
Version 2 (modified by trac, 11 years ago) (diff)


Working on the curie machine

1. Online users manual

  • The command returns all useful information on the curie machine. Keep it in mind and use it often.
  • The TGCC's storage spaces are visible from the curie machine: $CCCWORKDIR and $CCCSTOREDIR
  • The $SCRATCHDIR space only exists for the curie machine. Be careful, this space is often cleaned and only files that are less than 40 days are stored.

You will find the users manual provided by TGCC here : provide your TGCC/CCRT login and password in the tab for TGCC.

2. Job manager commands

  • ccc_msub mon_job -> submit a job
  • ccc_mdel ID -> kill the job with the specified ID number
  • ccc_mstat -u login -> display all jobs submitted by login
  • ccc_mpp -> display all jobs submitted on the machine. ccc_mpp -n to avoid colors.
  • ccc_mpp -u $(whoami) ->display your jobs.

3. Before starting a job

3.1. Specify the project name

Since January 2013, you must specify in the header from which project you will use computing time:

#MSUB -A genxxx

3.2. QoS test

QoS (Quality of Service) is a test queue. You can have a maximum of 2 jobs in test queue, each of them is limited to 30min and 8 nodes (= 256tasks). In the job header you must add:

#MSUB -Q test

and change the CPU time limit

#MSUB -T 1800  

4. Other job manager commands

  • ccc_mpeek ID -> display the output listing of a job. Note that the job outputs are visible while the job is running.
  • ccc_mpinfo to find out about the classes status and about the computing requirements of the associated processors. For example (11/26/2012) :
                          --------------CPUS------------  -------------NODES------------
    ---------    ------   ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   ---- --- --- --- ---
    standard     up        80368      32   77083    3253    5023       1    4824     198   4000  16   2   8   1
    xlarge       up        10112     128    1546    8438      79       1      14      64   4000  128  16   8   1
    hybrid       up         1144       0     264     880     143       0      33     110   2900   8   2   4   1
  • detail of a running job. One command per line ccc_mprun :
    ccc_mstat -H 375309
      JobID    JobName Partitio ReqCPU            Account               Start  Timelimit    Elapsed      State ExitCode 
    ------- ---------- -------- ------ ------------------ ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 
     375309 v3.histor+ standard      0   gen0826@standard 2012-05-11T16:27:53 1-00:00:00   01:49:03    RUNNING      0:0 
    375309+ p86maf_ru+              32   gen0826@standard 2012-05-11T16:28:16              00:14:19  COMPLETED      0:0 
    375309+ p86maf_ru+              32   gen0826@standard 2012-05-11T16:42:47              00:12:54  COMPLETED      0:0 
    375309+ p86maf_ru+              32   gen0826@standard 2012-05-11T16:55:59              00:13:30  COMPLETED      0:0 
    375309+ p86maf_ru+              32   gen0826@standard 2012-05-11T17:09:31              00:13:22  COMPLETED      0:0 
    375309+ p86maf_ru+              32   gen0826@standard 2012-05-11T17:24:06              00:13:36  COMPLETED      0:0 
    375309+ p86maf_ru+              32   gen0826@standard 2012-05-11T17:37:54              00:13:31  COMPLETED      0:0 
    375309+ p86maf_ru+              32   gen0826@standard 2012-05-11T17:51:28              00:14:19  COMPLETED      0:0 
    375309+ p86maf_ru+              32   gen0826@standard 2012-05-11T18:05:57              00:10:59    RUNNING      0:0 
  • information about the error code of jobs: ccc_macct nqsid
    • this job ran successfully:
      > ccc_macct 698214
      Jobid     : 698214
      Jobname   : v5.historicalCMR4.452
      User      : p86maf
      Account   : gen2211@s+
      Limits    : time = 1-00:00:00 , memory/task = Unknown
      Date      : submit=06/09/2012 17:51:56, start=06/09/2012 17:51:57 , end= 07/09/2012 02:20:28
      Execution : partition = standard , QoS = normal
      Resources : ncpus = 53 , nnodes = 4
      Memory /step
                              Resident (Mo)                          Virtual (Go)
      JobID            Max (Node:Task)         AveTask       Max (Node:Task)          AveTask
      -----------    ------------------------  -------    --------------------------  -------
      698214             0(            :   0)       0    0.00(            :   0)    0.00
      698214.batch      25(curie2166   :   0)       0    0.00(curie2166   :   0)    0.00
      698214.0         952(curie2166   :   0)       0    3.00(curie2166   :   1)    0.00
      698214.23        952(curie2166   :   0)       0    3.00(curie2166   :   2)    0.00
      Accounting / step
             JobID      JobName   Ncpus Nnodes  Ntasks      Elapsed        State ExitCode
      ------------ ------------  ------ ------ ------- ------------   ---------- -------
      698214       v5.historic+      53      4             08:28:31    COMPLETED    0:0 
      698214.batch        batch       1      1       1     08:28:31    COMPLETED        
      698214.0     p86maf_run_+      53      4      53     00:20:53    COMPLETED        
      698214.1     p86maf_run_+      53      4      53     00:20:20    COMPLETED        
      698214.23    p86maf_run_+      53      4      53     00:21:06    COMPLETED 
    • this job failed with an error code:
       > ccc_macct 680580
      Jobid     : 680580
      Jobname   : v5.historicalCMR4
      User      : p86maf
      Account   : gen2211@s+
      Limits    : time = 1-00:00:00 , memory/task = Unknown
      Date      : submit=30/08/2012 17:10:06, start=01/09/2012 04:11:30 , end= 01/09/2012 04:42:48
      Execution : partition = standard , QoS = normal
      Resources : ncpus = 53 , nnodes = 5
      Memory /step
                              Resident (Mo)                          Virtual (Go)
      JobID            Max (Node:Task)         AveTask       Max (Node:Task)          AveTask
      -----------    ------------------------  -------    --------------------------  -------
      680580             0(            :   0)       0    0.00(            :   0)    0.00
      680580.batch      28(curie2097   :   0)       0    0.00(curie2097   :   0)    0.00
      680580.0         952(curie2097   :   0)       0    3.00(curie2097   :   1)    0.00
      680580.1         316(curie2097   :   8)       0    2.00(curie2097   :   8)    0.00
      Accounting / step
             JobID      JobName   Ncpus Nnodes  Ntasks      Elapsed        State ExitCode
      ------------ ------------  ------ ------ ------- ------------   ---------- -------
      680580       v5.historic+      53      5             00:31:18    COMPLETED    0:9 
      680580.batch        batch       1      1       1     00:31:18    COMPLETED        
      680580.0     p86maf_run_+      53      5      53     00:19:48    COMPLETED        
      680580.1     p86maf_run_+      53      5      53     00:10:06 CANCELLED b+        

