#ifndef __FIELD_IMPL_HPP__ #define __FIELD_IMPL_HPP__ #include "xmlioserver_spl.hpp" #include "field.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "grid.hpp" #include "timer.hpp" #include "array_new.hpp" namespace xios { template void CField::setData(const CArray& _data) { if (hasInstantData) { grid->inputField(_data, instantData); for(list< pair >::iterator it=fieldDependency.begin(); it!=fieldDependency.end(); ++it) it->first->setSlot(it->second); } if (!hasExpression) { const std::vector& refField=getAllReference(); std::vector::const_iterator it = refField.begin(), end = refField.end(); for (; it != end; it++) (*it)->setData(_data); if (hasOutputFile || hasFieldOut) updateData(_data); } } void CField::setDataFromExpression(const CArray& _data) { if (hasInstantData) { instantData=_data; for(list< pair >::iterator it=fieldDependency.begin(); it!=fieldDependency.end(); ++it) it->first->setSlot(it->second); } if (!hasExpression) { const std::vector& refField=getAllReference(); std::vector::const_iterator it = refField.begin(), end = refField.end(); for (; it != end; it++) (*it)->setDataFromExpression(_data); if (hasOutputFile || hasFieldOut) updateDataFromExpression(_data); } } template bool CField::updateData(const CArray& _data) { CContext* context=CContext::getCurrent(); const CDate & currDate = context->getCalendar()->getCurrentDate(); const CDate opeDate = *last_operation + freq_operation; const CDate writeDate = *last_Write + freq_write; bool doOperation, doWrite; info(50) << "CField::updateData " << currDate << " : send data to " << this->getBaseFieldId() << std::endl; info(50) << "Next operation " << opeDate<data.numElements() != this->grid->storeIndex_client.numElements()) { this->data.resize(this->grid->storeIndex_client.numElements()); } CArray input(data.numElements()); this->grid->inputField(_data, input); (*this->foperation)(input); *last_operation = currDate; info(50) << "(*last_operation = currDate) : " << *last_operation << " = " << currDate << std::endl; } doWrite = (writeDate < (currDate + freq_operation)); if (isOnceOperation) { if(isFirstOperation) { doWrite=true; isFirstOperation=false; } else doWrite=false; } if (doWrite) { this->foperation->final(); *last_Write = writeDate; if (hasOutputFile) { info(50) << "(*last_Write = currDate) : " << *last_Write << " = " << currDate << std::endl; CTimer::get("XIOS Send Data").resume(); sendUpdateData(); CTimer::get("XIOS Send Data").suspend(); } if (hasFieldOut) { fieldOut->setDataFromExpression(data); } return (true); } return (false); } bool CField::updateDataFromExpression(const CArray& _data) { CContext* context=CContext::getCurrent(); const CDate & currDate = context->getCalendar()->getCurrentDate(); const CDate opeDate = *last_operation + freq_operation; const CDate writeDate = *last_Write + freq_write; bool doOperation, doWrite; info(50) << "CField::updateData " << currDate << " : send data to " << this->getBaseFieldId() << std::endl; info(50) << "Next operation " << opeDate<data.numElements() != this->grid->storeIndex_client.numElements()) { this->data.resize(this->grid->storeIndex_client.numElements()); } (*this->foperation)(_data); *last_operation = currDate; info(50) << "(*last_operation = currDate) : " << *last_operation << " = " << currDate << std::endl; } doWrite = (writeDate < (currDate + freq_operation)); if (isOnceOperation) { if(isFirstOperation) { doWrite=true; isFirstOperation=false; } else doWrite=false; } if (doWrite) { this->foperation->final(); *last_Write = writeDate; if (hasOutputFile) { info(50) << "(*last_Write = currDate) : " << *last_Write << " = " << currDate << std::endl; CTimer::get("XIOS Send Data").resume(); sendUpdateData(); CTimer::get("XIOS Send Data").suspend(); } if (hasFieldOut) { fieldOut->setDataFromExpression(data); } return (true); } return (false); } } // namespace xios #endif