/*! \file generic_algorithm_transformation.hpp \author Ha NGUYEN \since 14 May 2015 \date 29 June 2015 \brief Interface for all transformation algorithms. */ #ifndef __XIOS_GENERIC_ALGORITHM_TRANSFORMATION_HPP__ #define __XIOS_GENERIC_ALGORITHM_TRANSFORMATION_HPP__ #include #include #include "array_new.hpp" namespace xios { /*! \class CGenericAlgorithmTransformation This class defines the interface for all other inherted algorithms class */ class CGenericAlgorithmTransformation { public: CGenericAlgorithmTransformation(); virtual ~CGenericAlgorithmTransformation() {} void computeGlobalSourceIndex(int elementPositionInGrid, const std::vector& gridDestGlobalDim, const std::vector& gridSrcGlobalDim, const CArray& globalIndexGridDestSendToServer, std::map > >& globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource); /*! Compute global index mapping from one element of destination grid to the corresponding element of source grid */ virtual void computeIndexSourceMapping() = 0; protected: /*! Compute an array of global index from a global index on an element \param[in] destGlobalIndex global index on an element of destination grid \param[in] srcGlobalIndex global index(es) on an element of source grid (which are needed by one index on element destination) \param[in] elementPositionInGrid position of the element in the grid (for example: a grid with one domain and one axis, position of domain is 1, position of axis is 2) \param[in] gridDestGlobalDim dimension size of destination grid (it should share the same size for all dimension, maybe except the element on which transformation is performed) \param[in] globalIndexGridDestSendToServer global index of destination grid which are to be sent to server(s) \param[in/out] globalIndexDestGrid array of global index (for 2d grid, this array maybe a line, for 3d, this array may represent a plan). It should be preallocated \param[in/out] globalIndexSrcGrid array of global index of source grid (for 2d grid, this array is a line, for 3d, this array represents a plan). It should be preallocated */ virtual void computeGlobalGridIndexFromGlobalIndexElement(int destGlobalIndex, const std::vector& srcGlobalIndex, int elementPositionInGrid, const std::vector& gridDestGlobalDim, const std::vector& gridSrcGlobalDim, const CArray& globalIndexGridDestSendToServer, CArray& globalIndexDestGrid, std::vector >& globalIndexSrcGrid) = 0; protected: std::map > transformationMapping_; std::map > transformationWeight_; }; } #endif // __XIOS_GENERIC_ALGORITHM_TRANSFORMATION_HPP__