#!/bin/bash echo "running my_run.sh" export svnR=$(svn info --show-item revision ../../) svnurl=$(svn info --show-item url ../../) PWD=$(pwd) fn=report_${svnR}_${arch}_${mode}.txt if [ -z ${enable_mem_track+x} ]; then # initialize the report for the main part of the test (without memory tracking, see step2.py for details) echo "#revision" ${svnR} > ${fn} echo "#url" ${svnurl} >> ${fn} echo "#machine" ${xios_machine_name} >> ${fn} echo "#build_dir" $(pwd)/build_${arch}_${mode} >> ${fn} echo "#arch" $arch >> ${fn} echo "#mode" $mode >> ${fn} else if [ ! -f "$fn" ]; then # initialize the report if it does not exist echo "#revision" ${svnR} > ${fn} echo "#url" ${svnurl} >> ${fn} echo "#machine" ${xios_machine_name} >> ${fn} echo "#build_dir" $(pwd)/build_${arch}_${mode} >> ${fn} echo "#arch" $arch >> ${fn} echo "#mode" $mode >> ${fn} echo "#memtrack full" >> ${fn} fi # else write in the same report fi ${PYTHON} step1.py if [[ ${xios_machine_name} == "irene" ]]; then cmd=$(ccc_msub full_job_${arch}_${mode}.sh) jobid="${cmd//[!0-9]/}" i=0 output=$(squeue -u $USER | grep ${jobid}) while [ ! -z "$output" ] do echo "job" $jobid "pending/running for about" ${i} seconds sleep 30 ((i+=30)) output=$(squeue -u $USER | grep ${jobid}) if [[ $i -eq 300 ]]; then ccc_mdel $jobid break fi done fi if [[ ${xios_machine_name} == "jeanzay" ]]; then cmd=$(sbatch full_job_${arch}_${mode}.sh) jobid="${cmd//[!0-9]/}" i=0 output=$(squeue -u uim55ri | grep ${jobid}) while [ ! -z "$output" ] do echo "job" $jobid "pending/running for about" ${i} seconds sleep 30 ((i+=30)) if [[ $i -eq 300 ]]; then output=$(squeue -u uim55ri | grep ${jobid}) scancel $jobid break fi done fi ${PYTHON} step2.py