#include "axis.hpp" #include "attribute_template.hpp" #include "object_template.hpp" #include "group_template.hpp" #include "message.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "context_client.hpp" #include "context_server.hpp" #include "xios_spl.hpp" #include "inverse_axis.hpp" #include "zoom_axis.hpp" #include "interpolate_axis.hpp" #include "server_distribution_description.hpp" #include "client_server_mapping_distributed.hpp" #include "distribution_client.hpp" namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// /// CAxis::CAxis(void) : CObjectTemplate() , CAxisAttributes(), isChecked(false), relFiles(), areClientAttributesChecked_(false) , isClientAfterTransformationChecked(false) , hasBounds_(false), isCompressible_(false) , numberWrittenIndexes_(0), totalNumberWrittenIndexes_(0), offsetWrittenIndexes_(0) , transformationMap_(), hasValue(false), doZoomByIndex_(false), hasLabel(false) , computedWrittenIndex_(false) { } CAxis::CAxis(const StdString & id) : CObjectTemplate(id) , CAxisAttributes(), isChecked(false), relFiles(), areClientAttributesChecked_(false) , isClientAfterTransformationChecked(false) , hasBounds_(false), isCompressible_(false) , numberWrittenIndexes_(0), totalNumberWrittenIndexes_(0), offsetWrittenIndexes_(0) , transformationMap_(), hasValue(false), doZoomByIndex_(false), hasLabel(false) , computedWrittenIndex_(false) { } CAxis::~CAxis(void) { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } std::map CAxis::transformationMapList_ = std::map(); bool CAxis::dummyTransformationMapList_ = CAxis::initializeTransformationMap(CAxis::transformationMapList_); bool CAxis::initializeTransformationMap(std::map& m) { m["zoom_axis"] = TRANS_ZOOM_AXIS; m["interpolate_axis"] = TRANS_INTERPOLATE_AXIS; m["inverse_axis"] = TRANS_INVERSE_AXIS; m["reduce_domain"] = TRANS_REDUCE_DOMAIN_TO_AXIS; m["extract_domain"] = TRANS_EXTRACT_DOMAIN_TO_AXIS; } ///--------------------------------------------------------------- const std::set & CAxis::getRelFiles(void) const { return (this->relFiles); } bool CAxis::IsWritten(const StdString & filename) const { return (this->relFiles.find(filename) != this->relFiles.end()); } bool CAxis::isWrittenCompressed(const StdString& filename) const { return (this->relFilesCompressed.find(filename) != this->relFilesCompressed.end()); } bool CAxis::isDistributed(void) const { bool distributed = (!this->begin.isEmpty() && !this->n.isEmpty() && (this->begin + this->n < this->n_glo)) || (!this->n.isEmpty() && (this->n != this->n_glo)); // A same stupid condition to make sure that if there is only one client, axis // should be considered to be distributed. This should be a temporary solution distributed |= (1 == CContext::getCurrent()->client->clientSize); return distributed; } /*! * Test whether the data defined on the axis can be outputted in a compressed way. * * \return true if and only if a mask was defined for this axis */ bool CAxis::isCompressible(void) const { return isCompressible_; } void CAxis::addRelFile(const StdString & filename) { this->relFiles.insert(filename); } void CAxis::addRelFileCompressed(const StdString& filename) { this->relFilesCompressed.insert(filename); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- /*! Returns the number of indexes written by each server. \return the number of indexes written by each server */ int CAxis::getNumberWrittenIndexes() const { return numberWrittenIndexes_; } /*! Returns the total number of indexes written by the servers. \return the total number of indexes written by the servers */ int CAxis::getTotalNumberWrittenIndexes() const { return totalNumberWrittenIndexes_; } /*! Returns the offset of indexes written by each server. \return the offset of indexes written by each server */ int CAxis::getOffsetWrittenIndexes() const { return offsetWrittenIndexes_; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * Compute the minimum buffer size required to send the attributes to the server(s). * * \return A map associating the server rank with its minimum buffer size. */ std::map CAxis::getAttributesBufferSize() { // For now the assumption is that secondary server pools consist of the same number of procs. // CHANGE the line below if the assumption