import os import sys import subprocess import socket import os.path from os import path from default_param import * from user_param import * # load default_param first, variables defines in user_param will overwrite the default value def OSinfo(runthis): red = lambda text: '\033[0;31m' + text + '\033[0m' osstdout = subprocess.Popen(runthis, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) theInfo = osstdout.communicate()[0].strip() if osstdout.returncode!=0: print(red(runthis+" FAILED")) print >> sys.stderr, osstdout.returncode sys.exit() # else: # print(runthis+" OK") def write_jz_job(configName, nbproc=8): red = lambda text: '\033[0;31m' + text + '\033[0m' f=open("jz_job_"+configName+".sh", "w") f.write("#!/bin/bash\n") f.write("#SBATCH --ntasks="+repr(nbproc)+" # Nombre total de processus MPI\n") f.write("#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16\n") f.write("#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread\n") f.write("#SBATCH -t 00:10:00 # Temps elapsed maximum d'execution\n") f.write("#SBATCH -o single_config.out # Nom du fichier de sortie\n") f.write("#SBATCH -e single_config.err # Nom du fichier d'erreur\n") f.write("#SBATCH --account=psl@cpu\n") f.write("cd ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}\n") f.write("module purge\n") f.write("module load intel-all/19.0.4\n") f.write("module load netcdf/4.7.0/intel-19.0.4-mpi\n") f.write("module load netcdf-cxx/4.2/intel-19.0.4-mpi\n") f.write("module load netcdf-fortran/4.4.5/intel-19.0.4-mpi\n") f.write("module load gcc/6.5.0/gcc-4.8.5\n") f.write("module load cmake\n") f.write("module load cdo\n") f.write("ulimit -c 0\n") f.write("export machine_name=jeanzay\n") f.write("cp ../ ./\n") f.write("cp ../ ./\n") f.write("mv user_params.def user_params.def_bkp\n") f.write("cp "+configName+"/setup/ user_params.def\n") f.write("python\n") f.write("cmake .\n") f.write("ctest -V #enable all output\n") f.write("rm -f\n") f.write("rm -f run_test_*.py\n") f.write("rm -f*\n") f.write("rm -f user_param.def\n") f.write("mv user_params.def_bkp user_params.def\n") f.write("\n") f.close def write_irene_job(configName, nbproc=8): red = lambda text: '\033[0;31m' + text + '\033[0m' f=open("irene_job_"+configName+".sh", "w") f.write("#!/bin/bash\n") f.write("#MSUB -r XIOS\n") f.write("#MSUB -o client_output.out # standard output\n") f.write("#MSUB -e client_error.err #error output\n") f.write("#MSUB -eo\n") f.write("#MSUB -c 1\n") f.write("#MSUB -n "+ repr(nbproc) + " # Number of MPI tasks (SPMD case) or cores (MPMD case)\n") f.write("#MSUB -X \n") f.write("#MSUB -x \n") f.write("#MSUB -T 600 # Wall clock limit (seconds)\n") f.write("#MSUB -q skylake # thin nodes\n") f.write("#MSUB -A devcmip6\n") f.write("#MSUB -Q test\n") f.write("#MSUB -m work\n") f.write("cd $BRIDGE_MSUB_PWD\n") f.write("module unload netcdf-c netcdf-fortran hdf5 flavor perl hdf5 boost blitz mpi gnu\n") f.write("module load gnu\n") f.write("module load mpi/intelmpi/2017.0.6.256\n") f.write("module load flavor/buildcompiler/intel/17\n") f.write("module load flavor/hdf5/parallel\n") f.write("module load netcdf-fortran/4.4.4\n") f.write("module load hdf5/1.8.20\n") f.write("module load boost\n") f.write("module load blitz\n") f.write("module load feature/bridge/heterogenous_mpmd\n") f.write("module load nco\n") f.write("module load cdo\n") f.write("export KMP_STACKSIZE=3g\n") f.write("export KMP_LIBRARY=turnaround\n") f.write("export MKL_SERIAL=YES\n") f.write("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${BRIDGE_MSUB_NCORE}\n") f.write("set -x \n") f.write("export machine_name=irene\n") f.write("cp ../ ./\n") f.write("cp ../ ./\n") f.write("mv user_params.def user_params.def_bkp\n") f.write("cp "+configName+"/setup/ user_params.def\n") f.write("python\n") f.write("cmake .