/*! \file axis_algorithm_zoom.cpp \author Ha NGUYEN \since 03 June 2015 \date 12 June 2015 \brief Algorithm for zooming on an axis. */ #include "axis_algorithm_zoom.hpp" namespace xios { CAxisAlgorithmZoom::CAxisAlgorithmZoom(CAxis* axisDestination, CAxis* axisSource, CZoomAxis* zoomAxis) : CAxisAlgorithmTransformation(axisDestination, axisSource) { zoomAxis->checkValid(axisSource); zoomBegin_ = zoomAxis->begin.getValue(); zoomSize_ = zoomAxis->n.getValue(); zoomEnd_ = zoomBegin_ + zoomSize_ - 1; if (zoomSize_ > axisSource->n_glo.getValue()) { ERROR("CAxisAlgorithmZoom::CAxisAlgorithmZoom(CAxis* axisDestination, CAxis* axisSource, CZoomAxis* zoomAxis)", << "Zoom size is greater than global size of axis source" << "Global size of axis source " <getId() << " is " << axisSource->n_glo.getValue() << std::endl << "Zoom size is " << zoomSize_ ); } // computeIndexSourceMapping(); } /*! Compute the index mapping between axis on grid source and one on grid destination */ void CAxisAlgorithmZoom::computeIndexSourceMapping_(const std::vector* >& dataAuxInputs) { StdSize niSource = axisSrc_->n.getValue(); StdSize ibeginSource = axisSrc_->begin.getValue(); StdSize iendSource = ibeginSource + niSource - 1; StdSize ibegin = std::max(ibeginSource, zoomBegin_); StdSize iend = std::min(iendSource, zoomEnd_); StdSize ni = iend + 1 - ibegin; if (iend < ibegin) ni = 0; this->transformationMapping_.resize(1); this->transformationWeight_.resize(1); TransformationIndexMap& transMap = this->transformationMapping_[0]; TransformationWeightMap& transWeight = this->transformationWeight_[0]; for (StdSize idx = 0; idx < ni; ++idx) { transMap[ibegin+idx].push_back(ibegin+idx); transWeight[ibegin+idx].push_back(1.0); } updateZoom(); updateAxisDestinationMask(); } /*! After a zoom on axis, it should be certain that (global) zoom begin and (global) zoom size are updated */ void CAxisAlgorithmZoom::updateZoom() { axisDest_->global_zoom_begin = zoomBegin_; axisDest_->global_zoom_n = zoomSize_; } /*! Update mask on axis Because only zoomed region on axis is not masked, the remaining must be masked to make sure correct index be extracted */ void CAxisAlgorithmZoom::updateAxisDestinationMask() { StdSize niMask = axisDest_->mask.numElements(); StdSize iBeginMask = axisDest_->begin.getValue(); StdSize globalIndexMask = 0; TransformationIndexMap& transMap = this->transformationMapping_[0]; TransformationIndexMap::const_iterator ite = (transMap).end(); for (StdSize idx = 0; idx < niMask; ++idx) { globalIndexMask = iBeginMask + idx; if (transMap.find(globalIndexMask) == ite) (axisDest_->mask)(idx) = false; } } }