/*! \file domain_algorithm_expand.cpp \author Ha NGUYEN \since 08 Aug 2016 \date 19 Sep 2016 \brief Algorithm for expanding an domain. */ #include "domain_algorithm_expand.hpp" #include "expand_domain.hpp" #include "mesh.hpp" #include "domain.hpp" #include "grid.hpp" #include "grid_transformation_factory_impl.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "context_client.hpp" namespace xios { CGenericAlgorithmTransformation* CDomainAlgorithmExpand::create(CGrid* gridDst, CGrid* gridSrc, CTransformation* transformation, int elementPositionInGrid, std::map& elementPositionInGridSrc2ScalarPosition, std::map& elementPositionInGridSrc2AxisPosition, std::map& elementPositionInGridSrc2DomainPosition, std::map& elementPositionInGridDst2ScalarPosition, std::map& elementPositionInGridDst2AxisPosition, std::map& elementPositionInGridDst2DomainPosition) { std::vector domainListDestP = gridDst->getDomains(); std::vector domainListSrcP = gridSrc->getDomains(); CExpandDomain* expandDomain = dynamic_cast (transformation); int domainDstIndex = elementPositionInGridDst2DomainPosition[elementPositionInGrid]; int domainSrcIndex = elementPositionInGridSrc2DomainPosition[elementPositionInGrid]; return (new CDomainAlgorithmExpand(domainListDestP[domainDstIndex], domainListSrcP[domainSrcIndex], expandDomain)); } bool CDomainAlgorithmExpand::registerTrans() { CGridTransformationFactory::registerTransformation(TRANS_EXPAND_DOMAIN, create); } CDomainAlgorithmExpand::CDomainAlgorithmExpand(CDomain* domainDestination, CDomain* domainSource, CExpandDomain* expandDomain) : CDomainAlgorithmTransformation(domainDestination, domainSource), isXPeriodic_(false), isYPeriodic_(false) { if (domainDestination == domainSource) { ERROR("CDomainAlgorithmExpand::CDomainAlgorithmExpand(CDomain* domainDestination,CDomain* domainSource, CExpandDomain* expandDomain)", << "Domain source and domain destination are the same. Please make sure domain destination refers to domain source" << std::endl << "Domain source " <getId() << std::endl << "Domain destination " <getId() << std::endl); } this->type_ = (ELEMENT_MODIFICATION_WITH_DATA); // Make sure domain source have all valid attributes // domainSource->checkAllAttributes(); expandDomain->checkValid(domainDestination); if (!expandDomain->i_periodic.isEmpty()) isXPeriodic_ = expandDomain->i_periodic; if (!expandDomain->j_periodic.isEmpty()) isYPeriodic_ = expandDomain->j_periodic; switch (expandDomain->type) { case CExpandDomain::type_attr::node : expandDomainNodeConnectivity(domainDestination, domainSource); break; case CExpandDomain::type_attr::edge : expandDomainEdgeConnectivity(domainDestination, domainSource); break; default: break; } } /*! * Expand domain with edge-type neighbor * \param[in/out] domainDestination domain destination and will be modified * \param[in] domainSource domain source */ void CDomainAlgorithmExpand::expandDomainEdgeConnectivity(CDomain* domainDestination, CDomain* domainSource) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); CContextClient* client=context->client; int type = 1; // For edge CMesh mesh; CArray& bounds_lon_src = domainSource->bounds_lon_1d; CArray& bounds_lat_src = domainSource->bounds_lat_1d; CArray neighborsSrc; switch (domainSource->type) { case CDomain::type_attr::unstructured: mesh.getGlobalNghbFaces(type, client->intraComm, domainSource->i_index, bounds_lon_src, bounds_lat_src, neighborsSrc); updateUnstructuredDomainAttributes(domainDestination, domainSource, neighborsSrc); break; default: updateRectilinearDomainAttributes(domainDestination, domainSource, neighborsSrc); break; } } /*! * Expand domain with node-type neighbor * \param[in/out] domainDestination domain destination and will be modified * \param[in] domainSource domain source */ void CDomainAlgorithmExpand::expandDomainNodeConnectivity(CDomain* domainDestination, CDomain* domainSource) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); CContextClient* client=context->client; int type = 1; // For edge CMesh mesh; CArray& bounds_lon_src = domainSource->bounds_lon_1d; CArray& bounds_lat_src = domainSource->bounds_lat_1d; CArray neighborsSrc; switch (domainSource->type) { case CDomain::type_attr::unstructured: mesh.getGlobalNghbFaces(type, client->intraComm, domainSource->i_index, bounds_lon_src, bounds_lat_src, neighborsSrc); updateUnstructuredDomainAttributes(domainDestination, domainSource, neighborsSrc); break; default: updateRectilinearDomainAttributes(domainDestination, domainSource, neighborsSrc); break; } } /*! * Extend rectilinear or curvilinear domain destination and update its attributes * Suppose that domain destination and domain source have the same values for all attributes (by inheritance) * \param [in/out] domainDestination domain destination * \param [in] domainSource domain source * \param [in] neighborsDomainSrc neighbor of domain source. For now, we don't need it for rectilinear */ void CDomainAlgorithmExpand::updateRectilinearDomainAttributes(CDomain* domainDestination, CDomain* domainSource, CArray& neighborsDomainSrc) { int index, globalIndex, idx; int iindexDst, jindexDst, globIndexDst; int iindexSrc, jindexSrc, globIndexSrc; CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); CContextClient* client=context->client; // First of all, "copy" all attributes of domain source to domain destination StdString domainDstRef = (!domainDestination->domain_ref.isEmpty()) ? domainDestination->domain_ref.getValue() : ""; if (domainDstRef != domainSource->getId()) { domainDestination->domain_ref.setValue(domainSource->getId()); domainDestination->solveRefInheritance(true); } if (domainDstRef.empty()) domainDestination->domain_ref.reset(); else domainDestination->domain_ref.setValue(domainDstRef); // Here are attributes of source need tranfering int niGloSrc = domainSource->ni_glo; int njGloSrc = domainSource->nj_glo; int niSrc = domainSource->ni, ibegin = domainSource->ibegin; int njSrc = domainSource->nj, jbegin = domainSource->jbegin; int dataDimSrc = domainSource->data_dim; CArray& mask_1d_src = domainSource->domainMask; CArray& i_index_src = domainSource->i_index; CArray& j_index_src = domainSource->j_index; CArray& data_i_index_src = domainSource->data_i_index; CArray& data_j_index_src = domainSource->data_j_index; int data_i_begin_src = domainSource->data_ibegin; int data_j_begin_src = domainSource->data_jbegin; CArray& lon_src = domainSource->lonvalue; CArray& lat_src = domainSource->latvalue; // We need to generate boundary for longitude and latitude if (domainSource->bounds_lon_1d.isEmpty() || domainSource->bounds_lat_1d.isEmpty()) { CArray lon = lon_src(Range(0,niSrc-1)); CArray lat = lat_src(Range(0,lat_src.numElements()-niSrc,niSrc)); CArray& bounds_lon_src = domainSource->bounds_lon_1d; CArray& bounds_lat_src = domainSource->bounds_lat_1d; domainSource->fillInRectilinearBoundLonLat(lon_src, lat_src, bounds_lon_src, bounds_lat_src); } CArray& bounds_lon_src = domainSource->bounds_lon_1d; CArray& bounds_lat_src = domainSource->bounds_lat_1d; int nVertex = bounds_lon_src.shape()[0]; int oldNbLocal = i_index_src.numElements(); // Calculate ni, nj by using i_index and j_index int niSrcByIndex = max(i_index_src) - min(i_index_src) + 1; int njSrcByIndex = max(j_index_src) - min(j_index_src) + 1; int dataIindexBoundSrc = (1 == dataDimSrc) ? (niSrcByIndex * njSrcByIndex) : niSrcByIndex; int dataJindexBoundSrc = (1 == dataDimSrc) ? (niSrcByIndex * njSrcByIndex) : njSrcByIndex; // Uncompress data_i_index, data_j_index CArray data_i_index_src_full(oldNbLocal); CArray data_j_index_src_full(oldNbLocal); int nbUnMaskedPointOnLocalDomain = 0; data_i_index_src_full = -1; // Suppose all values are masked data_j_index_src_full = -1; // Suppose all values are masked for (idx = 0; idx < data_i_index_src.numElements(); ++idx) { int dataIidx = data_i_index_src(idx) + data_i_begin_src; int dataJidx = data_j_index_src(idx) + data_j_begin_src; if ((0 <= dataIidx) && (dataIidx < dataIindexBoundSrc) && (0 <= dataJidx) && (dataJidx < dataJindexBoundSrc)) { data_i_index_src_full(nbUnMaskedPointOnLocalDomain) = dataIidx; data_j_index_src_full(nbUnMaskedPointOnLocalDomain) = dataJidx; ++nbUnMaskedPointOnLocalDomain; } } // Expand domain destination, not only local but also global int niGloDst = niGloSrc + 2; int njGloDst = njGloSrc + 2; int niDst = niSrc + 2; int njDst = njSrc + 2; domainDestination->ni_glo.setValue(niGloDst); domainDestination->nj_glo.setValue(njGloDst); domainDestination->ni.setValue(niDst); domainDestination->nj.setValue(njDst); CArray& mask_1d_dst = domainDestination->domainMask; CArray& i_index_dst = domainDestination->i_index; CArray& j_index_dst = domainDestination->j_index; CArray& data_i_index_dst = domainDestination->data_i_index; CArray& data_j_index_dst = domainDestination->data_j_index; // Make sure that we use only lonvalue_client, latvalue_client if (!domainDestination->lonvalue_1d.isEmpty()) domainDestination->lonvalue_1d.reset(); if (!domainDestination->latvalue_1d.isEmpty()) domainDestination->latvalue_1d.reset(); if (!domainDestination->lonvalue_2d.isEmpty()) domainDestination->lonvalue_2d.reset(); if (!domainDestination->latvalue_2d.isEmpty()) domainDestination->latvalue_2d.reset(); // Recalculate i_index, j_index of extended domain // Should be enough for common case, but if we have arbitrary distribution? int newNbLocalDst = niDst * njDst; mask_1d_dst.resize(newNbLocalDst); i_index_dst.resize(newNbLocalDst); j_index_dst.resize(newNbLocalDst); CArray data_i_index_dst_full(newNbLocalDst); CArray data_j_index_dst_full(newNbLocalDst); domainDestination->lonvalue.resizeAndPreserve(newNbLocalDst); domainDestination->latvalue.resizeAndPreserve(newNbLocalDst); domainDestination->bounds_lon_1d.resizeAndPreserve(nVertex, newNbLocalDst); domainDestination->bounds_lat_1d.resizeAndPreserve(nVertex, newNbLocalDst); CArray& lon_dst = domainDestination->lonvalue; CArray& lat_dst = domainDestination->latvalue; CArray& bounds_lon_dst = domainDestination->bounds_lon_1d; CArray& bounds_lat_dst = domainDestination->bounds_lat_1d; // Update i_index, j_index for (int j = 0; j < njDst; ++j) for (int i = 0; i < niDst; ++i) { idx = j * niDst + i; i_index_dst(idx) = i + ibegin; j_index_dst(idx) = j + jbegin; } // 1. Fill in array relating to global index (i_index, j_index, transmap, etc, ...) // Global index mapping between destination and source this->transformationMapping_.resize(1); this->transformationWeight_.resize(1); TransformationIndexMap& transMap = this->transformationMapping_[0]; TransformationWeightMap& transWeight = this->transformationWeight_[0]; transMap.rehash(std::ceil(newNbLocalDst/transMap.max_load_factor())); transWeight.rehash(std::ceil(newNbLocalDst/transWeight.max_load_factor())); // Index mapping for local domain // Mapping global index of expanded domain into original one // (Representing global index of expanded domain in form of global index of original one) CArray globalIndexSrcOnDstDomain(newNbLocalDst); for (idx = 0; idx < newNbLocalDst; ++idx) { iindexDst = i_index_dst(idx); jindexDst = j_index_dst(idx); globIndexDst = jindexDst * niGloDst + iindexDst; globIndexSrc = (((jindexDst-1)+njGloSrc) % njGloSrc) * niGloSrc + (((iindexDst-1)+niGloSrc) % niGloSrc) ; globalIndexSrcOnDstDomain(idx) = globIndexSrc; transMap[globIndexDst].push_back(globIndexSrc); transWeight[globIndexDst].push_back(1.0); } // 2. Exchange local info among domains (lon,lat,bounds,mask,etc,...) CClientClientDHTDouble::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap localData; localData.rehash(std::ceil(oldNbLocal/localData.max_load_factor())); // Information exchanged among domains (attention to their order), number in parentheses presents size of data // lon(1) + lat(1) + bounds_lon(nVertex) + bounds_lat(nVertex) + mask(1) + data_i_index(1) int dataPackageSize = 1 + 1 + // lon + lat nVertex + nVertex + //bounds_lon + bounds_lat 1 + // mask_1d_dst; 1 + 1; // data_i_index + data_j_index // Initialize database for (int idx = 0; idx < oldNbLocal; ++idx) { index = i_index_src(idx) + j_index_src(idx) * niGloSrc; localData[index].resize(dataPackageSize); std::vector& data = localData[index]; //Pack data int dataIdx = 0; data[dataIdx] = lon_src(idx);++dataIdx; data[dataIdx] = lat_src(idx);++dataIdx; for (int i = 0; i < nVertex; ++i) { data[dataIdx] = bounds_lon_src(i,idx); ++dataIdx; } for (int i = 0; i < nVertex; ++i) { data[dataIdx] = bounds_lat_src(i,idx); ++dataIdx; } data[dataIdx] = mask_1d_src(idx) ? 1.0 : -1.0; ++dataIdx; data[dataIdx] = data_i_index_src_full(idx);++dataIdx; data[dataIdx] = data_j_index_src_full(idx); } CClientClientDHTDouble dhtData(localData,client->intraComm); dhtData.computeIndexInfoMapping(globalIndexSrcOnDstDomain); CClientClientDHTDouble::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& neighborData = dhtData.getInfoIndexMap(); CClientClientDHTDouble::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap::iterator ite = neighborData.end(), it; // Ok get all data for destination // If domain is not periodic, then we mask all extended part. int nbUnMaskedPointOnExtendedPart = 0, remainder = 0, dataIIndex, dataJIndex; size_t nIdx; double maskValue = 1.0; for (index = 0; index < newNbLocalDst; ++index) { nIdx = globalIndexSrcOnDstDomain(index); it = neighborData.find(nIdx); if (ite != it) { std::vector& data = it->second; // Unpack data int dataIdx = 0; lon_dst(index) = data[dataIdx]; ++dataIdx; lat_dst(index) = data[dataIdx]; ++dataIdx; for (int i = 0; i < nVertex; ++i) { bounds_lon_dst(i,index) = data[dataIdx]; ++dataIdx; } for (int i = 0; i < nVertex; ++i) { bounds_lat_dst(i,index) = data[dataIdx]; ++dataIdx; } // Check