#include "context.hpp" #include "attribute_template.hpp" #include "object_template.hpp" #include "group_template.hpp" #include "calendar_type.hpp" #include "duration.hpp" #include "context_client.hpp" #include "context_server.hpp" #include "nc4_data_output.hpp" #include "node_type.hpp" #include "message.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include "xios_spl.hpp" namespace xios { shared_ptr CContext::root; /// ////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// /// CContext::CContext(void) : CObjectTemplate(), CContextAttributes() , calendar(),hasClient(false),hasServer(false), isPostProcessed(false), dataSize_(), idServer_() { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } CContext::CContext(const StdString & id) : CObjectTemplate(id), CContextAttributes() , calendar(),hasClient(false),hasServer(false), isPostProcessed(false), dataSize_(), idServer_() { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } CContext::~CContext(void) { if (hasClient) delete client; if (hasServer) delete server; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get name of context StdString CContext::GetName(void) { return (StdString("context")); } StdString CContext::GetDefName(void){ return (CContext::GetName()); } ENodeType CContext::GetType(void) { return (eContext); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- /*! \brief Get context group (context root) \return Context root */ CContextGroup* CContext::getRoot(void) { if (root.get()==NULL) root=shared_ptr(new CContextGroup(xml::CXMLNode::GetRootName())); return root.get(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- /*! \brief Get calendar of a context \return Calendar */ boost::shared_ptr CContext::getCalendar(void) const { return (this->calendar); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- /*! \brief Set a context with a calendar \param[in] newCalendar new calendar */ void CContext::setCalendar(boost::shared_ptr newCalendar) { this->calendar = newCalendar; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- /*! \brief Parse xml file and write information into context object \param [in] node xmld node corresponding in xml file */ void CContext::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node) { CContext::SuperClass::parse(node); // PARSING POUR GESTION DES ENFANTS xml::THashAttributes attributes = node.getAttributes(); if (attributes.end() != attributes.find("src")) { StdIFStream ifs ( attributes["src"].c_str() , StdIFStream::in ); if ( (ifs.rdstate() & std::ifstream::failbit ) != 0 ) ERROR("void CContext::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node)", < file" ); if (!ifs.good()) ERROR("CContext::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node)", << "[ filename = " << attributes["src"] << " ] Bad xml stream !"); xml::CXMLParser::ParseInclude(ifs, attributes["src"], *this); } if (node.getElementName().compare(CContext::GetName())) DEBUG("Le noeud is wrong defined but will be considered as a context !"); if (!(node.goToChildElement())) { DEBUG("Le context ne contient pas d'enfant !"); } else { do { // Parcours des contextes pour traitement. StdString name = node.getElementName(); attributes.clear(); attributes = node.getAttributes(); if (attributes.end() != attributes.find("id")) { DEBUG(<< "Definition node has an id," << "it will not be taking account !"); } #define DECLARE_NODE(Name_, name_) \ if (name.compare(C##Name_##Definition::GetDefName()) == 0) \ { C##Name_##Definition::create(C##Name_##Definition::GetDefName()) -> parse(node); continue; } #define DECLARE_NODE_PAR(Name_, name_) #include "node_type.conf" DEBUG(<< "The element \'" << name << "\' in the context \'" << CContext::getCurrent()->getId() << "\' is not a definition !"); } while (node.goToNextElement()); node.goToParentElement(); // Retour au parent } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- //! Show tree structure of context void CContext::ShowTree(StdOStream & out) { StdString currentContextId = CContext::getCurrent() -> getId(); std::vector def_vector = CContext::getRoot()->getChildList(); std::vector::iterator it = def_vector.begin(), end = def_vector.end(); out << "" << std::endl; out << "<" << xml::CXMLNode::GetRootName() << " >" << std::endl; for (; it != end; it++) { CContext* context = *it; CContext::setCurrent(context->getId()); out << *context << std::endl; } out << "" << std::endl; CContext::setCurrent(currentContextId); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- //! Convert context object into string (to print) StdString CContext::toString(void) const { StdOStringStream oss; oss << "<" << CContext::GetName() << " id=\"" << this->getId() << "\" " << SuperClassAttribute::toString() << ">" << std::endl; if (!this->hasChild()) { //oss << "" << std::endl; // fait planter l'incrémentation } else { #define DECLARE_NODE(Name_, name_) \ if (C##Name_##Definition::has(C##Name_##Definition::GetDefName())) \ oss << * C##Name_##Definition::get(C##Name_##Definition::GetDefName()) << std::endl; #define DECLARE_NODE_PAR(Name_, name_) #include "node_type.conf" } oss << ""; return (oss.str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- /*! \brief Find all inheritace among objects in a context. \param [in] apply (true) write attributes of parent into ones of child if they are empty (false) write attributes of parent into a new container of child \param [in] parent unused */ void CContext::solveDescInheritance(bool apply, const CAttributeMap * const UNUSED(parent)) { #define DECLARE_NODE(Name_, name_) \ if (C##Name_##Definition::has(C##Name_##Definition::GetDefName())) \ C##Name_##Definition::get(C##Name_##Definition::GetDefName())->solveDescInheritance(apply); #define DECLARE_NODE_PAR(Name_, name_) #include "node_type.conf" } //---------------------------------------------------------------- //! Verify if all root definition in the context have child. bool CContext::hasChild(void) const { return ( #define DECLARE_NODE(Name_, name_) \ C##Name_##Definition::has(C##Name_##Definition::GetDefName()) || #define DECLARE_NODE_PAR(Name_, name_) #include "node_type.conf" false); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CContext::CleanTree(void) { #define DECLARE_NODE(Name_, name_) C##Name_##Definition::ClearAllAttributes(); #define DECLARE_NODE_PAR(Name_, name_) #include "node_type.conf" } ///--------------------------------------------------------------- //! Initialize client side void CContext::initClient(MPI_Comm intraComm, MPI_Comm interComm, CContext* cxtServer) { hasClient=true; client = new CContextClient(this,intraComm, interComm, cxtServer); } void CContext::setClientServerBuffer() { if (hasClient) { size_t bufferSizeMin = 10 * sizeof(size_t) * 1024; #define DECLARE_NODE(Name_, name_) \ bufferSizeMin = (bufferSizeMin < sizeof(C##Name_##Definition)) ? sizeof(C##Name_##Definition) : bufferSizeMin; #define DECLARE_NODE_PAR(Name_, name_) #include "node_type.conf" std::map bufferSize = getDataSize(); if (bufferSize.empty()) { if (client->isServerLeader()) { const std::list& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) bufferSize[*itRank] = bufferSizeMin; } else return; } else { std::map::iterator it = bufferSize.begin(), ite = bufferSize.end(); for (; it != ite; ++it) it->second = (it->second < bufferSizeMin) ? bufferSizeMin : it->second; } client->setBufferSize(bufferSize); } } //! Verify whether a context is initialized bool CContext::isInitialized(void) { return hasClient; } //! Initialize server void CContext::initServer(MPI_Comm intraComm,MPI_Comm interComm) { hasServer=true; server = new CContextServer(this,intraComm,interComm); } //! Server side: Put server into a loop in order to listen message from client bool CContext::eventLoop(void) { return server->eventLoop(); } //! Terminate a context void CContext::finalize(void) { if (hasClient && !hasServer) { client->finalize(); } if (hasServer) { closeAllFile(); } } /*! \brief Close all the context defintion and do processing data After everything is well defined on client side, they will be processed and sent to server From the version 2.0, sever and client work no more on the same database. Moreover, client(s) will send all necessary information to server, from which each server can build its own database. Because the role of server is to write out field data on a specific netcdf file, the only information that it needs is the enabled files and the active fields (fields will be written onto active files) */ void CContext::closeDefinition(void) { // There is nothing client need to send to server if (hasClient) { // After xml is parsed, there are some more works with post processing postProcessing(); setClientServerBuffer(); } if (hasClient && !hasServer) { // Send all attributes of current context to server this->sendAllAttributesToServer(); // Send all attributes of current calendar CCalendarWrapper::get(CCalendarWrapper::GetDefName())->sendAllAttributesToServer(); // We have enough information to send to server // First of all, send all enabled files sendEnabledFiles(); // Then, send all enabled fields sendEnabledFields(); // At last, we have all info of domain and axis, then send them sendRefDomainsAxis(); // After that, send all grid (if any) sendRefGrid(); } // Now tell server that it can process all messages from client if (hasClient && !hasServer) this->sendCloseDefinition(); // We have a xml tree on the server side and now, it should be also processed if (hasClient && !hasServer) sendPostProcessing(); // There are some processings that should be done after all of above. For example: check mask or index if (hasClient) { this->solveAllRefOfEnabledFields(true); this->buildAllExpressionOfEnabledFields(); buildAllExpressionOfFieldsWithReadAccess(); } // Nettoyage de l'arborescence if (hasClient && !hasServer) CleanTree(); // Only on client side?? if (hasClient) sendCreateFileHeader(); } void CContext::findAllEnabledFields(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->enabledFiles.size(); i++) (void)this->enabledFiles[i]->getEnabledFields(); } void CContext::solveAllRefOfEnabledFields(bool sendToServer) { int size = this->enabledFiles.