changes. CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); CContextClient* client = (0 != context->clientPrimServer.size()) ? context->clientPrimServer[0] : context->client; std::map attributesSizes = getMinimumBufferSizeForAttributes(); bool isNonDistributed = (n == n_glo); if (client->isServerLeader()) { // size estimation for sendServerAttribut size_t size = 6 * sizeof(size_t); // size estimation for sendNonDistributedValue if (isNonDistributed) size = std::max(size, CArray::size(n_glo) + (isCompressible_ ? CArray::size(n_glo) : 0)); size += CEventClient::headerSize + getId().size() + sizeof(size_t); const std::list& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) { if (size > attributesSizes[*itRank]) attributesSizes[*itRank] = size; } } if (!isNonDistributed) { // size estimation for sendDistributedValue boost::unordered_map >::const_iterator it, ite = indSrv_.end(); for (it = indSrv_.begin(); it != ite; ++it) { size_t sizeIndexEvent = CArray::size(it->second.size()); if (isCompressible_) sizeIndexEvent += CArray::size(indWrittenSrv_[it->first].size()); size_t sizeValEvent = CArray::size(it->second.size()); if (hasBounds_) sizeValEvent += CArray::size(2 * it->second.size()); if (hasLabel) sizeValEvent += CArray::size(it->second.size()); size_t size = CEventClient::headerSize + getId().size() + sizeof(size_t) + std::max(sizeIndexEvent, sizeValEvent); if (size > attributesSizes[it->first]) attributesSizes[it->first] = size; } } return attributesSizes; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- StdString CAxis::GetName(void) { return (StdString("axis")); } StdString CAxis::GetDefName(void){ return (CAxis::GetName()); } ENodeType CAxis::GetType(void) { return (eAxis); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- CAxis* CAxis::createAxis() { CAxis* axis = CAxisGroup::get("axis_definition")->createChild(); return axis; } /*! Check common attributes of an axis. This check should be done in the very beginning of work flow */ void CAxis::checkAttributes(void) { if (this->n_glo.isEmpty()) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "[ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] " << "The axis is wrongly defined, attribute 'n_glo' must be specified"); StdSize size = this->n_glo.getValue(); if (!this->index.isEmpty()) { if (n.isEmpty()) n = index.numElements(); // It's not so correct but if begin is not the first value of index // then data on the local axis has user-defined distribution. In this case, begin has no meaning. if (begin.isEmpty()) begin = index(0); } else { if (!this->begin.isEmpty()) { if (begin < 0 || begin > size - 1) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "[ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] " << "The axis is wrongly defined, attribute 'begin' (" << begin.getValue() << ") must be non-negative and smaller than size-1 (" << size - 1 << ")."); } else this->begin.setValue(0); if (!this->n.isEmpty()) { if (n < 0 || n > size) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "[ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] " << "The axis is wrongly defined, attribute 'n' (" << n.getValue() << ") must be non-negative and smaller than size (" << size << ")."); } else this->n.setValue(size); { index.resize(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) index(i) = i+begin; } } if (!this->value.isEmpty()) { StdSize true_size = value.numElements(); if (this->n.getValue() != true_size) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "[ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] " << "The axis is wrongly defined, attribute 'value' has a different size (" << true_size << ") than the one defined by the \'size\' attribute (" << n.getValue() << ")."); this->hasValue = true; } this->checkData(); this->checkZoom(); this->checkMask(); this->checkBounds(); this->checkLabel(); } /*! Check the validity of data and fill in values if any. */ void CAxis::checkData() { if (data_begin.isEmpty()) data_begin.setValue(0); if (data_n.isEmpty()) { data_n.setValue(n); } else if (data_n.getValue() < 0) { ERROR("CAxis::checkData(void)", << "[ id = " << this->getId() << " , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << " ] " << "The data size should be strictly positive ('data_n' = " << data_n.getValue() << ")."); } if (data_index.isEmpty()) { data_index.resize(data_n); for (int i = 0; i < data_n; ++i) data_index(i) = i; } } /*! Check validity of zoom info and fill in values if any. */ void CAxis::checkZoom(void) { if (global_zoom_begin.isEmpty()) global_zoom_begin.setValue(0); if (global_zoom_n.isEmpty()) global_zoom_n.setValue(n_glo.getValue()); if (zoom_index.isEmpty()) { zoom_index.setValue(index.getValue()); } if (zoom_n.isEmpty()) zoom_n.setValue(n); if (zoom_begin.isEmpty()) zoom_begin.setValue(begin); } /*! Check validity of mask info and fill in values if any. */ void CAxis::checkMask() { if (!mask.isEmpty()) { if (mask.extent(0) != n) ERROR("CAxis::checkMask(void)", << "[ id = " << this->getId() << " , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << " ] " << "The mask does not have the same size as the local domain." << std::endl << "Local size is " << n.getValue() << "." << std::endl << "Mask size is " << mask.extent(0) << "."); } else // (mask.isEmpty()) { // If no mask was defined, we create a default one without any masked point. mask.resize(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { mask(i) = true; } } } /*! Check validity of bounds info and fill in values if any. */ void CAxis::checkBounds() { if (!bounds.isEmpty()) { if (bounds.extent(0) != 2 || bounds.extent(1) != n) ERROR("CAxis::checkAttributes(void)", << "The bounds array of the axis [ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] must be of dimension 2 x axis size." << std::endl << "Axis size is " << n.getValue() << "." << std::endl << "Bounds size is "<< bounds.extent(0) << " x " << bounds.extent(1) << "."); hasBounds_ = true; } else hasBounds_ = false; } void CAxis::checkLabel() { if (!label.isEmpty()) { if (label.extent(0) != n) ERROR("CAxis::checkLabel(void)", << "The label array of the axis [ id = '" << getId() << "' , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << "' ] must be of dimension of axis size." << std::endl << "Axis size is " << n.getValue() << "." << std::endl << "label size is "<< label.extent(0)<< " ."); hasLabel = true; } else hasLabel = false; } void CAxis::checkEligibilityForCompressedOutput() { // We don't check if the mask is valid here, just if a mask has been defined at this point. isCompressible_ = !mask.isEmpty(); } bool CAxis::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event) { if (SuperClass::dispatchEvent(event)) return true; else { switch(event.type) { case EVENT_ID_DISTRIBUTION_ATTRIBUTE : recvDistributionAttribute(event); return true; break; case EVENT_ID_NON_DISTRIBUTED_ATTRIBUTES: recvNonDistributedAttributes(event); return true; break; case EVENT_ID_DISTRIBUTED_ATTRIBUTES: recvDistributedAttributes(event); return true; break; default : ERROR("bool CAxis::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event)", << "Unknown Event"); return false; } } } /*! Check attributes on client side (This name is still adequate???) */ void CAxis::checkAttributesOnClient() { if (this->areClientAttributesChecked_) return; this->checkAttributes(); this->areClientAttributesChecked_ = true; } /* The (spatial) transformation sometimes can change attributes of an axis. Therefore, we should recheck them. */ void CAxis::checkAttributesOnClientAfterTransformation(const std::vector& globalDim, int orderPositionInGrid, CServerDistributionDescription::ServerDistributionType distType) { CContext* context=CContext::getCurrent() ; if (this->isClientAfterTransformationChecked) return; if (context->hasClient) { if (index.numElements() != n_glo.getValue()) computeConnectedServer(globalDim, orderPositionInGrid, distType); } this->isClientAfterTransformationChecked = true; } // Send all checked attributes to server void CAxis::sendCheckedAttributes(const std::vector& globalDim, int orderPositionInGrid, CServerDistributionDescription::ServerDistributionType distType) { if (!this->areClientAttributesChecked_) checkAttributesOnClient(); if (!this->isClientAfterTransformationChecked) checkAttributesOnClientAfterTransformation(globalDim, orderPositionInGrid, distType); CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); if (this->isChecked) return; if (context->hasClient) sendAttributes(globalDim, orderPositionInGrid, distType); this->isChecked = true; } /*! Send attributes from one client to other clients \param[in] globalDim global dimension of grid which contains this axis \param[in] order */ void CAxis::sendAttributes(const std::vector& globalDim, int orderPositionInGrid, CServerDistributionDescription::ServerDistributionType distType) { if (index.numElements() == n_glo.getValue()) sendNonDistributedAttributes(); else { sendDistributedAttributes(); } sendDistributionAttribute(globalDim, orderPositionInGrid, distType); } void CAxis::computeConnectedServer(const std::vector& globalDim, int orderPositionInGrid, CServerDistributionDescription::ServerDistributionType distType) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); int nbSrvPools = (context->hasServer) ? (context->hasClient ? context->clientPrimServer.size() : 1) : 1; for (int p = 0; p < nbSrvPools; ++p) { CContextClient* client = (0 != context->clientPrimServer.size()) ? context->clientPrimServer[p] : context->client; int nbServer = client->serverSize; int range, clientSize = client->clientSize; int rank = client->clientRank; size_t ni = this->n.getValue(); size_t ibegin = this->begin.getValue(); size_t global_zoom_end = global_zoom_begin+global_zoom_n-1; size_t nZoomCount = 0; size_t nbIndex = index.numElements(); if (doZoomByIndex_) { nZoomCount = zoom_index.numElements(); } else { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < nbIndex; ++idx) { globalLocalIndexMap_[index(idx)] = idx; size_t globalIndex = index(idx); if (globalIndex >= global_zoom_begin && globalIndex <= global_zoom_end) ++nZoomCount; } } CArray globalIndexAxis(nbIndex); std::vector globalAxisZoom(nZoomCount); nZoomCount = 0; if (doZoomByIndex_) { int nbIndexZoom = zoom_index.numElements(); for (int i = 0; i < nbIndexZoom; ++i) { globalIndexAxis(i) = zoom_index(i); } } else { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < nbIndex; ++idx) { size_t globalIndex = index(idx); globalIndexAxis(idx) = globalIndex; if (globalIndex >= global_zoom_begin && globalIndex <= global_zoom_end) { globalAxisZoom[nZoomCount] = globalIndex; ++nZoomCount; } } int end = begin + n -1; zoom_begin = global_zoom_begin > begin ? global_zoom_begin : begin; int zoom_end = global_zoom_end < end ? zoom_end : end; zoom_n = zoom_end-zoom_begin+1; } std::set writtenInd; if (isCompressible_) { for (int idx = 0; idx < data_index.numElements(); ++idx) { int ind = CDistributionClient::getAxisIndex(data_index(idx), data_begin, ni); if (ind >= 0 && ind < ni && mask(ind)) { ind += ibegin; if (ind >= global_zoom_begin && ind <= global_zoom_end) writtenInd.insert(ind); } } } CServerDistributionDescription serverDescriptionGlobal(globalDim, nbServer, distType); int distributedDimensionOnServer = serverDescriptionGlobal.getDimensionDistributed(); CClientServerMapping::GlobalIndexMap globalIndexAxisOnServer; if (distributedDimensionOnServer == orderPositionInGrid) // So we have distributed axis on client side and also on server side* { std::vector nGlobAxis(1); nGlobAxis[0] = n_glo.getValue(); size_t globalSizeIndex = 1, indexBegin, indexEnd; for (int i = 0; i < nGlobAxis.size(); ++i) globalSizeIndex *= nGlobAxis[i]; indexBegin = 0; if (globalSizeIndex <= clientSize) { indexBegin = rank%globalSizeIndex; indexEnd = indexBegin; } else { for (int i = 0; i < clientSize; ++i) { range = globalSizeIndex / clientSize; if (i < (globalSizeIndex%clientSize)) ++range; if (i == client->clientRank) break; indexBegin += range; } indexEnd = indexBegin + range - 1; } CArray globalIndex(index.numElements()); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < globalIndex.numElements(); ++idx) globalIndex(idx) = index(idx); CServerDistributionDescription serverDescription(nGlobAxis, nbServer); serverDescription.computeServerGlobalIndexInRange(std::make_pair(indexBegin, indexEnd)); CClientServerMapping* clientServerMap = new CClientServerMappingDistributed(serverDescription.getGlobalIndexRange(), client->intraComm); clientServerMap->computeServerIndexMapping(globalIndex); globalIndexAxisOnServer = clientServerMap->getGlobalIndexOnServer(); delete clientServerMap; } else { std::vector globalIndexServer(n_glo.getValue()); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < n_glo.getValue(); ++idx) { globalIndexServer[idx] = idx; } for (int idx = 0; idx < nbServer; ++idx) { globalIndexAxisOnServer[idx] = globalIndexServer; } } indSrv_.swap(globalIndexAxisOnServer); CClientServerMapping::GlobalIndexMap::const_iterator it = indSrv_.begin(), ite = indSrv_.end(); connectedServerRank_.clear(); for (it = indSrv_.begin(); it != ite; ++it) { connectedServerRank_.push_back(it->first); } nbConnectedClients_ = CClientServerMapping::computeConnectedClients(client->serverSize, client->clientSize, client->intraComm, connectedServerRank_); } } void CAxis::computeWrittenIndex() { if (computedWrittenIndex_) return; computedWrittenIndex_ = true; CContext* context=CContext::getCurrent(); CContextServer* server = context->server; std::vector nBegin(1), nSize(1), nBeginGlobal(1), nGlob(1); nBegin[0] = zoom_begin; nSize[0] = zoom_n; nBeginGlobal[0] = 0; nGlob[0] = n_glo; CDistributionServer srvDist(server->intraCommSize, nBegin, nSize, nBeginGlobal, nGlob); const CArray& writtenGlobalIndex = srvDist.getGlobalIndex(); size_t nbWritten = 0, indGlo; boost::unordered_map::const_iterator itb = globalLocalIndexMap_.begin(), ite = globalLocalIndexMap_.end(), it; CArray::const_iterator itSrvb = writtenGlobalIndex.begin(), itSrve = writtenGlobalIndex.end(), itSrv; for (itSrv = itSrvb; itSrv != itSrve; ++itSrv) { indGlo = *itSrv; if (ite != globalLocalIndexMap_.find(indGlo)) { ++nbWritten; } } localIndexToWriteOnServer.resize(nbWritten); nbWritten = 0; for (itSrv = itSrvb; itSrv != itSrve; ++itSrv) { indGlo = *itSrv; if (ite != globalLocalIndexMap_.find(indGlo)) { localIndexToWriteOnServer(nbWritten) = globalLocalIndexMap_[indGlo]; ++nbWritten; } } if (isCompressible()) { nbWritten = 0; boost::unordered_map localGlobalIndexMap; for (itSrv = itSrvb; itSrv != itSrve; ++itSrv) { indGlo = *itSrv; if (ite != globalLocalIndexMap_.find(indGlo)) { localGlobalIndexMap[localIndexToWriteOnServer(nbWritten)] = indGlo; ++nbWritten; } } nbWritten = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < data_index.numElements(); ++idx) { if (localGlobalIndexMap.end() != localGlobalIndexMap.find(data_index(idx))) { ++nbWritten; } } compressedIndexToWriteOnServer.resize(nbWritten); nbWritten = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < data_index.numElements(); ++idx) { if (localGlobalIndexMap.end() != localGlobalIndexMap.find(data_index(idx))) { compressedIndexToWriteOnServer(nbWritten) = localGlobalIndexMap[data_index(idx)]; ++nbWritten; } } numberWrittenIndexes_ = nbWritten; if (isDistributed()) { MPI_Allreduce(&numberWrittenIndexes_, &totalNumberWrittenIndexes_, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, server->intraComm); MPI_Scan(&numberWrittenIndexes_, &offsetWrittenIndexes_, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, server->intraComm); offsetWrittenIndexes_ -= numberWrittenIndexes_; } else totalNumberWrittenIndexes_ = numberWrittenIndexes_; } } void CAxis::sendDistributionAttribute(const std::vector& globalDim, int orderPositionInGrid, CServerDistributionDescription::ServerDistributionType distType) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); int nbSrvPools = (context->hasServer) ? (context->hasClient ? context->clientPrimServer.size() : 0) : 1; for (int i = 0; i < nbSrvPools; ++i) { CContextClient* contextClientTmp = (context->hasServer) ? context->clientPrimServer[i] : context->client; int nbServer = contextClientTmp->serverSize; CServerDistributionDescription serverDescription(globalDim, nbServer); serverDescription.computeServerDistribution(); std::vector > serverIndexBegin = serverDescription.getServerIndexBegin(); std::vector > serverDimensionSizes = serverDescription.getServerDimensionSizes(); globalDimGrid.resize(globalDim.size()); for (int idx = 0; idx < globalDim.size(); ++idx) globalDimGrid(idx) = globalDim[idx]; CEventClient event(getType(),EVENT_ID_DISTRIBUTION_ATTRIBUTE); if (contextClientTmp->isServerLeader()) { std::list msgs; const std::list& ranks = contextClientTmp->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) { // Use const int to ensure CMessage holds a copy of the value instead of just a reference const int begin = serverIndexBegin[*itRank][orderPositionInGrid]; const int ni = serverDimensionSizes[*itRank][orderPositionInGrid]; const