Changes between Version 48 and Version 49 of Doc/Tools

01/21/21 20:02:09 (3 years ago)



  • Doc/Tools

    v48 v49  
    33 ## Short presentation on how manage outputs files using XIOS model ## 
    34 Each model of one configuration will be see by XIOS like a specific ''context''. For each ''context'' XIOS is waiting for 4 types of xml files :  
    35  * iodef.xml : Main input file for XIOS 
    36  * context.xml : Axis and domain information 
    37  * field_def.xml : Definition for each variable send to XIOS from the model. To write a variable in output, we need to define it in this file.  
    38  * file_def.xml : Definition of all output files and there variables 
     33## Short presentation on how to manage outputs files using XIOS model in IPSL configurations ## 
     34Each model of one configuration will be seen by XIOS as a specific ''context''. For each ''context'' XIOS is waiting for 4 types of xml files :  
     35 * iodef.xml : Main configuration file for XIOS. 
     36 * context.xml : Axis, domain and grid information related to one context. 
     37 * field_def.xml : Definition of each variable (so called "field") sent to XIOS from the model. A variable to be written in output file must be either defined in this file or a combination of fields defined in this file.  
     38 * file_def.xml : Definition of all output files and their variables. 
    4040To write a new variable in output files there are 3 steps to follow : 
    41  * define it in field_def.xml file (reference id to identify its in the model, name for the variable in the output file, domain on which the variable is calculated, output write frequency) 
    42  * for this specific variable call routine xios_send_field in the code. In many models this routine is encapsulated by model routines to manage all type and size of variables.    
    43  * add the variable in an existing output file, or create a new one in file_def.xml.  
     41 * define it in field_def.xml file (use of unique id to identify it in the model, name of the variable to write in the output file, grid the variable is calculated on, unit of the variable, temporal operation to be performed on the field,... ) 
     42 * for this specific variable, add the call of routine xios_send_field in the code. In many models this routine is encapsulated by model routines to manage all type and size of variables.    
     43 * add the variable in an existing output file (or create a new one) in file_def.xml specifying output frequency. 
    4646In field_def.xml : 
    47 <field id="varID" name="varNAME" long_name="xxx" unit="xxx" domain_ref="xxx"/>  
     47<field id="varID" name="varNAME" long_name="xxx" unit="xxx" operation="average" grid_ref="xxx"/>  
    4949In model code : 
    5555 </file> 
    57 --> the model will write a file containing one monthly average variable named varNAME in the file and VarCode in the code.  
     57--> the model will write a file containing one monthly average variable named varNAME in the file, corresponding to the variable VarCode in the code.  