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { this->enabledFiles[i]->solveAllRefOfEnabledFields(sendToServer); } } void CContext::buildAllExpressionOfEnabledFields() { int size = this->enabledFiles.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { this->enabledFiles[i]->buildAllExpressionOfEnabledFields(); } } void CContext::findFieldsWithReadAccess(void) { fieldsWithReadAccess.clear(); const vector allFields = CField::getAll(); for (size_t i = 0; i < allFields.size(); ++i) { if (!allFields[i]->read_access.isEmpty() && allFields[i]->read_access.getValue()) fieldsWithReadAccess.push_back(allFields[i]); } } void CContext::solveAllRefOfFieldsWithReadAccess() { for (size_t i = 0; i < fieldsWithReadAccess.size(); ++i) { fieldsWithReadAccess[i]->solveAllReferenceEnabledField(false); // Ensure that the instant data will be properly saved fieldsWithReadAccess[i]->getInstantData(); } } void CContext::buildAllExpressionOfFieldsWithReadAccess() { for (size_t i = 0; i < fieldsWithReadAccess.size(); ++i) fieldsWithReadAccess[i]->buildAllExpressionEnabledField(); } void CContext::solveAllInheritance(bool apply) { // Résolution des héritages descendants (càd des héritages de groupes) // pour chacun des contextes. solveDescInheritance(apply); // Résolution des héritages par référence au niveau des fichiers. const vector allFiles=CFile::getAll(); const vector allGrids= CGrid::getAll(); //if (hasClient && !hasServer) if (hasClient) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < allFiles.size(); i++) allFiles[i]->solveFieldRefInheritance(apply); } unsigned int vecSize = allGrids.size(); unsigned int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < vecSize; ++i) allGrids[i]->solveDomainAxisRefInheritance(apply); } void CContext::findEnabledFiles(void) { const std::vector allFiles = CFile::getAll(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < allFiles.size(); i++) if (!allFiles[i]->enabled.isEmpty()) // Si l'attribut 'enabled' est défini. { if (allFiles[i]->enabled.getValue()) // Si l'attribut 'enabled' est fixé à vrai. enabledFiles.push_back(allFiles[i]); } else enabledFiles.push_back(allFiles[i]); // otherwise true by default if (enabledFiles.size() == 0) DEBUG(<<"Aucun fichier ne va être sorti dans le contexte nommé \"" << getId() << "\" !"); } void CContext::closeAllFile(void) { std::vector::const_iterator it = this->enabledFiles.begin(), end = this->enabledFiles.end(); for (; it != end; it++) { info(30)<<"Closing File : "<<(*it)->getId()<close(); } } /*! \brief Dispatch event received from client Whenever a message is received in buffer of server, it will be processed depending on its event type. A new event type should be added in the switch list to make sure it processed on server side. \param [in] event: Received message */ bool CContext::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event) { if (SuperClass::dispatchEvent(event)) return true; else { switch(event.type) { case EVENT_ID_CLOSE_DEFINITION : recvCloseDefinition(event); return true; break; case EVENT_ID_UPDATE_CALENDAR: recvUpdateCalendar(event); return true; break; case EVENT_ID_CREATE_FILE_HEADER : recvCreateFileHeader(event); return true; break; case EVENT_ID_POST_PROCESS: recvPostProcessing(event); return true; break; default : ERROR("bool CContext::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event)", <<"Unknown Event"); return false; } } } //! Client side: Send a message to server to make it close void CContext::sendCloseDefinition(void) { CEventClient event(getType(),EVENT_ID_CLOSE_DEFINITION); if (client->isServerLeader()) { CMessage msg; msg<getIdServer(); const std::list& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) event.push(*itRank,1,msg); client->sendEvent(event); } else client->sendEvent(event); } //! Server side: Receive a message of client announcing a context close void CContext::recvCloseDefinition(CEventServer& event) { CBufferIn* buffer=event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer>>id; get(id)->closeDefinition(); } //! Client side: Send a message to update calendar in each time step void CContext::sendUpdateCalendar(int step) { if (!hasServer) { CEventClient event(getType(),EVENT_ID_UPDATE_CALENDAR); if (client->isServerLeader()) { CMessage msg; msg<getIdServer()<& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) event.push(*itRank,1,msg); client->sendEvent(event); } else