whether we have x periodic. If we don't, we should mask all point at 0 and niGloDst-1 maskValue = data[dataIdx]; if (!isXPeriodic_) { remainder = i_index_dst(index) % (niGloDst-1); if (0 == remainder) { maskValue = -1.0; } } if (!isYPeriodic_) { remainder = j_index_dst(index) % (njGloDst-1); if (0 == remainder) { maskValue = -1.0; } } mask_1d_dst(index) = (1.0 == maskValue) ? true : false; ++dataIdx; dataIIndex = (int) data[dataIdx]; if (!isXPeriodic_) { remainder = i_index_dst(index) % (niGloDst-1); if (0 == remainder) { dataIIndex = -1; } } data_i_index_dst_full(index) = dataIIndex; ++dataIdx; dataJIndex = (int) data[dataIdx]; if (!isYPeriodic_) { remainder = j_index_dst(index) % (njGloDst-1); if (0 == remainder) { dataJIndex = -1; } } data_j_index_dst_full(index) = dataJIndex; if ((0 <= data_i_index_dst_full(index)) && (0 <= data_j_index_dst_full(index))) { ++nbUnMaskedPointOnExtendedPart; } } } // Finally, update data_i_index, data_j_index int dataDstDim = domainDestination->data_dim; data_i_index_dst.resize(nbUnMaskedPointOnExtendedPart); data_j_index_dst.resize(nbUnMaskedPointOnExtendedPart); int count = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < newNbLocalDst; ++idx) { dataIIndex = data_i_index_dst_full(idx); dataJIndex = data_j_index_dst_full(idx); if ((0 <= dataIIndex) && (0 <= dataJIndex)) { data_i_index_dst(count) = (1 == dataDstDim) ? idx : i_index_dst(idx) - i_index_dst(0); data_j_index_dst(count) = (1 == dataDstDim) ? 0 : j_index_dst(idx) - j_index_dst(0); ++count; } } // Update data_ni, data_nj domainDestination->data_ni.setValue((1==dataDstDim) ? niDst * njDst : niDst); domainDestination->data_nj.setValue((1==dataDstDim) ? niDst * njDst : njDst); domainDestination->data_ibegin.setValue(0); domainDestination->data_jbegin.setValue(0); // Update longitude and latitude if (niSrc == domainSource->lonvalue_1d.numElements() && njSrc == domainSource->latvalue_1d.numElements()) // Ok, we have rectilinear here { domainDestination->lonvalue_1d.resize(niDst); domainDestination->lonvalue_1d = lon_dst(Range(0,niDst-1)); domainDestination->latvalue_1d.resize(njDst); domainDestination->latvalue_1d = lat_dst(Range(0,lat_dst.numElements()-niDst,niDst)); } else // It should be curvilinear { domainDestination->lonvalue_1d.resize(lon_dst.numElements()); domainDestination->lonvalue_1d = lon_dst; domainDestination->latvalue_1d.resize(lat_dst.numElements()); domainDestination->latvalue_1d = (lat_dst); } domainDestination->mask_1d.resize(domainDestination->domainMask.numElements()) ; domainDestination->mask_1d=domainDestination->domainMask ; domainDestination->computeLocalMask() ; } /*! * Extend domain destination and update its attributes * Suppose that domain destination and domain source have the same values for all attributes (by inheritance) * \param [in/out] domainDestination domain destination * \param [in] domainSource domain source * \param [in] neighborsDomainSrc domain extended part */ void CDomainAlgorithmExpand::updateUnstructuredDomainAttributes(CDomain* domainDestination, CDomain* domainSource, CArray& neighborsDomainSrc) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); CContextClient* client=context->client; // First of all, "copy" all attributes of domain source to domain destination StdString domainDstRef = (!domainDestination->domain_ref.isEmpty()) ? domainDestination->domain_ref.getValue() : ""; if (domainDstRef != domainSource->getId()) { domainDestination->domain_ref.setValue(domainSource->getId()); domainDestination->solveRefInheritance(true); } if (domainDstRef.empty()) domainDestination->domain_ref.reset(); else domainDestination->domain_ref.setValue(domainDstRef); // Now extend domain destination int niGlob = domainSource->ni_glo; CArray& mask_1d_src = domainSource->domainMask; CArray& i_index_src = domainSource->i_index; CArray& lon_src = domainSource->lonvalue_1d; CArray& lat_src = domainSource->latvalue_1d; CArray& bounds_lon_src = domainSource->bounds_lon_1d; CArray& bounds_lat_src = domainSource->bounds_lat_1d; CArray& data_i_index_src = domainSource->data_i_index; int oldNbLocal = i_index_src.numElements(), index, globalIndex; // Uncompress data_i_index CArray data_i_index_src_full(oldNbLocal); int nbUnMaskedPointOnLocalDomain = 0; data_i_index_src_full = -1; // Suppose all values are masked for (int idx = 0; idx < data_i_index_src.numElements(); ++idx) { int dataIdx = data_i_index_src(idx); if ((0 <= dataIdx) && (dataIdx < oldNbLocal)) { data_i_index_src_full(nbUnMaskedPointOnLocalDomain) = dataIdx; ++nbUnMaskedPointOnLocalDomain; } } CArray& mask_1d_dst = domainDestination->domainMask; CArray& i_index_dst = domainDestination->i_index; CArray& j_index_dst = domainDestination->j_index; CArray& lon_dst = domainDestination->lonvalue_1d; CArray& lat_dst = domainDestination->latvalue_1d; CArray& bounds_lon_dst = domainDestination->bounds_lon_1d; CArray& bounds_lat_dst = domainDestination->bounds_lat_1d; CArray& data_i_index_dst = domainDestination->data_i_index; CArray& data_j_index_dst = domainDestination->data_j_index; // Resize all array-like attributes of domain destination int nbNeighbor = neighborsDomainSrc.shape()[1]; int newNbLocalDst = nbNeighbor + oldNbLocal; int nVertex = bounds_lon_dst.shape()[0]; mask_1d_dst.resizeAndPreserve(newNbLocalDst); i_index_dst.resizeAndPreserve(newNbLocalDst); j_index_dst.resizeAndPreserve(newNbLocalDst); lon_dst.resizeAndPreserve(newNbLocalDst); lat_dst.resizeAndPreserve(newNbLocalDst); bounds_lon_dst.resizeAndPreserve(nVertex, newNbLocalDst); bounds_lat_dst.resizeAndPreserve(nVertex, newNbLocalDst); CArray data_i_index_dst_full(newNbLocalDst); data_i_index_dst_full(Range(0,oldNbLocal-1)) = data_i_index_src_full; data_i_index_dst_full(Range(oldNbLocal,newNbLocalDst-1)) = -1; // 1. Fill in array relating to global index (i_index, j_index, transmap, etc, ...) // Global index mapping between destination and source this->transformationMapping_.resize(1); this->transformationWeight_.resize(1); TransformationIndexMap& transMap = this->transformationMapping_[0]; TransformationWeightMap& transWeight = this->transformationWeight_[0]; transMap.rehash(std::ceil(newNbLocalDst/transMap.max_load_factor())); transWeight.rehash(std::ceil(newNbLocalDst/transWeight.max_load_factor())); // First, index mapping for local domain for (int idx = 0; idx < oldNbLocal; ++idx) { index = i_index_dst(idx); transMap[index].push_back(index); transWeight[index].push_back(1.0); } // Then, index mapping for extended part for (int idx = 0; idx < nbNeighbor; ++idx) { index = idx + oldNbLocal; globalIndex = neighborsDomainSrc(0,idx); i_index_dst(index) = globalIndex; j_index_dst(index) = 0; transMap[globalIndex].push_back(globalIndex); transWeight[globalIndex].push_back(1.0); } // 2. Exchange local info among