#ifndef __XIOS_CContext__ #define __XIOS_CContext__ /// XIOS headers /// #include "xios_spl.hpp" //#include "node_type.hpp" #include "calendar_wrapper.hpp" #include "declare_group.hpp" #include "data_output.hpp" #include "garbage_collector.hpp" #include "registry.hpp" #include "mpi.hpp" #include "services_manager.hpp" #include "server_context.hpp" #include "event_scheduler.hpp" namespace xios { class CContextClient; class CContextServer; /// ////////////////////// Déclarations ////////////////////// /// class CContextGroup; class CContextAttributes; class CContext; class CFile; class CCouplerIn ; class CCouplerOut ; ///-------------------------------------------------------------- // Declare/Define CFileAttribute BEGIN_DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP(CContext) # include "context_attribute.conf" END_DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP(CContext) ///-------------------------------------------------------------- /*! \class CContext This class corresponds to the concrete presentation of context in xml file and in play an essential role in XIOS Each object of this class contains all root definition of elements: files, fiels, domains, axis, etc, ... from which we can have access to each element. In fact, every thing must a be inside a particuliar context. After the xml file (iodef.xml) is parsed, object of the class is created and its contains all information of other elements in the xml file. */ class CContext : public CObjectTemplate , public CContextAttributes { public : enum EEventId { EVENT_ID_CLOSE_DEFINITION,EVENT_ID_UPDATE_CALENDAR, EVENT_ID_CREATE_FILE_HEADER,EVENT_ID_CONTEXT_FINALIZE, EVENT_ID_CONTEXT_FINALIZE_CLIENT, EVENT_ID_COUPLER_IN_READY, EVENT_ID_COUPLER_IN_CLOSE_DEFINITION, EVENT_ID_COUPLER_IN_CONTEXT_FINALIZED, }; /// typedef /// typedef CObjectTemplate SuperClass; typedef CContextAttributes SuperClassAttribute; public : typedef CContextAttributes RelAttributes; typedef CContext RelGroup; //--------------------------------------------------------- public : /// Constructeurs /// CContext(void); explicit CContext(const StdString & id); CContext(const CContext & context); // Not implemented yet. CContext(const CContext * const context); // Not implemented yet. /// Destructeur /// virtual ~CContext(void); //--------------------------------------------------------- public : /// Mutateurs /// void setCalendar(std::shared_ptr newCalendar); /// Accesseurs /// std::shared_ptr getCalendar(void) const; public : // Initialize server or client void init(CServerContext* parentServerContext, MPI_Comm intraComm, int serviceType); void initClient(MPI_Comm intraComm, int serviceType); void initServer(MPI_Comm intraComm, int serviceType ); void createClientInterComm(MPI_Comm interCommClient, MPI_Comm interCommServer) ; void createServerInterComm(void) ; bool isInitialized(void); StdString dumpClassAttributes(void); // Put sever or client into loop state bool eventLoop(bool enableEventsProcessing=true); bool scheduledEventLoop(bool enableEventsProcessing=true) ; void globalEventLoop(void); // Finalize a context void finalize(void); bool isFinalized(void); void closeDefinition(void); // to be removed std::vector findAllEnabledFieldsInFiles(const std::vector& activeFiles); // Some functions to process context std::vector findAllEnabledFieldsInFileOut(const std::vector& activeFiles); std::vector findAllEnabledFieldsInFileIn(const std::vector& activeFiles); std::vector findAllEnabledFieldsCouplerOut(const std::vector& activeCouplerOut); std::vector findAllEnabledFieldsCouplerIn(const std::vector& activeCouplerIn); // void findAllEnabledFields(void); // void findAllEnabledFieldsInReadModeFiles(void); void readAttributesOfEnabledFieldsInReadModeFiles(); void solveAllInheritance(bool apply=true); void findEnabledFiles(void); void findEnabledCouplerIn(void); void findEnabledCouplerOut(void); void createCouplerInterCommunicator(void) ; void findEnabledWriteModeFiles(void); void findEnabledReadModeFiles(void); void closeAllFile(void); void updateCalendar(int step); void createFileHeader(void); void initReadFiles(void); void prepareTimeseries(void); void postProcessFilterGraph(); void startPrefetchingOfEnabledReadModeFiles(); void