/*! \file netCdfInterface.cpp \author Ha NGUYEN \date 08 Oct 2014 \since 03 Oct 2014 \brief Wrapper of netcdf functions. */ #include "netCdfInterface.hpp" #include "netCdfException.hpp" namespace xios { /*! This function creates a new netcdf file and return its id \param [in] fileName Name of the file \param [in] cMode create mode \param [in/out] ncId id of the created file \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::create(const StdString& fileName, int cMode, int& ncId) { int status = nc_create((fileName.c_str()), cMode, &ncId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_create((fileName.c_str()), cMode, &ncId) " << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to create file, given its name : " << fileName << "and its creation mode " << creationMode2String(cMode) << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function creates a new netcdf file on parallel file system \param [in] fileName Name of the file \param [in] cMode create mode \param [in] comm MPI communicator \param [in] info MPI information \param [in/out] ncId id of the created file \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::createPar(const StdString& fileName, int cMode, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int& ncId) { int status = xios::nc_create_par((fileName.c_str()), cMode, comm, info, &ncId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_create_par((fileName.c_str()), cMode, comm, info, &ncId) " << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to create file on parallel filesys, given its name : " << std::endl << "and its creation mode " << creationMode2String(cMode) << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function opens a netcdf file, given its name and open mode, return its id \param [in] fileName Name of the file \param [in] oMode open mode \param [in/out] ncId id of the opening file \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::open(const StdString& fileName, int oMode, int& ncId) { int status = nc_open((fileName.c_str()), oMode, &ncId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_open((fileName.c_str()), oMode, &ncId) "<< std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to open file, given its name : " << fileName << "and its open mode " << openMode2String(oMode) << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function opens a new netcdf file on parallel file system \param [in] fileName Name of the file \param [in] oMode open mode \param [in] comm MPI communicator \param [in] info MPI information \param [in/out] ncId id of the opened file \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::openPar(const StdString& fileName, int oMode, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int& ncId) { int status = xios::nc_open_par((fileName.c_str()), oMode, comm, info, &ncId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_open_par((fileName.c_str()), oMode, comm, info, &ncId) " << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to open file on parallel filesys, given its name : " << fileName << "and its open mode " << openMode2String(oMode) << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function closes a netcdf file, given its id \param [in] ncId id of the opening netcdf file \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::close(int ncId) { int status = nc_close(ncId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_close(ncId)" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to close file, given its id : " << ncId << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function put a netcdf file into define mode, given its id \param [in] ncId id of the opening netcdf file to be put into define mode \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::reDef(int ncId) { int status = nc_redef(ncId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_redef(ncId)" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to put this file into define mode given its id : " << ncId << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function ends a netcdf file define mode, given its id \param [in] ncId id of the opening netcdf file to be put into define mode \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::endDef(int ncId) { int status = nc_enddef(ncId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_enddef(ncId)" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to end define mode of this file, given its id : " << ncId << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with ncid and group name then return ncid of the named group \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) \param [in] grpName Name of the desired group (or file) \param [in/out] grpId Group id if the group is found \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::inqNcId(int ncid, const StdString& grpName, int& grpId) { int status = nc_inq_ncid(ncid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_ncid(ncid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId)" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to get id of a group (File), given its name : " << grpName << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with ncid and variable name then return ncid of the named variable \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) \param [in] varName Name of the desired variable \param [in/out] varId Variable id if this variable is found \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::inqVarId(int ncid,const StdString& varName, int& varId) { int status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, (varName.c_str()), &varId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function : nc_inq_varid(ncid, (varName.c_str()), &varId)" << std::endl << (errormsg) << std::endl << "Unable to get id of variable with name : " << varName << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with a netCdf dimension name then return ncid of the named dimension \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) \param [in] dimName Name of the desired dimension \param [in/out] dimId Dimension id if this dimension is found \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimId(int ncid,const StdString& dimName, int& dimId) { int status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), &dimId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimid(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), &dimId)" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to get id of dimension, given its name : " << dimName << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with a netCdf dimension name then return ncid of the named dimension \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) \param [in/out] dimId Dimension id if this dimension is found \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::inqUnLimDim(int ncid, int& dimId) { int status = nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid, &dimId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimid" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to get id of unlimited