#include "nc4_data_input.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "context_server.hpp" #include "context_client.hpp" #include "domain.hpp" #include "axis.hpp" namespace xios { CNc4DataInput::CNc4DataInput(const StdString& filename, MPI_Comm comm_file, bool multifile, bool isCollective /*= true*/, const StdString& timeCounterName /*= "time_counter"*/) : SuperClass() , SuperClassWriter(filename, &comm_file, multifile, timeCounterName) , comm_file(comm_file) , filename(filename) , isCollective(isCollective) , readMetaDataDomains_(), readValueDomains_() , readMetaDataAxis_(), readValueAxis_() { SuperClass::type = multifile ? MULTI_FILE : ONE_FILE; } CNc4DataInput::~CNc4DataInput(void) { /* Nothing more to do */ } StdSize CNc4DataInput::getFieldNbRecords_(CField* field) { StdString fieldId = field->getFieldOutputName(); if (SuperClassWriter::isTemporal(fieldId)) { // return SuperClassWriter::getDimensions(&fieldId)[SuperClassWriter::getUnlimitedDimensionName()]; return SuperClassWriter::getDimensions(&fieldId)[SuperClassWriter::getTimeCounterName()]; } return 1; } void CNc4DataInput::readFieldData_(CField* field) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); CContextServer* server = context->server; CGrid* grid = field->grid; if (!grid->doGridHaveDataToWrite()) if (SuperClass::type==MULTI_FILE || !isCollective) return; StdString fieldId = field->getFieldOutputName(); CArray fieldData(grid->getWrittenDataSize()); if (!field->default_value.isEmpty()) fieldData = field->default_value; switch (SuperClass::type) { case MULTI_FILE: SuperClassWriter::getData(fieldData, fieldId, isCollective, field->getNStep() - 1); break; case ONE_FILE: { /* std::vector nZoomBeginGlobal = grid->getDistributionServer()->getZoomBeginGlobal(); std::vector nZoomBeginServer = grid->getDistributionServer()->getZoomBeginServer(); std::vector nZoomSizeServer = grid->getDistributionServer()->getZoomSizeServer(); int ssize = nZoomBeginGlobal.size(); std::vector start(ssize); std::vector count(ssize); for (int i = 0; i < ssize; ++i) { start[i] = nZoomBeginServer[ssize - i - 1] - nZoomBeginGlobal[ssize - i - 1]; count[i] = nZoomSizeServer[ssize - i - 1]; } */ std::vector nZoomBeginGlobal = grid->getDistributionServer()->getZoomBeginGlobal(); std::vector nZoomBeginServer = grid->getDistributionServer()->getZoomBeginServer(); std::vector nZoomSizeServer = grid->getDistributionServer()->getZoomSizeServer(); std::vector start, count; CArray axisDomainOrder = grid->axis_domain_order; std::vector domainList = grid->getDomainList(); std::vector axisList = grid->getAxisList(); int numElement = axisDomainOrder.numElements(); int idxDomain = domainList.size() - 1, idxAxis = axisList.size() - 1; int idx = nZoomBeginGlobal.size() - 1; start.reserve(nZoomBeginGlobal.size()); count.reserve(nZoomBeginGlobal.size()); for (int i = numElement - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (axisDomainOrder(i)) { CDomain* domain = CDomain::get(domainList[idxDomain]); if ((domain->type) != CDomain::type_attr::unstructured) { start.push_back(nZoomBeginServer[idx] - nZoomBeginGlobal[idx]); count.push_back(nZoomSizeServer[idx]); } --idx ; start.push_back(nZoomBeginServer[idx] - nZoomBeginGlobal[idx]); count.push_back(nZoomSizeServer[idx]); --idx ; --idxDomain; } else { start.push_back(nZoomBeginServer[idx] - nZoomBeginGlobal[idx]); count.push_back(nZoomSizeServer[idx]); --idx; } } SuperClassWriter::getData(fieldData, fieldId, isCollective, field->getNStep() - 1, &start, &count); break; } } field->inputField(fieldData); if (!field->scale_factor.isEmpty() || !field->add_offset.isEmpty()) { double scaleFactor = 1.0, addOffset = 0.0; if (!field->scale_factor.isEmpty()) scaleFactor = field->scale_factor; if (!field->add_offset.isEmpty()) addOffset = field->add_offset; field->invertScaleFactorAddOffset(scaleFactor, addOffset); } } void