/*! \file domain_algorithm_generate_rectilinear.hpp \author Ha NGUYEN \since 31 Aug 2015 \date 01 Sep 2015 \brief Algorithm for automatic generation of rectilinear domain. */ #ifndef __XIOS_DOMAIN_ALGORITHM_GENERATE_RECTILINEAR_HPP__ #define __XIOS_DOMAIN_ALGORITHM_GENERATE_RECTILINEAR_HPP__ #include "domain_algorithm_transformation.hpp" namespace xios { class CGrid; class CDomain; class CGenerateRectilinearDomain; /*! \class CDomainAlgorithmGenerateRectilinear Generate a rectilinear or CURVILINEAR domain and fill in necessary its attributes automatically A new rectilinear (or CURVILINEAR) domain will also be distributed automatically among the processes. The number of processes is deduced from the distribution of the grid source. */ class CDomainAlgorithmGenerateRectilinear : public CDomainAlgorithmTransformation { public: CDomainAlgorithmGenerateRectilinear(CDomain* domainDestination, CDomain* domainSource, CGrid* gridDest, CGrid* gridSource, CGenerateRectilinearDomain* zoomDomain); virtual ~CDomainAlgorithmGenerateRectilinear() {} protected: void computeIndexSourceMapping_(const std::vector* >& dataAuxInputs); private: void computeDistributionGridSource(CGrid* gridSrc); void computeDistributionGridDestination(CGrid* gridDest); void fillInAttributesDomainDestination(); private: int nbDomainDistributedPart_; //! Number of local domain. static bool dummyRegistered_; }; } #endif // __XIOS_DOMAIN_ALGORITHM_GENERATE_RECTILINEAR_HPP__