dimension " << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf, returns name of a dimension, given its id \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) \param [in] dimId Id of desired dimension \param [in/out] dimName Name of desired dimension \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimName(int ncid, int dimId, StdString& dimName) { char fullNameIn[NC_MAX_NAME +1]; int status = nc_inq_dimname(ncid, dimId, fullNameIn); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimname(ncid, dimId, fullNameIn)" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to get dimension name from its id : " << dimId << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } dimName = StdString(fullNameIn); return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf, returns length of a dimension, given its id \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) \param [in] dimId Id of desired dimension \param [in/out] dimLen Length of desired dimension \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimLen(int ncid, int dimId, StdSize& dimLen) { int status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimId, &dimLen); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimId, &dimLen)" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to get dimension length from its id: " << dimId << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf, returns number of dimensions of a variable, given its id \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) \param [in] varId Id of variable \param [in/out] ndims number of dimension of the variable \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::inqVarNDims(int ncid, int varId, int& nDims) { int status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varId, &nDims); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varId, &nDims)" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to get the number of dimension of variable with Id : " << varId << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf, returns a list of dimension ID describing the shape of the variable, given its id \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) \param [in] varId Id of variable \param [in/out] dimIds list of dimension of the variable \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::inqVarDimId(int ncid, int varId, int* dimIds) { int status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varId, dimIds); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, varId, dimIds)" << std::endl << errormsg << std::endl << "Unable to get list of dimension id of the variable with id " << varId << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf, to find all dimension in a group \param [in] ncid Groupd id (or File Id) \param [in/out] nDims number of list of dimension \param [in/out] dimIds list of dimension in a group or any of its parent \param [in] includeParents number of parents \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::inqDimIds(int ncid, int& nDims, int* dimIds, int includeParents) { int status = nc_inq_dimids(ncid, &nDims, dimIds, includeParents); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_inq_dimids(ncid, &nDims, dimIds, includeParents)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to retrieve number of dimension in the group with id : " << ncid << std::endl; sstr << "With number of Parents " << includeParents << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with a id of a prent groupd and then return id of the created group, given its name \param [in] parentNcid Id of parent groupd(or File Id) \param [in] grpName Name of the desired group \param [in/out] grpId Group id if this group is created sucessfully \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::defGrp(int parentNcid, const StdString& grpName, int& grpId) { int status = nc_def_grp(parentNcid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_grp(parentNcid, (grpName.c_str()), &grpId)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to create group Id, given its name : " << grpName << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf, add a new dimension to an open netcdf in define mode \param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) \param [in] dimName Name of the desired dimension \param [in/out] grpId Group id if this group is created sucessfully \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::defDim(int ncid, const StdString& dimName, StdSize dimLen, int& dimId) { int status = nc_def_dim(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), dimLen, &dimId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_dim(ncid, (dimName.c_str()), dimLen, &dimId)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to create dimension with name : " << dimName << " and with length " << dimLen << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with its id, to add a new variable to an open netCdf in define mode, return a variable id, given its name, type, the number of dimensions and list of dimension id \param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) \param [in] varName Name of the desired dimension \param [in] xtypes One of the set of predefined netCDF data types \param [in] nDims Number of dimension for the variable \param [in] dimIds List of ndims dimension ids corresponding to the variable dimensions \param [in/out] varId Variable id if it is added sucessfully \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::defVar(int ncid,const StdString& varName, nc_type xtype, int nDims, const int dimIds[], int& varId) { int status = nc_def_var(ncid, (varName.c_str()), xtype, nDims, dimIds, &varId); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << " nc_def_var(ncid, (varName.c_str()), xtype, nDims, dimIds, &varId)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to add a new variable with name : " << varName << " with type " << xtype << " and number of dimension " << nDims << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with a ncid, to set the chunking size of a variable, given variable id and type of storage \param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) \param [in] varId Id of the variable \param [in] storage Type of storage (It can be : NC_CONTIGUOUS, NC_CHUNKED) \param [in/out] chunkSize array list of chunk sizes \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::defVarChunking(int ncid, int varId, int storage, StdSize chunkSize[]) { int status = nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varId, storage, chunkSize); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_var_chunking(ncid, varId, storage, chunkSize)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to set chunk size of the variable with id : " << varId << " and storage type " << storage << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function sets the compression level to the specified variable \param [in] ncid Groud id (or file id) \param [in] varId Id of the variable \param [in] compressionLevel The compression level from 0 to 9 (0 disables the compression, 