doPreTimestepOperationsForEnabledReadModeFiles(); void doPostTimestepOperationsForEnabledReadModeFiles(); void findFieldsWithReadAccess(void); void triggerLateFields(void) ; std::map getAttributesBufferSize(std::map& maxEventSize, CContextClient* contextClient, bool bufferForWriting = false); std::map getDataBufferSize(std::map& maxEventSize, CContextClient* contextClient, bool bufferForWriting = false); // Distribute files (in write mode) among secondary-server pools according to the estimated data flux void distributeFiles(const std::vector& files); void distributeFileOverBandwith(const std::vector& files) ; void distributeFileOverMemoryBandwith(const std::vector& files) ; // Send context close definition void sendCloseDefinition(void); public: void sendCloseDefinition(CContextClient* client) ; private: set sendCloseDefinition_done_ ; public: // There are something to send on closing context defintion void sendUpdateCalendar(int step); void sendCreateFileHeader(void); void sendEnabledFiles(const std::vector& activeFiles); void sendEnabledFieldsInFiles(const std::vector& activeFiles); void sendRefDomainsAxisScalars(const std::vector& activeFiles); //!< after be gathered to the root process of the context, merged registry is sent to the root process of the servers void sendFinalizeClient(CContextClient* contextClient, const string& contextClientId); public: void sendContextToFileServer(CContextClient* client) ; private: std::set sendToFileServer_done_ ; public: std::string getContextId() {return contextId_;} // Client side: Receive and process messages static void recvUpdateCalendar(CEventServer& event); void recvUpdateCalendar(CBufferIn& buffer); static void recvCloseDefinition(CEventServer& event); static void recvCreateFileHeader(CEventServer& event); void recvCreateFileHeader(CBufferIn& buffer); static void recvSolveInheritanceContext(CEventServer& event); void recvSolveInheritanceContext(CBufferIn& buffer); static void recvFinalizeClient(CEventServer& event) ; void recvFinalizeClient(CBufferIn& buffer); public: void sendCouplerInReady(CContextClient* client); private: set sendCouplerInReady_done_; public: static void recvCouplerInReady(CEventServer& event) ; void recvCouplerInReady(CBufferIn& buffer) ; //!< coupler is ready to receive grid definition. set couplerInReady_; bool isCouplerInReady(CContextClient* client) { return couplerInReady_.count(client)!=0 ;} public: void sendCouplerInCloseDefinition(CContextClient* client) ; set sendCouplerInCloseDefinition_done_; static void recvCouplerInCloseDefinition(CEventServer& event) ; void recvCouplerInCloseDefinition(CBufferIn& buffer) ; //!< coupler has finished it defintion, data can be sent set couplerInCloseDefinition_ ; bool isCouplerInCloseDefinition(CContextClient* client) { return couplerInCloseDefinition_.count(client)!=0 ;} public: void sendCouplerInContextFinalized(CContextClient* client) ; set sendCouplerInContextFinalized_done_; static void recvCouplerInContextFinalized(CEventServer& event) ; void recvCouplerInContextFinalized(CBufferIn& buffer) ; //!< coupler has finished it defintion, data can be sent set couplerInContextFinalized_ ; bool isCouplerInContextFinalized(CContextClient* client) { return couplerInContextFinalized_.count(client)!=0 ;} public: void freeComms(void); //!< Free internally allcoated communicators void releaseClientBuffers(void); //! Deallocate buffers allocated by clientContexts // dispatch event static bool dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event); public: // Get current context static CContext* getCurrent(void); // Get context root static CContextGroup* getRoot(void); // Set current context static void setCurrent(const string& id); // Create new context static CContext* create(const string& id = ""); /// Accesseurs statiques /// static StdString GetName(void); static StdString GetDefName(void); static ENodeType GetType(void); static CContextGroup* GetContextGroup(void); // Some functions to visualize structure of current context static void ShowTree(StdOStream & out = std::clog); static void CleanTree(void); int getServiceType(void) {return serviceType_;} public : // Parse xml node and write all info into context virtual void parse(xml::CXMLNode & node); // Visualize a context virtual StdString