client->sendEvent(event); } } //! Server side: Receive a message of client annoucing calendar update void CContext::recvUpdateCalendar(CEventServer& event) { CBufferIn* buffer=event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer>>id; get(id)->recvUpdateCalendar(*buffer); } //! Server side: Receive a message of client annoucing calendar update void CContext::recvUpdateCalendar(CBufferIn& buffer) { int step; buffer>>step; updateCalendar(step); } //! Client side: Send a message to create header part of netcdf file void CContext::sendCreateFileHeader(void) { CEventClient event(getType(),EVENT_ID_CREATE_FILE_HEADER); if (client->isServerLeader()) { CMessage msg; msg<getIdServer(); const std::list& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) event.push(*itRank,1,msg) ; client->sendEvent(event); } else client->sendEvent(event); } //! Server side: Receive a message of client annoucing the creation of header part of netcdf file void CContext::recvCreateFileHeader(CEventServer& event) { CBufferIn* buffer=event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer>>id; get(id)->recvCreateFileHeader(*buffer); } //! Server side: Receive a message of client annoucing the creation of header part of netcdf file void CContext::recvCreateFileHeader(CBufferIn& buffer) { createFileHeader(); } //! Client side: Send a message to do some post processing on server void CContext::sendPostProcessing() { if (!hasServer) { CEventClient event(getType(),EVENT_ID_POST_PROCESS); if (client->isServerLeader()) { CMessage msg; msg<getIdServer(); const std::list& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) event.push(*itRank,1,msg); client->sendEvent(event); } else client->sendEvent(event); } } //! Server side: Receive a message to do some post processing void CContext::recvPostProcessing(CEventServer& event) { CBufferIn* buffer=event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer>>id; get(id)->recvPostProcessing(*buffer); } //! Server side: Receive a message to do some post processing void CContext::recvPostProcessing(CBufferIn& buffer) { CCalendarWrapper::get(CCalendarWrapper::GetDefName())->createCalendar(); postProcessing(); } const StdString& CContext::getIdServer() { if (hasClient) { idServer_ = this->getId(); idServer_ += "_server"; return idServer_; } if (hasServer) return (this->getId()); } /*! \brief Do some simple post processings after parsing xml file After the xml file (iodef.xml) is parsed, it is necessary to build all relations among created object, e.g: inhertance among fields, domain, axis. After that, all fiels as well as their parents (reference fields), which will be written out into netcdf files, are processed */ void CContext::postProcessing() { if (isPostProcessed) return; // Make sure the calendar was correctly created if (!calendar) ERROR("CContext::postProcessing()", << "A calendar must be defined for the context \"" << getId() << "!\"") else if (calendar->getTimeStep() == NoneDu) ERROR("CContext::postProcessing()", << "A timestep must be defined for the context \"" << getId() << "!\"") // Calendar first update to set the current date equals to the start date calendar->update(0); // Find all inheritance in xml structure this->solveAllInheritance(); //Initialisation du vecteur 'enabledFiles' contenant la liste des fichiers à sortir. this->findEnabledFiles(); // Find all enabled fields of each file this->findAllEnabledFields(); // Search and rebuild all reference object of enabled fields this->solveAllRefOfEnabledFields(false); // Find all fields with read access from the public API findFieldsWithReadAccess(); // and solve the all reference for them solveAllRefOfFieldsWithReadAccess(); isPostProcessed = true; } std::map& CContext::getDataSize() { // Set of grid used by enabled fields std::set usedGrid; // Find all reference domain and axis of all active fields int numEnabledFiles = this->enabledFiles.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numEnabledFiles; ++i) { std::vector enabledFields = this->enabledFiles[i]->getEnabledFields(); int numEnabledFields = enabledFields.size(); for (int j = 0; j < numEnabledFields; ++j) { // const std::pair& prDomAxisId = enabledFields[j]->getDomainAxisIds(); StdString currentGrid = enabledFields[j]->grid->getId(); const std::map mapSize = enabledFields[j]->getGridDataSize(); if (dataSize_.empty()) { dataSize_ = mapSize; usedGrid.insert(currentGrid); // domainIds.insert(prDomAxisId.first); } else { std::map::const_iterator it = mapSize.begin(), itE = mapSize.end(); if (usedGrid.find(currentGrid) == usedGrid.end()) { for (; it != itE; ++it) { if (0 < dataSize_.count(it->first)) dataSize_[it->first] += it->second; else dataSize_.insert(make_pair(it->first, it->second)); } } else { for (; it != itE; ++it) { if (0 < dataSize_.count(it->first)) if (CXios::isOptPerformance) dataSize_[it->first] += it->second; else { if (dataSize_[it->first] < it->second) dataSize_[it->first] = it->second; } else dataSize_.insert(make_pair(it->first, it->second)); } } } } } return dataSize_; } //! Client side: Send infomation of active files (files are enabled to write out) void CContext::sendEnabledFiles() { int size = this->enabledFiles.size(); // In a context, each type has a root definition, e.g: axis, domain, field. // Every object must be a child of one of these root definition. In this case // all new file objects created on server must be children of the root "file_definition" StdString fileDefRoot("file_definition"); CFileGroup* cfgrpPtr = CFileGroup::get(fileDefRoot); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { cfgrpPtr->sendCreateChild(this->enabledFiles[i]->getId()); this->enabledFiles[i]->sendAllAttributesToServer(); this->enabledFiles[i]->sendAddAllVariables(); } } //! Client side: Send information of active fields (ones are written onto files) void CContext::sendEnabledFields() { int size = this->enabledFiles.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { this->enabledFiles[i]->sendEnabledFields(); } } //! Client side: Send information of reference grid of active fields void CContext::sendRefGrid() { std::set gridIds; int sizeFile = this->enabledFiles.size(); CFile* filePtr(NULL); // Firstly, find all reference grids of all active fields for (int i = 0; i < sizeFile; ++i) { filePtr = this->enabledFiles[i]; std::vector enabledFields = filePtr->getEnabledFields(); int sizeField = enabledFields.size(); for (int numField = 0; numField < sizeField; ++numField) { if (0 != enabledFields[numField]->getRelGrid()) gridIds.insert(CGrid::get(enabledFields[numField]->getRelGrid())->getId()); } } // Create all reference grids on server side StdString gridDefRoot("grid_definition"); CGridGroup* gridPtr = CGridGroup::get(gridDefRoot); std::set::const_iterator it, itE = gridIds.end(); for (it = gridIds.begin(); it != itE; ++it) { gridPtr->sendCreateChild(*it); CGrid::get(*it)->sendAllAttributesToServer(); CGrid::get(*it)->sendAllDomains(); CGrid::get(*it)->sendAllAxis(); } } //! Client side: Send information of reference domain and axis of active fields void CContext::sendRefDomainsAxis() { std::set domainIds; std::set axisIds; // Find all reference domain and axis of all active fields int numEnabledFiles = this->enabledFiles.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numEnabledFiles; ++i) { std::vector enabledFields = this->enabledFiles[i]->getEnabledFields(); int numEnabledFields = enabledFields.size(); for (int j = 0; j < numEnabledFields; ++j) { const std::pair& prDomAxisId = enabledFields[j]->getRefDomainAxisIds(); domainIds.insert(prDomAxisId.first); axisIds.insert(prDomAxisId.second); } } // Create all reference axis on server side std::set::iterator itDom, itAxis; std::set::const_iterator itE; StdString axiDefRoot("axis_definition"); CAxisGroup* axisPtr = CAxisGroup::get(axiDefRoot); itE = axisIds.end(); for (itAxis = axisIds.begin(); itAxis != itE; ++itAxis) { if (!itAxis->empty()) { axisPtr->sendCreateChild(*itAxis); CAxis::get(*itAxis)->sendAllAttributesToServer(); } } // Create all reference domains on server side StdString domDefRoot("domain_definition"); CDomainGroup* domPtr = CDomainGroup::get(domDefRoot); itE = domainIds.end(); for (itDom = domainIds.begin(); itDom != itE; ++itDom) { if (!itDom->empty()) { domPtr->sendCreateChild(*itDom); CDomain::get(*itDom)->sendAllAttributesToServer(); } } } //! Update calendar in each time step void CContext::updateCalendar(int step) { info(50)<<"updateCalendar : before : "<getCurrentDate()<update(step); info(50)<<"updateCalendar : after : "<getCurrentDate()<::const_iterator it; for (it=enabledFiles.begin(); it != enabledFiles.end(); it++) { (*it)->initFile(); } } //! Get current context CContext* CContext::getCurrent(void) { return CObjectFactory::GetObject(CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId()).get(); } /*! \brief Set context with an id be the current context \param [in] id identity of context to be set to current */ void CContext::setCurrent(const string& id) { CObjectFactory::SetCurrentContextId(id); CGroupFactory::SetCurrentContextId(id); } /*! \brief Create a context with specific id \param [in] id identity of new context \return pointer to the new context or already-existed one with identity id */ CContext* CContext::create(const StdString& id) { CContext::setCurrent(id); bool hasctxt = CContext::has(id); CContext* context = CObjectFactory::CreateObject(id).get(); getRoot(); if (!hasctxt) CGroupFactory::AddChild(root, context->getShared()); #define DECLARE_NODE(Name_, name_) \ C##Name_##Definition::create(C##Name_##Definition::GetDefName()); #define DECLARE_NODE_PAR(Name_, name_) #include "node_type.conf" return (context); } } // namespace xios