int end = begin + ni - 1; msgs.push_back(CMessage()); CMessage& msg = msgs.back(); msg << this->getId(); msg << ni << begin << end; msg << global_zoom_begin.getValue() << global_zoom_n.getValue(); msg << isCompressible_; msg << orderPositionInGrid; msg << globalDimGrid; event.push(*itRank,1,msg); } contextClientTmp->sendEvent(event); } else contextClientTmp->sendEvent(event); } } void CAxis::sendNonDistributedAttributes() { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); int nbSrvPools = (context->hasServer) ? (context->hasClient ? context->clientPrimServer.size() : 1) : 1; for (int p = 0; p < nbSrvPools; ++p) { CContextClient* client = (0 != context->clientPrimServer.size()) ? context->clientPrimServer[p] : context->client; CEventClient event(getType(), EVENT_ID_NON_DISTRIBUTED_ATTRIBUTES); size_t nbIndex = index.numElements(); size_t nbDataIndex = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < data_index.numElements(); ++idx) { int ind = data_index(idx); if (ind >= 0 && ind < nbIndex) ++nbDataIndex; } CArray dataIndex(nbDataIndex); nbDataIndex = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < data_index.numElements(); ++idx) { int ind = data_index(idx); if (ind >= 0 && ind < nbIndex) { dataIndex(nbDataIndex) = ind; ++nbDataIndex; } } if (client->isServerLeader()) { std::list msgs; const std::list& ranks = client->getRanksServerLeader(); for (std::list::const_iterator itRank = ranks.begin(), itRankEnd = ranks.end(); itRank != itRankEnd; ++itRank) { msgs.push_back(CMessage()); CMessage& msg = msgs.back(); msg << this->getId(); msg << index.getValue() << dataIndex << mask.getValue(); msg << doZoomByIndex_; if (doZoomByIndex_) msg << zoom_index.getValue(); msg << hasValue; if (hasValue) msg << value.getValue(); msg << hasBounds_; if (hasBounds_) msg << bounds.getValue(); event.push(*itRank, 1, msg); } client->sendEvent(event); } else client->sendEvent(event); } } void CAxis::recvNonDistributedAttributes(CEventServer& event) { list::iterator it; for (it = event.subEvents.begin(); it != event.subEvents.end(); ++it) { CBufferIn* buffer = it->buffer; string axisId; *buffer >> axisId; get(axisId)->recvNonDistributedAttributes(it->rank, *buffer); } } void CAxis::recvNonDistributedAttributes(int rank, CBufferIn& buffer) { CArray tmp_index, tmp_data_index, tmp_zoom_index; CArray tmp_mask; CArray tmp_val; CArray tmp_bnds; buffer >> tmp_index; index.reference(tmp_index); buffer >> tmp_data_index; data_index.reference(tmp_data_index); buffer >> tmp_mask; mask.reference(tmp_mask); buffer >> doZoomByIndex_; if (doZoomByIndex_) { buffer >> tmp_zoom_index; zoom_index.reference(tmp_zoom_index); } buffer >> hasValue; if (hasValue) { buffer >> tmp_val; value.reference(tmp_val); } buffer >> hasBounds_; if (hasBounds_) { buffer >> tmp_bnds; bounds.reference(tmp_bnds); } data_begin.setValue(0); globalLocalIndexMap_.rehash(std::ceil(index.numElements()/globalLocalIndexMap_.max_load_factor())); for (int idx = 0; idx < index.numElements(); ++idx) globalLocalIndexMap_[idx] = index(idx); } void CAxis::sendDistributedAttributes(void) { int ns, n, i, j, ind, nv, idx; CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); //int nbSrvPools = (context->hasServer) ? context->clientPrimServer.size() : 1; int nbSrvPools = (context->hasServer) ? (context->hasClient ? context->clientPrimServer.size() : 1) : 1; for (int p = 0; p < nbSrvPools; ++p) { CContextClient* client = (0 != context->clientPrimServer.size()) ? context->clientPrimServer[p] : context->client; CEventClient eventData(getType(), EVENT_ID_DISTRIBUTED_ATTRIBUTES); list listData; list > list_indi, list_dataInd, list_zoomInd; list > list_mask; list > list_val; list > list_bounds; int nbIndex = index.numElements(); CArray dataIndex(nbIndex); dataIndex = -1; for (int inx = 0; inx < data_index.numElements(); ++inx) { if (0 <= data_index(inx) && data_index(inx) < nbIndex) dataIndex(inx) = data_index(inx); } boost::unordered_map >::const_iterator it, iteMap; iteMap = indSrv_.end(); for (int k = 0; k < connectedServerRank_.size(); ++k) { int nbData = 0; int rank = connectedServerRank_[k]; int nbSendingClient = nbConnectedClients_[rank]; it = indSrv_.find(rank); if (iteMap != it) nbData = it->second.size(); list_indi.push_back(CArray(nbData)); list_dataInd.push_back(CArray(nbData)); list_mask.push_back(CArray(nbData)); if (doZoomByIndex_) list_zoomInd.push_back(CArray(nbData)); if (hasValue) list_val.push_back(CArray(nbData)); if (hasBounds_) { list_bounds.push_back(CArray(2,nbData)); } CArray& indi = list_indi.back(); CArray& dataIndi = list_dataInd.back(); CArray& maskIndi = list_mask.back(); for (n = 0; n < nbData; ++n) { idx = static_cast(it->second[n]); indi(n) = idx; ind = globalLocalIndexMap_[idx]; dataIndi(n) = dataIndex(ind); maskIndi(n) = mask(ind); if (doZoomByIndex_) { CArray& zoomIndi = list_zoomInd.back(); zoomIndi(n) = zoom_index(ind); } if (hasValue) { CArray& val = list_val.back(); val(n) = value(ind); } if (hasBounds_) { CArray& boundsVal = list_bounds.back(); boundsVal(0, n) = bounds(0,n); boundsVal(1, n) = bounds(1,n); } } listData.push_back(CMessage()); listData.back() << this->getId() << list_indi.back() << list_dataInd.back() << list_mask.back(); listData.back() << doZoomByIndex_; if (doZoomByIndex_) listData.back() << list_zoomInd.back(); listData.back() << hasValue; if (hasValue) listData.back() << list_val.back(); listData.back() << hasBounds_; if (hasBounds_) listData.back() << list_bounds.back(); eventData.push(rank, nbConnectedClients_[rank], listData.back()); } client->sendEvent(eventData); } } void CAxis::recvDistributedAttributes(CEventServer& event) { string axisId; vector ranks; vector buffers; list::iterator it; for (it = event.subEvents.begin(); it != event.subEvents.end(); ++it) { ranks.push_back(it->rank); CBufferIn* buffer = it->buffer; *buffer >> axisId; buffers.push_back(buffer); } get(axisId)->recvDistributedAttributes(ranks, buffers); } void CAxis::recvDistributedAttributes(vector& ranks, vector buffers) { int nbReceived = ranks.size(); vector > vec_indi(nbReceived), vec_dataInd(nbReceived), vec_zoomInd(nbReceived); vector > vec_mask(nbReceived); vector > vec_val(nbReceived); vector > vec_bounds(nbReceived); for (int idx = 0; idx < nbReceived; ++idx) { CBufferIn& buffer = *buffers[idx]; buffer >> vec_indi[idx]; buffer >> vec_dataInd[idx]; buffer >> vec_mask[idx]; buffer >> doZoomByIndex_; if (doZoomByIndex_) buffer >> vec_zoomInd[idx]; buffer >> hasValue; if (hasValue) buffer >> vec_val[idx]; buffer >> hasBounds_; if (hasBounds_) buffer >> vec_bounds[idx]; } int nbData = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < nbReceived; ++idx) { nbData += vec_indi[idx].numElements(); } index.resize(nbData); globalLocalIndexMap_.rehash(std::ceil(index.numElements()/globalLocalIndexMap_.max_load_factor())); CArray nonCompressedData(nbData); mask.resize(nbData); if (hasValue) value.resize(nbData); if (hasBounds_) bounds.resize(2,nbData); nbData = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < nbReceived; ++idx) { CArray& indi = vec_indi[idx]; CArray& dataIndi = vec_dataInd[idx]; CArray& maskIndi = vec_mask[idx]; int nb = indi.numElements(); for (int n = 0; n < nb; ++n) { index(nbData) = indi(n); globalLocalIndexMap_[indi(n)] = nbData; nonCompressedData(nbData) = (0 <= dataIndi(n)) ? nbData : -1; mask(nbData) = maskIndi(n); if (hasValue) value(nbData) = vec_val[idx](n); if (hasBounds_) { bounds(0,nbData) = vec_bounds[idx](0,n); bounds(1,nbData) = vec_bounds[idx](1,n); } ++nbData; } } int nbIndex = index.numElements(); int nbCompressedData = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < nonCompressedData.numElements(); ++idx) { if (0 <= nonCompressedData(idx) && nonCompressedData(idx) < nbIndex) ++nbCompressedData; } data_index.resize(nbCompressedData); nbCompressedData = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < nonCompressedData.numElements(); ++idx) { if (0 <= nonCompressedData(idx) && nonCompressedData(idx) < nbIndex) { data_index(nbCompressedData) = nonCompressedData(idx); ++nbCompressedData; } } data_begin.setValue(0); if (doZoomByIndex_) { int nbZoomIndex = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < nbReceived; ++idx) { nbZoomIndex += vec_zoomInd[idx].numElements(); } zoom_index.resize(nbZoomIndex); nbZoomIndex = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < nbReceived; ++idx) { CArray& tmp = vec_zoomInd[idx]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i) { zoom_index(nbZoomIndex) = tmp(i); ++nbZoomIndex; } } } if (hasLabel) { //label_srv(ind_srv) = labelVal( ind); } } void CAxis::recvDistributionAttribute(CEventServer& event) { CBufferIn* buffer = event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string axisId; *buffer >> axisId; get(axisId)->recvDistributionAttribute(*buffer); } void CAxis::recvDistributionAttribute(CBufferIn& buffer) { int ni_srv, begin_srv, end_srv, global_zoom_begin_tmp, global_zoom_n_tmp; buffer >> ni_srv >> begin_srv >> end_srv; buffer >> global_zoom_begin_tmp >> global_zoom_n_tmp; buffer >> isCompressible_; buffer >> orderPosInGrid; buffer >> globalDimGrid; n.setValue(ni_srv); begin.setValue(begin_srv); global_zoom_begin = global_zoom_begin_tmp; global_zoom_n = global_zoom_n_tmp; int global_zoom_end = global_zoom_begin + global_zoom_n - 1; zoom_begin = global_zoom_begin > begin_srv ? global_zoom_begin : begin_srv ; zoom_end_srv = global_zoom_end < end_srv ? global_zoom_end : end_srv ; zoom_n = zoom_end_srv - zoom_begin_srv + 1; if (zoom_n<=0) { zoom_begin = 0; zoom_end_srv = 0; zoom_n = 0; } if (n_glo == n) { zoom_begin = global_zoom_begin; zoom_end_srv = global_zoom_end; //zoom_end; zoom_n = zoom_end_srv - zoom_begin + 1; } } /*! Compare two axis objects. They are equal if only if they have identical attributes as well as their values. Moreover, they must have the same transformations. \param [in] axis Compared axis \return result of the comparison */ bool CAxis::isEqual(CAxis* obj) { vector excludedAttr; excludedAttr.push_back("axis_ref"); bool objEqual = SuperClass::isEqual(obj, excludedAttr); if (!objEqual) return objEqual; TransMapTypes thisTrans = this->getAllTransformations(); TransMapTypes objTrans = obj->getAllTransformations(); TransMapTypes::const_iterator it, itb, ite; std::vector thisTransType, objTransType; for (it = thisTrans.begin(); it != thisTrans.end(); ++it) thisTransType.push_back(it->first); for (it = objTrans.begin(); it != objTrans.end(); ++it) objTransType.push_back(it->first); if (thisTransType.size() != objTransType.size()) return false; for (int idx = 0; idx < thisTransType.size(); ++idx) objEqual &= (thisTransType[idx] == objTransType[idx]); return objEqual; } CTransformation* CAxis::addTransformation(ETranformationType transType, const StdString& id) { transformationMap_.push_back(std::make_pair(transType, CTransformation::createTransformation(transType,id))); return transformationMap_.back().second; } bool CAxis::hasTransformation() { return (!transformationMap_.empty()); } void CAxis::setTransformations(const TransMapTypes& axisTrans) { transformationMap_ = axisTrans; } CAxis::TransMapTypes CAxis::getAllTransformations(void) { return transformationMap_; } void CAxis::duplicateTransformation(CAxis* src) { if (src->hasTransformation()) { this->setTransformations(src->getAllTransformations()); } } /*! * Go through the hierarchy to find the axis from which the transformations must be inherited */ void CAxis::solveInheritanceTransformation() { if (hasTransformation() || !hasDirectAxisReference()) return; CAxis* axis = this; std::vector refAxis; while (!axis->hasTransformation() && axis->hasDirectAxisReference()) { refAxis.push_back(axis); axis = axis->getDirectAxisReference(); } if (axis->hasTransformation()) for (size_t i = 0; i < refAxis.size(); ++i) refAxis[i]->setTransformations(axis->getAllTransformations()); } void CAxis::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node) { SuperClass::parse(node); if (node.goToChildElement()) { StdString nodeElementName; do { StdString nodeId(""); if (node.getAttributes().end() != node.getAttributes().find("id")) { nodeId = node.getAttributes()["id"]; } nodeElementName = node.getElementName(); std::map::const_iterator ite = transformationMapList_.end(), it; it = transformationMapList_.find(nodeElementName); if (ite != it) { transformationMap_.push_back(std::make_pair(it->second, CTransformation::createTransformation(it->second, nodeId, &node))); } else { ERROR("void CAxis::parse(xml::CXMLNode & node)", << "The transformation " << nodeElementName << " has not been supported yet."); } } while (node.goToNextElement()) ; node.goToParentElement(); } } DEFINE_REF_FUNC(Axis,axis) ///--------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace xios