#!/bin/bash install_dir=$PWD compil_full="false" use_oasis="false" oasis="oasis3_mct" build_path="./" build_dir="./" build_suffixed="false" use_extern_boost="false" use_extern_blitz="false" use_memtrack="false" job="1" netcdf_lib="netcdf4_par" compil_mode="prod" arch_path=$PWD/"arch" arch_default_path=$PWD/"arch" arch_defined="FALSE" arch_path_defined="FALSE" use_ep="FALSE" #use_ep2="FALSE" # Traitement de la ligne de commande while (($# > 0)) do case $1 in "-h"|"--help"|"-help") echo "make_xios - installs XIOS on your architecture" echo "make_xios [options]" echo "options :" echo " [--prod] : compilation in production mode (default)" echo " [--dev] : compilation in development mode" echo " [--debug] : compilation in debug mode" echo " --arch arch : to choose target architecture" echo " [--avail] : to know available target architectures " echo " [--full] : to generate dependencies and recompile from scratch" echo " [--use_oasis 'oasis3' 'oasis3_mct' : default oasis3_mct] : to use Oasis coupler" echo " [--build_path : absolute path to the build directory" echo " [--build_dir : name of the build directory" echo " [--build_suffixed : generate automatically suffixed name of the build directory (e.g. config_X64_CURIE_prod)" echo " [--use_extern_boost : to use external boost library" echo " [--use_extern_blitz : to use external blitz library" echo " [--doc] : to generate Doxygen documentation (not available yet)" echo " [--job ntasks] : to use parallel compilation with ntasks" echo " [--netcdf_lib 'netcdf4_par'/'netcdf4_seq'/'netcdf4_internal' : default netcdf4_par] : choice of netcdf library" echo " [--memtrack] : tracking memory leak - developper only" echo " [--omp] : enable multithread XIOS using mpi_endpoint (EP) : default no EP" echo "Example : ./make_xios --prod --arch PW6_VARGAS" echo "Example : ./make_xios --avail" exit;; "--prod") compil_mode="prod" ; shift ;; "--dev") compil_mode="dev" ; shift ;; "--debug") compil_mode="debug" ; shift ;; "--arch") arch=$2 ; arch_defined="TRUE"; shift ; shift ;; "--arch_path") arch_path=$2 ; arch_path_defined="TRUE"; shift ; shift ;; "--avail") ls arch/*.fcm | cut -d"-" -f2 | cut -d"." -f1 ; exit ;; "--full") compil_full="true" ; shift ;; "--use_oasis") use_oasis="true" oasis=$2 ; shift ; shift ;; "--build_path") build_path=$2 ; shift ; shift ;; "--build_dir") build_dir=$2 ; shift ; shift ;; "--build_suffixed") build_suffixed="true" ; shift ;; "--use_extern_boost") use_extern_boost="true" ; shift ;; "--use_extern_blitz") use_extern_blitz="true" ; shift ;; "--doc") doc="true" ; shift ;; "--job") job=$2 ; shift ; shift ;; "--netcdf_lib") netcdf_lib=$2 ; shift ; shift ;; "--memtrack") use_memtrack="true" memtrack=$2 ; shift ; shift ;; "--omp") use_ep="true" ; shift ;; # "--omp2") use_ep2="true" ; shift ;; *) code="$1" ; shift ;; esac done # Installation des sources nb_files_gz=`ls $install_dir/tools/archive | grep tar.gz | wc -l` if [ ${nb_files_gz} -ne 0 ] then echo -e "- uncompress archives ..." for tarname in `ls $install_dir/tools/archive/*.tar.gz` ; do if ( [[ ${tarname} == "${install_dir}/tools/archive/boost.tar.gz" ]] && [[ "$use_extern_boost" == "true" ]] ) || ( [[ ${tarname} == "${install_dir}/tools/archive/blitz.tar.gz" ]] && [[ "$use_extern_blitz" == "true" ]] ) then continue fi gunzip -f "$tarname" tar -xf ${tarname%.gz} done fi # Definition of the root directory of the build if [[ "$build_path" == "./" ]]; then install_dir=$PWD else install_dir=${build_path} fi if [[ "$build_suffixed" == "true" ]]; then install_dir="${install_dir}/config_${arch}_${compil_mode}" else install_dir="${install_dir}/${build_dir}" fi mkdir -p $install_dir rm -f ${PWD}/bld_dir.cfg echo "inc ${install_dir}/arch.fcm" >> ${PWD}/bld_dir.cfg echo "inc ${install_dir}/config.fcm" >> ${PWD}/bld_dir.cfg echo "dir::root ${install_dir}" >> ${PWD}/bld_dir.cfg # Vérification de la présence d'un identifiant d'architecture. ############################################################### # lecture des chemins propres a l'architecture de la machine # # et configuration de l'environnement # ############################################################### rm -f .void_file echo > .void_file rm -rf .void_dir mkdir .void_dir if [[ "$arch_defined" == "TRUE" ]] then rm -f ${install_dir}/arch.path rm -f ${install_dir}/arch.fcm rm -f ${install_dir}/arch.env if test -f $arch_path/arch-${arch}.path then ln -s $arch_path/arch-${arch}.path ${install_dir}/arch.path elif test -f $arch_default_path/arch-${arch}.path then ln -s $arch_default_path/arch-${arch}.path ${install_dir}/arch.path fi if test -f $arch_path/arch-${arch}.fcm then ln -s $arch_path/arch-${arch}.fcm ${install_dir}/arch.fcm elif test -f $arch_default_path/arch-${arch}.fcm then ln -s $arch_default_path/arch-${arch}.fcm ${install_dir}/arch.fcm fi if test -f $arch_path/arch-${arch}.env then ln -s $arch_path/arch-${arch}.env ${install_dir}/arch.env elif test -f $arch_default_path/arch-${arch}.env then ln -s $arch_default_path/arch-${arch}.env ${install_dir}/arch.env else ln -s .void_file ${install_dir}/arch.env fi source ${install_dir}/arch.env source ${install_dir}/arch.path else echo "Please choose a target achitecture --> list all available architecture using make_xios --avail!" exit 1 fi # Vérification de la présence d'un mode de compilation. if [[ "$use_ep" == "true" ]]; then if [[ "$compil_mode" == "prod" ]] then COMPIL_CFLAGS="%PROD_CFLAGS -D_usingEP " COMPIL_FFLAGS="%PROD_FFLAGS -D_usingEP " elif [[ "$compil_mode" == "dev" ]] then COMPIL_CFLAGS="%DEV_CFLAGS -D_usingEP " COMPIL_FFLAGS="%DEV_FFLAGS -D_usingEP " elif [[ "$compil_mode" == "debug" ]] then COMPIL_CFLAGS="%DEBUG_CFLAGS -D_usingEP " COMPIL_FFLAGS="%DEBUG_FFLAGS -D_usingEP " fi else if [[ "$compil_mode" == "prod" ]] then COMPIL_CFLAGS="%PROD_CFLAGS" COMPIL_FFLAGS="%PROD_FFLAGS" elif [[ "$compil_mode" == "dev" ]] then COMPIL_CFLAGS="%DEV_CFLAGS" COMPIL_FFLAGS="%DEV_FFLAGS" elif [[ "$compil_mode" == "debug" ]] then COMPIL_CFLAGS="%DEBUG_CFLAGS" COMPIL_FFLAGS="%DEBUG_FFLAGS" fi fi #if [[ "$use_ep2" == "true" ]]; then # if [[ "$compil_mode" == "prod" ]] # then # COMPIL_CFLAGS="%PROD_CFLAGS -D_usingEP -D_openmpi" # COMPIL_FFLAGS="%PROD_FFLAGS -D_usingEP -D_openmpi" # elif [[ "$compil_mode" == "dev" ]] # then # COMPIL_CFLAGS="%DEV_CFLAGS -D_usingEP -D_openmpi" # COMPIL_FFLAGS="%DEV_FFLAGS -D_usingEP -D_openmpi" # elif [[ "$compil_mode" == "debug" ]] # then # COMPIL_CFLAGS="%DEBUG_CFLAGS -D_usingEP -D_openmpi" # COMPIL_FFLAGS="%DEBUG_FFLAGS -D_usingEP -D_openmpi" # fi # #else # if [[ "$compil_mode" == "prod" ]] # then # COMPIL_CFLAGS="%PROD_CFLAGS" # COMPIL_FFLAGS="%PROD_FFLAGS" # elif [[ "$compil_mode" == "dev" ]] # then # COMPIL_CFLAGS="%DEV_CFLAGS" # COMPIL_FFLAGS="%DEV_FFLAGS" # elif [[ "$compil_mode" == "debug" ]] # then # COMPIL_CFLAGS="%DEBUG_CFLAGS" # COMPIL_FFLAGS="%DEBUG_FFLAGS" # fi #fi rm -r $PWD/extern/netcdf4 if [[ "$netcdf_lib" == "netcdf4_par" ]] then ln -s $PWD/.void_dir $PWD/extern/netcdf4 XIOS_CPPKEY="$XIOS_CPPKEY USING_NETCDF_PAR" elif [[ "$netcdf_lib" == "netcdf4_seq" ]] then ln -s $PWD/.void_dir $PWD/extern/netcdf4 elif [[ "$netcdf_lib" == "netcdf4_internal" ]] then ln -s $PWD/extern/src_netcdf4 $PWD/extern/netcdf4 XIOS_CPPKEY="$XIOS_CPPKEY USING_NETCDF_PAR USING_NETCDF_INTERNAL" export NETCDF_INCDIR="-I${PWD}/extern/netcdf4" export NETCDF_LIBDIR="" export NETCDF_LIB="" else echo "Bad choice for --netcdf_lib argument : choose between 'netcdf4_par','netcdf4_seq' or 'netcdf4_internal'" exit fi if [[ "$use_oasis" == "true" ]] then if [[ "$oasis" == "oasis3_mct" ]] then XIOS_CPPKEY="$XIOS_CPPKEY USE_OMCT" elif [[ "$oasis" == "oasis3" ]] then XIOS_CPPKEY="$XIOS_CPPKEY USE_OASIS" OASIS_INCDIR="-I$PWD/../../prism/X64/build/lib/psmile.MPI1" OASIS_LIBDIR="-L$PWD/../../prism/X64/lib" OASIS_LIB="-lpsmile.MPI1 -lmpp_io" else echo "Bad choice for --use_oasis argument : choose between 'oasis3','oasis3_mct'" exit fi NETCDF_LIB="-lnetcdff -lnetcdf" XIOS_FINCDIR="$OASIS_INCDIR $XIOS_FINCDIR" XIOS_LIB="$OASIS_LIBDIR $OASIS_LIB $XIOS_LIB" fi # Setting path for boost if [[ "$use_extern_boost" == "true" ]] then rm -r $PWD/extern/boost ln -s $PWD/.void_dir $PWD/extern/boost else export BOOST_INCDIR="-I${PWD}/extern/boost" export BOOST_LIBDIR="" export BOOST_LIB="" fi # Setting path for blitz if [[ "$use_extern_blitz" == "true" ]] then rm -r $PWD/extern/blitz ln -s $PWD/.void_dir $PWD/extern/blitz else echo "src::blitz $PWD/extern/blitz/src" >> ${PWD}/bld_dir.cfg export BLITZ_INCDIR="-I${PWD}/extern/blitz" export BLITZ_LIBDIR="" export BLITZ_LIB="" fi if [[ "$use_memtrack" == "true" ]] then XIOS_CPPKEY="$XIOS_CPPKEY XIOS_MEMTRACK" if [[ "$memtrack" == "light" ]] then XIOS_CPPKEY="$XIOS_CPPKEY XIOS_MEMTRACK_LIGHT" elif [[ "$memtrack" == "FULL" ]] then XIOS_LIB="$ADDR2LINE_LIBDIR $ADDR2LINE_LIB $XIOS_LIB" XIOS_CPPKEY="$XIOS_CPPKEY XIOS_MEMTRACK_FULL" else echo "Bad choice for --memtrack argument : choose between 'light','full'" exit fi fi XIOS_CINCDIR="$NETCDF_INCDIR $HDF5_INCDIR $MPI_INCDIR $BOOST_INCDIR $BLITZ_INCDIR" XIOS_FINCDIR="$NETCDF_INCDIR $XIOS_FINCDIR $MPI_INCDIR $BOOST_INCDIR $BLITZ_INCDIR" XIOS_LIB="$XIOS_LIB $NETCDF_LIBDIR $HDF5_LIBDIR $MPI_LIBDIR $NETCDF_LIB $HDF5_LIB $MPI_LIB" rm -f ${install_dir}/config.fcm echo "%COMPIL_CFLAGS $COMPIL_CFLAGS" >> ${install_dir}/config.fcm echo "%COMPIL_FFLAGS $COMPIL_FFLAGS" >> ${install_dir}/config.fcm echo "%CPP_KEY $XIOS_CPPKEY" >> ${install_dir}/config.fcm echo "%CBASE_INC $XIOS_CINCDIR" >> ${install_dir}/config.fcm echo "%FBASE_INC $XIOS_FINCDIR" >> ${install_dir}/config.fcm echo "%ARCH_LD $XIOS_LIB" >> ${install_dir}/config.fcm echo "=> Using "$compil_mode" mode for compiling under architecture \""$arch"\" !" # Création de la documentation doxygen. if [[ !(-z $doc) ]] then echo -e "- Create Doxygen documentation (disabled)..." #doxygen -s fi make_dir=$PWD export PATH=$PWD/tools/FCM/bin:$PATH if [[ "$compil_full" == "true" ]] then fcm build --clean --ignore-lock fcm build -f --ignore-lock -j $job else fcm build --ignore-lock -j $job fi build_exit_status=$? if [[ $build_exit_status == 0 ]] then set nothing # cd $WORKDIR/XIOS_NEMO_COUPLE/modeles/NEMO/WORK # cd $WORKDIR/XIOS_NEMO/modeles/NEMO/WORK # make fi exit $build_exit_status