/*! \file distribution_client.hpp \author Ha NGUYEN \since 13 Jan 2015 \date 09 Mars 2015 \brief Index distribution on client side. */ #ifndef __XIOS_DISTRIBUTIONCLIENT_HPP__ #define __XIOS_DISTRIBUTIONCLIENT_HPP__ #include #include "axis.hpp" #include "domain.hpp" #include "grid.hpp" namespace xios { class CGrid; class CDomain; class CAxis; class CScalar; /*! \class CDistributionClient This class bases on the knowledge of distribution on client side (decided by users) to calculate the global index of its local data. */ class CDistributionClient : public CDistribution { public: typedef CDistribution::GlobalLocalMap GlobalLocalDataMap; public: /** Default constructor */ CDistributionClient(int rank, CGrid* grid, bool isTiled = false); void createGlobalIndexSendToServer(); /** Default destructor */ virtual ~CDistributionClient(); virtual const std::vector& getLocalDataIndexOnClient(); GlobalLocalDataMap& getGlobalLocalDataSendToServer(); GlobalLocalDataMap& getGlobalDataIndexOnClient(); const std::vector& getLocalMaskIndexOnClient(); const std::vector& getLocalMaskedDataIndexOnClient(); std::vector getNGlob() { return nGlob_; } std::vector getDataNIndex() { return dataNIndex_; } bool isDataDistributed() { return isDataDistributed_; } static int getDomainIndex(const int& dataIIndex, const int& dataJIndex, const int& dataIBegin, const int& dataJBegin, const int& dataDim, const int& ni, int& j); static int getAxisIndex(const int& dataIndex, const int& dataBegin, const int& ni); void partialClear(void) ; //! clear heavy sized attibutes protected: void createGlobalIndex(); void readDistributionInfo(CGrid* grid, bool isTiled); void readDistributionInfo(const std::vector& domList, const std::vector& axisList, const std::vector& scalarList, const CArray& axisDomainOrder, bool isTiled); private: //! Create local index of a domain void createLocalDomainDataIndex(); //! Create local index of an axis void createLocalAxisDataIndex(); //! Create local index of a scalar void createLocalScalarDataIndex(); template void readGridMaskInfo(const CArray& gridMask); private: //!< LocalData index on client GlobalLocalDataMap globalLocalDataSendToServerMap_; GlobalLocalDataMap globalDataIndex_; /*! Array holding masked data indexes. * It includes: * masking on data (data_i/j_index or data_ni/nj and data_ibegin) * masking on grid elements (domains, axes or scalars) * It DOES NOT include grid mask. * The array size defines the data size entering the workflow. It is used by source filter of client or server1. */ std::vector localDataIndex_; /*! Array holding grid mask. If grid mask is not defined, its size is zero. * It is used by source filter of client for replacing unmasked data by NaN. */ std::vector localMaskIndex_; std::vector localMaskedDataIndex_; private: /*! Domains and axis are considered elements. * A grid composed of 1 domain and 1 axis has 2 elements */ int numElement_; CArray axisDomainOrder_; //!< Order of axis and domain of a grid std::vector nLocal_; //!< Local size of each dimension (ni, nj, etc, ...) std::vector nGlob_; //!< Global size of each dimension (e.x: ni_glo, nj_glo, etc, ...) std::vector nBeginLocal_;//!< Begin index of each dimension (e.x: for domain, it's always 0, for axis, it's zoom_begin, ...) std::vector nBeginGlobal_; //!< Begin index of each dimension (e.x: ibegin, jbegin, ...) // Data_n_index of domain or axis (For now, axis uses its size as data_n_index std::vector dataNIndex_; //!< Data_n_index in case of domain std::vector dataDims_; //!< Data_dim, domain can have data_dim == 1 or 2 std::vector dataBegin_; //!< Data begin (data_ibegin, data_jbegin, etc) std::vector > dataIndex_; //!< Data index std::vector > infoIndex_; //!< i_index, j_index std::vector indexMap_; //!< Mapping element index to dimension index std::vector > elementLocalIndex_; //!< Local index of each element std::vector > elementGlobalIndex_; //!< Global index of each element std::vector > elementIndexData_; //!< // The correct index of a domain has true value, the ghost one has false value std::vector elementNLocal_; std::vector elementNGlobal_; //!< (Only for grid with one axis or scalar)Flag to determine whether data is distributed or not bool isDataDistributed_; int axisNum_; int domainNum_; bool isComputed_; private: // Just suppose that grid mask has 3 dimension. Need change CArray gridMask_; //!< Mask of grid private: CDistributionClient(const CDistributionClient& distClient); //! Not implement }; /*! A grid can have multiple dimension, so can its mask in the form of multi-dimension array. It's not a good idea to store all multi-dimension arrays corresponding to each mask. One of the ways is to convert this array into 1-dimension one and every process is taken place on it. \param [in] multi-dimension array grid mask */ template void CDistributionClient::readGridMaskInfo(const CArray& gridMask) { int dim = gridMask.dimensions(); std::vector dimensionSizes(dim); for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) dimensionSizes[i] = gridMask.extent(i); std::vector idxLoop(dim,0); int ssize = gridMask.numElements(), idx = 0; gridMask_.resize(ssize); while (idx < ssize) { for (int i = 0; i < dim-1; ++i) { if (idxLoop[i] == dimensionSizes[i]) { idxLoop[i] = 0; ++idxLoop[i+1]; } } int maskIndex = idxLoop[0]; int mulDim = 1; for (int k = 1; k < dim; ++k) { mulDim *= dimensionSizes[k-1]; maskIndex += idxLoop[k]*mulDim; } gridMask_(maskIndex) = *(gridMask.dataFirst()+maskIndex); ++idxLoop[0]; ++idx; } } } // namespace xios #endif // __XIOS_DISTRIBUTIONCLIENT_HPP__