domains (lon,lat,bounds,mask,etc,...) CClientClientDHTDouble::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap localData; localData.rehash(std::ceil(oldNbLocal/localData.max_load_factor())); // Information exchanged among domains (attention to their order), number in parentheses presents size of data // lon(1) + lat(1) + bounds_lon(nVertex) + bounds_lat(nVertex) + mask(1) + data_i_index(1) int dataPackageSize = 1 + 1 + // lon + lat nVertex + nVertex + //bounds_lon + bounds_lat 1 + // mask_1d_dst; 1; // data_i_index // Initialize database for (int idx = 0; idx < oldNbLocal; ++idx) { index = i_index_src(idx); localData[index].resize(dataPackageSize); std::vector& data = localData[index]; //Pack data int dataIdx = 0; data[dataIdx] = lon_src(idx);++dataIdx; data[dataIdx] = lat_src(idx);++dataIdx; for (int i = 0; i < nVertex; ++i) { data[dataIdx] = bounds_lon_src(i,idx); ++dataIdx; } for (int i = 0; i < nVertex; ++i) { data[dataIdx] = bounds_lat_src(i,idx); ++dataIdx; } data[dataIdx] = mask_1d_src(idx) ? 1.0 : -1.0; ++dataIdx; data[dataIdx] = data_i_index_src_full(idx); } CClientClientDHTDouble dhtData(localData,client->intraComm); CArray neighborInd(nbNeighbor); for (int idx = 0; idx < nbNeighbor; ++idx) neighborInd(idx) = neighborsDomainSrc(0,idx); // Compute local data on other domains dhtData.computeIndexInfoMapping(neighborInd); CClientClientDHTDouble::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& neighborData = dhtData.getInfoIndexMap(); CClientClientDHTDouble::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap::iterator ite = neighborData.end(), it; // Ok get neighbor data size_t nIdx; int nbUnMaskedPointOnExtendedPart = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < nbNeighbor; ++idx) { nIdx = neighborInd(idx); it = neighborData.find(nIdx); if (ite != it) { index = idx + oldNbLocal; std::vector& data = it->second; // Unpack data int dataIdx = 0; lon_dst(index) = data[dataIdx]; ++dataIdx; lat_dst(index) = data[dataIdx]; ++dataIdx; for (int i = 0; i < nVertex; ++i) { bounds_lon_dst(i,index) = data[dataIdx]; ++dataIdx; } for (int i = 0; i < nVertex; ++i) { bounds_lat_dst(i,index) = data[dataIdx]; ++dataIdx; } mask_1d_dst(index) = (1.0 == data[dataIdx]) ? true : false; ++dataIdx; data_i_index_dst_full(index) = (int)(data[dataIdx]); if (0 <= data_i_index_dst_full(index)) { data_i_index_dst_full(index) = index; ++nbUnMaskedPointOnExtendedPart; } } } // Finally, update data_i_index int nbUnMaskedPointOnNewDstDomain = (nbUnMaskedPointOnExtendedPart + nbUnMaskedPointOnLocalDomain); int count = 0, dataIdx; for (int idx = 0; idx < newNbLocalDst; ++idx) { dataIdx = data_i_index_dst_full(idx); if ((0 <= dataIdx)) { ++count; } } data_i_index_dst.resize(count); data_j_index_dst.resize(count); data_j_index_dst = 0; count = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < newNbLocalDst; ++idx) { dataIdx = data_i_index_dst_full(idx); if ((0 <= dataIdx)) { data_i_index_dst(count) = dataIdx; ++count; } } // Update ni domainDestination->ni.setValue(newNbLocalDst); domainDestination->mask_1d.resize(domainDestination->domainMask.numElements()) ; domainDestination->mask_1d=domainDestination->domainMask ; domainDestination->computeLocalMask() ; } /*! Compute the index mapping between domain on grid source and one on grid destination */ void CDomainAlgorithmExpand::computeIndexSourceMapping_(const std::vector* >& dataAuxInputs) { } }