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It can give user an overall presentation of how the field is generated and which operations are applied. It is often not easy to track the data dependency from the \verb|xml| file. That's why a graphic representation is more user-friendly. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{inputs/images/graph.png} \end{figure} \subsection{Node} In the workflow graph, a node represents a XIOS filter. We have 7 categories of filters: \begin{itemize} \item source filter: when the field data is received from model or read from NetCDF file \item pass through filter: when having a field reference \item arithmetic filter: when arithmetic operations are performed on the field \item temporal filter: when the field has a temporal operation (\textit{e.g.} average, maximum, minimum, ...) \item spatial transform filter: when the field has a spatial transform applied upon (\textit{e.g.} zoom, interpolate, ...) \item file write filter: when the field data is written to a NetCDF file \item store filter: when the field data is send back to model \end{itemize} \subsection{Edge} Edge in the workflow graph represents the field after the filter is applied. \section{Enable the workflow graph} The field attribute \verb|build_workflow_graph| is used to control the workflow graph. \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Heritage by field referencing} \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Heritage by arithmetic operations} \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] field_A*2 \end{lstlisting} \section{Visualization of workflow graph} \subsection{Example of XIOS workflow graph output} \begin{figure}[H] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{inputs/images/workflow_graph} \end{figure} From this graph, we can gather several information directly: \begin{itemize} \item the workflow has 3 inputs fields and one output field; \item \verb|filed_D = field_A + field_B + field_C|; \item \verb|field_D| is outputted every time step (instant temporal filter); \item the output NetCDF file is named \verb|output.nc|; \item the date label of the time step is 2012-03-01 at 21 o'clock. \end{itemize} This graph shows how XIOS interprets the \verb|xml| inputs. Users can easily check if it corresponds to their designed input configurations. The workflow graph is viewed through the \verb|graph.html| script located in the XIOS folder. The graph file \verb|graph_data.json| is stored in the same folder as the \verb|iodef.xml| file which is used for configure the simulation. Choose the graph file to start the Visualization by clicking the button \colorbox[RGB]{66,139,202}{\color{white}{Load a JSON XIOS file}}. Several buttons are set to allow user to visualize the graph interactively. \begin{figure}[H] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{inputs/images/graph_init} \caption{Start state of the Visualization} \end{figure} \subsection{Enable/Disable all} The graph is hidden at the beginning. \visbutton{Enable all} will show the whole graph and \visbutton{Disable all} is used to hide the whole graph \subsection{Show/Hide node} The \visbutton{Hide node} buttons allow user to temporarily hide a node and its edges. The node's position is kept and user can still click on it to show the node and its edges by the \visbutton{Show node} button. \subsection{Enable parents/children} These buttons can show the direct parents or children of a given node. \subsection{Enable/Disable all parents} These buttons are used to show/hide all parent nodes and edges of a given node. \subsection{Enable/Disable all children} These buttons are used to show/hide all child nodes and edges of a given node. \subsection{Enable input} \visbutton{Enable input} shows all input nodes of the graph. The input nodes are often, if not always, the source filters: data received from the model or read from a NetCDF file. \subsection{Enable output} \visbutton{Enable output} shows all output nodes of the graph. The output nodes are either the file writer filter: data written to a NetCDF file; either the store filter: data send back to model. \subsection{Enable last temporal input} Very often, a field is generated after many iterations. Showing all these iterations can be redundant and slow down the browser. That's why the \visbutton{Enable last temporal input} button is useful because it can show us only the last iteration before the flux gets to the current filter node. \subsection{Show subgraph} \visbutton{Show subgraph} button is very useful because it can focus on a given node and show all its parents and children nodes and edges, and at the same time hide all irrelevant elements to the given node. \section{Hover message in the workflow graph} A hover message is shown for each filter and field. For example, the hover message for a file writer filter gives all attributes of the output file and the written field. \section{Time control of workflow graph} Attributes \verb|build_workflow_graph_start| and \verb|build_workflow_graph_end| are used to control the starting and end time of the workflow graph. \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] \end{lstlisting} In this example, the graph will only include information between the 3rd and 5th time step. These attributes are not mandatory. If \verb|build_workflow_graph_start| is not define, the graph will start to record from the first iteration. Similarly, the default value of \verb|build_workflow_graph_end| is the last iteration of the simulation. In case that two values of the same attribute are defined, we take the largest range. \begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] \end{lstlisting} In this example, \verb|field_B| will have attributes \verb|build_workflow_graph_start="1ts"| and \verb|build_workflow_graph_end="5ts"| \end{document}