#ifndef __XIOS_HPP__ #define __XIOS_HPP__ #include "xios_spl.hpp" #include "mpi.hpp" #include "registry.hpp" namespace xios { /*! \class CXios */ class CXios { public: static void initialize(void) ; static void initClientSide(const string & codeId, ep_lib::MPI_Comm& localComm, ep_lib::MPI_Comm& returnComm) ; static void initServerSide(void) ; static void clientFinalize(void) ; static void parseFile(const string& filename) ; template static T getin(const string& id,const T& defaultValue) ; template static T getin(const string& id) ; public: static const string rootFile ; //!< Configuration filename static const string xiosCodeId ; //!< Identity for XIOS static const string clientFile; //!< Filename template for client static const string serverFile; //!< Filename template for server static const string serverPrmFile; //!< Filename template for primary server in case of two server levels static const string serverSndFile; //!< Filename template for secondary server in case of two server levels static bool xiosStack; //!< Exception handling static bool systemStack; //!< Exception handling #pragma omp threadprivate(xiosStack, systemStack) static bool isClient ; //!< Check if xios is client #pragma omp threadprivate(isClient) static bool isServer ; //!< Check if xios is server #pragma omp threadprivate(isServer) static ep_lib::MPI_Comm globalComm ; //!< Global communicator #pragma omp threadprivate(globalComm) static bool printLogs2Files; //!< Printing out logs into files #pragma omp threadprivate(printLogs2Files) static bool usingOasis ; //!< Using Oasis #pragma omp threadprivate(usingOasis) static bool usingServer ; //!< Using server (server mode) #pragma omp threadprivate(usingServer) static bool usingServer2 ; //!< Using secondary server (server mode). IMPORTANT: Use this variable ONLY in CServer::initialize(). #pragma omp threadprivate(usingServer2) static int ratioServer2 ; //!< Percentage of server processors dedicated to secondary server #pragma omp threadprivate(ratioServer2) static int nbPoolsServer2 ; //!< Number of pools created on the secondary server #pragma omp threadprivate(nbPoolsServer2) static double bufferSizeFactor; //!< Factor used to tune the buffer size #pragma omp threadprivate(bufferSizeFactor) static const double defaultBufferSizeFactor; //!< Default factor value static StdSize minBufferSize; //!< Minimum buffer size #pragma omp threadprivate(minBufferSize) static StdSize maxBufferSize; //!< Maximum buffer size #pragma omp threadprivate(minBufferSize) static bool isOptPerformance; //!< Check if buffer size is for performance (as large as possible) #pragma omp threadprivate(isOptPerformance) static CRegistry* globalRegistry ; //!< global registry which is wrote by the root process of the servers #pragma omp threadprivate(globalRegistry) static double recvFieldTimeout; //!< Time to wait for data before issuing an error when receiving a field #pragma omp threadprivate(recvFieldTimeout) static bool checkEventSync; //!< For debuuging, check if event are coherent and synchrone on client side public: //! Setting xios to use server mode static void setUsingServer(); //! Setting xios NOT to use server mode static void setNotUsingServer(); //! Initialize server (if any) static void initServer(); private: //! Parse only Xios part of configuration file static void parseXiosConfig(); } ; } //#include "cxios_impl.hpp" #endif // __XIOS_HPP__