\n") f.write("ctest -V #enable all output\n") f.write("rm -f\n") f.write("rm -f run_test_*.py\n") f.write("rm -f*\n") f.write("rm -f user_param.def\n") f.write("mv user_params.def_bkp user_params.def\n") f.write("\n") f.close def main(): black = lambda text: '\033[0;30m' + text + '\033[0m' red = lambda text: '\033[0;31m' + text + '\033[0m' green = lambda text: '\033[0;32m' + text + '\033[0m' yellow = lambda text: '\033[0;33m' + text + '\033[0m' blue = lambda text: '\033[0;34m' + text + '\033[0m' magenta = lambda text: '\033[0;35m' + text + '\033[0m' cyan = lambda text: '\033[0;36m' + text + '\033[0m' lgray = lambda text: '\033[0;37m' + text + '\033[0m' dgray = lambda text: '\033[1;30m' + text + '\033[0m' lred = lambda text: '\033[1;32m' + text + '\033[0m' lgreen = lambda text: '\033[1;32m' + text + '\033[0m' lyellow = lambda text: '\033[1;33m' + text + '\033[0m' lblue = lambda text: '\033[1;34m' + text + '\033[0m' lpurple = lambda text: '\033[1;35m' + text + '\033[0m' lcyan = lambda text: '\033[1;36m' + text + '\033[0m' white = lambda text: '\033[1;37m' + text + '\033[0m' configNamePattern=[0]*7 f=open("", "r") for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("UsingServer2"): configNamePattern[0] = '_UsingSrv2=' + UsingServer2 elif line.startswith("RatioServer2"): configNamePattern[1] = '_RatioSrv2=' + repr(RatioServer2) elif line.startswith("NumberPoolsServer2"): configNamePattern[2] = '_NbPoolsSrv2=' + repr(NumberPoolsServer2) elif line.startswith("NumberClients"): configNamePattern[3] = '_NbClients=' + repr(NumberClients) elif line.startswith("NumberServers"): configNamePattern[4] = '_NbServers=' + repr(NumberServers) elif line.startswith("Duration"): configNamePattern[5] = '_Duration=' + Duration elif line.startswith("ATMdomain"): configNamePattern[5] = '_ATMdomain=' + ATMdomain f.close() configName = "config" defaultConfig = True for i in range(len(configNamePattern)): if configNamePattern[i] != 0: configName = configName + configNamePattern[i] defaultConfig = False if defaultConfig: configName = "config_default" check_result=False if not os.path.exists(configName): os.mkdir(configName) print blue("\n ****************************************************************") print blue(" * Directory " + repr(configName) + " Created ") print blue(" * Copy results to \'not_validated_reference\' folder") print blue(" ****************************************************************\n") OSinfo("mkdir "+configName+'/setup') OSinfo('mkdir '+configName+'/tmp_reference') OSinfo('mkdir '+configName+'/xios_output') OSinfo('mv param.def '+configName+'/setup/') OSinfo('mv all_param.def '+configName+'/setup/') OSinfo('mv '+configName+'/setup/') OSinfo('mv iodef.xml '+configName+'/setup/') OSinfo('cp context_atm.xml '+configName+'/setup/') OSinfo('cp context_grid_dynamico.xml '+configName+'/setup/') OSinfo('cp '+configName+'/setup/') OSinfo('mv xios_*.out '+configName+'/xios_output/') OSinfo('mv xios_*.err '+configName+'/xios_output/') f=open("checkfile.def", "r") h=open("report.txt", "a+") l=open("report.html", "a+") h.write("Config : "+configName+"\n") l.write("

