sec); } CCalendar::CCalendar(const StdString& id, const CDate& startDate) : CObject(id) , step(0) , initDate(startDate) , timeOrigin(startDate) , currentDate(startDate) { // Initialize the dates only in the derivated classes // since we want to use the overloaded virtual functions } CCalendar::CCalendar(const StdString& id, const CDate& startDate, const CDate& timeOrigin) : CObject(id) , step(0) , initDate(startDate) , timeOrigin(timeOrigin) , currentDate(startDate) { // Initialize the dates only in the derivated classes // since we want to use the overloaded virtual functions } void CCalendar::initializeDate() { if (!initDate.setRelCalendar(*this)) ERROR("CCalendar::initializeDate()", "initDate: Bad format or date not conform to the calendar"); if (!timeOrigin.setRelCalendar(*this)) ERROR("CCalendar::initializeDate()", "timeOrigin: Bad format or date not conform to the calendar"); if (!currentDate.setRelCalendar(*this)) ERROR("CCalendar::initializeDate()", "currentDate: Bad format or date not conform to the calendar"); } void CCalendar::initializeDate(int yr, int mth, int d, int hr /*= 0*/, int min /*= 0*/, int sec /*= 0*/) { initDate = CDate(*this, yr, mth, d, hr, min, sec); timeOrigin = initDate; currentDate = initDate; } void CCalendar::initializeDate(const StdString& dateStr) { initDate = CDate::FromString(dateStr, *this); timeOrigin = initDate; currentDate = initDate; } void CCalendar::initializeDate(const StdString& dateStr, const StdString& timeOriginStr) { initDate = CDate::FromString(dateStr, *this); timeOrigin = CDate::FromString(timeOriginStr, *this); currentDate = initDate; } CCalendar::~CCalendar(void) { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } ///--------------------------------------------------------------- StdString CCalendar::toString(void) const { StdOStringStream oss; oss << "[type: " << this->getId() << ", start: " << this->initDate << ", current: " << this->currentDate << "]"; return (oss.str()); } void CCalendar::fromString(const StdString& str) { ERROR("CCalendar::fromString(str)", << "[ str = " << str << "] Not implemented yet !"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- void CCalendar::setTimeStep(const CDuration& timestep) { if (timestep.timestep) ERROR("CCalendar::setTimeStep(const CDuration& timestep)", << "Circular definition of the timestep: the timestep cannot refer to itself."); this->timestep = timestep; } int CCalendar::getStep(void) const { return step; } const CDate& CCalendar::update(int step) { info(20) << "update step : " << step << " timestep " << this->timestep << std::endl; this->step = step; return (this->currentDate = this->getInitDate() + step * this->timestep); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- void CCalendar::setInitDate(const CDate& initDate) { if (&initDate.getRelCalendar() != this) ERROR("CCalendar::setInitDate(const CDate& initDate)", << "The init date cannot be attached to another calendar."); this->initDate = initDate; } void CCalendar::setTimeOrigin(const CDate& timeOrigin) { if (&timeOrigin.getRelCalendar() != this) ERROR("CCalendar::setInitDate(const CDate& timeOrigin)", << "The time origin cannot be attached to another calendar."); this->timeOrigin = timeOrigin; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- const CDuration& CCalendar::getTimeStep(void) const { return this->timestep; } const CDate& CCalendar::getInitDate(void) const { return this->initDate; } const CDate& CCalendar::getTimeOrigin(void) const { return this->timeOrigin; } const CDate& CCalendar::getCurrentDate(void) const { return this->currentDate; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- int CCalendar::getMonthLength(const CDate& date) const { // Retourne la durée du mois en jour. static const int NoLeapMonthLength[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; return NoLeapMonthLength[date.getMonth() - 1]; } StdString CCalendar::getType(void) const { return StdString(this->getId()); } int CCalendar::getYearTotalLength(const CDate& date) const { return (365 * 86400); } int CCalendar::getYearLength (void) const { return 12; } int CCalendar::getDayLength (void) const { return 24; } int CCalendar::getHourLength (void) const { return 