5. Fat nodes / Thin nodes

Fat nodes for the IPSLCM5A-LR coupled model are slower than titane (130%). Thin nodes are two times faster than fat nodes for computations; they are as fast as fat nodes for post processing.

We decided to use thin nodes for computations and fat nodes for post processing. Be careful! Since November 21st 2012, you must use at least libIGCM_v2.0_rc1 to perform post processing on fat nodes.

The job header must include #MSUB -q standard to use thin nodes.

The job header must include #MSUB -q xlarge to use fat nodes.

6. Tricks

  • export LANG=C to correctly display (by default for new logins)
  • use [SHIFT] [CTL] C to copy part of a text displayed by
  • use curie to manage your CCCWORKDIR/CCCSTOREDIR directories. Be careful: there could be a delay between the display from curie and the one from titane. For example a file deleted on curie can be displayed as deleted on titane with a delay (cache synchronization).

7. How to use the ddt debuger for the coupled model (or any other MPMD mode)

  • compile the model you wish to debug with the -g option (necessary in order to have access to sources from the ddt interface)
  • create a debug directory which includes the model executables and the input files required by the model
  • create a simplified debug job which allows you to start a run in the debug directory
  • add the command "module load ddt/3.2" to your job
  • add the creation of configuration run_file
  • add a ddt start command in your job
  • delete the environment variable SLURM_SPANK_AUKS : unset SLURM_SPANK_AUKS
    module load ddt/3.2
    echo "-np 1 ${DDTPATH}/bin/ddt-client ${TMPDIR_DEBUG}/oasis" > run_file
    echo "-np 26 ${DDTPATH}/bin/ddt-client ${TMPDIR_DEBUG}/lmdz.x" >> run_file
    echo "-np 5 ${DDTPATH}/bin/ddt-client ${TMPDIR_DEBUG}/opa.xx" >> run_file
  • connect yourself to curie in SSH mode with graphic export (option -X) and enter your password (if you have SSH keys on the front-end machine, move the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys* files outside of the directory, disconnect and reconnect yourself)
  • start the job with graphic export : ccc_msub -X Job
  • when the ddt window appears:
    • click on "Run and Debug a Program"
    • in Application select one of the 3 model executables (which one does not matter)
    • in MPI Implementation choose the "OpenMPI (Compatibility)" mode
    • in mpirun arguments put "--app ${TMPDIR_DEBUG}/run_file" with TMPDIR_DEBUG = debug directory
    • click on "Run" then on the "play" key in the upper left corner

8. Errors on curie when running simulations

8.1. Job error: KILLED ... WITH SIGNAL 15

slurmd[curie1006]: error: *** STEP 639264.5 KILLED AT 2012-08-01T17:00:29 WITH SIGNAL 15 ***

This error message means that the time limit is exceeded. It is easy to receive this error message because there is no file like To solve the problem type clean_month and increase the time limit (or decrease PeriodNb) and restart.

8.2. Isn't there restart files for LMDZ?


  • If the coupled model does not run successfully, the whole chain of commands stops because there is no restart file for LMDZ. Read carefully the out_execution file.