CNc4DataInput::readFieldAttributes_(CField* field, bool readAttributeValues) { StdString fieldId = field->getFieldOutputName(); CGrid* grid = field->grid; std::vector domainP = grid->getDomains(); std::vector axisP = grid->getAxis(); int gridDim = domainP.size() * 2 + axisP.size(); // Verify the compatibility of dimension of declared grid and real grid in file int realGridDim = 1; bool isUnstructuredGrid = SuperClassWriter::isUnstructured(fieldId); std::map dimSizeMap = SuperClassWriter::getDimensions(&fieldId); std::list dimList = SuperClassWriter::getDimensionsList(&fieldId); realGridDim = SuperClassWriter::isTemporal(fieldId) ? dimSizeMap.size() - 1 : dimSizeMap.size(); if (isUnstructuredGrid) ++realGridDim; if (gridDim != realGridDim) ERROR("CNc4DataInput::readFieldAttributes_(CField* field, bool readAttributeValues)", << "Field '" << fieldId << "' has incorrect dimension " << std::endl << "Verify dimension of grid defined by 'grid_ref' or 'domain_ref'/'axis_ref' and dimension of grid in read file."); // Remove unlimited dimension from the map, we dont need it anymore if (SuperClassWriter::isTemporal(fieldId)) { dimSizeMap.erase(SuperClassWriter::getUnlimitedDimensionName()); dimList.pop_front() ; // assume time dimension is first } int mapSize = dimSizeMap.size() - 1; std::list > listDimSize; /* for (std::map::const_iterator itMap = dimSizeMap.begin(); itMap != dimSizeMap.end(); ++itMap) listDimSize.push_front(*itMap); */ for (std::list::const_iterator it = dimList.begin(); it != dimList.end(); ++it) listDimSize.push_front(*dimSizeMap.find(*it)); // Now process domain and axis CArray axisDomainOrder = grid->axis_domain_order; int numElement = domainP.size() + axisP.size(); int elementPosition = 0; int idxDomain = 0, idxAxis = 0; std::pair::iterator,bool> it; for (int i = 0; i < numElement; ++i) { if(axisDomainOrder(i)) { if (readAttributeValues) { it = readValueDomains_.insert(domainP[idxDomain]->getId()); if (it.second) readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(domainP[idxDomain], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId); } else { it = readMetaDataDomains_.insert(domainP[idxDomain]->getId()); if (it.second) readDomainAttributesFromFile(domainP[idxDomain], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId); } ++idxDomain; if (isUnstructuredGrid) ++elementPosition; else elementPosition += 2; } else { if (readAttributeValues) { it = readValueAxis_.insert(axisP[idxAxis]->getId()); if (it.second) readAxisAttributeValueFromFile(axisP[idxAxis], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId); } else { it = readMetaDataAxis_.insert(axisP[idxAxis]->getId()); if (it.second) readAxisAttributesFromFile(axisP[idxAxis], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId); } ++idxAxis; ++elementPosition; } } } /*! Read attributes of a domain from a file \param [in] domain domain whose attributes are read from the file \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file \param [in] emelentPosition position of domain in grid \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid */ void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(CDomain* domain, std::list >& dimSizeMap, int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId) { // There are some optional attributes of a domain to retrieve from file // + lon lat? std::list >::const_iterator itMapNi = dimSizeMap.begin(), itMapNj, iteMap = dimSizeMap.end(); for (int i = 0; i < elementPosition; ++i, ++itMapNi) {} itMapNj = itMapNi; ++itMapNj; if (this->isRectilinear(fieldId)) { // Ok, try to read some f.. attributes such as longitude and latitude domain->latvalue_rectilinear_read_from_file.resize(itMapNj->second); std::vector nBeginLat(1, 