#include "registry.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include #include #include #ifdef _usingEP using namespace ep_lib; #endif namespace xios { using namespace std; CRegistry::CRegistry(const CRegistry& reg) : communicator(reg.communicator) { for(map >::const_iterator it=reg.registry.begin() ; it!=reg.registry.end() ; ++it) { char* buffer=new char[it->second.first] ; memcpy(buffer,it->second.second,it->second.first) ; registry.insert(pair >(it->first, pair(it->second.first,buffer))) ; } } void CRegistry::reset() { for(map >::const_iterator it=registry.begin() ; it!=registry.end() ; ++it) { if (it->second.first>0) delete[] it->second.second ; } registry.clear() ; } void CRegistry::setKey_(const string& key_, const CBaseType& value) { const string key=path+key_ ; if (!value.isEmpty()) { size_t size=value.size(); map >::iterator it=registry.find(key) ; if (it!=registry.end()) { delete[] it->second.second ; registry.erase(it) ; } char* buffer=new char[size] ; CBufferOut tmpBuff(buffer,size) ; value.toBuffer(tmpBuff) ; registry.insert(pair >(key, pair(size,buffer))) ; } } void CRegistry::getKey_(const string& key_, CBaseType& value) { const string key=path+key_ ; size_t size=value.size(); map >::iterator it=registry.find(key) ; if (it!=registry.end()) { CBufferIn tmpBuff(it->second.second,it->second.first) ; value.fromBuffer(tmpBuff) ; } else value.reset() ; } bool CRegistry::foundKey(const string& key_) const { const string key=path+key_ ; map >::const_iterator it=registry.find(key) ; if (it!=registry.end()) return true ; else return false ; } bool CRegistry::toBuffer(CBufferOut& buffer) const { buffer< >::const_iterator it=registry.begin() ; it!=registry.end() ; ++it) { buffer<first<second.first ; if (!buffer.put(it->second.second,it->second.first)) ERROR("bool CRegistry::toBuffer(CBufferOut& buffer) const)", << "Not enough free space in buffer to queue the data."); } return true ; } size_t CRegistry::size() const { size_t s=0; size_t size_t_size=CType(0).size() ; s+=size_t_size ; for(map >::const_iterator it=registry.begin() ; it!=registry.end() ; ++it) s+=(CType(it->first)).size() + size_t_size + it->second.first ; return s ; } void CRegistry::fromString(const string& str) { ERROR("void CRegistry::fromString(const string& str)",<< "This method has not been implemented"); } string CRegistry::toString() const { ostringstream oss; for(map >::const_iterator it=registry.begin() ; it!=registry.end() ; ++it) { oss<<"Key = "<< it->first <<" , size : "<second.first<<" ASCII value : "<second.second,it->second.first)<> nKeys ; for(size_t i=0;i>key>>size ; if (size > 0) { value = new char[size] ; buffer.get(value,size) ; } map >::iterator it=registry.find(key) ; if (it!=registry.end()) { delete[] it->second.second ; registry.erase(it) ; } registry.insert(pair >(key, pair(size,value))) ; } return true ; } void CRegistry::toFile(const string& filename) { if (registry.size()==0) return ; CBufferOut buffer(this->size()) ; this->toBuffer(buffer) ; ofstream file(filename.c_str(), ofstream::out ) ; size_t size=buffer.count() ; file.write((const char*) &size,sizeof(size)) ; file.write((const char*) buffer.start(),size) ; file.close() ; } void CRegistry::fromFile(const string& filename) { ifstream file(filename.c_str(), ifstream::in | ifstream::binary) ; if (!file) return ; size_t size; file.read((char*) &size,sizeof(size)) ; CBufferIn buffer(size) ; file.read((char*) buffer.ptr(),size) ; this->fromBuffer(buffer) ; file.close() ; } void CRegistry::mergeRegistry(const CRegistry& inRegistry) { size_t size ; char* value; for(map >::const_iterator it=inRegistry.registry.begin() ; it!=inRegistry.registry.end() ; ++it) { const string& key=it->first ; map >::iterator it2=registry.find(key) ; if (it2==registry.end()) { size=it->second.first ; value=new char[size] ; memcpy(value,it->second.second,size) ; registry.insert(pair >(key, pair(size,value))) ; } } } void CRegistry::bcastRegistry(void) { int rank ; MPI_Comm_rank(communicator,&rank); if (rank==0) { CBufferOut buffer(this->size()) ; this->toBuffer(buffer) ; int size=buffer.count() ; MPI_Bcast(&size,1,MPI_INT,0,communicator) ; MPI_Bcast(buffer.start(),size,MPI_CHAR,0,communicator) ; } else { int size ; MPI_Bcast(&size,1,MPI_INT,0,communicator) ; CBufferIn buffer(size) ; MPI_Bcast(buffer.start(),size,MPI_CHAR,0,communicator) ; this->fromBuffer(buffer) ; } } void CRegistry::gatherRegistry(void) { gatherRegistry(communicator) ; } void CRegistry::gatherRegistry(const MPI_Comm& comm) { int rank,mpiSize ; MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank); MPI_Comm_size(comm,&mpiSize); int* sizes=new int[mpiSize] ; CBufferOut localBuffer(this->size()) ; this->toBuffer(localBuffer) ; int localSize=localBuffer.count() ; MPI_Gather(&localSize,1,MPI_INT,sizes,1,MPI_INT,0,comm) ; char* globalBuffer ; int* displs ; if (rank==0) { size_t globalBufferSize=0 ; displs=new int[mpiSize] ; for (int i=0;i2) { int color ; if (mpiRank1) { MPI_Comm commDown ; int color ; if (mpiRank==0 || mpiRank==mpiSize/2+mpiSize%2) color=0 ; else color=1 ; MPI_Comm_split(comm,color,mpiRank,&commDown) ; if (color==0) gatherRegistry(commDown) ; MPI_Comm_free(&commDown) ; } } }