#ifndef __XIOS_CAttributeTemplate__ #define __XIOS_CAttributeTemplate__ /// boost headers /// #include /// XIOS headers /// #include "xios_spl.hpp" #include "exception.hpp" #include "attribute.hpp" #include "buffer_in.hpp" #include "buffer_out.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include "tv_data_display.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ #include #include #endif namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Déclarations ////////////////////// /// /*! \class CAttributeTemplate The class implements attribute of some basic types */ template class CAttributeTemplate : public CAttribute, public CType { typedef CAttribute SuperClass; public : /// Typedef /// typedef T ValueType; /// Constructeurs /// explicit CAttributeTemplate(const StdString & id); CAttributeTemplate(const StdString & id, xios_map & umap); CAttributeTemplate(const StdString & id, const ValueType & value); CAttributeTemplate(const StdString & id, const ValueType & value, xios_map & umap); public : /// Accesseur /// ValueType getValue(void) const; /// Mutateurs /// void setValue(const ValueType & value); void set(const CAttribute& attr) ; void set(const CAttributeTemplate& attr) ; void reset(void) ; void checkEmpty(void) const; void setInheritedValue(const CAttributeTemplate& attr ); void setInheritedValue(const CAttribute& attr ); T getInheritedValue(void) const ; bool hasInheritedValue(void) const; bool isEqual(const CAttribute& attr ); /// Destructeur /// virtual ~CAttributeTemplate(void) { } /// Operateur /// CAttributeTemplate& operator=(const ValueType & value); /// Autre /// virtual StdString toString(void) const { return _toString();} virtual void fromString(const StdString & str) { if (str==resetInheritanceStr) { reset(); _canInherite=false ;} else _fromString(str);} virtual StdString dump(void) const { return _dump();} virtual StdString dumpGraph(void) const { return _dumpGraph();} virtual bool toBuffer (CBufferOut& buffer) const { return _toBuffer(buffer);} virtual bool fromBuffer(CBufferIn& buffer) { return _fromBuffer(buffer); } virtual void generateCInterface(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortran2003Interface(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceDeclaration_(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceBody_(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceDeclaration(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceGetDeclaration_(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceGetBody_(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; virtual void generateFortranInterfaceGetDeclaration(ostream& oss,const string& className) ; static int show_TV_ttf_display_type ( const CAttributeTemplate* attr) { int status ; if (attr->isEmpty()) { status = TV_ttf_add_row("State", TV_ttf_type_ascii_string,"(empty)") ; if (status != TV_ttf_ec_ok) return TV_ttf_format_raw ; else return TV_ttf_format_ok_elide ; } else { char tname[128] ; char bname[128] = "ValueType" ; #ifdef __GNUC__ size_t size = sizeof(bname) ; abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(T).name(), bname, &size, &status) ; if (status !=0) return TV_ttf_format_raw ; #endif snprintf (tname, sizeof(tname), "%s", bname); if (typeid(T)==typeid(string)) status = TV_ttf_add_row("values", TV_ttf_type_ascii_string, ((string*)(attr->ptrValue))->c_str() ); else status = TV_ttf_add_row("values", tname, attr->ptrValue) ; if (status != TV_ttf_ec_ok) return TV_ttf_format_raw ; else return TV_ttf_format_ok_elide ; } } static int TV_ttf_display_type ( const CAttributeTemplate* attr ) { return show_TV_ttf_display_type (attr) ; } protected : /// Constructeurs /// // CAttributeTemplate(void); // Not implemented. private : bool isEqual_(const CAttributeTemplate& attr); StdString _toString(void) const; StdString _dump(void) const; StdString _dumpGraph(void) const; void _fromString(const StdString & str); bool _toBuffer (CBufferOut& buffer) const; bool _fromBuffer(CBufferIn& buffer) ; CType inheritedValue ; }; // class CAttribute #define macrotype(_TYPE_)\ template<> int CAttributeTemplate<_TYPE_>::TV_ttf_display_type( const CAttributeTemplate<_TYPE_>* attr ) \ {\ return show_TV_ttf_display_type (attr) ;\ } macrotype(double) macrotype(int) macrotype(bool) macrotype(string) //macrotype(CDate) //macrotype(CDuration) #undef macrotype template void FromBinary(StdIStream & is, T & obj); } // namespace xios #endif // __XIOS_CAttributeTemplate__