Config : "+configName+"

") endloop=False for line in f: line=line.strip() line=line.rstrip() if line.startswith("all"): allfiles = os.listdir(os.getcwd()) for thisfile in allfiles: if thisfile.endswith(".nc") and thisfile!="": cmd = 'mv '+thisfile + ' '+configName+'/tmp_reference/' OSinfo(cmd) h.write("test for "+lpurple("all NC files")+" \t"+yellow('INITIALIZED')+"\n") l.write("

test for "+"all NC files"+"        INITIALIZED

") print yellow("\n ****************************************") print yellow(" ** "+"all NC files"+" is stored as temporal reference !!! **") print yellow("\n ****************************************") break if not line.startswith("#") and len(line) != 0: cmd = 'mv '+line + ' '+configName+'/tmp_reference/' OSinfo(cmd) h.write("test for "+lpurple(line)+" \t"+yellow('INITIALIZED')+"\n") l.write("

test for "+line+"        INITIALIZED

") print yellow("\n ****************************************") print yellow(" ** "+line+" is stored as temporal reference !!! **") print yellow("\n ****************************************") f.close() h.write("\n") l.write("
") h.close() else: print blue("\n ********************************************************") print blue(" * Directory " + repr(configName) + " already exists") print blue(" * Start comparing results with references") print blue(" ********************************************************\n") tmp_ref = os.path.isdir(configName+'/tmp_reference') ref = os.path.isdir(configName+'/reference') and not tmp_ref if ref: print blue("\n =====================================") print blue(" | Comparing results with references |") print blue(" =====================================\n") path = configName+'/reference/' elif tmp_ref: print blue("\n ===================================================") print blue(" | Comparing results with NON-Validated references |") print blue(" ===================================================\n") path = configName+'/tmp_reference/' f=open("checkfile.def", "r") h=open("report.txt", "a+") l=open("report.html", "a+") h.write("Config : "+configName+"\n") l.write("

Config : "+configName+"

") for line in f: line=line.strip() line=line.rstrip() if line.startswith("all") : for thisfile in os.listdir(path): if thisfile.endswith(".nc"): cmd = 'cdo -W diffn '+ thisfile +' '+ path + thisfile + ' | tail -1 > diff.txt' OSinfo(cmd) if os.stat("diff.txt").st_size==0: h.write("test for "+lpurple(thisfile)+" \t"+green('PASSED')+"\n") l.write("

test for "+thisfile+"        PASSED

") print green("\n ****************************************") print green(" ** "+thisfile+" is valid !!! **") print green("\n ****************************************") else: g=open("diff.txt", "r") for gline in g: if gline.strip().startswith("0") or ":" in gline : h.write("test for "+lpurple(thisfile)+" \t"+green('PASSED')+"\n") l.write("

test for "+thisfile+"        PASSED

") print green("\n ****************************************") print green(" ** "+thisfile+" is valid !!! **") print green("\n ****************************************") else: h.write("test for "+lpurple(thisfile)+" \t"+red('FAILED')+"\n") l.write("

test for "+thisfile+"        FAILED

") print red("\n **************************************************") print red(" ** "+thisfile+" is NOT valid. Please debugging.. **") print red("\n **************************************************") g.close() # generate job submission script hostname=os.getenv('machine_name') if hostname.startswith("jeanzay"): write_jz_job(configName, NumberClients+NumberServers) elif hostname.startswith("irene"): write_irene_job(configName, NumberClients+NumberServers) else : print("machine unknown") print >> sys.stderr, 1 sys.exit() break elif not line.startswith("#") and len(line) != 0: cmd = 'cdo -W diffn '+ line +' '+ path + line + ' | tail -1 > diff.txt' OSinfo(cmd) if os.stat("diff.txt").st_size==0: h.write("test for "+lpurple(line)+" \t"+green('PASSED')+"\n") l.write("

test for "+line+"        PASSED

") print green("\n ****************************************") print green(" ** "+line+" is valid !!! **") print green("\n ****************************************") else: g=open("diff.txt", "r") for gline in g: if gline.strip().startswith("0") or ":" in gline : h.write("test for "+lpurple(line)+" \t"+green('PASSED')+"\n") l.write("

test for "+line+"        PASSED

") print green("\n ****************************************") print green(" ** "+line+" is valid !!! **") print green("\n ****************************************") else: h.write("test for "+lpurple(line)+" \t"+red('FAILED')+"\n") l.write("

test for "+line+"        FAILED

") print red("\n **************************************************") print red(" ** "+line+" is NOT valid. Please debugging.. **") print red("\n **************************************************") g.close() # generate job submission script hostname=os.getenv('machine_name') if hostname.startswith("jeanzay"): write_jz_job(configName, NumberClients+NumberServers) elif hostname.startswith("irene"): write_irene_job(configName, NumberClients+NumberServers) else : print("machine unknown") print >> sys.stderr, 1 sys.exit() f.close() h.write("\n") l.write("
") h.close() if not os.path.exists('current_run'): OSinfo('mkdir current_run') if not os.path.exists('current_run/'+configName): OSinfo('mkdir current_run/'+configName) OSinfo('mv -f param.def current_run/'+configName) OSinfo('mv -f all_param.def current_run/'+configName) OSinfo('mv -f current_run/'+configName) OSinfo('mv -f iodef.xml current_run/'+configName) OSinfo('rm -f current_run/'+configName+'/context_atm.xml') OSinfo('cp -n context_atm.xml current_run/'+configName) OSinfo('cp -f context_grid_dynamico.xml current_run/'+configName) OSinfo('cp -f current_run/'+configName) OSinfo('mv -f xios_*.out current_run/'+configName) OSinfo('mv -f xios_*.err current_run/'+configName) if __name__== "__main__": main()