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Welcome to IGCMG documentation and training page, maintained by the ''Plateforme'' group at IPSL-CMC

}}} [[PageOutline(1-2,Table of contents)]] [[NoteBox(note,This users' manual describes the models and tools developed at the IPSL Climate Modeling Center., 600px)]] [[NoteBox(note, '''platform-users email list''' : Open to every one by inscription [https://listes.ipsl.fr/sympa/info/platform-users there]. This list is meant as a place for all users of the tools in this documentation to help each other. These tools are generic. Discussions are open to all and both French and English languages are welcome., 600px)]] # [wiki:Doc/Intro Introduction] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/Intro)]] # [wiki:Doc/Training IPSL training courses] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/Training)]] # [wiki:Doc/ComputingCenters Computing centers and environments] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/ComputingCenters)]] # [wiki:Doc/Install Install a configuration] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/Install)]] # [wiki:Doc/Compile Compile] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/Compile)]] # [wiki:Doc/Setup Simulation setup] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/Setup)]] # [wiki:Doc/Running Running simulation and post-processing] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/Running)]] # [wiki:Doc/CheckDebug Check, debug and relaunch simulation and post-processing jobs] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/CheckDebug)]] # [wiki:Doc/DataAnalyse Data and Analyse] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/DataAnalyse)]] # [wiki:Doc/Config Configurations] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/Config)]] # [wiki:Doc/Models The IPSL models] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/Models)]] # [wiki:Doc/Tools Tools developed by IPSL and IPSL partners] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/Tools)]] # [wiki:Doc/FAQ Frequently Asked Questions] # [[TOC(inline, noheading, depth=1, Doc/FAQ)]]