#include "axis.hpp" #include "attribute_template.hpp" #include "object_template.hpp" #include "group_template.hpp" #include "message.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include "xmlioserver_spl.hpp" namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// /// CAxis::CAxis(void) : CObjectTemplate() , CAxisAttributes(), isChecked(false), relFiles(), baseRefObject() { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } CAxis::CAxis(const StdString & id) : CObjectTemplate(id) , CAxisAttributes(), isChecked(false), relFiles(), baseRefObject() { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } CAxis::~CAxis(void) { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } ///--------------------------------------------------------------- const std::set & CAxis::getRelFiles(void) const { return (this->relFiles); } bool CAxis::IsWritten(const StdString & filename) const { return (this->relFiles.find(filename) != this->relFiles.end()); } void CAxis::addRelFile(const StdString & filename) { this->relFiles.insert(filename); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- StdString CAxis::GetName(void) { return (StdString("axis")); } StdString CAxis::GetDefName(void){ return (CAxis::GetName()); } ENodeType CAxis::GetType(void) { return (eAxis); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- void CAxis::checkAttributes(void) { if (this->isChecked) return; if (this->size.isEmpty()) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "Attribute of the axis [ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] must be specified"); StdSize size = this->size.getValue(); if (!this->ibegin.isEmpty()) { StdSize ibegin = this->ibegin.getValue(); if ((ibegin < 0) || (ibegin > size-1)) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "Attribute of the axis [ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] must be non-negative and smaller than size-1"); } else this->ibegin.setValue(0); if (!this->ni.isEmpty()) { StdSize ni = this->ni.getValue(); if ((ni < 0) || (ni > size)) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "Attribute of the axis [ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] must be non-negative and smaller than size"); } else this->ni.setValue(size); StdSize zoom_begin,zoom_end, zoom_size; // Maybe index begins at 0 (zero) zoom_begin = (this->zoom_begin.isEmpty()) ? 0 : this->zoom_begin.getValue(); zoom_end = (this->zoom_end.isEmpty()) ? size-1 : this->zoom_end.getValue(); zoom_size = (this->zoom_size.isEmpty()) ? size : this->zoom_size.getValue(); if (this->zoom_begin.isEmpty()) zoom_begin=zoom_end-zoom_size+1; if (this->zoom_end.isEmpty()) zoom_end=zoom_begin+zoom_size-1; if (this->zoom_size.isEmpty()) zoom_size=zoom_end-zoom_begin+1; if ( (zoom_begin < 0) || (zoom_begin > size-1) || (zoom_end<0) || (zoom_end>size-1) || (zoom_size<1) || (zoom_size>size) || (zoom_begin>zoom_end)) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "One or more attributes among , , of axis [ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] are not well specified"); this->zoom_begin.setValue(zoom_begin); this->zoom_end.setValue(zoom_end); this->zoom_size.setValue(zoom_size); StdSize true_size = value.numElements(); if (size != true_size) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "The array \'value\' of axis [ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] has a different size that the one defined by the \'size\' attribute"); this->checkData(); this->checkMask(); this->isChecked = true; } void CAxis::checkData() { if (data_begin.isEmpty()) data_begin.setValue(0); if (!data_n.isEmpty() && data_n.getValue() <= 0) { ERROR("CAxis::checkData(void)", << "Data dimension is negative (data_n)."); } else if (data_n.isEmpty()) data_n.setValue(ni.getValue()); if (data_index.isEmpty()) { int dn = data_n.getValue(); data_index.resize(dn); for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i) data_index(i) = (i+1); } } void CAxis::checkMask() { int begin_mask = 0, end_mask = ni.getValue()-1; if (!zoom_begin.isEmpty()) { int zoom_end = zoom_begin.getValue() + zoom_size.getValue() - 1; begin_mask = std::max(ibegin.getValue(), zoom_begin.getValue()); end_mask = std::min(ibegin.getValue() + ni.getValue()-1, zoom_end); begin_mask -= ibegin.getValue(); end_mask -= ibegin.getValue(); } if (!mask.isEmpty()) { if (mask.extent(0) != ni) ERROR("CAxis::checkMask(void)", <<"the mask has not the same size than the local axis"< end_mask) mask(i) = false; } } else // (!mask.hasValue()) { // Si aucun masque n'est défini, // on en crée un nouveau qui valide l'intégralité du domaine. mask.resize(ni); for (int i = 0; i < ni.getValue(); ++i) { if (i >= begin_mask && i <= end_mask) mask(i) = true; else mask(i) = false; } } } DEFINE_REF_FUNC(Axis,axis) ///--------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace xios