60; } int CCalendar::getMinuteLength(void) const { return 60; } int CCalendar::getDayLengthInSeconds(void) const { return getDayLength() * getHourLength() * getMinuteLength(); } bool CCalendar::hasLeapYear() const { return false; } StdString CCalendar::getMonthName(int monthId) const { static const StdString MonthNames[] = { "january", "february", "march", "april" , "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december" }; return MonthNames[monthId - 1]; } const StdString CCalendar::getMonthShortName(int monthId) const { StdString value = this->getMonthName(monthId); value.resize(3); return value; } CDuration& CCalendar::resolve(CDuration& dur, bool noNegativeTime /*= false*/) const { const int hourLengthInSeconds = getHourLength() * getMinuteLength(); // Simplify the days, hours, minutes and seconds. // First convert them to seconds Time t = Time(modf(dur.day, &dur.day) * getDayLengthInSeconds() + (dur.hour * getHourLength() + dur.minute) * getMinuteLength() + dur.second); // Then convert back to days dur.day += int(t / getDayLengthInSeconds()); t %= getDayLengthInSeconds(); // Do we allow hour, minute, second to be negative? if (noNegativeTime) { // If we don't, we remove some days until the time is positive while (t < 0) { t += getDayLengthInSeconds(); dur.day -= 1.0; } } // hours dur.hour = int(t / hourLengthInSeconds); t %= hourLengthInSeconds; // minutes dur.minute = int(t / getMinuteLength()); // secondes dur.second = int(t % getMinuteLength()); // Nothing to do for the months yet since this depends on an actual date // Simplify the years dur.month += modf(dur.year, &dur.year) * getYearLength(); dur.year += int(dur.month) / getYearLength(); dur.month = int(dur.month) % getYearLength(); return dur; } /*! Parse a date using a generic parser. */ void CCalendar::parseDateDefault(StdIStream& in, CDate& date) { char sep = '-'; // Le caractère c est utilisé pour "recueillir" les séparateurs "/" et ":". char c; // Default initialize the date int year = 00, month = 01, day = 01; int hour = 00, minute = 00, second = 00; in >> year >> c; if (c == sep) { in >> month >> c; if (c == sep) { in >> day; c = in.get(); sep = ' '; if (c == sep) { in >> hour >> c; sep = ':'; if (c == sep) { in >> minute >> c; if (c == sep) { in >> second; in >> c; } } } } } date.setDate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second); // Delay the verification until we get a calendar we can compare the date to if (date.hasRelCalendar() && !date.checkDate()) ERROR("void parseDateDefault(StdIStream& in, CDate& date)", << "Bad date format or not conform to calendar"); if (c == '+') // We will be adding a duration to the date { CDuration dur; in >> dur; date = date + dur; } else if (!in.eof()) ERROR("void parseDateDefault(StdIStream& in, CDate& date)", << "Invalid date format: unexpected trailing character(s)"); } /*! Parse a date using the calendar's parser. */ void CCalendar::parseDate(StdIStream& in, CDate& date) const { parseDateDefault(in, date); } /*! Test if a date is valid with regard to the current calendar. */ bool CCalendar::checkDate(CDate& date) const { bool isValid = true; // Vérification de la valeur du mois. if (date.getMonth() < 1) { isValid = false; date.setMonth(1); } else if (date.getMonth() > getYearLength()) { isValid = false; date.setMonth(getYearLength()); } // Vérification de la valeur du jour. if (date.getDay() < 1) { isValid = false; date.setDay(1); } else if (date.getDay() > getMonthLength(date)) { isValid = false; date.setDay(getMonthLength(date)); } // Vérification de la valeur de l'heure. if (date.getHour() < 0) { isValid = false; date.setHour(0); } else if (date.getHour() >= getDayLength()) { isValid = false; date.setHour(getDayLength() - 1); } // Vérification de la valeur des minutes. if (date.getMinute() < 0) { isValid = false; date.setMinute(0); } else if (date.getMinute() >= getHourLength()) { isValid = false; date.setMinute(getHourLength() - 1); } // Vérification de la valeur des secondes. if (date.getSecond() < 0) { isValid = false; date.setSecond(0); } else if (date.getSecond() >= getMinuteLength()) { isValid = false; date.setSecond(getMinuteLength() - 1); } return isValid; } } // namespace xios