9 is the higher compression) \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::defVarDeflate(int ncid, int varId, int compressionLevel) { int status = nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, varId, false, (compressionLevel > 0), compressionLevel); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_var_deflate(ncid, varId, false, (compressionLevel > 0), compressionLevel)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to set the compression level of the variable with id: " << varId << " and compression level: " << compressionLevel << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with a ncid, to set the fill parameters for a variable, given variable id and type of fill \param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) \param [in] varId Id of the variable \param [in] noFill turn on/off nofill mode on a variable \param [in/out] fillValue \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::defVarFill(int ncid, int varId, int noFill, void* fillValue) { int status = nc_def_var_fill(ncid, varId, noFill, fillValue); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_def_var_fill(ncid, varId, noFill, fillValue)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to set fill parameters of the variable with id : " << varId << " and fill option " << noFill << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with a ncid, to change the way read/write operations are performed collectively or independently on the variable. \param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) \param [in] varId Id of the variable \param [in] noFill turn on/off nofill mode on a variable \param [in/out] fillValue \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::varParAccess(int ncid, int varId, int access) { int status = nc_var_par_access(ncid, varId, access); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_var_par_access(ncid, varId, access)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to change read/write option of the variable with id : " << varId << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a synchronisation of the disk copy of a netCDF dataset. \param [in] ncid Id groupd(or File Id) \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::sync(int ncid) { int status = nc_sync(ncid); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_sync(ncid)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to make a synchronization of a netCDF file with id : " << ncid << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } /*! This function makes a request to netcdf with its id, to add or change a variable attribute or gloabl attribute, given its name, type, number of values provided for attribute \param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) \param [in] varId Id of the variable \param [in] attrName Name of the attribute \param [in] xtypes One of the set of predefined netCDF data types \param [in] numVal Number of values \param [in] op Array of values provided for attribute \return Status code */ int CNetCdfInterface::putAtt(int ncid, int varId, const StdString& attrName, nc_type xtype, StdSize numVal, const void* op) { int status = nc_put_att(ncid, varId, (attrName.c_str()), xtype, numVal, op); if (NC_NOERR != status) { StdString errormsg(nc_strerror(status)); StdStringStream sstr; sstr << "Error in calling function " << "nc_put_att(ncid, varId, (attrName.c_str()), xtype, numVal, op)" << std::endl; sstr << errormsg << std::endl; sstr << "Unable to set attribute " << attrName << " for a variable with id : " << varId << " with number of attribute " << numVal << " with type " << xtype << std::endl; StdString e = sstr.str(); throw CNetCdfException(e); } return status; } // Some specilization of putAttributeType template<> int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, StdSize numVal, const double* op) { return (nc_put_att_double(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_DOUBLE, numVal, op)); } template<> int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, StdSize numVal, const float* op) { return (nc_put_att_float(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_FLOAT, numVal, op)); } template<> int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, StdSize numVal, const int* op) { return (nc_put_att_int(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_INT, numVal, op)); } template<> int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, StdSize numVal, const long* op) { return (nc_put_att_long(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_LONG, numVal, op)); } template<> int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutAttType(int ncid, int varid, const char* attrName, StdSize numVal, const short* op) { return (nc_put_att_short(ncid, varid, attrName, NC_SHORT, numVal, op)); } // Some specilization of putVariableType template<> int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const double* op) { return (nc_put_vara_double(ncid, varid, start, count, op)); } template<> int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const float* op) { return (nc_put_vara_float(ncid, varid, start, count, op)); } template<> int CNetCdfInterface::ncPutVaraType(int ncid, int varid, const StdSize* start, const StdSize* count, const int* op) { return (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, varid, start, count, op)); } /*! This function verifies an existence of a variable by using its name. Be careful, althoug false means variable doens't exist, it could show that netCDF file doesn't either \param [in] ncid Id of groupd(or File Id) \param [in] attrName Name of the variable \return Existence of variable */ bool CNetCdfInterface::isVarExisted(int ncId, const StdString& varName) { int varId = 0; return (NC_NOERR == (nc_inq_varid(ncId, varName.c_str(), &varId))); } StdString CNetCdfInterface::openMode2String(int oMode) { StdString modeMes; switch (oMode) { case NC_NOWRITE: modeMes = StdString("NC_NOWRITE : Opening netCDF file with read-only access with buffering and caching access"); break; case NC_SHARE: modeMes = StdString("NC_SHARE : Several processes can read the file concurrently"); break; case NC_WRITE: modeMes = StdString("NC_WRITE : NetCDF file is readable and writable"); break; default: modeMes = StdString("In the composed opening mode"); break; } return modeMes; } StdString CNetCdfInterface::creationMode2String(int cMode) { StdString modeMes; switch (cMode) { case NC_NOCLOBBER: modeMes = StdString("NC_NOCLOBBER : Not overwrite an exisiting netCDF file "); break; case NC_SHARE: modeMes = StdString("NC_SHARE : Several processes can read from and write into the file concurrently"); break; case NC_64BIT_OFFSET: modeMes = StdString("NC_64BIT_OFFSET : NetCDF file is 64-bit offset"); break; case NC_NETCDF4: modeMes = StdString("NC_NETCDF4 : NetCDF file is HDF5/NetCDF-4"); break; case NC_CLASSIC_MODEL: modeMes = StdString("NC_CLASSIC_MODEL : NetCDF file is classical model"); break; default: modeMes = StdString("In the composed creation mode"); break; } return modeMes; } }