#ifndef __XIOS_CAttribute__ #define __XIOS_CAttribute__ /// boost headers /// #include /// XIOS headers /// #include "xios_spl.hpp" #include "object.hpp" #include "base_type.hpp" #include "message.hpp" #include "buffer_in.hpp" #include "buffer_out.hpp" namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Déclarations ////////////////////// /// /*! \class CAttribute The fundamental class which describes the attributes of other different class in XIOS. This class only plays a role of interface, its class child will have specific implelemtation corresponding to type of attribute */ class CAttribute : public CObject, public virtual CBaseType { typedef CObject SuperClass; public : /// Constructeurs /// explicit CAttribute(const StdString & id); /// Accesseurs /// const StdString & getName(void) const; virtual void set(const CAttribute& ) =0 ; virtual void reset(void ) =0 ; /// Destructeur /// virtual ~CAttribute(void); /// Autres /// virtual StdString toString(void) const = 0; virtual void fromString(const StdString & str) = 0; virtual StdString dump(void) const = 0; virtual StdString dumpGraph(void) const = 0; virtual bool isEqual(const CAttribute& ) = 0; virtual int computeHash(void) = 0; //! Returns true if and only if the attribute should be publicly exposed in the API virtual bool isPublic() const { return true; } //! Return true if the attribute should be sent to other clients or servers virtual bool doSend() const { return true; } /* Groupd of functions to generate C and Fortran interface */ virtual void generateCInterface(ostream& oss, const string& className) = 0 ; virtual void generateCInterfaceIsDefined(ostream& oss, const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortran2003Interface(ostream& oss, const string& className) = 0 ; virtual void generateFortran2003InterfaceIsDefined(ostream& oss, const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceDeclaration_(ostream& oss,const string& className) = 0 ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceDeclaration(ostream& oss,const string& className) = 0 ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceBody_(ostream& oss,const string& className) = 0 ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceGetDeclaration_(ostream& oss,const string& className) = 0 ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceGetDeclaration(ostream& oss,const string& className) = 0 ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceGetBody_(ostream& oss,const string& className) = 0 ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceIsDefinedDeclaration_(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceIsDefinedDeclaration(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceIsDefinedBody_(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void setInheritedValue(const CAttribute& ) = 0 ; virtual bool hasInheritedValue(void) const = 0; bool canInherite(void) {return _canInherite ;} protected : bool _canInherite ; static const StdString resetInheritanceStr ; }; // class CAttribute CMessage& operator<<(CMessage& msg,CAttribute& type) ; CMessage& operator<<(CMessage& msg, const CAttribute& type) ; CBufferOut& operator<<(CBufferOut& buffer,CAttribute& type) ; CBufferIn& operator>>(CBufferIn& buffer, CAttribute& type) ; } // namespace xios #endif // __XIOS_CAttribute__