#include "mpi.hpp" #include #include #include #ifdef WRITE_TIMING #include #endif #include "node.hpp" #include "grid.hpp" #include "circle.hpp" // cptRadius #include "elt.hpp" #include "meshutil.hpp" // cptArea #include "mapper.hpp" #include "cputime.hpp" // cputime using namespace sphereRemap ; /* mapper is a ponter to a global class instance whoes members are allocated in the first step (finding the sizes of the weight arrays) and deallocated during the second step (computing the weights) */ Mapper *mapper; /** xxx_bounds_yyy is of length n_vert_per_cell_xxx*n_cell_xxx This function computes the weights and returns number of weights is returned through the last argument. To get the actuall weights, use `remap_get_weights`. */ extern "C" void remap_get_num_weights(const double* src_bounds_lon, const double* src_bounds_lat, int n_vert_per_cell_src, int n_cell_src, const double* src_pole, const double* dst_bounds_lon, const double* dst_bounds_lat, int n_vert_per_cell_dst, int n_cell_dst, const double* dst_pole, int order, int* n_weights) { assert(src_bounds_lon); assert(src_bounds_lat); assert(n_vert_per_cell_src >= 3); assert(n_cell_src >= 4); assert(dst_bounds_lon); assert(dst_bounds_lat); assert(n_vert_per_cell_dst >= 3); assert(n_cell_dst >= 4); assert(1 <= order && order <= 2); double* src_area=NULL ; double* dst_area=NULL ; mapper = new Mapper(MPI_COMM_WORLD); mapper->setVerbosity(PROGRESS) ; mapper->setSourceMesh(src_bounds_lon, src_bounds_lat, src_area, n_vert_per_cell_src, n_cell_src, src_pole ) ; mapper->setTargetMesh(dst_bounds_lon, dst_bounds_lat, dst_area, n_vert_per_cell_dst, n_cell_dst, dst_pole ) ; /* srcGrid.pole = Coord(src_pole[0], src_pole[1], src_pole[2]); tgtGrid.pole = Coord(dst_pole[0], dst_pole[1], dst_pole[2]); int mpiRank, mpiSize; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpiRank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpiSize); std::vector src_elt; src_elt.reserve(n_cell_src); std::vector src_msh; src_msh.reserve(n_cell_src); for (int i = 0; i < n_cell_src; i++) { int offs = i*n_vert_per_cell_src; Elt elt(src_bounds_lon + offs, src_bounds_lat + offs, n_vert_per_cell_src); elt.src_id.rank = mpiRank; elt.src_id.ind = i; src_elt.push_back(elt); src_msh.push_back(Node(elt.x, cptRadius(elt), &src_elt.back())); cptEltGeom(src_elt[i], Coord(src_pole[0], src_pole[1], src_pole[2])); } std::vector dst_elt; dst_elt.reserve(n_cell_dst); std::vector dst_msh; dst_msh.reserve(n_cell_dst); for (int i = 0; i < n_cell_dst; i++) { int offs = i*n_vert_per_cell_dst; Elt elt(dst_bounds_lon + offs, dst_bounds_lat + offs, n_vert_per_cell_dst); dst_elt.push_back(elt); dst_msh.push_back(Node(elt.x, cptRadius(elt), &dst_elt.back())); cptEltGeom(dst_elt[i], Coord(dst_pole[0], dst_pole[1], dst_pole[2])); } double tic = cputime(); mapper = new Mapper(MPI_COMM_WORLD); mapper->setVerbosity(PROGRESS) ; mapper->buildSSTree(src_msh, dst_msh); double tac = cputime(); vector timings = mapper->computeWeights(dst_elt, src_elt, order); */ vector timings = mapper->computeWeights(order); /* #ifdef WRITE_TIMING int nGloWeights, gloSrcSize, gloDstSize; int locSrcSize = src_elt.size(); int locDstSize = dst_elt.size(); MPI_Reduce(&(mapper->nWeights), &nGloWeights, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&locSrcSize, &gloSrcSize, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&locDstSize, &gloDstSize, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (mpiRank == 0) { ofstream timeout; timeout.open("timings.txt", fstream::out | fstream::app); timeout << mpiSize << " " << src_elt.size() << " " << dst_elt.size() << " " << nGloWeights << " " << tac-tic << " " << timings[0] << " " << timings[1] << " " << timings[2] << endl; timeout.close(); } #endif */ *n_weights = mapper->nWeights; } extern "C" void remap_get_barycentres_and_areas(const double* bounds_lon, const double* bounds_lat, int n_vert_per_cell, int n_cell, const double* pole, double* centre_lon, double* centre_lat, double* areas) { for (int i = 0; i < n_cell; i++) { int offs = i*n_vert_per_cell; Elt elt(bounds_lon + offs, bounds_lat + offs, n_vert_per_cell); cptEltGeom(elt, Coord(pole[0], pole[1], pole[2])); if (centre_lon && centre_lat) lonlat(elt.x, centre_lon[i], centre_lat[i]); if (areas) areas[i] = elt.area; } } /* extern "C" void remap_get_weights(double* weights, int* src_indices, int* src_ranks, int* dst_indices) { memcpy(weights, mapper->remapMatrix, mapper->nWeights*sizeof(double)); memcpy(src_indices, mapper->srcAddress, mapper->nWeights*sizeof(int)); memcpy(src_ranks, mapper->srcRank, mapper->nWeights*sizeof(int)); memcpy(dst_indices, mapper->dstAddress, mapper->nWeights*sizeof(int)); delete mapper; } */ extern "C" void remap_get_weights(double* weights, int* src_indices, int* dst_indices) { memcpy(weights, mapper->remapMatrix, mapper->nWeights*sizeof(double)); memcpy(src_indices, mapper->srcAddress, mapper->nWeights*sizeof(int)); memcpy(dst_indices, mapper->dstAddress, mapper->nWeights*sizeof(int)); delete mapper; } extern "C" void mpi_init() { /*int argc = 0; char **argv = NULL; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);*/ MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); } extern "C" int mpi_rank() { int rank; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); return rank; } extern "C" int mpi_size() { int size; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); return size; } extern "C" void mpi_finalize() { MPI_Finalize(); }