Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Doc/Tools/OpenTrusting

12/01/23 12:23:56 (7 months ago)



  • Doc/Tools/OpenTrusting

    v2 v3  
    2 == IPSLCM6.2 Open Trusting How-To == 
     2== IPSLCM6.2 Open Trusting == 
     4### How to run the Open Trusting ### 
    551) At Irene, copy file {{{/${PATH_TO_BE_REQUESTED}/TRUSTING/IPSLCM6.2/SCRIPT/MYLAUNCH}}} into the personal directory of your choice. 
    66The root path is to be requested to the IPSL engineers responsible for the trusting operations, either J. Ghattas or T. Lurton. 
    7 For JeanZay, the child directory remains the same, with another root path, likewise to be asked for. 
     7For !JeanZay, the child directory remains the same, with another root path, likewise to be asked for. 
    992) Customise your own {{{MYLAUNCH}}} executable file: 
    1414        {{{prod}}}: launches standard trusting; 
    1515        {{{test}}}: allows a 5-minute break before the model extraction to be able to modify revisions specified in mod.def. Also sleeps for 5 minutes before compilation, if any source code modifications are needed. 
    16         {{{continue}}}: picks up things where they were in case of a failure in compilation or execution; 
     16        {{{continue}}}: continues by launching experiments in a previous trusting, see more information below; 
    1717        {{{check}}}: just performs a check of the last trusting you ran. 
    3030{{{> ./MYLAUNCH}}} 
     32### How to understand the results ### 
     33You'll find a file called trusting_summary.txt in the local run directory for your trusting. It contains a summary of the results from the different experiments that were launched. 
     35### Option mode=check ### 
     36This option can be set in MYLAUNCH to re-run the control of the result from the previous open trusting that was launched locally. This is often necessary if the machine is too busy so the jobs had to wait to long in queue. The file trusting_summary.txt will be overwritten with the new results. 
     38### Option mode=continue ### 
     39This option can be set in MYLAUNCH. It'll work on the last trusting, as option check. Compilation must have been done previously. If one or several of the experiment folders trustXXX are missing, the trusting will launch them again. 
     41This option is usefull for example if you want to make your experiements again but changing something in the set up, in GENERAL or EXPERIMENT folders. For that case, remove first all output created in IGCM_OUT done by the last trusting you did (a specific ExperimentName is used for each run folder of a trusting). Then remove the experiment folders trustXXX found in modipsl/config/IPSLCM6 . Now launch again MYLAUNCH as before but setting mode=continue.