toString(void) const; // Solve all inheritance relation in current context virtual void solveDescInheritance(bool apply, const CAttributeMap * const parent = 0); // Verify if all root definition in a context have children virtual bool hasChild(void) const; bool isProcessingEvent(void) {return isProcessingEvent_;} bool setProcessingEvent(void) {isProcessingEvent_=true ;} bool unsetProcessingEvent(void) {isProcessingEvent_=false ;} MPI_Comm getIntraComm(void) {return intraComm_ ;} int getIntraCommRank(void) {return intraCommRank_;} int getIntraCommSize(void) {return intraCommSize_;} void addCouplingChanel(const std::string& contextId, bool out) ; public : // Calendar of context std::shared_ptr calendar; // List of all enabled files (files on which fields are written or read) std::vector enabledFiles; // List of all enabled files in read mode (files on which fields are read) std::vector enabledReadModeFiles; // List of all enabled files in write mode std::vector enabledWriteModeFiles; std::vector enabledCouplerIn; std::vector enabledCouplerOut; // List of all enabled fields whose instant data is accessible from the public API // but which are not part of a file std::vector fieldsWithReadAccess_; std::vector couplerInFields_; std::vector fileInFields_; // Context root static std::shared_ptr root; // Determine context on client or not bool hasClient; // Determine context on server or not bool hasServer; CContextServer* server; //!< Concrete context server CContextClient* client; //!< Concrete contex client std::vector serverPrimServer; std::vector clientPrimServer; // list of slave servers (IO server or others) set slaveServers_ ; private: // the map containing context client associated to it string id for coupling out ; std::map couplerOutClient_ ; // the map containing context server associated to it string id for coupling out ; std::map couplerOutServer_ ; // the map containing context client associated to it string id for coupling in ; std::map couplerInClient_ ; // the map containing context server associated to it string id for coupling in ; std::map couplerInServer_ ; public: CContextClient* getCouplerInClient(const string& contextId) { return couplerInClient_[contextId] ;} CContextServer* getCouplerInServer(const string& contextId) { return couplerInServer_[contextId] ;} CContextClient* getCouplerOutClient(const string& contextId) { return couplerOutClient_[contextId] ;} CContextServer* getCouplerOutServer(const string& contextId) { return couplerOutServer_[contextId] ;} std::vector primServerId_; CRegistry* registryIn ; //!< input registry which is read from file CRegistry* registryOut ; //!< output registry which will be written into file at the finalize MPI_Comm intraComm_ ; //! context intra communicator int intraCommRank_ ; //! context intra communicator rank int intraCommSize_ ; //! context intra communicator size private: CEventScheduler* eventScheduler_ ; //! The local event scheduler for context size_t hashId_ ; //! the local hashId for scheduler size_t timeLine_=0 ; void initEventScheduler(void) ; bool isPostProcessed; bool allProcessed; bool finalized; int countChildContextFinalized_; //!< Counter of child contexts (for now it is the number of secondary server pools) CGarbageCollector garbageCollector; std::list comms; //!< Communicators allocated internally int serviceType_; //!< service associated to the context string contextId_ ; //!< context client id for the servers. For clients this is same as getId() bool isProcessingEvent_ ; private: CServerContext* parentServerContext_ ; public: CServerContext* getParentServerContext(void) { return parentServerContext_; } private: bool lockedContext_=false; public: void lockContext(void) {lockedContext_=true; } void unlockContext(void) {lockedContext_=false; } bool isLockedContext(void) { return lockedContext_;} public: // Some function maybe removed in the near future // virtual void toBinary (StdOStream & os) const; // virtual void fromBinary(StdIStream & is); }; // class CContext ///-------------------------------------------------------------- // Declare/Define CContextGroup and CContextDefinition DECLARE_GROUP(CContext); ///-------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace xios #endif // __XIOS_CContext__