0), nSizeLat(1, itMapNj->second); readFieldVariableValue(domain->latvalue_rectilinear_read_from_file, itMapNj->first, nBeginLat, nSizeLat, true); domain->lonvalue_rectilinear_read_from_file.resize(itMapNi->second); std::vector nBeginLon(1, 0), nSizeLon(1, itMapNi->second); readFieldVariableValue(domain->lonvalue_rectilinear_read_from_file, itMapNi->first, nBeginLon, nSizeLon, true); domain->fillInRectilinearLonLat(); } else if (this->isCurvilinear(fieldId)) { int ni = domain->ni; int nj = domain->nj; std::vector nBeginLatLon(2), nSizeLatLon(2); nBeginLatLon[0] = domain->jbegin.getValue(); nBeginLatLon[1] = domain->ibegin.getValue(); nSizeLatLon[0] = nj; nSizeLatLon[1] = ni; StdString latName = this->getLatCoordName(fieldId); domain->latvalue_2d.resize(ni,nj); readFieldVariableValue(domain->latvalue_2d, latName, nBeginLatLon, nSizeLatLon); StdString lonName = this->getLonCoordName(fieldId); domain->lonvalue_2d.resize(ni,nj); readFieldVariableValue(domain->lonvalue_2d, lonName, nBeginLatLon, nSizeLatLon); StdString boundsLatName = this->getBoundsId(latName); if (0 == boundsLatName.compare("")) ERROR("CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(...)", << "Field '" << fieldId << std::endl << "Trying to read attributes from curvilinear grid." << "Latitude variable " << latName << " does not have bounds."); StdString boundsLonName = this->getBoundsId(lonName); if (0 == boundsLonName.compare("")) ERROR("CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(...)", << "Field '" << fieldId << std::endl << "Trying to read attributes from curvilinear grid." << "Longitude variable " << lonName << " does not have bounds."); int nbVertex = this->getNbVertex(fieldId); domain->nvertex.setValue(nbVertex); std::vector nBeginBndsLatLon(3), nSizeBndsLatLon(3); nBeginBndsLatLon[0] = domain->jbegin.getValue(); nSizeBndsLatLon[0] = nj; nBeginBndsLatLon[1] = domain->ibegin.getValue(); nSizeBndsLatLon[1] = ni; nBeginBndsLatLon[2] = 0; nSizeBndsLatLon[2] = nbVertex; domain->bounds_lat_2d.resize(nbVertex,ni,nj); readFieldVariableValue(domain->bounds_lat_2d, boundsLatName, nBeginBndsLatLon, nSizeBndsLatLon); domain->bounds_lon_2d.resize(nbVertex,ni,nj); readFieldVariableValue(domain->bounds_lon_2d, boundsLonName, nBeginBndsLatLon, nSizeBndsLatLon); } else if (this->isUnstructured(fieldId)) { /* if (domain->i_index.isEmpty()) ERROR("CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(...)", << "Field '" << fieldId << std::endl << "Trying to read attributes from unstructured grid." << "i_index of domain" << domain->getId() << " is mandatory"); int ni = domain->i_index.numElements(); */ int ni = domain->ni; int ibegin = domain->ibegin; if (domain->i_index.isEmpty()) { domain->i_index.resize(ni) ; for(int idx = 0; idx < ni; ++idx) domain->i_index(idx)=ibegin+idx ; } std::vector nBeginLatLon(1,0), nSizeLatLon(1,0); nSizeLatLon[0] = domain->ni_glo.getValue(); CArray globalLonLat(domain->ni_glo.getValue()); StdString latName = this->getLatCoordName(fieldId); readFieldVariableValue(globalLonLat, latName, nBeginLatLon, nSizeLatLon); domain->latvalue_1d.resize(ni); for (int idx = 0; idx < ni; ++idx) domain->latvalue_1d(idx) = globalLonLat(domain->i_index(idx)); StdString lonName = this->getLonCoordName(fieldId); readFieldVariableValue(globalLonLat, lonName, nBeginLatLon, nSizeLatLon); domain->lonvalue_1d.resize(ni); for (int idx = 0; idx < ni; ++idx) domain->lonvalue_1d(idx) = globalLonLat(domain->i_index(idx)); StdString boundsLatName = this->getBoundsId(latName); if (0 == boundsLatName.compare("")) ERROR("CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(...)", << "Field '" << fieldId << std::endl << "Trying to read attributes from unstructured grid." << "Latitude variable " << latName << " does not have bounds."); StdString boundsLonName = this->getBoundsId(lonName); if (0 == boundsLonName.compare("")) ERROR("CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(...)", << "Field '" << fieldId << std::endl << "Trying to read attributes from unstructured grid." << "Longitude variable " << lonName << " does not have bounds."); int nbVertex = this->getNbVertex(fieldId); domain->nvertex.setValue(nbVertex); std::vector nBeginBndsLatLon(2), nSizeBndsLatLon(2); nBeginBndsLatLon[0] = 0; nSizeBndsLatLon[0] = domain->ni_glo.getValue(); nBeginBndsLatLon[1] = 0; nSizeBndsLatLon[1] = nbVertex; CArray globalBndsLonLat(nSizeBndsLatLon[1], nSizeBndsLatLon[0]); readFieldVariableValue(globalBndsLonLat, boundsLatName, nBeginBndsLatLon, nSizeBndsLatLon); domain->bounds_lat_1d.resize(nbVertex,ni); for (int idx = 0; idx < ni; ++idx) for (int jdx = 0; jdx < nbVertex; ++jdx) domain->bounds_lat_1d(jdx,idx) = globalBndsLonLat(jdx, domain->i_index(idx)); readFieldVariableValue(globalBndsLonLat, boundsLonName, nBeginBndsLatLon, nSizeBndsLatLon); domain->bounds_lon_1d.resize(nbVertex,ni); for (int idx = 0; idx < ni; ++idx) for (int jdx = 0; jdx < nbVertex; ++jdx) domain->bounds_lon_1d(jdx,idx) = globalBndsLonLat(jdx, domain->i_index(idx)); } } /*! Read attribute value of a domain from a file \param [in] domain domain whose attributes are read from the file \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file \param [in] emelentPosition position of domain in grid \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid */ void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributesFromFile(CDomain* domain, std::list >& dimSizeMap, int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId) { // There are some mandatory attributes of a domain to retrieve from file // + ni_glo, nj_glo std::list >::const_iterator itMapNi = dimSizeMap.begin(), itMapNj, iteMap = dimSizeMap.end(); for (int i = 0; i < elementPosition; ++i, ++itMapNi) {} itMapNj = itMapNi; ++itMapNj; if (this->isRectilinear(fieldId) || this->isCurvilinear(fieldId)) { domain->nj_glo.setValue(itMapNj->second); domain->ni_glo.setValue(itMapNi->second); } else if (this->isUnstructured(fieldId)) { domain->nj_glo.setValue(1); domain->ni_glo.setValue(itMapNi->second); } } /*! Read attributes of an axis from a file \param [in] axis axis whose attributes are read from the file \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file \param [in] emelentPosition position of axis in grid \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid */ void CNc4DataInput::readAxisAttributesFromFile(CAxis* axis, std::list >& dimSizeMap, int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId) { std::list >::const_iterator itMapN = dimSizeMap.begin(), iteMap = dimSizeMap.end(); for (int i = 0; i < elementPosition; ++i, ++itMapN) {} axis->n_glo.setValue(itMapN->second); } /*! Read attribute value of an axis from a file \param [in] axis axis whose attributes are read from the file \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file \param [in] emelentPosition position of axis in grid \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid */ void CNc4DataInput::readAxisAttributeValueFromFile(CAxis* axis, std::list >& dimSizeMap, int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId) { std::list >::const_iterator itMapN = dimSizeMap.begin(), iteMap = dimSizeMap.end(); for (int i = 0; i < elementPosition; ++i, ++itMapN) {} { // Read axis value std::vector nBegin(1, 0), nSize(1, itMapN->second); CArray readAxisValue(itMapN->second); readFieldVariableValue(readAxisValue, itMapN->first, nBegin, nSize, true); int begin = 0, n = itMapN->second; if (!axis->begin.isEmpty()) begin = axis->begin.getValue(); if (!axis->n.isEmpty()) n = axis->n.getValue(); axis->value.resize(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) axis->value(i) = readAxisValue(begin + i); } } void CNc4DataInput::closeFile_(void) { SuperClassWriter::close(); } } // namespace xios