#include "attribute_template.hpp" #include "attribute_template_impl.hpp" #include namespace xmlioserver { namespace tree { /// ////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// /// /** Spécialisations des templates pour la fonction [toString] **/ template <> StdString CAttributeTemplate::toString(void) const { StdOStringStream oss; if (!this->isEmpty() && this->hasId()) { if (this->getValue()) oss << this->getName() << "=\".TRUE.\""; else oss << this->getName() << "=\".FALSE.\""; } return (oss.str()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- /** Spécialisations des templates pour la fonction [fromString] **/ template <> // Chaîne de caractères. void CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str) { this->setValue(str); } template <> // Entier void CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str) { try { this->setValue(boost::lexical_cast(str)); } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { ERROR("void CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str)", << "[ str = " << str << " ] Bad cast !"); } } template <> // Double void CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str) { if (str.find("max") != StdString::npos) { this->setValue(DBL_MAX); return; } if (str.find("min") != StdString::npos) { this->setValue(DBL_MIN); return; } try { this->setValue(boost::lexical_cast(str)); } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { ERROR("void CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str)", << "[ str = " << str << " ] Bad cast !"); } } template <> // Booléen void CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str) { if (str.find(".TRUE.") != StdString::npos) this->setValue(true); else this->setValue(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- template<> // Tableau void CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str) { ARRAY_CREATE(array_sptr, double, 1, [1]); CArray & array = *array_sptr; this->setValue(array_sptr); StdIStringStream iss(str) ; char c = '\0'; int size = 0; double d = 0.,valsup = 0., valinf = 0.; std::vector vect; iss >> d; vect.push_back(d); if (!iss.eof ()) { iss >> c; switch (c) { case ',' : // Le tableau est généré valeur par valeur. iss.unget(); while(!iss.eof ()) { // On récupère chacune des valeurs une par une jusqu'à ce que le buffer soit vide. iss >> c >> d; if (c != ',') ERROR("CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str)", << "[ str = " << str << " ] bad definition of array !"); vect.push_back(d); } size = vect.size(); break; case '(' : // Le tableau est généré automatiquement. if (!iss.eof ()) { // on récupère la borne supérieure valinf = d; iss >> size >> c >> d; if ((c != ')') || (size <= 0)) ERROR("CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str)", << "[ str = " << str << " ] bad definition of array !"); valsup = d; } d = (valsup - valinf) / (double)(size - 1); for (int j = 1; j <= size; j++) vect.push_back(valinf + j * d); break; default : ERROR("CAttributeTemplate::fromString(const StdString & str)", << "[ str = " << str << " ] bad definition of array !"); } } array.resize(boost::extents[size]); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) array[i] = vect[i]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- /** Spécialisations des templates pour la fonction [toBinary] **/ template <> // Chaîne de caractères. void CAttributeTemplate::toBinary (StdOStream & os) const { StdString str = this->getValue(); StdSize size = str.size(); os.write (reinterpret_cast(&size) , sizeof(StdSize)); os.write (str.data(), size * sizeof(char)); } template <> // Entier void CAttributeTemplate::toBinary(StdOStream & os) const { int value = this->getValue(); os.write (reinterpret_cast(&value) , sizeof(int)); } template <> // Booléen void CAttributeTemplate::toBinary(StdOStream & os) const { bool value = this->getValue(); os.write (reinterpret_cast(&value) , sizeof(bool)); } template <> // Double void CAttributeTemplate::toBinary(StdOStream & os) const { double value = this->getValue(); os.write (reinterpret_cast(&value) , sizeof(double)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- /** Spécialisations des templates pour la fonction [fromBinary] **/ template <> // Chaîne de caractères. void CAttributeTemplate::fromBinary(StdIStream & is) { StdSize size = 0; is.read (reinterpret_cast(&size), sizeof(StdSize)); StdString value(size, ' '); is.read (const_cast(value.data()), size * sizeof(char)); this->setValue(value); } template <> // Entier void CAttributeTemplate::fromBinary(StdIStream & is) { int value = 0; is.read (reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(int)); this->setValue(value); } template <> // Booléen void CAttributeTemplate::fromBinary(StdIStream & is) { bool value = false; is.read (reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(bool)); this->setValue(value); } template <> // Double void CAttributeTemplate::fromBinary(StdIStream & is) { double value = 0.; is.read (reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(double)); this->setValue(value); } ///-------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace tree } // namespace xmlioserver