/*! \file axis_algorithm_transformation.hpp \author Ha NGUYEN \since 14 May 2015 \date 29 June 2015 \brief Interface for all axis transformation algorithms. */ #include "axis_algorithm_transformation.hpp" #include "axis_algorithm_inverse.hpp" #include "axis_algorithm_zoom.hpp" namespace xios { CAxisAlgorithmTransformation::CAxisAlgorithmTransformation(CAxis* axisDestination, CAxis* axisSource) : CGenericAlgorithmTransformation(), axisDest_(axisDestination), axisSrc_(axisSource) { axisDestGlobalSize_ = axisDestination->n_glo.getValue(); int niDest = axisDestination->n.getValue(); int ibeginDest = axisDestination->begin.getValue(); for (int idx = 0; idx < niDest; ++idx) if ((axisDestination->mask)(idx)) axisDestGlobalIndex_.push_back(ibeginDest+idx); } CAxisAlgorithmTransformation::~CAxisAlgorithmTransformation() { } void CAxisAlgorithmTransformation::computeIndexSourceMapping_(const std::vector* >& dataAuxInputs) { } /*! Compute an array of global index from a global index on a axis \param[in] axisDestGlobalIndex global index on an axis of destination grid \param[in] axisSrcGlobalIndex global index on an axis of source grid (which are needed by one index on axis destination) \param[in] axisPositionInGrid position of the axis in the grid \param[in] gridDestGlobalDim dimension size of destination grid (it should share the same size for all dimension, maybe except the axis on which transformation is performed) \param[in] globalIndexGridDestSendToServer global index of destination grid which are to be sent to server(s), this array is already acsending sorted \param[in/out] globalIndexDestGrid array of global index (for 2d grid, this array is a line, for 3d, this array represents a plan). It should be preallocated \param[in/out] globalIndexSrcGrid array of global index of source grid (for 2d grid, this array is a line, for 3d, this array represents a plan). It should be preallocated */ void CAxisAlgorithmTransformation::computeGlobalGridIndexFromGlobalIndexElement(int axisDestGlobalIndex, const std::vector& axisSrcGlobalIndex, const std::vector& destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid, int axisPositionInGrid, const std::vector& gridDestGlobalDim, const std::vector& gridSrcGlobalDim, const GlobalLocalMap& globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap, std::vector >& globalLocalIndexDestMap, std::vector >& globalIndexSrcGrid) { bool hasDestGlobalIndexPos = !destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid.empty(); int globalDim = gridDestGlobalDim.size(); std::vector currentIndex(globalDim); std::vector gridAxisGlobalDim(globalDim); std::vector idxLoop(globalDim, 0); size_t ssize = 1, idx = 0, realGlobalIndexSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i< globalDim; ++i) { if (axisPositionInGrid == i) gridAxisGlobalDim[i] = 1; else { if (!hasDestGlobalIndexPos) gridAxisGlobalDim[i] = gridDestGlobalDim[i]; else gridAxisGlobalDim[i] = 1; } ssize *= gridAxisGlobalDim[i]; } GlobalLocalMap::const_iterator iteArr = globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap.end(), it; while (idx < ssize) { for (int i = 0; i < globalDim-1; ++i) { if (idxLoop[i] == gridAxisGlobalDim[i]) { idxLoop[i] = 0; ++idxLoop[i+1]; } } int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < globalDim; ++i) { if (!hasDestGlobalIndexPos) currentIndex[i] = idxLoop[i]; else { if (axisPositionInGrid == i) currentIndex[i] = axisDestGlobalIndex; else { currentIndex[i] = destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid[j]; ++j; } } } currentIndex[axisPositionInGrid] = axisDestGlobalIndex; size_t globIndex = currentIndex[0]; size_t mulDim = 1; for (int k = 1; k < globalDim; ++k) { mulDim *= gridDestGlobalDim[k-1]; globIndex += (currentIndex[k])*mulDim; } if (iteArr != globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap.find(globIndex)) ++realGlobalIndexSize; ++idxLoop[0]; ++idx; } if (globalLocalIndexDestMap.size() != realGlobalIndexSize) globalLocalIndexDestMap.resize(realGlobalIndexSize); if (realGlobalIndexSize != globalIndexSrcGrid.size()) globalIndexSrcGrid.resize(realGlobalIndexSize); for (int i = 0; i < globalIndexSrcGrid.size(); ++i) if (globalIndexSrcGrid[i].size() != axisSrcGlobalIndex.size()) globalIndexSrcGrid[i].resize(axisSrcGlobalIndex.size()); size_t realGlobalIndex = 0; idx = 0; idxLoop.assign(globalDim, 0); while (idx < ssize) { for (int i = 0; i < globalDim-1; ++i) { if (idxLoop[i] == gridAxisGlobalDim[i]) { idxLoop[i] = 0; ++idxLoop[i+1]; } } int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < globalDim; ++i) { if (!hasDestGlobalIndexPos) currentIndex[i] = idxLoop[i]; else { if (axisPositionInGrid == i) currentIndex[i] = axisDestGlobalIndex; else { currentIndex[i] = destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid[j]; ++j; } } } currentIndex[axisPositionInGrid] = axisDestGlobalIndex; size_t globIndex = currentIndex[0]; size_t mulDim = 1; for (int k = 1; k < globalDim; ++k) { mulDim *= gridDestGlobalDim[k-1]; globIndex += (currentIndex[k])*mulDim; } it = globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap.find(globIndex); if (iteArr != it) { globalLocalIndexDestMap[realGlobalIndex] = (std::make_pair(it->first,it->second)); for (int i = 0; i < globalIndexSrcGrid[realGlobalIndex].size(); ++i) { currentIndex[axisPositionInGrid] = axisSrcGlobalIndex[i]; globIndex = currentIndex[0]; mulDim = 1; for (int k = 1; k < globalDim; ++k) { mulDim *= gridDestGlobalDim[k-1]; globIndex += (currentIndex[k])*mulDim; } (globalIndexSrcGrid[realGlobalIndex])[i] = globIndex; } ++realGlobalIndex; } ++idxLoop[0]; ++idx; } } }