  • look if a file like *error exists in the Debug subdirectory. It contains clear message errors.
  • in the executable directory $SCRATCHDIR/RUN_DIR/xxxx/IPSLCM5A/xxxx look for the out_execution file. If it contains:
    srun: First task exited 600s ago
    srun: tasks 0-40,42-45: running
    srun: task 41: exited abnormally
    srun: Terminating job step 438782.1
    slurmd[curie1150]: *** STEP 438782.1 KILLED AT 2012-06-10T18:45:41 WITH SIGNAL 9 ***
    slurmd[curie1151]: *** STEP 438782.1 KILLED AT 2012-06-10T18:45:41 WITH SIGNAL 9 ***
    srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 2 seconds for job step to finish.
    slurmd[curie1150]: *** STEP 438782.1 KILLED AT 2012-06-10T18:45:41 WITH SIGNAL 9 ***
    slurmd[curie1151]: *** STEP 438782.1 KILLED AT 2012-06-10T18:45:41 WITH SIGNAL 9 ***

don't ask questions! Type clean_month and restart the simulation.

8.3. Errors when creating or transfering files

The file system $CCCWORKDIR, $CCCSTOREDIR, $SCRATCHDIR are delicate. The error messages look like:

 Input/output error
 Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown

Don't ask question and resubmit the job.

8.4. Job error: Segmentation fault

/var/spool/slurmd/job637061/slurm_script: line 534:   458 Segmentation fault      /bin/ksh -x ${TEMPO_SCRIPT}

If you have this kind of message don't ask question and resubmit the job.

8.5. Error when submitting jobs

This message:

error: Batch job submission failed: Job violates accounting policy (job submit limit, user's size and/or time limits)

means that you have submitted too many jobs (wait for the jobs to end and resubmit), that your headers are not properly written, or that you did not specify on which genci project the computing time must be deducted. The ccc_mqinfo command returns the maximum number of jobs (to this day: 300 for 24h-max jobs, 8 for 72h-max jobs and 2 for test jobs (30 min and max 8 nodes)):

Name    Priority  MaxCPUs  MaxNodes  MaxRun  MaxSub     MaxTime
------  --------  -------  --------  ------  ------  ----------
long          18     1024                 2       8  3-00:00:00 
normal        20                                300  1-00:00:00 
test          40                  8               2    00:30:00 

8.6. Long waiting time before a job execution

The computation of the users priority is based on 3 cumulated criteria:

  • Selected QOS (test or not)
  • The fair-share value of the account (computed from the project and/or partner computation share and the previous use)
  • Job's age

If your job is far down the waiting list and if you are working on different projects, use the project with the least computing time used.

This computation is not satisfying because we would prefer to encourage long simulations. We are looking for real examples of anormal waiting situations. Please take the time to give us your feedback.

8.7. Disk quota exceeded

Be careful to quotas on /scratch! Monitor them with the command ccc_quota. Destroy the temporary directories created by jobs that ended too early and that did not clear the $SCRATCHDIR/TMPDIR_IGCM and $SCRATCHDIR/RUN_DIR directories. You should have a 20 To quota on curie.

> ccc_quota
Disk quotas for user xxxx:

             ------------------ VOLUME --------------------  ------------------- INODE --------------------
 Filesystem       usage        soft        hard       grace       files        soft        hard       grace
 ----------       -----        ----        ----       -----       -----        ----        ----       -----
    scratch       3.53T         20T         20T           -      42.61k          2M          2M           - 
      store           -           -           -           -      93.76k        100k        101k           - 
       work     232.53G          1T        1.1T           -      844.8k        1.5M        1.5M           - 


Simulations with the IPSLCM5A coupled model are reproducible if you use the same Bands file for LMDZ. See trusting TGCC/curie on this webpage:

10. Feedback

10.1. On November 20th 2012

The maintenance has noticed and corrected the last two problems.

10.2. In June 2012

The 100-yr simulation of piControl in June 2012 :

  • 9% of jobs were resubmitted manually (3/34).
  • 0,6 % of the jobs and post processing were resubmitted manually (4/694).

10.3. Error to watch in the post processing: WARNING Intra-file non-monotonicity. Record coordinate "time_counter" does not monotonically increase

  • To identify quickly: grep -i monoton create_ts* | awk -F: '{print $1}' |sort -u
    • (Command to type in ${SCRATCHDIR}/IGCM_OUT/${TagName}/${SpaceName}/${ExperimentName}/${JobName}/Out.
    • For example /ccc/scratch/cont003/dsm/p25mart/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/lgm/LGMBR03/Out)
  • Example :
    + IGCM_sys_ncrcat --hst -v lon,lat,plev,time_counter,time_counter_bnds,zg
    ncrcat: WARNING Intra-file non-monotonicity. Record coordinate "time_counter" does not monotonically increase between (input file record indices: 418, 419) (output file record indices 4798, 4799) record coordinate values 419007600.000000, 0.000000
  • Check the non monotonic time axis:
    /ccc/cont003/home/dsm/p86broc/dev_python/ OCE/Analyse/TS_DA/v5.historicalMR3_19800101_19891231_1D_vosaline.nc_KO_monoton time_counter
  • Solution: rm the TS files created and restart with !TimeSeries_Checker