/* utilities related to polygons */ #include #include #include "elt.hpp" #include "errhandle.hpp" #include "polyg.hpp" namespace sphereRemap { using namespace std; /* given `N` `vertex`es, `N` `edge`s and `N` `d`s (d for small circles) and `g` the barycentre, this function reverses the order of arrays of `vertex`es, `edge`s and `d`s but only if it is required! (because computing intersection area requires both polygons to have same orientation) */ void orient(int N, Coord *vertex, Coord *edge, double *d, const Coord &g) { Coord ga = vertex[0] - g; Coord gb = vertex[1] - g; Coord vertical = crossprod(ga, gb); if (N > 2 && scalarprod(g, vertical) < 0) // (GAxGB).G { for (int i = 0; i < N/2; i++) swap(vertex[i], vertex[N-1-i]); for (int i = 0; i < (N-1)/2; i++) { swap(edge[N-2-i], edge[i]); swap(d[i], d[N-2-i]); } } } void normals(Coord *x, int n, Coord *a) { for (int i = 0; i squaredist(bc, proj(bc * (-1.0)))) return proj(bc * (-1.0)); return proj(bc); } /** computes the barycentre of the area which is the difference of a side ABO of the spherical tetrahedron and of the straight tetrahedron */ static Coord tetrah_side_diff_centre(Coord a, Coord b) { Coord n = crossprod(a,b); double sinc2 = n.x*n.x + n.y*n.y + n.z*n.z; assert(sinc2 < 1.0 + EPS); // exact: u = asin(sinc)/sinc - 1; asin(sinc) = geodesic length of arc ab // approx: // double u = sinc2/6. + (3./40.)*sinc2*sinc2; // exact if (sinc2 > 1.0 - EPS) /* if round-off leads to sinc > 1 asin produces NaN */ return n * (M_PI_2 - 1); double sinc = sqrt(sinc2); double u = asin(sinc)/sinc - 1; return n*u; } /* compute the barycentre as the negative sum of all the barycentres of sides of the tetrahedron */ Coord gc_normalintegral(const Coord *x, int n) { Coord m = barycentre(x, n); Coord bc = crossprod(x[n-1]-m, x[0]-m) + tetrah_side_diff_centre(x[n-1], x[0]); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) bc = bc + crossprod(x[i-1]-m, x[i]-m) + tetrah_side_diff_centre(x[i-1], x[i]); return bc*0.5; } Coord exact_barycentre(const Coord *x, int n) { if (n >= 3) { return proj(gc_normalintegral(x, n)); } else if (n == 0) return ORIGIN; else if (n == 2) return midpoint(x[0], x[1]); else if (n == 1) return x[0]; } Coord sc_gc_moon_normalintegral(Coord a, Coord b, Coord pole) { double hemisphere = (a.z > 0) ? 1: -1; double lat = hemisphere * (M_PI_2 - acos(a.z)); double lon1 = atan2(a.y, a.x); double lon2 = atan2(b.y, b.x); double lon_diff = lon2 - lon1; // wraparound at lon=-pi=pi if (lon_diff < -M_PI) lon_diff += 2.0*M_PI; else if (lon_diff > M_PI) lon_diff -= 2.0*M_PI; // integral of the normal over the surface bound by great arcs a-pole and b-pole and small arc a-b Coord sc_normalintegral = Coord(0.5*(sin(lon2)-sin(lon1))*(M_PI_2 - lat - 0.5*sin(2.0*lat)), 0.5*(cos(lon1)-cos(lon2))*(M_PI_2 - lat - 0.5*sin(2.0*lat)), hemisphere * lon_diff * 0.25 * (cos(2.0*lat) + 1.0)); Coord p = Coord(0,0,hemisphere); // TODO assumes north pole is (0,0,1) Coord t[] = {a, b, p}; if (hemisphere < 0) swap(t[0], t[1]); return (sc_normalintegral - gc_normalintegral(t, 3)) * hemisphere; } double triarea(const Coord& A, const Coord& B, const Coord& C) { double a = ds(B, C); double b = ds(C, A); double c = ds(A, B); double tmp ; if (a a) { tmp=a ; a=c ; c=b, b=tmp; } else if (c > b) { tmp=c ; c=b ; b=tmp ; } double s = 0.5 * (a + b + c); double t = tan(0.25*(a+(b+c))) * tan(0.25*(c-(a-b))) * tan(0.25*( c + (a-b) )) * tan(0.25*( a + (b - c))); if (t>0) return 4 * atan(sqrt(t)); else { std::cout<<"double triarea(const Coord& A, const Coord& B, const Coord& C) : t < 0 !!! t="< account for small circle */ int ii = (i + 1) % N; t[1] = x[i]; t[2] = x[ii]; double sc=scalarprod(crossprod(t[1] - t[0], t[2] - t[0]), t[0]) ; assert(sc >= -1e-10); // Error: tri a l'env (wrong orientation) double area_gc = triarea(t[0], t[1], t[2]); double area_sc_gc_moon = 0; if (d[i]) /* handle small circle case */ { Coord m = midpoint(t[1], t[2]); double mext = scalarprod(m, c[i]) - d[i]; char sgl = (mext > 0) ? -1 : 1; area_sc_gc_moon = sgl * alun(arcdist(t[1], t[2]), fabs(scalarprod(t[1], pole))); gg_exact = gg_exact + sc_gc_moon_normalintegral(t[1], t[2], pole); } area += area_gc + area_sc_gc_moon; /* for "spherical circle segment" sum triangular part (at) and "small moon" and => account for small circle */ g[i] = barycentre(t, 3) * (area_gc + area_sc_gc_moon); } gg = barycentre(g, N); gg_exact = proj(gg_exact); delete[] g; gg = gg_exact; return area; } double polygonarea(Coord *vertices, int N) { assert(N >= 3); /* compute polygon area as sum of triangles */ Coord centre = barycentre(vertices, N); double area = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) area += triarea(centre, vertices[i], vertices[(i+1)%N]); return area; } int packedPolygonSize(const Elt& e) { return sizeof(e.id) + sizeof(e.src_id) + sizeof(e.x) + sizeof(e.val) + sizeof(e.n) + e.n*(sizeof(double)+sizeof(Coord)); } void packPolygon(const Elt& e, char *buffer, int& pos) { *((GloId *) &(buffer[pos])) = e.id; pos += sizeof(e.id); *((GloId *) &(buffer[pos])) = e.src_id; pos += sizeof(e.src_id); *((Coord *) &(buffer[pos])) = e.x; pos += sizeof(e.x); *((double*) &(buffer[pos])) = e.val; pos += sizeof(e.val); *((int *) & (buffer[pos])) = e.n; pos += sizeof(e.n); for (int i = 0; i < e.n; i++) { *((double *) & (buffer[pos])) = e.d[i]; pos += sizeof(e.d[i]); *((Coord *) &(buffer[pos])) = e.vertex[i]; pos += sizeof(e.vertex[i]); } } void unpackPolygon(Elt& e, const char *buffer, int& pos) { e.id = *((GloId *) &(buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(e.id); e.src_id = *((GloId *) &(buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(e.src_id); e.x = *((Coord *) & (buffer[pos]) ); pos += sizeof(e.x); e.val = *((double *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(double); e.n = *((int *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(int); for (int i = 0; i < e.n; i++) { e.d[i] = *((double *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(double); e.vertex[i] = *((Coord *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(Coord); } } int packIntersectionSize(const Elt& elt) { return elt.is.size() * (2*sizeof(int)+ sizeof(GloId) + 5*sizeof(double)); } void packIntersection(const Elt& e, char* buffer,int& pos) { for (list::const_iterator it = e.is.begin(); it != e.is.end(); ++it) { *((int *) &(buffer[0])) += 1; *((int *) &(buffer[pos])) = e.id.ind; pos += sizeof(int); *((double *) &(buffer[pos])) = e.area; pos += sizeof(double); *((GloId *) &(buffer[pos])) = (*it)->id; pos += sizeof(GloId); *((int *) &(buffer[pos])) = (*it)->n; pos += sizeof(int); *((double *) &(buffer[pos])) = (*it)->area; pos += sizeof(double); *((Coord *) &(buffer[pos])) = (*it)->x; pos += sizeof(Coord); } } void unpackIntersection(Elt* e, const char* buffer) { int ind; int pos = 0; int n = *((int *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(int); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ind = *((int*) &(buffer[pos])); pos+=sizeof(int); Elt& elt= e[ind]; elt.area=*((double *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(double); Polyg *polygon = new Polyg; polygon->id = *((GloId *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(GloId); polygon->n = *((int *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(int); polygon->area = *((double *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(double); polygon->x = *((Coord *) & (buffer[pos])); pos += sizeof(Coord); elt.is.push_back(polygon); } } }