#include "file.hpp" #include "attribute_template_impl.hpp" #include "object_template_impl.hpp" #include "group_template_impl.hpp" #include "object_factory.hpp" #include "object_factory_impl.hpp" #include "data_output.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "context_server.hpp" #include "nc4_data_output.hpp" #include "calendar_util.hpp" #include "date.hpp" namespace xios { namespace tree { /// ////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// /// CFile::CFile(void) : CObjectTemplate(), CFileAttributes() , vFieldGroup(), data_out(), enabledFields() { setVirtualFieldGroup() ;} CFile::CFile(const StdString & id) : CObjectTemplate(id), CFileAttributes() , vFieldGroup(), data_out(), enabledFields() { setVirtualFieldGroup() ;} CFile::~CFile(void) { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } ///--------------------------------------------------------------- StdString CFile::GetName(void) { return (StdString("file")); } StdString CFile::GetDefName(void){ return (CFile::GetName()); } ENodeType CFile::GetType(void) { return (eFile); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- boost::shared_ptr CFile::getDataOutput(void) const { return (data_out); } boost::shared_ptr CFile::getVirtualFieldGroup(void) const { return (this->vFieldGroup); } std::vector > CFile::getAllFields(void) const { return (this->vFieldGroup->getAllChildren()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector > CFile::getEnabledFields (int default_outputlevel, int default_level, bool default_enabled) { if (!this->enabledFields.empty()) return (this->enabledFields); const int _outputlevel = (!output_level.isEmpty()) ? output_level.getValue() : default_outputlevel; std::vector >::iterator it; this->enabledFields = this->getAllFields(); std::vector > newEnabledFields; for ( it = this->enabledFields.begin() ; it != this->enabledFields.end(); it++ ) { if (!(*it)->enabled.isEmpty()) // Si l'attribut 'enabled' est défini ... { if (! (*it)->enabled.getValue()) continue; // { it--; this->enabledFields.erase(it+1); continue; } } else // Si l'attribut 'enabled' n'est pas défini ... { if (!default_enabled) continue ; // { it--; this->enabledFields.erase(it+1); continue; } } if (!(*it)->level.isEmpty()) // Si l'attribut 'level' est défini ... { if ((*it)->level.getValue() > _outputlevel) continue ; // { it--; this->enabledFields.erase(it+1); continue; } } else // Si l'attribut 'level' n'est pas défini ... { if (default_level > _outputlevel) continue ; // { it--; this->enabledFields.erase(it+1); continue; } } // CField* field_tmp=(*it).get() ; // shared_ptr sptfield=*it ; // field_tmp->refObject.push_back(sptfield) ; newEnabledFields.push_back(*it) ; // Le champ est finalement actif, on y ajoute sa propre reference. (*it)->refObject.push_back(*it); // Le champ est finalement actif, on y ajoute la référence au champ de base. (*it)->setRelFile(CObjectFactory::GetObject(this)); (*it)->baseRefObject->refObject.push_back(*it); // A faire, ajouter les references intermediaires... } enabledFields=newEnabledFields ; return (this->enabledFields); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CFile::setVirtualFieldGroup(boost::shared_ptr newVFieldGroup) { this->vFieldGroup = newVFieldGroup; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CFile::setVirtualFieldGroup(void) { this->setVirtualFieldGroup (CObjectFactory::CreateObject()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- bool CFile::isSyncTime(void) { shared_ptr context=CObjectFactory::GetObject(CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId()) ; CDate& currentDate=context->calendar->getCurrentDate() ; if (! sync_freq.isEmpty()) { if (*lastSync+syncFreq < currentDate) { *lastSync=currentDate ; return true ; } } return false ; } void CFile::initFile(void) { shared_ptr context=CObjectFactory::GetObject(CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId()) ; CDate& currentDate=context->calendar->getCurrentDate() ; if (! sync_freq.isEmpty()) syncFreq = CDuration::FromString(sync_freq.getValue()); if (! split_freq.isEmpty()) splitFreq = CDuration::FromString(split_freq.getValue()); if (! output_freq.isEmpty()) outputFreq = CDuration::FromString(output_freq.getValue()); lastSync=new CDate(currentDate) ; lastSplit=new CDate(currentDate) ; isOpen=false ; } void CFile::checkFile(void) { if (!isOpen) createHeader() ; checkSync() ; checkSplit() ; } bool CFile::checkSync(void) { shared_ptr context=CObjectFactory::GetObject(CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId()) ; CDate& currentDate=context->calendar->getCurrentDate() ; if (! sync_freq.isEmpty()) { if (*lastSync+syncFreq < currentDate) { *lastSync=currentDate ; data_out->syncFile() ; return true ; } } return false ; } bool CFile::checkSplit(void) { shared_ptr context=CObjectFactory::GetObject(CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId()) ; CDate& currentDate=context->calendar->getCurrentDate() ; if (! split_freq.isEmpty()) { if (*lastSplit+splitFreq < currentDate) { *lastSplit=currentDate-outputFreq ; std::vector >::iterator it, end = this->enabledFields.end(); for (it = this->enabledFields.begin() ;it != end; it++) (*it)->resetNStep() ; createHeader() ; return true ; } } return false ; } void CFile::createHeader(void) { shared_ptr context=CObjectFactory::GetObject(CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId()) ; CDate& currentDate=context->calendar->getCurrentDate() ; std::vector >::iterator it, end = this->enabledFields.end(); AllDomainEmpty=true ; set setDomain ; for (it = this->enabledFields.begin() ;it != end; it++) { boost::shared_ptr field = *it; AllDomainEmpty&=field->grid->domain->isEmpty() ; setDomain.insert(field->grid->domain.get()) ; } nbDomain=setDomain.size() ; if (!AllDomainEmpty || type.getValue()=="one_file") { StdString filename = (!name.isEmpty()) ? name.getValue() : getId(); StdOStringStream oss; // if (! output_dir.isEmpty()) oss << output_dir.getValue(); oss << filename; if (!name_suffix.isEmpty()) oss << name_suffix.getValue(); // if (!split_freq.isEmpty()) oss<<"-["<getStryyyymmdd()<<"-"<< (*lastSplit+(splitFreq-1*Second)).getStryyyymmdd(); bool multifile=true ; if (!type.isEmpty()) { if (type.getValue()=="one_file") multifile=false ; else if (type.getValue()=="multi_file") multifile=true ; else ERROR("void Context::createDataOutput(void)", "incorrect file attribut : must be or , " <<"having : <"<") ; } CContextServer* server=context->server ; if (multifile) { if (server->intraCommSize > 1) oss << "_" << server->intraCommRank; } oss << ".nc"; if (isOpen) data_out->closeFile() ; bool isCollective=true ; if (!par_access.isEmpty()) { if (par_access.getValue()=="independent") isCollective=false ; else if (par_access.getValue()=="collective") isCollective=true ; else { ERROR("void Context::createDataOutput(void)", "incorrect file attribut : must be or , " <<"having : <"<") ; } } data_out=shared_ptr(new CNc4DataOutput(oss.str(), false,server->intraComm,multifile, isCollective)); isOpen=true ; data_out->writeFile(CObjectFactory::GetObject(this)); for (it = this->enabledFields.begin() ;it != end; it++) { boost::shared_ptr field = *it; this->data_out->writeFieldGrid(field); } for (it = this->enabledFields.begin() ;it != end; it++) { boost::shared_ptr field = *it; this->data_out->writeField(field); } this->data_out->definition_end(); } } void CFile::close(void) { delete lastSync ; delete lastSplit ; if (!AllDomainEmpty || type.getValue()=="one_file") if (isOpen) { this->data_out->closeFile(); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CFile::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node) { SuperClass::parse(node); if (node.goToChildElement() & this->hasId()) { // Si la définition du fichier intégre des champs et si le fichier est identifié. node.goToParentElement(); // this->setVirtualFieldGroup(this->getId()); this->getVirtualFieldGroup()->parse(node, false); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- StdString CFile::toString(void) const { StdOStringStream oss; oss << "<" << CFile::GetName() << " "; if (this->hasId()) oss << " id=\"" << this->getId() << "\" "; oss << SuperClassAttribute::toString() << ">" << std::endl; if (this->getVirtualFieldGroup().get() != NULL) oss << *this->getVirtualFieldGroup() << std::endl; oss << ""; return (oss.str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CFile::solveDescInheritance(const CAttributeMap * const parent) { SuperClassAttribute::setAttributes(parent); this->getVirtualFieldGroup()->solveDescInheritance(NULL); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CFile::solveFieldRefInheritance(void) { // Résolution des héritages par référence de chacun des champs contenus dans le fichier. std::vector > allF = this->getAllFields(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < allF.size(); i++) allF[i]->solveRefInheritance(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CFile::solveEFGridRef(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->enabledFields.size(); i++) this->enabledFields[i]->solveGridReference(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CFile::solveEFOperation(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->enabledFields.size(); i++) this->enabledFields[i]->solveOperation(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CFile::toBinary (StdOStream & os) const { ENodeType genum = CFileGroup::GetType(); bool hasVFG = (this->getVirtualFieldGroup().get() != NULL); SuperClass::toBinary(os); os.write (reinterpret_cast(&genum) , sizeof(ENodeType)); os.write (reinterpret_cast(&hasVFG) , sizeof(bool)); if (hasVFG)this->getVirtualFieldGroup()->toBinary(os); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CFile::fromBinary(StdIStream & is) { ENodeType renum = Unknown; bool hasVFG = false; SuperClass::fromBinary(is); is.read (reinterpret_cast(&renum), sizeof(ENodeType)); is.read (reinterpret_cast(&hasVFG), sizeof(bool)); if (renum != CFileGroup::GetType()) ERROR("CFile::fromBinary(StdIStream & is)", << "[ renum = " << renum << "] Bad type !"); // this->setVirtualFieldGroup(this->getId()); if (hasVFG)this->getVirtualFieldGroup()->fromBinary(is); } shared_ptr CFile::addField(const string& id) { return vFieldGroup->createChild(id) ; } shared_ptr CFile::addFieldGroup(const string& id) { return vFieldGroup->createChildGroup(id) ; } void CFile::sendAddField(const string& id) { shared_ptr context=CContext::current() ; if (! context->hasServer ) { CContextClient* client=context->client ; CEventClient event(this->getType(),EVENT_ID_ADD_FIELD) ; if (client->isServerLeader()) { CMessage msg ; msg<getId() ; msg<getServerLeader(),1,msg) ; client->sendEvent(event) ; } else client->sendEvent(event) ; } } void CFile::sendAddFieldGroup(const string& id) { shared_ptr context=CContext::current() ; if (! context->hasServer ) { CContextClient* client=context->client ; CEventClient event(this->getType(),EVENT_ID_ADD_FIELD_GROUP) ; if (client->isServerLeader()) { CMessage msg ; msg<getId() ; msg<getServerLeader(),1,msg) ; client->sendEvent(event) ; } else client->sendEvent(event) ; } } void CFile::recvAddField(CEventServer& event) { CBufferIn* buffer=event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer>>id ; get(id)->recvAddField(*buffer) ; } void CFile::recvAddField(CBufferIn& buffer) { string id ; buffer>>id ; addField(id) ; } void CFile::recvAddFieldGroup(CEventServer& event) { CBufferIn* buffer=event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer>>id ; get(id)->recvAddFieldGroup(*buffer) ; } void CFile::recvAddFieldGroup(CBufferIn& buffer) { string id ; buffer>>id ; addFieldGroup(id) ; } bool CFile::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event) { if (SuperClass::dispatchEvent(event)) return true ; else { switch(event.type) { case EVENT_ID_ADD_FIELD : recvAddField(event) ; return true ; break ; case EVENT_ID_ADD_FIELD_GROUP : recvAddFieldGroup(event) ; return true ; break ; default : ERROR("bool CFile::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event)", <<"Unknown Event") ; return false ; } } } ///--------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace tree } // namespace xios